Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 78: The Art of Controlling Ghosts

The so-called Mochizuki sect, or the orthodox Wudōryu, is not actually a ninjutsu sect.

Or rather, they were ninjas at first, but with the subsequent improvements and evolution, they have gradually deviated from their original appearance.

The orthodox Wudōryu is a fusion of ninjutsu, fighting techniques, esoteric Buddhism, Yin-Yang techniques and other magic arts, and the fighting method is extremely special.

To be precise, they don’t fight by themselves, but by the ghosts in their hearts.

This is not an adjective, but there are really ghosts and evil ghosts living in their hearts!

That’s right! The Mochizuki sect is actually a ghost master in essence!

Of course, in Japan, this kind of existence is also called Yin-Yang master, and the ghosts controlled are called Shikigami.

The disciples of Mochizuki rely on controlling ghosts to fight, and ghosts need evil thoughts as nutrients to grow, so they often go out to carry out the so-called hunting Shura.

To put it simply, they find a group of people with deep sins, or fighters who have fallen into the devil's way, and by hunting them, they absorb the evil thoughts in their bodies, so as to cultivate the ghosts in their hearts.

This way of growth has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the growth speed is very fast. As long as the evil thoughts are enough, the shikigami will immediately gain powerful combat power, thus feeding back the power of the master.

But the disadvantage is that if the power of the ghost is too strong, it will seriously affect the master's mind, and it is easy for the other party to fall into the devil's way and become a member of the hunted Shura.

The so-called dragon slayer will eventually become an evil dragon. This sentence is not just a legend in the Moon Watching Sect.

Therefore, in addition to fighting, the disciples of the Moon Watching Sect also need to cultivate their character and temper their will in their spare time. This is why they wear the clothes of ascetics.

Walking in the rivers and lakes as an ascetic monk, tempering willpower while looking for suitable prey, this is the daily life of the disciples of the Moon Watching Sect.

But now with the development of the times, their sect has become more and more difficult to mix.

After all, they have to endure hardships and hone their will. Not only is it easy for the internal strength to run away, but the most important thing is that the fighting style is also easy to be misunderstood.

After all, fighting against ghosts and the like is hard not to be considered as an evil sect.

With so many shortcomings, the Moon Watching Sect has been getting worse and worse every year, and the number of disciples has been decreasing year by year.

Especially more than ten years ago, the Moon Watching Sect chose to fight to the death with the Shiranui School because of the expansion of the enemy's power. That was even more of a mess.

The old sect leader died in the battle, and several pillars also died. They almost didn't get wiped out in one battle! The entire Moon Watching Sect completely withered!

Of course, the old opponent was not easy either. The Shiranui School was also crippled in one battle. The sect leader at that time, that is, Shiranui Mai's father and mother, fought with the opponent's masters and died together. The disciples also died or fled, and only the grandfather and grandson were left in the family.

Because of that battle, the two sides have completely formed a deadly feud. However, it has been the Shiranui Dojo that has been looking for opportunities to take revenge over the years, while the Moon-Watching Sect has not provoked the other side.

This is not because they don't want to, nor because they took the initiative to provoke the other side, which makes them feel guilty.

The main reason they don't provoke the other side is that there is still an old guy in the other side's family who is not dead!

Don't look at the old man! But his strength is still extraordinary!

The Moon-Watching Sect no longer has the old generation of masters, so naturally they dare not provoke the other side again.

What's more, more than ten years have passed, and the Shiranui School is about to recover its vitality. With a sweet-looking beautiful disciple, it has attracted a lot of young people to come and become disciples.

And what about the Moon-Watching Sect? There are no beautiful women, and the moves are not gorgeous, and they still practice in an ascetic way.

And recovering vitality? Their mountain gate is not closed, which is already considered to be well maintained!

Therefore, there are not many disciples of the Moon-Watching Sect, and most of them are ascetic men. They are not ugly, but they are not handsome at all.

But the disciples who can withstand the selection are generally extraordinary, and this Moon-Watching disciple in front of him is such a person.

Waving the tin staff, he constantly uses various moves, and even summons a huge shikigami directly above his body with telekinesis, roaring and giving several palms to the people around him.

This is exactly one of the tricks of the Moon-Watching Sect!

C-level skill! Possession bomb!

However, no matter how good he is at fighting, he is only one person after all. Facing the siege of six adventurers with endless means and clear division of labor, he was soon defeated.

Long chose to take a move, and flew to hit him with a ninja bee.

Although he could not control Shiranui, Long still had some brains. He specially prepared a shoulder armor with several iron spikes on the top of the shoulder armor.

This caused him to have amazing lethality when he charged, which in turn made up for the lack of attack power of his skills.

As he hit the target, the disciple of Wangyue was severely injured on the spot, and the whole person flew backwards.

Before he could struggle to get up, the other people had quickly stepped forward and killed him with a flurry of knives.

Long, who had dealt with this guy, had blood splattered on his face, and he did not forget to turn around and grin at Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who was leaning against the tree, saw that there was an extra name on his hidden task completion, and he grinned and quickly raised his hand to give Long a thumbs up.

Seeing this gesture, Long was more excited for a while, and hurriedly took his brothers to pick up the key dropped by the disciple of Wangyue Sect, dragged the body away, and moved to another place to ambush again.

Qin Ming, who changed positions after them, had his eyebrows slightly furrowed at this moment.

Because he had noticed that the key the six people got from killing the disciples of Mochizuki just now was actually only a blue key! And the color is not strong either.

That Wangyue disciple is a mini-boss-level existence. Even if the silver key is not revealed, it should be more than enough to produce a dark blue key.

But now, luckily, I only got a light blue parallel import key. It seems that this fighting mode is really deceiving.

Unless you are fighting alone, the loot level -1 is simply too deceptive.

Of course, if you are strong enough, after killing the enemy in a duel, the loot level +1 will also be very popular.

Looking at a few people hiding in the bushes in the distance and secretly opening the treasure chest, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh melancholy.

If it weren't for the sake of safety, I would have gone out to fight the BOSS alone. Giving them this treasure box would be a waste.

As for why Qin Ming doesn't choose to take action himself now? The reason is actually very simple, because he is not sure!

After all, there are a lot of people in Wangyue Sect. Once someone discovers that someone is secretly hunting one of his family members, they will definitely rush up and beat him up. Qin Ming is not good at agility, and he doesn’t want to risk his life to see if he can withstand so many people. besieged and managed to escape.

Not to mention that there is also a moon-watching double horn in this moon-watching gate!

This moon-looking double horn! That is the current leader of Wangyue Sect! He is a powerful main character in the plot!

In Hungry Wolf 3! Among the fourteen characters appearing! He is the only one!

A bunch of small bosses are already difficult enough to deal with, but coupled with such a powerful big boss, how could Qin Ming win?

Therefore, Qin Ming will definitely not take action!

What should I do if someone discovers what happened here?

What does the matter here have to do with him? He didn't do anything! The ones who kill are always these guys from the Shiranui Gym, okay!

The worst he could do was let them pay for their lives with their lives, and he just happened to be passing by.

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