Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 91 S-level item! Killing Stone!

With a loud bang, two figures broke through the wall.

And the guys who flew out were Andy and the Shura-transformed Moon-Moon Twin Horns.

At this moment, Andy was seriously injured, and it was obvious that he was beaten badly.

But the Moon-Moon Twin Horns, who were besieged by three plot characters, were also seriously injured.

Before the two who fell to the ground one after another struggled to get up, the room was lit with fire, and Shiranui Hanzo also rushed out.

Now he was also injured a lot, with blood flowing on his face. After a super assassination of Ninja Bee hit the Moon-Moon Twin Horns, he followed up with a super killer Phoenix Dance.

After two consecutive big moves, the severely injured Moon-Moon Twin Horns could not hold on.

He was covered with wounds, and suddenly roared to the sky, and a huge ghost appeared in his body, aiming at the surroundings and roaring wildly.

Special move! Shura evil ghost!

The violent shockwave gushed out in all directions, blowing away all the people around, including Feng and Qin Ming.

After clearing the field with his ultimate move, Wangyue Shuangjiao looked up with scarlet eyes. The ghost behind him did not disappear, but grabbed him.

Familiar ghost energy entangled! Familiar body-turned-bullet!

Enhanced super-killing move! Shura Bullet!

In the howling wind! Wangyue Shuangjiao, who directly threw himself out at full speed with Shura, howled and rammed into Shiranui Hanzo, trying to force him to death.

Seeing this move, Shiranui Hanzo's face was livid. He turned his head and glanced at him in the room behind him. This time he did not choose to dodge, but roared and turned his body into fire! He also rushed towards the other party!

Super kill! Ninja Bee!


The violent roar resounded through the sky, and the powerful shockwave lifted the surrounding floor tiles, directly forming a huge gap of more than ten meters in radius on the spot.

When the smoke and dust cleared, two figures lying on the ground appeared in front of everyone.

The huge Shura-like body of the Moon-Moon Twin Horns has now been split in half and scattered on the ground.

The old man Shiranui Hanzo, who passed through him and smashed on the opposite side, was also covered with scars at this moment, and he was holding a stone in his hand, a stone emitting red light.

Just now! The reason why he was able to forcefully win the killing move of the Moon-Moon Twin Horns! Even split the opponent directly in two! It was because of this gem!

And this stone! It is also called the killing stone!

The Shiranui lineage relied on this ancestral treasure! Only then could they give outsiders their own Shiranui bloodline!

At the same time! This is also a very terrifying killing weapon! It can greatly increase the power of the Shiranui bloodline!

Just like the inheritance of the Moon-Moon Gate that can enhance the power of ghosts! The sword of ghosts and gods!

As mortal enemies, both sides have their own inheritance treasures.

The body of Wangyue Shuangjiao was broken into two pieces, staring at the sky with big eyes, and was still struggling to get up.

He just used his strength several times, but it was useless.

Feeling the power of his body was rapidly fading, Wangyue Shuangjiao finally stopped struggling.

He stared at the sky blankly, and after a murmur, he was completely motionless.

"Respected Master..."

Here, several adventurers fought to a draw.

Over there, the characters in the plot also fought to a near-death.

Only Feng stood there, looking extremely abrupt.

At this moment, he was staring at Shiranui Hanzo, or more precisely, the red stone in his hand, his face flushed with excitement, and he quickly stepped towards that side.

"Killing Stone! The S-level item finally appeared! You finally appeared!"

While talking to himself, Feng threw Qin Ming aside and rushed quickly towards Shiranui Hanzo.

They entered the world of Wolf Legend this time with a goal, and the Shiranui Gym inheritance, the Killing Stone, which has not been shown in the plot, is one of the main goals.

This gem is a special S-level item! It is extremely powerful! And the way to obtain it is very demanding!

You must force Shiranui Hanzo to take it out personally and kill it at this time to have a certain chance of obtaining it.

If he does not take it out, or if he hands it over to his granddaughter, then it will never be revealed again.

This information is the experience summed up by their team after consuming countless manpower and material resources. During this period, the number of adventurers killed by Shiranui Hanzo for testing intelligence is too numerous to count.

Now that the Killing Stone has finally appeared, Feng is so excited that he can't control himself at all, and he madly charges at Shiranui Hanzo who has fallen to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Shiranui Hanzo, who was kneeling on the ground, struggled to get up and tried to meet the enemy.

But he was already old and weak, and now he was seriously injured, so where would he get the strength to fight the enemy.

Just as Feng closed the distance with an ice river and rushed to Shiranui Hanzo, about to kill him, a flash of fire suddenly came from a distance.

The flames in the room swung, and Shiranui Mai finally rushed out.

However, the woman was also seriously injured at this moment, and her condition had been seriously damaged, otherwise she would not have stayed in the house just now, and she couldn't even rush out.

Now that her grandfather's life was in danger, Shiranui Mai didn't care so much, and she used a super special move.

Looking at the huge fireball rushing at a high speed, Feng, who was blocked, had a ferocious expression. After dodging the attack with an ice river, he suddenly raised his hands high above his head.

With a flash of blood! The special move Eight Young Girls! Used again!

"The woman who is in the way! Die!!!"

The familiar blood light once again emerged in the courtyard, and the six grabs were completed in an instant.

He inserted his hands fiercely into Mai Shiranui's chest, controlling the airflow to burst out from the inside, tearing the opponent's flesh, and threw Mai Shiranui out directly.

Looking at the woman who rolled to the ground and fell directly in a pool of blood, Feng turned his head fiercely with a fierce expression and glared at Hanzo Shiranui, the main target.

As a result, he saw that the old man had stood up at this moment, with an unprecedented fierceness in his eyes.

"Wu! The family is in your hands!"

He threw the killing stone in his hand hard and threw it directly at Mai Shiranui in front of Feng. Hanzo Shiranui roared and suddenly turned into a raging fire and rushed out.

Seeing this scene, Feng's eyes widened instantly, and his head buzzed violently.

He understood what the other party meant by making this move.

The gem has changed hands! It is completely impossible to explode! Even if Hanzo Shiranui is killed!

As for killing Mai Shiranui to explode? Are you kidding! Do you think the people in their team have never killed anyone? That woman won't explode at all!

"I'll fucking kill you!!!"

Looking at how he had worked so hard to plan for a long time, but ended up with such a result at the last moment, Feng was completely mad.

He suddenly took a sip of Coke, used the props to restore some of his mental strength, raised his hands above his head again, and performed his own unique skills.

Really! Eight young girls~ Jiao!

In the blood light! He dragged the wild wind! He rushed towards Shiranui Hanzo madly!

Seeing this scene, Shiranui Hanzo did not choose to dodge, but continued to transform into a fireball and hit the enemy hard.


The ultimate secret of Shiranui style! A-level skill! Shiranui Nine-tailed Fox!


A flash of fire! It instantly passed through Feng's body! Forcibly broke his killer move!

Before Feng, who was wide-eyed, could recover from the shock, the fire that passed through his body flashed back again and pierced his body again.

Then it was the third time! The fourth time! The fifth time! The sixth time!

The violent flames shuttled back and forth with Feng as the center! It passed through nine times in total!

With the end of the nine-stage thrust, Shiranui Hanzo finally reappeared, and suddenly knelt on one knee and fell to the ground.

And Feng, who was frozen behind him, suddenly heard a violent explosion on his body, nine in a row!

Shiranui's final secret! Explosion!

The roar resounded through the sky, and Feng was blown away. When he landed, he was already covered with scars and his body was seriously damaged.

Now, there was really no one standing in front of Shiranui's gym.

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