Infinity Armament

Vol 16 Chapter 120: Emperor of Heaven

When Wei Chibai and others rushed to Kirin Cave, Shen Yu was already waiting for them. m.

Wei Chibai is about to talk, Shen Yu has already made a sly gesture: "Hey, be quiet from now on, try not to speak loudly."

Hong Lang Daqi: "Don't you say that you have a silencer array?"

Shen Yu replied: "It is arranged, but the energy stone is not enough. The silencer array is maintained by the energy stone. For it, every sound absorption is equivalent to bearing an attack. So the louder the sound, the attack on it. The stronger it is, the more energy it consumes."

Indulging in the energy stone they brought in this time is not too small, but the battle of the demon tower is not only the blood of the blood, but also the conventional forces, such as potions, naturally including the energy stone.

There is not much stock of energy stone in the hands of Shen Yan, so I can't guarantee how long this silencer array can last.

In fact, the real silencer array is only used conventionally, with no additional consumption.

The silencer array made by Shen Yu is itself a broken version. One is related to his lack of specialization, and on the other hand he does not have enough materials.

He is not a professional alchemist. There is really no need to prepare for this. Many materials are temporary replacements.

If it wasn't for his understanding of real alchemy, he couldn't make it even with this broken squad.

Wei Chibo asked: "That is to say, we must talk as little as possible to avoid giving the silencer a larger burden."

Sinking nodded: "Yes, but the silencer has its own absorption standard. As long as we don't speak too much, it won't cause it to be consumed."

"Understood." Everyone nodded and began to touch the cave.

Closer to the huge stone cave, there are groups of salamanders and fire snakes in front of them, and the tall fire elves in the center of the cave still stand.

Sinking pointed at Wei Chi, and then pointed to the fire elf, meaning that the guy gave it to you, Wei Chibai nodded. Shen Hao arranged another person, and said: "Do it."

Everyone has rushed out of the channel at the same time.

The monsters who originally settled in the caves saw humans rushing out and excited to pick them up.

As they called, the four sides of the cave wall flashed a layer of light at the same time. Although the shouting sound spread inside the cave, it was only under the action of the silencing matrix and only stopped inside the cave.

At the same time, all the adventurers have simultaneously played all kinds of skills on those monsters and attacked them all at once. Although the silencer array can prevent the sound of the battle from spreading out, the sound of the ground vibration can't be smashed by the fire unicorn that is close at hand. Therefore, it is best to fix these monsters before the fire unicorn rushes out. When it comes time to deal with the fire of Warcraft, it will be a lot easier.

The sinking hand waved, the mirror avatar re-launched, and the three avatars rushed to the crowd at the same time. Instead of using a gun, they directly waved the vampire's touch into the herd, and suddenly set off a **** wave.

At the same time, Shen Hao himself installed a silencer for the shooting moon, shooting a little against the monster, and playing the role of omnipresent special effects. .

A little black shadow on the shoulder is now, it is the devil, such as a black arrow flying into the herd, launched a **** kill. This little thing doesn't look big, it has a lot of vitality, but the speed is absolutely fast, the attack is fierce, and it is also immune to attack below 3 points. At this moment, it rushes into the herd and suddenly spreads its power.

A ferocious lizard's fierce claw was shot on the demon scorpion, and the little things were ignored. The backhand grabbed the fire snake's hard skin, while the right hand was as electric, suddenly stretched out and caught the fire snake. In the body, along the body of the fire snake, it is like a chopstick that pierces the fire snake from beginning to end. The fierceness of the means is horrifying.

The fire snake made a scream, screaming and screaming, but the sorcerer had already retracted his arm and sent the squid to the mouth. He opened his mouth and bite at the fire snake. He was constantly sucking. The blood of the snake is blood.

This is its blood-sucking ability. It can absorb the target life and store it in the body. When the owner is injured, it will feedback the user, and at the same time, it can absorb the opponent's strength after killing the target.

At this moment, the original powerful fire snake was mad at the madness of the sorcerer’s madness, and it was desperately writhing to want to entangle the celestial scorpion, but its attack was simply pale and powerless for the scorpio, gradually The struggle is getting slower and slower, and finally it is completely frozen.

The sorcerer threw the body of the fire snake and raised his hair with a scream.

Just then, a group of fire bats rushed over.

The sound wave attack of fire bats has the greatest impact on the silencer array.

Indulging in his own willingness to hurt, must also protect the law until the end of the battle, so the priority target is those fire bats.

However, although the individual strength of these fire bats is not strong, but the number is large, it is not easy to kill them all at once. At this moment, a large group of fire bats rushed down and began to launch a sonic attack on everyone.

From time to time, the silencer array flashes energy rays, which are signs of energy loss when absorbing sound.

If you let the fire bat attack like this, it is estimated that it will not take long before the silencer array will automatically collapse due to the exhaustion of energy.

At this moment, the light in Shen Yan’s eyes flashed: “Vientiane is separated!”

The demon scorpion suddenly ascended into the air, and a black mist rose up and covered the whole body. As the black mist filled, suddenly hundreds of ghosts rushed out and grabbed the fire bats.

The sky suddenly set off a flock of birds.

Xiao Tian Gui Sheng is strong in defense. One hundred points are immune to injury, attack sharp, ignore 40% defense, and the speed is extremely fast.

Fire bats are worth a lot, and as living individuals, their vitality is much stronger than that of the genius, and the sonic attack can cause damage to the ghosts.

The black ghosts, the red fire bats bite each other in the air, madly attacking, and screaming from time to time.

There was a **** rain in the sky, blood was flying everywhere, and the bodies of one little ghost or fire bat fell from the sky and soon covered the ground.

It was only a moment of effort. The bat group in the air had been slaughtered and the little ghosts only had more than 30 remaining, and they were reborn into the devil.

Such a group of fire bats, even if the adventurer kills, it will take a while to be completely destroyed, but after the genius of the genius, the defensive ability is greatly reduced, the attack ability is greatly improved, only a moment of effort puts all All the fire bats were killed, and everyone was shocked.

On that day, the konjac completed the task of killing the fire bat, and it was a long-awaited sigh. The next moment, he flew into the sinking body, sucking up against him, and he only felt that his vitality was drastically reduced. Thousands, he was shocked.

Those monsters have not caused much damage to him, but the sorcerer is almost sucking him to death.

Just in the first battle, the demon scorpion quickly killed the enemy through the way of incarnation, and he also damaged a lot of life. At this moment, he naturally wanted to make up for it, but he did not expect that the goods were actually converted to one to one. The amount of loss is to find out how much he **** back, and he does not consider the status quo of sinking.

If Shen Yu was in a state of serious injury, it would be possible to be sucked to death by him.

Everyone does not know the bitterness of indulging, only seeing the prestige of this day, and envying them together.

It’s just a moment when the konjac has been replenished with life and once again flew out of the sinking body. Because this cargo is a close-fighting attack, it is fierce and murderous. Every time a killing is inevitable, it seems to be a murder of the enemy. For example, it used to be like a chopstick to wear a snake. It is a game.

Cruel and fierce killing means, fast and windy offensive way, everyone is also shocked, Honglang blurted out: "My sister, so ferocious!"

"Shut up, talk a little." Gentlely rushed past him.

Hong Lang complained: "These monsters are all screaming, but we have to talk and whisper, it is really unreasonable."

Just then, a salamander rushed over and slammed the waves into the air.

Honglang was furious and swooped out and shouted: "..."

He was thinking about it. Suddenly he thought of sinking and asked to speak as quietly as possible. He immediately turned into a gentle tone and said in a whisper: "I have stunned you..."

There are a few scorpions in the battle, it looks nothing, but it is an imposing play.

Just as weightlifters often scream when lifting weights, Deng Yaping must scream every time he dunks, not only to shock opponents, but also to improve his own strength.

His volume was reduced at this moment, the momentum was also weakened, and the strength of his power was reduced. The power of the axe was suddenly reduced a lot, and the fire lizard was not able to fly. Instead, he was shot by a salamander. Hit the gun.

"You..." Hong Lang wanted to call again, and Jin Gang had already put a finger on him: "Hey..."

This humming sound caused the volume of the Honglang to drop sharply. The word "sister" became very gentle, and the fire lizard was obviously stunned. I couldn’t figure out why the goods yelled at her sister.

With a bang, he was about to attack. Hong wave waved his hand and pinched the neck of the salamander: "Don't shout!"

The salamander was pinched by his eyes, and he screamed desperately, then slammed a tail, and the long tail had been swept toward the waves.

Honglang was furious and threw the axe. He grabbed the tail of the salamander and pressed it to the ground. The whole head was pressed to the ground, and then he slammed his foot: "Let you not call you back." Shout... Let you not shout, you still shout..."

The sound was very low, and it was said to the ear of the salamander. It looked like a whisper of a lover. A big hand is holding the neck of the salamander tightly, but half a ring, the fire lizard has turned his eyes, but it has been killed by his life.

Honglang stood up with a sigh of relief and took a sip of the body on the ground. He said quietly: "All the voices are small."

Looking up again, I saw that Shen Wei and others were watching themselves, and Hong Lang stayed: "What do you think of me?"

"Nothing." Shen Yan shrugged and shot at the fire elf who was battling with Wei Chi, who was unable to come out of the frozen spark.

I thought about adding another sentence: "Nothing, it’s pretty cute when you talk."

lovely? Hong Lang was a little embarrassed smile.

Suddenly think about it, anger, Laozi is a man, with a cute ball?

However, he did not dare to be angry with Shen Yan, and his grievances can only be sent to those poor World of Warcraft, and the sound of squeaking from time to time in the throat is like a roaring and warning before a beast.

At this moment, the distant cave suddenly came with a rumble of rumbling, and a dull whisper came, full of endless majesty.

Shen Yan’s face changed slightly: “Fire unicorn found that this side is moving, it’s coming over, everyone is better prepared!”

Everyone speeded up the killing. I didn't expect it to be at this time. The konjac seemed to have noticed the distant movements. He suddenly stopped and did not fight. A pair of fierce eyes had already seen the hole where the fire unicorn was.

Then it screamed suddenly turned into a black lightning and flew into the hole.

"Hell, come back!" Shen Yan was shocked.

He didn't think that the demon scorpion would not listen to him and arbitrarily act.

At this time, he only sounded that the demon scorpion itself is also a demon-level existence, with his own will and arrogance.

On the day when the konjac felt the majesty of the king from afar, it was a serious provocation for the lord who was once the emperor of the heavens and still has the majesty of the emperor.

At the same time, the fire unicorn, still inhabited by the fire, also felt an unusual dark force being transmitted to himself.

That power reveals a huge confidence and deep hostility.

"Hey!" The fire unicorn was angry. At this moment, it was confirmed that his home had been invaded by outsiders, and he did not hesitate to stand up from the flame of the shelter. He slammed his four hooves and rushed toward the grotto, igniting a surge. The fire wave greets the emperor of the ghost who is rushing.


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