Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 97 The Eight Heroes Gathering!

Without any nonsense, nor any breathing space for Qin Ming, Feng, who had recovered, used the top-level ultimate move: Eight Young Girls!

Although he didn't say it, Feng knew in his heart that he was indeed a little scared.

He was scared of the monster in front of him whose combat power was not necessarily lower than his own! He was scared of this guy's extremely weird skills! The effect was something he had never heard of!

So he had to be killed! Kill him without giving him any chance! ! !

Looking at the enemy who was dragging out afterimages and red light and rushing towards him frantically, Qin Ming used his remaining arm to forcefully push back Mary and Mai Shiranui who were trying to rush up to intercept him. He suddenly took a deep breath, and then a firm look appeared in his eyes. He took out a prop directly from his arms and flicked it towards the enemy with his fingers.

Seeing something shooting at him, Feng's pupils shrank, and the next second he didn't even dodge, ready to rely on his skills to take it hard.

As a result, with the collision between the two, the flying object hit his body, but was directly bounced off by him, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

And only after landing did it reveal its true appearance.

That thing was not an attacking prop, but a coin…………

Ordinary silver prop! Game coin! Use!

Foreign aid! Summon!

In the world of Fatal Fury, there are many plot characters, but Qin Ming really knows few of them.

So naturally, there are no choices for people who will choose to help him when he encounters trouble.

This game coin can only shake a plot character and gain 100 points of initial favorability from the other party, but it does not mean that the other party will definitely help you out of the crisis.

It is even possible that the other party will not show up, and after watching the fight from a distance, they may turn around and leave.

Therefore, the effect of this game coin is not as strong as imagined.

But that only refers to normal circumstances. If it is under specific circumstances…………

"Huh? Real Eight Girls? Where did you learn this trick from!"

Before Feng rushed to Qin Ming, a roar suddenly sounded in the Shiranui Dojo, and along with this voice, there was a dazzling cold light.

Feng, who was charging at full speed, couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw this, and quickly retracted his move of Binghe to avoid it.

After he appeared, he looked down at the huge X-shaped gap cut on the ground, and couldn't help but look down, and quickly raised his head and roared.

"Who! Come out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure had already fallen from the sky and landed steadily in front of him.

She was wearing a standard secretary dress and had a dazzling golden hair.

In front of the golden hair tied into a single ponytail, there was even a strand of hair fluttering in the wind.

The beautiful woman with one hand on her waist was obviously very beautiful, but at this moment her face was extremely cold, and her eyes looking at Feng were full of murderous intent.

"Binghe? You can even do this move? Boy! Who are you! How did you get the power of our Eight Heroes? Tell me!"

Hearing this roar and looking at the beautiful appearance of the woman opposite, Feng, who had also collected a lot of world intelligence, recognized the other party's identity almost instantly, and then his whole face immediately turned pale.

"Eight, one of the Eight Great Masters! Cruel Beauty! Mai Zhuo!!!"

There was a buzz in his head, and Feng felt dizzy for a moment, and almost fainted on the spot.

Why did the Eight Great Masters appear here? Isn't it only 1995? Shouldn't the woman in front of him be busy assisting the 1995 big boss Rugal to do things! Why is she here! Why!!!

Member of the Eight Great Masters! In the two interconnected worlds of King of Fighters and Fatal Fury! She is definitely a fighter in the first echelon!

Not to mention compared with third-rate fighters like Mai Shiranui and Mary, even compared with first-rate or even top fighters like Goro Daimon, Benimaru Nikaido, and even Ryo Sakazaki and Terry, her combat power will definitely not be inferior in the slightest.

If the blood of the Great Snake is activated, her strength will even be above them.

How can such a monster be fought by low-level adventurers like them! This is not a joke! High-level adventurers dare not say that they can beat her in a single fight, okay!

The most important thing is! The most important thing is!

Looking at Mai Zhuo, who was full of murderous intent, Feng suddenly remembered what his brother had solemnly told him when he handed him the blood of the snake and the corresponding skill book.

With Goenitz's skills and blood, he is definitely qualified to walk sideways in the low-level world, but remember! Never appear in front of the Eight Heroes in the King of Fighters world!

As long as you enter the King of Fighters world! No matter what happens, you can't take action! You can't use any of Goenitz's skills and any power of the snake!

Otherwise, once you are seen by the real Eight Heroes! You will definitely die!

Because they will never allow anyone to steal and defile their own divine power!

And now! Mai Zhuo, who shouldn't have appeared here! One of the strong men in the Eight Heroes! He was bumped into by him in the Shiranui Gym!

Feng recovered from the shock after two seconds, feeling dizzy and cold all over.

Then he pulled away without hesitation with a glacier, even leaving his teammates behind, and ran away desperately!

It's just that he ran fast, but Mai Zhuo, one of the Eight Heroes, was even faster!

A flash of blood, a figure dragged a bloody scar, rushed to Feng's back in an instant, and grabbed the back of his neck.

Then, without giving Feng a chance to struggle, Mai Zhuo continued to drag him forward at high speed, and he had already roared.

"You like running so much? Then I'll help you!"

He swung his arm! Bloody power burst out! Blood light directly enveloped Feng's entire body!

Super special move! Heavenly Slide!


During the high-speed drag and collision, Feng's whole body was exploded from the inside by the bloody power, and he was directly blown into a bloody man. He couldn't help but scream.

And before he finished screaming, his body was already thrown into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Skill! Choice throw!

Before Feng woke up from the dizziness after hitting the ground and bounced up, a sharp cold light had already lit up in front of him!

Hands like knives! High-speed swing!

Skill! Death Fall + Iron Massacre!

Six consecutive moves! Six deep cuts that could see the bone appeared directly on Feng's chest!

And Mai Zhuo, who burst out a set of combos, had a hideous smile on his beautiful face at this moment, and stabbed out with a fierce palm! Hit Feng's chest!

With a sound of "Puff", the palm directly pierced into the chest, and in front of Feng's wide eyes, it pinched the heart inside.

With the force of his arm, Feng hung directly on Mai Zhuo's arm and was lifted up high by her.

Holding the heart tightly, looking at the guy with blood flowing from his mouth and nose, Mai Zhuo's face was splashed with blood, and suddenly narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to smile gently.

"You stinky rat who came out from nowhere, it's okay to steal our Eight Heroes' power, but you use it so poorly, how can I let you go? Huh?"

"Huh! Ah!"

"What? What did you say? It's too quiet, I can't hear you, please speak louder."

Looking at Feng who was trying hard to inhale, Mai Zhuo tilted her head and smiled and moved her head closer.

As a result, when she saw that Feng couldn't even speak, she rolled her eyes in boredom and threw him out with force.

It's just that the man was thrown out, but the bright red heart was still in Mai Zhuo's hand...

With a plop, Feng fell to the ground with lifeless eyes, and he was completely motionless.

He was able to suppress Qin Ming throughout the fight, and even bullied the plot characters head-on. He faced the real members of the Eight Heroes in his prime, but he didn't even have the strength to fight back. He was killed in one set, and died very simply and casually.

On the opposite side, Mai Zhuo, who was holding the heart, looked down and looked at it. After a moment, he suddenly exerted force with his palm and crushed the heart suddenly, snorting coldly at the same time.

"Waste! Letting a piece of you like you use the power of the Eight Heroes! It's simply a shame for us!"

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