Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 90 True! Eight Young Girls


With a roar, the big man codenamed Tu suddenly jumped up, opened his palms and rushed towards Mary, with energy gushing out of his body.

He grabbed Mary's head, and with the force of his arms, he directly pulled Mary up and smashed the ground next to him!

C-level skill! Desolate earth!

Using people as hammers! Leaping and hammering twice in a row! Then throwing the opponent hard into the distance!

This big man doesn't make a move! Once he makes a move, it's all killing moves! And it's a super killing move that is far more powerful than the same level!

Whether it's the power of the wind's breath of the mist! Or the power of the dry earth of the mountain! They are all from the Eight Heroes Collection system in the King of Fighters world! The power is extraordinary!

Don't look at the skills as only C-level! But the power of these skills is not much worse than that of B-level! The only flaw is that these skills consume too much energy! Extremely large!

The consumption of using a C-level skill may be more than that of Qin Ming using five sonic hand knives in a row!

This is the main reason why these skills are rated as C-level! Because they have defects!

However, the reason why the two can use them continuously is that they have made up for this defect, that is, they have strengthened the bloodline of the Eight Heroes!

The corresponding bloodline, combined with the corresponding ability, can greatly reduce the consumption of these skills, making them truly ordinary skills!

This is also the main reason why Feng can continuously use the glacier and move at high speed.

After two consecutive moves, the big man who almost instantly injured Mary did not choose to give up the pursuit, but stepped forward with a ferocious expression. Before Mary fell from the air, a dazzling white light had already bloomed on his arm, and then he grabbed Mary's head accurately.

Super sure kill! B-level skill! Dark Hell Bliss Fall!

In the crazy roar, using the soil of the Seven Shackles Society, dragging Mary to the ground on both sides and began to swing continuously.

Six collisions! Six fierce hits on the ground! This series of hits! The big man had obviously practiced it countless times! He used it so smoothly! He specializes in killing at first sight!

After using his special move, he threw Mary high into the sky for the second time, then leaned on the ground with one hand and began to accumulate strength again.

The earth was shaking wildly, blowing his clothes constantly.

The big man's arm began to tremble violently, and his expression was extremely ferocious.

Fully charged! Roaring the earth!

Three consecutive moves are not enough! This guy is actually preparing to connect one more at the end! And it is a full-power version of the violent attack!

The wind was howling in the sky, and Mary, who was thrown high and was already covered with scars, fell straight down.

Seeing that she was about to land, the big man roared, stopped accumulating strength directly, and punched with all his strength!

However, the one waiting for his punch was not Mary who had no ability to resist, but...

In the air! Afterimages flickered! Mary desperately adjusted her posture! Directly dragged out afterimages! Crashed towards the big man like a cannonball!

Super special move! Mary Typhoon!

"Not good!"

Looking at the afterimage flashing before his eyes, the big man was horrified and hurriedly wanted to change his moves, but it was too late.

His charged fist collided with Mary who rushed over, but his fist was directly twisted and fractured.

Mary, who did not slow down, broke the killing move and hit him in the face with an elbow, then moved around him at high speed and hit him seven or eight times in a row.

Then he kicked the big man in the chest and kicked him out!

With a bang, the big man, whose body was like a kite with a broken string, flew more than ten meters away before landing with a bang. When he landed, he had multiple fractures all over his body. He was almost killed by this move!

But Mary, who used this move, was also uncomfortable. After the move, she fell heavily to the ground, with scars all over her body, and couldn't help groaning.

The move she just used was not an ordinary move, but an extreme burst skill, a potential burst of power that can only be exerted by a fighter when he is on the verge of death.

Also known as! MAX form!

This ability can only be burst once, and after the burst, he will fall into a state of severe weakness. It is a desperate struggle and potential breakthrough.

Mary, who was almost killed by a set of attacks just now, used this move to break the situation and forced a lose-lose situation.

The death fight that happened in a flash here not only scared Qin Ming, but also Feng, who was attacking him frantically, was also shocked.

He never expected that his companion would fight a third-rate plot character and both sides would be injured. His eyebrows suddenly rose.

Just as he was about to say something, he never thought that Qin Ming had already taken out a pistol and fired three shots at the big man who fell to the ground in the distance.

In the sound of bang bang bang, the unprepared big man screamed, and several blood arrows exploded directly on his body. He never expected that the enemy would actually make a long-range finishing blow.

Feng, who was watching this scene, was already furious, and a fierce Binghe rushed over.

Qin Ming heard the sound and noticed that the enemy was rushing towards him. His eyes were instantly fixed. He threw away his gun without thinking and used the sound speed knife!

The violent airflow spun and shot, but when it was about to hit the enemy, the enemy dodged it easily.

Relying on Binghe's displacement skill, Feng dodged the attack and now flashed in front of Qin Ming.

Then he showed a ferocious expression on his face! Suddenly raised his hands high, and blood flashed in his hands.

He! Going wild!

Super kill! Zhenba Zhinv~ Jiao!

A flash of blood flashed by! The sharp claws wrapped in air flow ignored Qin Ming's high defense on the spot! A bloody mark was directly torn on his chest!

Following closely, five claws followed in succession! Qin Ming's body was quickly torn into scars! Blood and flesh were blurred!

In the end, both claws came out together! Inserted into Qin Ming's chest together! Qin Ming, who was staring wide-eyed, was lifted up high!

With a roar! Feng's hands pulled and swung hard to the left and right! With blood splashing in the sky! Qin Ming was thrown out directly! He hit the ground in the distance!

One blow! Qin Ming was completely injured!

Because this is the strongest skill from the Breath Blowing Storm Goniz! It is not a B-level skill! But an A-level!

Looking at Qin Ming rolling in a pool of blood in the distance, Feng couldn't help laughing wildly, his eyes had turned blood red.

This is the manifestation of the influence of the Breath Blowing Storm bloodline in his body on him.

Feng raised his bloody palm and clenched it suddenly, grinning.

"Boy! You are the first one to force me to use my special skills as an adventurer! You are still alive? You have a strong physique! How about taking another move from me!"

With a flash of light in his hand, Feng was ready to attack again and force Qin Ming's life.

Seeing this, Qin Ming, who was kneeling on one knee, with his chest covered in blood and flesh, and even the bones inside could be vaguely seen, quickly clenched his fists and prepared to fight with the opponent.

But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the side.

The next second! The wall exploded! Two figures flew out from it one after the other!

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