Infinity Armament

Vol 16 Chapter 104: 3 halal classics (below)

Just thinking a little, Shen Yu chose the first one. m[]

His current Hualong Zhenjing has nine special effects, which restricts the nine special effects, in addition to their own chances, is the use of the problem.

Although the special version of the Hualong Zhenjing has greatly improved his strength, his melee ability in the transformation is extremely powerful, but in the end is based on the bloodline, the ordinary battle is still general.

The first choice can make him master the special effects ability to break through the limitations of weapons and attack methods, which means that in the future, when he is fighting, even if he uses the vampire touch and gun attack, it can also trigger the special effects of the exercises. Great practical meaning.

This means that even if his blood is exhausted, he can play the role of King Kong just by standing on the side and shooting with a gun.

As for the vampire special effects, because the weapon special effects are not their own special effects, they cannot be used by guns.

Although the critical strike is a special effect, the classification is a skill, and it can also be used by melee weapons, but it cannot be effective through guns.

This is not the case, the key is that after Shen Yu made a choice, the coat of arms actually reminded him:

Ubiquitous special effects can only be applied to the current capabilities, and new effects that are mastered in the future will not enjoy this effect.

This makes Shen Wei very dissatisfied.

"Don't be a fool when I am." He said: "I learned a fatal blow when the property was a hundred points. Is it that when my attribute is raised to 200 points, the increase of one hundred points will not be able to enjoy a fatal blow. Is it effective? This is not reasonable!"

This does not make sense.

The three halal truths are the system rules.

The ability is limited because of the rules.

The rules are limited, that is, someone has ulterior motives.

Heraldry answer:

"You also know that this is the power of the rules. Whoever masters the rules, who can manipulate the rules, can naturally break through the restrictions. But the existence of the rule manipulators will inevitably hurt the rules themselves. So we must be powerful to this rule. Use restrictions to limit it."

"That is to say that you admit that this is your private increase limit?"

"Yes, you should understand that rules are like the Constitution. The more people stand on the law, the greater the damage to the law, so the city does not allow such people to exist in principle."

"But in practice, there is always a lot of compromise and concession."

"What you get now is the result of compromise."

"What I am getting now is what I deserve."

"Then you should understand, the difference between understanding and possession."

Sinking bluntly replied: "For me, understanding means possession."

The coat of arms was silent again. Only Li Xiaoyao had a few inexplicable things. I don't know who Shen Shen is talking to. [Read the novel to ~]

But in fact, don't say that they don't understand, that is, Wei Chibai and others may not understand.

The Taiqing Five Thunder Magic Law is actually the basic rule about urban special effects.

If it is a complete half-truth, it should include all the selection abilities listed in the coat of arms, and even more. If it is the whole story, then the entire special effects rules will be under the understanding, and no matter how much, There will be no new special effects restrictions.

But there is one thing to note, that is:

"I don't understand these rules, I can override them and get rid of the rules."

This is not the case!

If you are going to take the legal procedure, then even if you look at the whole book too halal, it does not mean that he can make the effect omnipresent. It does not mean that he can include special effects in the skill. It does not mean that he can automatically comprehend all the new special effects.

In fact, he only understands the principles of the existence of these forces, just as lawyers understand the law and can exploit legal loopholes, but it does not mean that they can be free from the law.

The reason why Shen Shen can now directly break through, make special effects omnipresent, or the result of urban giving, is that he gives up compensation for understanding all rules.

Therefore, the coat of arms will say that you have got what you deserve.

In the eyes of Shen Yu, things are not the case.

Because the rules are not laws after all.

One of the most serious problems with urban rules is that it has evolved step by step at the beginning of design.

It is not like the national constitution. In the social changes of thousands of years, according to different situations, it has been studied by countless people and gradually developed and perfected.

It is designed by a group of aliens who are not humans at all, do not really understand human society, based on the needs of power, and the design content is complex to the whole world!

This makes it inevitable that there are a lot of loopholes!

It was only at that time that the Quérez people could improve the rules and solve the problems step by step through constant repairs, so this problem is not too serious.

However, with the demise of the Quares, the Supreme Council lost its ability to modify the rules. When new problems arise, they will no longer be able to resolve them, and the seriousness of the problem will immediately become prominent.

As a result, the managers are released, and the rules themselves are deeply hidden, and no risk is allowed to be easily touched.

Lan Yan once said, "You know that the rules themselves are a kind of harvest." Now think about it, this is true.

Therefore, the so-called "lawyer can drill legal loopholes but can not be controlled by law" does not represent the results of the adventurer's understanding of urban rules.

The Supreme Council knows who Shen Shen is. If he is given time to study urban rules, even if it is only part, it will have serious consequences. [Read the novel to ~]

It is for this reason that the Supreme Council will only allow him to directly possess the ability to partially detach the rules, because for Shen Shen, as long as the truth is in hand, it is sooner or later to find the problem.

Shen Yu also understands this, so he will say "For me, understanding means possession."

In other words, he is more willing to look at the formal content of those rules if he can choose.

The two sides have produced huge conceptual differences on the issues of "can have" and "already have", and negotiations have become the only solution.

Fortunately, Shen Yu knows that he is the inevitable winner.

A person who is not under the control of the law is not terrible. What is terrible is a group of people who are not under the control of the law.

What you want to do is to be strong, and what the city wants is permanent peace. The two sides are not without irreconcilability.

The new agreement is quickly reached:

"Your critical strike skill will be able to be applied to gun-type attacks, but not to gun-like skills."

"You can choose a special effect to use in a given skill, but it can't be fatal to the adventurer. All the defensive abilities are not included here."

"Your new special effects still can't enjoy the ubiquitous bonus."

"Request to choose a blood-sucking effect to take effect on the moon."

"Blood effects are not your own special effects."

"I know, but I don't think that my skills will have any special significance in attacking the nine special effects of the Dragon. The bloodsucking effect is not a deadly attack, it will only improve my survivability, not to mention that although I have no blood-sucking effects, But there is also blood-sucking strengthening."

"...Agree with your request, the shooting skill will add blood-sucking ability, the blood-sucking effect is 30% of the total damage, and you will not enjoy the blood-sucking enhancement."

"Enough is enough." Shen Hao lazily replied.

Shooting the moon is a group battle skill. The total damage is 30%. It is already 100% higher than the single damage. He has nothing to dissatisfaction with.

Do you have to give the other party a step?


After the death of the King of the Prison, there was a huge transmission array behind the statue of the Jade Emperor.

Everyone came out from the inside, even if they left the lock demon tower.

They just walked out of the lock demon tower, the crests prompted the mission to be completed, and at the same time they heard a wave of shaking behind them, which was a precursor to the collapse of the lock demon tower.

Everyone rushed to rush, and I saw countless monsters escaping from the back, but they flew away in the sky.

However, there are still some monsters that are not affected. They are scattered and escaped. Li Xiaoyao looks at the demon and sighs: "This world is not too flat."

He is not an adventurer in the end, he is worried about the country and the people.

Now watching the lock demon tower collapse, the demon flies, it is inevitable to worry about the people.

Still addicted to comfort him: "Do not worry, the meaning of our existence, isn't it the demon slayer? If there is no monster in this world, what do you want to use?"

He comforted this ingenuity, and heard that Li Xiaoyao turned his eyes. Although he did not agree, he did not know how to refute. Indulging in because of his good performance in the battle, he has a lot of good feelings, told him a lot of usual feelings, especially some of the experience on the battle.

If these feelings in the city are in the city, it is all "golden jade good words", but here, it has become "stealing tricks." Fortunately, Li Xiaoyao has been immersed in these days, and he has also understood the famous sayings such as "Living is the last word". Otherwise, it will become a slap in the face.

Leaving the lock demon tower, everyone returned to Lushan.

This time, Megatron has a lot of scorpions, neither fling by himself nor arrogant.

According to him, the solitary swordsman is definitely reading the three halal truths. It is the so-called mastery of the existence of the "law of heaven". Megatron did not win his hope. The **** city has a very tight view of the adventurer's real experience, and there are not so many restrictions on the plot characters. It is quite an indignation that there is a family concept in ancient times that does not pass on women.

Back to Lushan, Du Gu Jian Sheng is already waiting for everyone.

The lock demon tower collapsed, and Lushan just wanted to know that it was difficult.

For those who can live out of the lock demon tower, the solitary sword saint is also a shackle. As for the collapse of the lock demon tower, he does not feel sorry, but keeps saying: "God, God, God is so!"

There are many old men and gods, and there are known signs of the gods.

Next, Shen Yu will hand the book page to the Solitary Sword, and the Solitary Sword is also refreshing, indicating that the pavilion is open, and the library is allowed to read for three days.

However, Shen Yu knows that this commitment must not include other three halal truths.

Therefore, he directly proposed that he would rather not watch other books, as long as he saw the three clear truths.

Where is the solitary sword, he is willing to do it, and he shakes his head again and again, saying that this is a treasure of the teacher, and that the non-management cannot be passed lightly. Even my younger brothers are not qualified to watch. If you are willing to stay here as a disciple, I will accept you as an apprentice. He will abdicate him. These three halal can be yours, otherwise you will never borrow.

Sinking naturally can't promise, and he pointed out that it is necessary to look at the part of Yuqing Zixu Jianjing about a gasification of Sanqing, and the one of the three kings of the prisoner of Ming Dynasty, which was originally obtained from this purple sword.

Because this is a well-arranged system, the Solitary Sword has finally promised, but with the temper of "not getting the extra benefit is not good", he also asked Lushan to help him train a group of soldiers.

This is going to the big mountain of Lushan.

If you use the skill scroll to learn, the summoning of the soldiers' investment is too great. The best way is to let them stay here and use the training method to gradually and gradually. Although the results will be lower, the double investment will be much smaller.

Of course, the solitary sword saint will not accept this request in white, but also put forward its own conditions, that is, let Shen Shen go to kill the monsters who have escaped from the lock demon tower, to avoid them "being harmless."

It is also a branch task.

There is no limit to this branch task, because there are too many monsters in the lock demon tower, and the number is scattered. But the same, the more he completes, the higher the level of training for summoning soldiers.

In this matter, Shen Qiang has no bargaining power and can only follow the rules.

Fortunately, even if all the elite soldiers are trained here, there are still a large number of ordinary soldiers to make up for it, but they have limited combat power. They can only have a Terminator, and there is a place to do one. How much is done, it depends on God's will.

Finally, Shen Yu finally got the scroll about the gasification of Sanqing.

Unfortunately, the scrolls are automatically dissipated without waiting for him to read.

At the same time **** coat of arms tips:

"You read a remnant of the gasification of the three clearing exercises, and improved the ability to separate the genus."

As soon as I saw this, Shen Yan said: "I read your sister."

Obviously, the city still does not want him to formally read any content related to urban rules, and he is willing to give him the ability directly in this way.

It looks like a profiteer, because only the finished product is given, and the technology is not sold.

Then there is a description of the content of the mirrored avatar.

"Your image is upgraded to a double S level, and the limit is not lifted. The current skill level is one."

"When you use a mirror avatar, your avatar will have 50% of your body's attack and 25% of your defensive power. You can copy a melee weapon and a distant weapon. Hundreds of lethality, retain special effects, and do not retain skills."

"Using this ability consumes 30 points of spirit, each level can create a avatar, the maximum level is three, and the avatar lasts for one hour."

"Because you have a dark gold amulet mirror image is promoted to God level skills."

"The avatar has 75 percent of the attack power and 50 percent of the defensive power, and has the special effects of the exercises, but does not enjoy the omnipresent bonus."

"You can copy a melee weapon and a distant weapon, and the weapon retains all the effects and skills."

"When you use a avatar, you can let the avatar appear directly in any enemy in the field of vision, or specify the enemy's rear within a distance of 300 meters. The specified three seconds lead time is required for one hour."

"When you keep the distance from the avatar within one kilometer, you can freely transfer the body to the avatar, and the avatar disappears. The transmission needs to consume 10 points of mental power, no cooling limit."

"Using this ability consumes 40 points of mental power, each level can create a avatar, the maximum level is four, and the avatar lasts for one hour."


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