Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 98 Mai Zhuo's shock

After casually kicking Feng's body, Mai Zhuo shrugged slightly as he looked at the dead guy, then stepped on Feng's body and walked toward the opposite side of the earth.

Seeing this scene, Tu, who had already used props to recover a lot of his injuries, turned pale with fright. Seeing Mai Zhuo approaching, he suddenly roared and chose to explode with all his strength.

With a flash of light all over his body, it's a super sure kill! Dark hell and bliss!

As soon as Tu used his grabbing skill, Mai Zhuo on the opposite side had a red light in his eyes, and he rushed towards him dragging his blood.

And she! He also displayed another special move of his own!

That is the real killer move that surpasses the B-level skill of Heavenly Sliding! A-level skills! Death light!

The same is the power of the Eight Masters! The same is sure-kill vs. sure-kill! But the result was that the winner was determined instantly!

The serious lack of attributes, coupled with the thinness of his bloodline, resulted in Earth's resistance being ineffective.

His ultimate move was directly broken, and he was greeted by Mai Zhuo's series of kills on the spot.

His hands were swinging like scimitars, bringing out one after another cold light.

A combo of Death Light! A total of twelve slashes! Hit all the earth's bodies!

The result in exchange is Tu, a master of strength and physique flow! The body was cut into pieces on the spot! Directly to death!

Corpses mixed with blood were scattered all over the ground. Mai Zhuo, who was standing in the blood mist, looked up to the sky and let out a sigh of relief, letting the blood drip on his face and body. Not only did he not feel disgusted, but he looked abnormal. enjoy.

None of the eight heroes are good, and among them, Mai Zhuo and Wei Si are a good pair.

These two women are both very beautiful, but their personalities are worse than the other.

Mai Zhuo looks gentle on the outside, but is actually ruthless on the inside, that's why she is called the cruel beauty of Swift.

Weisi is cold on the outside and ferocious on the inside, so she is called a pure war saint.

Each of these two guys is more ruthless than the other, and their character is also worse than the other.

Mai Zhuo is a pure executioner, and Wei Si is a complete sadist.

And this executioner, Mai Zhuo, was the reinforcement Qin Ming came to urgently with game coins, and he could guarantee that she would definitely help.

After all, there is nothing the other party can’t learn! You must learn the power of the Eight Great Masters!

If the real power users, that is, the members of the Eight Elites, see it, you will be the devil if they don't kill you!

Isn't that right? Just because he was seen using the move of Zhenba Jingnuo, Tu Yifeng was directly torn apart by Mai Zhuo!

But as the two of them turned into shredded chickens, what would happen next would be...

Mai Zhuo, who was standing in the bloody water, suddenly turned around and looked at Qin Ming, Mai Shiranui and Mary with a smile. Although they had bright smiles on their faces, their eyes were extremely cold.

Qin Ming, who noticed this look, couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. He didn't understand that the other party was planning to kill someone and silence him.

After all, the plan to resurrect the cosmic mind body, the master of the Eight Masters: God Orochi, has not yet been launched, and they cannot let others know their true identities.

So in order to avoid trouble, not only the person who stole the power of the Eight Heroes must die, but the witnesses who saw her using the power must also die!

This! This is also the main reason why Qin Ming did not choose to summon the opponent from the beginning!

Because this bitch is doing something dirty! Not only will it solve the goal! Maybe he will get rid of himself too!

The initial 100 points of favorability? That point of breaking the favorability level is of no use! 100 points of goodwill can only be regarded as familiarity at best, okay?

Looking at Mai Zhuo, who was walking towards her with cat steps and twisting her slim waist, Mai Shiranui and Mari did not rush to stop him this time.

After all, based on the fighting power that the other party showed just now, let alone the two of them being disabled, even if they faced each other in their prime, they probably wouldn't be able to survive ten rounds!

Therefore, the two men, who knew very well that there was no way they could beat each other, hid behind Qin Ming, holding on to Qin Ming's shoulders and refusing to let go.

Qin Ming, who was blocking the front, looked at Mai Zhuo coming over, endured the severe pain in his body, struggled and suddenly grinned.

"Good evening, beautiful lady."

Hearing this active greeting, Mai Zhuo couldn't help but be startled, stopped and looked around.

She couldn't help but raise her eyebrows as she looked at the messy battlefield around her, the corpses on the ground, and the extremely embarrassed guy opposite him, covered in blood.

"Do you think this way of greeting is suitable for use here?"

"Suitable, of course suitable. When dealing with beautiful women, you should seize the opportunity to get to know her on any occasion."

As Qin Ming spoke, a smile appeared on his face again, and when Mai Zhuo heard this, he raised his hand to cover his mouth and smiled sweetly.

"Oh ho ho ho ho, your guy doesn't look very good, but his mouth is quite sweet. Thank you for the compliment, little brother, and then... go to hell!!!"

Mai Zhuo, who bowed slightly and bowed gracefully to express his gratitude, suddenly turned cold at the end of his words, accelerated towards Qin Ming, and used his ultimate move: Heavenly Slide!

say good things? Even if you say good things, you have to die!

Seeing this scene, Mary and Mai Shiranui turned pale. Even though they knew they would never be able to defeat each other, they gritted their teeth and prepared to attack.

But before the two of them could take action, Qin Ming had already reached out with a straight face to block their movements, and then sat on the ground staring, motionless, waiting for the attack to arrive.

In the next moment, Qin Ming, who had given up resistance, had his neck grabbed by someone, but the expected attack did not come immediately.

Mai Zhuo, who was holding Qin Ming's neck tightly, looked left and right for a long time, her eyebrows were getting tighter and tighter, and her eyes were very puzzled.

Ah, I don't know if it's an illusion, why does she always feel that this embarrassed boy who she met for the first time is so attractive?

She is known for being cold-blooded and ruthless, but for a moment she couldn't bear to do it? What the hell is this? !

Slowly loosening her hand, she rubbed her face with her hand in confusion, and found that her cheeks were actually a little hot. She suddenly reacted as if something happened, her eyes widened on the spot, and she rushed out with a whoosh, quickly pulling away from Qin Ming.

Then she stood in the distance, looking at this side with a look as if she had seen a ghost.

No! How could she have such a big reaction to a guy she just met?

Could it be because of a few earthy love words from the other party? She was aroused? I am a top secretary who is used to being in the upper class! She has seen all kinds of sweet words and ways of picking up!

She can't be seduced by Lamborghini! Today, she was seduced by a few earthy sweet words? !

Mai Zhuo's face was full of disbelief. The more she thought about it, the more shocked she was. She even began to rub the goose bumps on her arms with her hands.

And the special situation that suddenly happened to her side, of course, it couldn't be because Qin Ming's few words made the other party fall in love at first sight.

The main reason why she couldn't do it was actually...

Brilliant silver consumables! Certificate of honor of Passi Village! Activate!

Forced to increase the favorability by 300 points!

At this time, Mai Zhuo's favorability towards Qin Ming is: 401.

In other words! They are close friends!

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