Infinity Armament

Vol 16 Chapter 103: 3 halal (on)

After the forty-second fall of the prisoner Ming, he could not get up again.

At that time, he had been put into the heavens and ghosts directly.

Although the adventurers tried to control and even cut his arm, the King of the Inferno finally ended himself in a self-sufficient way after struggling.

Although the ghost of the Emperor, but absorbed a soul, but failed to complete all the birth. This makes it like a premature infant with insufficient development. The body is the most noble bloodline, and it is the most difficult life, and it also bears huge risks.

Anu holding the baby-like ghost, like a baby, handed it to Shen Yu’s hand and sighed: "Anu now finally understands why the birth of the **** is only in the legend. Devil Sexual arrogance, difficult to tame, death and death, nowhere to be able to rely on, if the world's pets, born to be scorpio, survival is difficult, and difficult to grow. Shen Qian brother, this 蛊 蛊 initial embryo, but lack of training, you need Replace yourself and continue to train until it is truly mature."

"That is the traditional method of refining the body with one's own body? But I am not a refining teacher, I will not refine my secret law."

"You don't need to, you just replace the King of Prison, continue to be the container of its growth, and let it go."

“What is the price?”

"a lot of!"

Looking at Annu's unprecedented serious look, Shen Shen understood.

Unlike other people, others use heart and blood to feed, just ordinary feeding, to establish spiritual connections.

The little guy in front of me is not a mature body. It is not only the effort, but also the essence of life that makes it grow.

Since Shen Yu is replacing the prisoner of the Ming Dynasty to continue to nurture it, then the nature to be paid is the one that the imprisoned Ming Wang bears.

If he can't support it, then waiting for him may be the end of "one corpse and two lives."

Your sister!

However, Shen Hao nodded and took over the ghost.

Cut your body and put it in your body.

Just put into the body, Shen Shen felt that the body seems to have lived in a evil spirit, is trying to absorb his own strength, so that he has a kind of inexplicable exhaustion, and life has begun to start at ten per second. The speed of the point drops.

"Hell!" Shen Yan whispered.

Others enter the adventurer's body. At best, it is causing some exhaustion effect. Where there is a loss of life, it is true that this god-level emperor has become a time bomb as soon as it comes up, and it is not corrupted all the time.

That is to say, from now on, Shen Yu is equivalent to being permanently blessed with a sustained loss of life, until the completion of the imperial concubine will end.

Indulge in more than that.

Because this immature imperial concubine is making the property of Shen Yu also begin to decline.

The system directly reminds him that he is being absorbed by the essence of the god-level emperor, which will cause him to drop a little more every day except the will of the will until the gods are finished.

This is going to kill!

I don’t know how long it takes for this **** to be born.

People say that pregnant in October, which was born for three years, this little thing is also a **** level, in case it stays in the past one and a half years, can directly sink back to the original shape.

The most terrible thing is that once you enter, you can't let it go, otherwise you will lose all your efforts - premature babies can't stand the toss.

He said this situation and everyone was shocked.

The first sentence of Honglang is: "Sure enough, men have to pay for the pregnancy."

Shen Yu directly used his fist to shut him up.

Anu reluctantly said: "This is no way. God can only feed with blood. You are not the blood of the demon god. You can only pay more with ordinary blood."

Insufficient quality, quantity to make up.

This is the helpless reality of Shen Yan.

But when I heard that Anu said so, Shen Yan’s eyes suddenly turned bright: "The blood of the demon god? Who said that I didn't?"

Isn't his holy dragon bloodline the blood of the devil?

Although he said that he had consumed almost the blood of the dragon in the previous war, but the dragon blood that comes with the dragon can make him recover a little dragon blood every hour, so now there are a few dragon blood .

At this moment, Shen Qian simply used the dragon blood, and sure enough, the dragon blood was instantly absorbed by the emperor, and it was absorbed in a moment.

At the same time, Shen Yu also got a reminder of the coat of arms.

Sinking and shouting: "Dragon blood is effective! As long as there is enough dragon blood, this little guy does not need to absorb my strength." Speaking of this sinking suddenly a look: "But this will also cause my blood strength. weaken."

This **** has a strong irreversibility regardless of what it absorbs. Absorbing life will lower the attributes every day, and absorbing dragon blood will also lower the upper limit of bloodlines.

Fortunately, it is not how much to reduce, but to reduce according to a certain proportion. However, it is also a huge loss to Shen.

"It doesn't matter, we still have seven bottles of dragon blood here, it should be enough for it to squander." Gentle smile: "If you have income, you must always pay. Heavenly ghosts are not the spoils we got through mission or battle. Naturally, you have to pay the price of a similar identification scroll."

"That's right, it's my greed." Shen Yanran awakened.

It’s true that gentleness is right. Heavenly ghosts and emperors are not indulging in their spoils. The existence of such things is in the middle and lower levels. If you want to get advanced or even **** level, you must be paid extra.

The gods that have been bred by the ghosts of the heavenly kings and absorbed the spirits of the imprisoned kings, even if they are not gods, will not be worse. It is normal to pay a few bottles of blood for this purpose.

What really makes the mentality of Shen Yu unbalanced is that this thing cannot be solved by means of identification.

Taking advantage of this time, everyone took stock of the proceeds.

Despite the heavy contribution, the adventurer's gains are not small.

When the King of Prison Ming finally died, there were two souls, which were bombarded by Megatron and arrested one. After the death, he left a box, a bottle of blood, a sacrifice, a fairy sword and the last page of the Taiqing Five Thunder.

In addition, the four weapons of the King of the Infernal King were naturally taken away by the sinking.

In this way, killing eight demon gods, everyone has harvested eight bloodlines, eight sacrifices, four souls, five weapons, seven female meteorites and a book page.

According to the agreement, the female stone is not in the case of distribution, Wei Chibai insisted on the distribution according to the seventy-three, and the high wind was bright. Indulge in not being a villain, but also insist on the original discussion, half-divided, the two sides are rare and generous, even in order to let the other party get more and there is a quarrel, it is also a wonder, and finally the two sides reached an agreement.

As the girl stone was lost, she continued to discuss it.

The fairy sword, the pages of the book and the blood of the seven gods are indulged, and the warriors of the wilderness take the highest blood of the prison king.

In this matter, the Broken Blade team took a big advantage.

Not to mention that the total value of the Seven Dragons is definitely higher than that of the King of the Infernal King. In the original agreement, the pages of the indulgence can only be dug by themselves, killing the pages obtained by SS. In theory, the Warriors also have a copy. .

Moreover, the Warriors of the Wilderness also gave the fairy sword to Shen.

In return, Shen Yu gave the remaining four souls, three to the Wasteland Warriors, leaving only the most inflicted Golden Dragon Spirit - this soul is used to improve the strength is limited, but used to save People still can play a role, but the time limit is shorter.

In this way, including the soul that has been consumed, it is equivalent to almost all the gods of the Wasteland Warriors, and the Broken Blades monopolize all the bloodlines and other must-have items, which is generally fair.

The four weapons and sacrifices of the King of the Infernal King were split in half. The Broken Blades took the konjac and the Longquan Sword, and the Healing Axe and the Chained Dragons gave the Wilderness Warrior. The gentle six-armed weapon was finally complete.

For the Wasteland Warriors, although they have not lost more than the Broken Blades, they pay far less than the Broken Blades, which is a net profit.

For the Broken Blades, they are big and big, paying big and paying off.

In Shen Yu’s opinion, if you really want to use a series of cards such as a paralyzed ring, an exile scroll, etc. to change the blood of the Seven Dragons, you can’t really say how much profit it is. It’s really worth the money he paid, or the page.

After getting the ninth page, the nine pages merged, and the fog that had been lingering on it finally disappeared. What appeared was a string of books.

Sinking is completely difficult to understand this kind of text, but the **** coat of arms has the function of automatic translation, only need to pay a certain **** point.

However, just when he requested the translation, the hint of the coat of arms came back:

"The book page is written in the ancient scriptures. It is of great importance. Forcibly cracking may cause unpredictable consequences. The translation needs to pay a **** point of one million points. Is it sure to pay?"

Sinking a little.

How can there be such a ridiculous thing?

But the next moment he understood that there is no doubt that this is the last obstacle set by the **** city for the Taiqing Five Thunder.

Since the three halal truths are actually related to the existence of the urban system, the **** city does not want it to flow out anyway. It is for this reason that even if the adventurer gets it, the above content cannot be easily understood. The translation cost of 10,000 is even more affordable for adventurers.

If there is no accident, perhaps the so-called ancient gods, in fact, is the words of the Quares!

The system is established by the Quares people. The three halal truths, such as the urban constitution, exist automatically and cannot be eliminated. The only way to prevent the adventurers from obtaining them is to set up obstacles.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu has been angry and screaming.

He spent a lot of effort, not to make a fortune.

The next moment he has called Dika Kane: "Dika, help me identify this book!"

Since the city does not let him get it, then he will simply take the book out, and the task of spelling the Solitary Sword is not completed. He will not read the book in the mountains, and he will also understand the contents of this three halal scriptures.

A million **** points, he can't get it now. When he returns to the city, he can't get it in the wilderness.

He was angry at this side, and the **** coat of arms turned to the tip of the drop again:

"No. E5371, your behavior is touching urban safety, please be careful about your words and deeds."

“My behavior is in line with urban regulations.”

"But your way of getting it may not be the same."


Yes, the last page of the Taiqing Five Thunder Magic Scriptures, Shen Yu may be said to be completely legal, but the first eight, it is hard to say.

Although urban managers do not dare to enter the world of tasks with white girls, this does not mean that they are fools, they will believe that the wisdom of Shen can be solved by which pages are buried in the pit.

You are in violation of the rules! This is what the city wants to tell him without saying.

This made Shen Yu aware of the first chance.

He immediately said: "The world under system control, procedural justice is the most important."

The coat of arms replied: "So the manager has the meaning of existence. You don't want to be the next contender? Don't let the Supreme Council fail to meet you."

“All I did was to meet the needs of the Supreme Council.”

"Not in this way, your contribution is not enough for you to create a miracle that the city does not want you to accomplish."

"But my efforts and efforts should at least get a partial return."

" will get the part you should have."

"Which part?"

A page of too clear truth is automatically opened, and the rows are converted by themselves. It becomes a text that you can see and see. The content in the text is like a long-legged foot rushing into the sinking mind. The strong impact of the stock, rushing into a dizziness.

At that moment, he seemed to understand a lot of things, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

Oh, between the stupid, the voice of the coat of arms has sounded again:

"You read some of the pages of the Taiqing dynasty to deepen the understanding and application of the ability effects."

"Now you can choose:"

"A special effect is omnipresent. The special effects that you already have can function through any common attack and means, no longer limited by weapons and attack methods, but still cannot exist in skills at the same time."

"Second automatic generation of special effects. You can comprehend yourself in battle and generate new special effects, but the special effects are still limited."

"Three skills come with special effects. When you use a skill attack, special effects can be attached to them and combined."

"You can only choose one of the above three options."

"Replace the book page back to Lushan, you will get a remnant of the gasification of Sanqing, which can be used to enhance the contours and effects of mirroring."

"The contents of this book page must not be leaked, and must not be transmitted. Those who violate it will become stalkers."

"No. E5371, don't expect more, you have got the reward you can get from your efforts."

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