Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 77 Moon-Watching Gate

When Mary, who had finished sulking alone, chased her out of the gate of Shiranui Gym, Qin Ming had already left.

This made Mary, who watched Qin Ming disappear in the car with several Shiranui disciples at the end of the road, stamp her feet fiercely, holding the Dalmatian dog in her arms, and her expression became more and more angry.

Why did he just turn around and make a bunch of bad friends again? Where did these guys come from? He makes friends too quickly!

Just when Mary was angry, Qin Ming was sitting at the back of the vehicle with his eyes closed and concentrating on the vehicle that had already moved away, trying hard to maintain his image as a master.

In front of him and on both sides, there were several adventurers who did not recognize his identity.

Qin Ming did not choose to refuse the request for help from these idiots who regarded themselves as plot characters. Instead, he agreed.

After all, help is free if you don’t use it.

I have recovery items and life-saving skills. I am just facing a few low-level adventurers. As long as I pay attention, there should be no problem.

Even if used properly, they can be of great help, at least helping themselves to share part of the enemy's firepower.

This mission involves skills, maybe even A-level skills or an entire skill genre, so you have to do it beautifully.

Therefore, Qin Ming was already prepared for a killing spree, and these six free thugs who came to the door could be used just in time.

According to the map, several people quickly ran to the site of Mochizuki Gate. After getting off the car, they looked up and found that this place was actually a shrine.

The Mochizuki Gate faction is an old enemy of the Shiranui faction! It's not a ninja faction! Instead, it’s the priest’s lineage!

This made several people's expressions become weird. After looking at each other, they quickly turned to look at Qin Ming, the plot character.

"Brother Qin, what should we do next?"

Upon hearing this question, Qin Ming, who was standing nearby and looking up at the shrine on the mountain, raised the corners of his mouth, and a smile quickly appeared on his face.

"What else can you do? Just stay nearby and hunt secretly. Isn't that what ninjas do? You can just hunt by yourself. If you encounter an expert, call me."


"What? Aren't you mercenaries? Are mercenaries not good at assassination?"

Suddenly turning his head to look at the six people, Qin Ming raised his eyebrows and his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Or are you lying to me before?"

Hearing this, the six people looked at each other, and the leading dragon shook his head hurriedly.

"Brother Qin, don't get me wrong, isn't it just to assassinate a few people? Don't worry, we are good at this. When we encounter a master who can't solve it, we are calling Brother Qin to take action."

"Well, that's it. Don't worry. After everything is settled and I become a direct disciple of Shiranui-ryu, I will ask the master to teach you all the moves."

As Qin Ming spoke, he directly found a big tree with his hands behind his back, leaned there and started to rest with his eyes closed. It was clear that he really didn't intend to do it himself and wanted to use all six people as free labor.

Seeing this scene, the group of six couldn't help but frown. After quickly walking away, one of them suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Captain, what should we do next? Are we really going to help him complete the mission for free? Aren't we here to find a way to kill him and intercept the mission?"

Upon hearing this inquiry, the captain's expression darkened.

"First do the mission and gain his trust. Try to kill as many people as possible and try to lure the master out. Then let him fight with the master and see if we have a chance to reap the benefits."

"Nice move! What a great move, Captain!"

"Okay, stop flattering me, be careful not to let him see your flaws, and get to work quickly."


As the group of six dispersed and lurked on the only way up the mountain, time passed by.

Half an hour later, with the sound of footsteps, a monk with a bamboo hat on his head and a tin staff strode over from a distance, carrying a bag on his back.

His body was dusty and he had obviously traveled a long way, but now his breathing was very steady, and it was obvious that he had real skills.

Qin Ming, who was lying in the woods with his back against a big tree to enjoy the shade, even with his legs crossed, saw him walking by the roadside and quickly glanced sideways at him with his sunglasses.

After seeing his attributes clearly, his eyebrows suddenly raised.

Name: Mochizuki Kiju (World of Hungry Wolf Legend)

Strength 16

Physique 20

Agility 12

Spirit 32

Skills: Zhengden Mudao-ryu Martial Arts (Level D~Level C)

Introduction: One of the disciples of Wangyue Sect and a member of the hunting Shura sect.

Qin Ming quickly took out the form from his arms, and after comparing its appearance, Qin Ming quickly waved his hand.

"He's one of them! Come on!"

Upon hearing this order, the six adventurers next to them stared at each other and rushed out without hesitation, each playing more aggressively than the other.

One of them emerged from the grass, holding a light machine gun and started shooting wildly. The thing in his hand was a piece of blue equipment! A universal weapon from the world of Metal Slug!

H model! Light machine gun!

He started shooting wildly, and several people nearby also used their own methods and rushed forward.

He took out his two swords and swung them, and they disappeared in an instant. The dragon at the front even jumped up and used a signature skill of the Shiranui style! Shiranui ~ Ninja Bee!

However, this move can sprint at high speed and deal continuous damage to the enemy. At this moment, Long did not use all of it, and its power was greatly reduced.

The reason is very simple, because Long does not have the blood of Shiranui, so he can't control the fire to help in the charge.

And how can Shiranui ninjutsu without fire be powerful?

Facing the sudden siege of six people, the startled Mochizuki disciple reacted quickly.

With both hands pinching the spell, the majestic mind energy surged from his body, and a translucent figure exactly like him was formed in front of him in an instant, waving the tin staff in his hand and rushing out at high speed.

Ignore the attacks of the six people! Swing the phantom of the tin staff vigorously! Hit out six consecutive sticks! Directly knocked away the two adventurers who collided head-on!

This is the signature skill of the Mochizuki Sect! Transformation with thoughts!

C-level skill! Evil stick dance!

Instantly blocked the machine gun fire with a move, and broke the six people's combo at the same time.

The Moon-Watching disciple who had dispersed his moves quickly changed his moves, pinched his hand and pointed forward.

The next second, a crow phantom shot out from his hand and hit the dragon who was rushing over with a skill!

As the two collided! The crow turned into telekinesis and dispersed on the spot! Then the dragon suddenly felt that everything around him was dark! A pair of huge pale energy palms appeared in front of him! They just crossed their fingers and clenched down at him!

C-level skill! Wild monkey hunting!

The dragon who was attacked by the skill made a creaking sound when his body was pinched, and he was almost squeezed into a ball on the spot, and the whole person couldn't help but scream.

It was his companions who came to support him in time and forcibly interrupted the skills of the Moon-Watching disciple, which saved his life.

The Moon-Watching disciple, who used two special skills in a row, quickly rotated the tin staff in his hand, rushed up without hesitation, and fought with six people on the spot.

For a time, he fought against six people alone! He was not at all inferior!

Qin Ming, who was leaning against a tree in the distance and silently observing the battlefield, carefully observed the opponent's fighting style and couldn't help but secretly smack his lips.

I have to say that the skills of the Moon Watching Sect are really weird and hard to defend against.

They! They are actually the Onmyoji system!

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