Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 79 Take Action

The sneak attack at the foot of the mountain continued. With their numerical advantage and surprise, Long and the others had hunted three Wangyue disciples in a row.

The strength of these three people ranges from high to low. The lowest one is just an elite monster, and the highest one is the little boss at the beginning.

As the hunting continued, the six people gradually reaped the benefits, and their actions became more and more bold. They were no longer content to wait and wait, but gradually took the initiative to attack.

Qin Ming on the side saw this and was completely too lazy to care about them. After confirming that the heads they killed would be counted in his mission, Qin Ming directly covered his face with a gentleman's hat, leaned his back against the big tree and began to close his eyes and rest. Get some rest.

Just when he was looking at the big tree to bask in the sun, enjoying the sunshine, and being sunburned until he was in a daze, a scream suddenly sounded in his ears.

Qin Ming frowned when he heard the noise, quickly raised his hand to grab the brim of his hat, gently raised the corner and looked outside.

As a result, they saw on the road in the distance, a group of six adventurers who had gone to other places to hunt their targets, and were now rolling and crawling towards this direction.

Well, to be precise, there are no longer six of them, but four.

As for where the other two went? That ghost knows where he went.

While running desperately, he saw Qin Ming's dragon from a distance and started shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Senior brother! Senior brother Qin! Help, senior brother Qin! Help!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a roar came from the direction behind him.

With the howling of the wind, a somewhat short figure ran out wildly.

While jumping up, he touched the ground with his tin stick, flew several meters away, and landed steadily in front of the four people.

Holding a tin staff and wearing a bamboo hat, the visitor was also dressed in standard ascetic attire. He raised his head with a ferocious expression and spoke angrily.

"Even if you call me the King of Heaven today, I won't be able to save you!"

As soon as the roar ended, the man raised his hand, made a handprint, and roared.

"Go to hell, you bastards!"


Amidst the howling wind, a huge ghost figure suddenly sprang out of the ascetic's body following the power of thought, and roared directly at the four people in front of him.

A powerful shock wave swept out, knocking the four people in front away on the spot.

Even the adventurer holding a light machine gun fired a large number of bullets at this direction, but they were all bounced back.

This is clearly the signature skill of Moon Moon Gate!

B-level skills! The mighty evil god array!

Trees were uprooted! Debris is flying on the ground! The few people who were blown away like rag dolls landed with a bang after flying more than ten meters, and rolled all the way.

The most terrible thing was that before the few people could struggle to get up and recover from their dizziness, the ascetic monk had already launched another attack.

The body turned into a fireball as it rotated, shooting straight towards this side.

C-level skills! Vortex Flame Formation!


With a loud noise, the body of an adventurer who was hit head-on was directly ignited, and he flew into the woods with the ascetic. It was obvious that he would not survive.

This made the other three people turn pale with fright. They rolled and crawled towards the woods ahead, trying to call Qin Ming, a plot character, to help them stop the enemy.

And as they ran over, the three of them couldn't help but curse secretly in their hearts. If they had known that the enemy could support them so quickly, they wouldn't have gone so far to hunt.

I thought that changing the place would prevent the enemy from becoming vigilant after discovering the blood on the ground.

But now it seems! This is simply the worst decision ever!

While running desperately, the three guys were getting closer and closer to Qin Ming's position. However, before they could reach the vicinity, the huge fireball from behind had already spun back again.

After closing the distance, the flames suddenly dissipated, and the ascetic monk, whose body was still in the air, suddenly roared.

With the surge of thought power in his body, a huge ghost appeared from behind him and grabbed his body.

The next second! Wrapped in ghostly aura! The huge ghost figure several meters high was actually a lifted up ascetic! Use him as a weapon and throw it at the three people fleeing in front!

Super sure to kill! B-level skills! No bombs!


A loud noise reached my ears! An ascetic blessed by ghost power! The transformed cannonball hit one of the adventurers directly!

When the guy heard the noise, he turned around, screamed in terror, and fired wildly with a machine gun. A series of bullets had no effect at all, and was directly deflected by the rich ghost energy wrapped around the ascetic!

The next second, the whole person was hit on the spot! He was shot directly to the ground! It turned into a puddle of meat!

Looking at the corpses of his companions that had been smashed into mud, as if they had been shot with a steamroller, the faces of the only remaining dragon and the other adventurer had turned extremely pale.

This person who suddenly ran out to chase them was too strong! Terribly strong! Even stronger than Andy, one of the protagonists of Hungry Wolf! The six people who were beaten had no power to fight back!

Now that they finally ran into the woods, they could only place their last hope for survival on Qin Ming, a character in the plot. They yelled desperately to try and get Qin Ming to come out to stop the enemy and create opportunities for them to escape.

Qin Ming, who had been hiding in the woods watching the show, did not live up to their expectations and finally chose to take action.

And this move! It’s a killer move!

Buzz! A huge spiral wheel swept out! Cut off two big trees instantly! Flying out of the woods with a roar!

And the goal of this chakra! But it’s not that ascetic! But an adventurer running into the woods!

B-level skill! Charge! Real~sonic hand knife!

A crisp sound came into the ears, and the adventurer who was still running at full speed was directly cut by the Qi wheel.

He didn't even react to what happened, and the whole person was cut in half.

Even the body instinctively ran forward a few times, and then fell to the ground with a bang, and the limbs were separated!

Seeing this unexpected scene, the only remaining dragon couldn't help but change his face and screamed.


Before he could react! A black shadow suddenly rushed out from the woods!

First, two small sonic hand knives cut! Then he got close and grabbed the dragon's head!

Qin Ming opened his bloody mouth and bit the dragon's neck fiercely.

B-level skill! Essence absorption! Activate!

As the ability was exerted, the dragon's body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, but because of its good attributes, it was not directly sucked to death.

Unfortunately, what awaited this guy who survived the catastrophe was not a blessing in the future, but a fierce twist from Qin Ming.

With a creak, the dragon, whose neck was forcibly twisted, stared with a pair of astonished eyes and completely lost his movement.

Until his death, he never understood why the plot character in front of him chose to attack him instead of the enemy behind him.

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