Infinity Armament

Vol 16 Chapter 121: Fire unicorn


The demon scorpion is shaped like electricity, and the wings behind it open, as if a black arrow rushed forward. M()


The fire unicorns stepped on the four hooves, and the whole body blazed with flames.

The two sides met in the center of the passage, as if two heavy trucks crashed into the air.

No, no!

It was the Titan 797 heavy-duty truck that collided with black lightning.

When the huge body of the fire unicorn hit the demon scorpion, the scorpio scorpion only felt that the face was like a flaming mountain, and it crashed into it, and the whole smashed into the mountain wall.

Although the same is the devil, but the power is not the scorpio reluctance - at least not the strength of the current genius.

The power of the fire unicorn is as high as 240 points. It is not the current genius that can fight against it. What's more, when Warcraft is fully impacted, it has a certain additional bonus to power, which is also their unique talent.

"Oh!" The sorcerer has already issued an angry sorrow, although this does not cause any actual harm to it, but it makes it feel the shame of dignity.

The fire unicorn raised its head and had roared a hot flame against the demon.

The devil slammed his arms to the rock wall, and the black body flew out like an arrow again. This time it learned to squat and rushed directly from the top of the fire unicorn.

The ghost's claws are fiercely tied to the back of the fire unicorn. This claw is like being caught in the magma. With the ghosts of the ghosts, a flowing flame of flame has flown along its claws.



The cry of the devil and the fire unicorns sounded at the same time.

The lava-like flame spreads up the arms of the sorcerer's arm. If the flames have a real flow, the iron-like arm of the scorpion will almost melt.

The konjac did not expect that the blood of this fire unicorn was like a magma. Its claws left a wound on the back of the fire unicorn, but they also injured themselves.

However, this is also fierce. It is actually a **** burning of the arms on the arm, and the arms are inserted again. At the same time, the arm is stretched, which is the number of ways to deal with the fire snake.

The indulgent limb deformation talent has given it, and it has greatly enhanced its melee ability, especially in the manufacture of limb trauma, but also can make internal damage by virtue of the powerful breakthrough defense ability of the ghosts.

This lower arm penetrated the back and went straight into the guilt. It was so painful that the fire unicorn screamed, and the whole body blazed and blazed, almost shrouded the scorpion, and slammed it down.

This channel is narrow, it is not suitable for its huge body to turn, it should quickly enter the open place to clean up this hateful guy.

Sinking just rushed at this time, only to see that the fire unicorn has been rolled up like a fire chariot.

At this time, he was nowhere to shun in the passage. It was completely instinct, and he started the blast at the moment when the fire unicorn hit him.

Just as his body was hidden, the fire unicorn had rumbling through his body.

At that moment, I only felt as if I was passing through the body of the fire unicorn. There were rolling red lava everywhere, and he was like being in a lava hell.

This feeling quickly disappeared with the rapid passage of the fire unicorn, but it was endlessly shocked to the sinking. At that moment, even the body that was immune to all attacks during his stealth seemed to feel an amazing heat wave.

"The flame is materialized..." Shen Shen exclaimed, and turned to look at the fire unicorn that passed through him.

The flowing flame has a local fire and melts and rolls away.

At that moment, I realized that this fire unicorn is much more powerful in the use of flame energy than the Vulcan dragon in the lock demon tower.

The most frightening aspect of this magma flame is its strong adhesion and aggressiveness, which can cause damage for a long time and even spread the attack range.

Although the defense of the Devils is powerful, it cannot be tolerated in the face of this super lava fire. //.//

The most important thing is that the current demon scorpion is only one level, the vitality is only two thousand points, and the fire unicorn fights for life consumption, and it can't afford to change ten points.

"Come back!" Shen Yu has turned his head and ran out to call.

But the devil is really not listening to him at all.

The great devils are all proud and proud, and Megatron is also good, and the devils are worthy of their own unique pride.

This has nothing to do with loyalty, even if it is a loyalty of 100% of the courtiers, in some specific cases, there will be violations of the emperor's orders, bluntly, the rebellious Tianyan is regarded as a loyal performance.

In the eyes of Devil, killing this powerful enemy is its greatest loyalty. As for what its owner thinks, it is automatically ignored.

At this moment, the fire unicorn rushed out of the channel with the scorpion, and as soon as it rushed in, it was a loud roar. At the same time, the flames of the whole body rose again and again, forming a terrible fire, rushing straight up, and the back wound was even thinner. A spring-shaped fire column rushed out the whole of the devil.

Magma impact!

This is one of the fire system abilities that Fire Kirin has, and it has a lava-like impact on the target at the expense of its own blood.

That is to say, the powerful body of the demon scorpion can resist. Even so, the scorpion scorpion is burned away by the black fog, and the whole body exudes a barbecue aroma.

"Kaibai, give it a fire! All people are careful, the flame is sticky!" Shen Yu has rushed out from behind, shooting the moon against the fire unicorn in a row, the bullet hit the fire unicorn, it is like iron pill fly Into the magma, just disappeared after a bubble.

Wei Chibai turned an icicle on the burning arm of the devil.


There is a large white smoke on the body of the demon, and the water is transpiration, the black smoke is lingering, the fire cloud is rolling, and three colors of light have formed on it.

The adhered magma was extinguished, and the right arm of the konjac was burnt into a piece of dead coke. In some places, the black bones with metallic luster were exposed.

Even the devil can not withstand such a toss, crying out, the next moment it has rushed toward sinking.

Sinking helplessly, knowing that the goods are coming to **** the blood, and decisively prepare medicine for himself.

Sure enough, the devil flew straight into his body, and it was a round of madness against him, and his life fell again and again.

The blood-sucking transformation of the sorcerer can absorb the life of the master to restore itself, and can also absorb the enemy's life to restore the owner. However, looking at it, it is only intended to ask for it.

Fortunately, the fat man rushed over and released a dead bird, commanding the immortal bird to control the infinite fire of the fire unicorn.

The immortal bird slammed into the fire wave released by the fire unicorn. Seeing that the fire wave was sucked up, the fire unicorn suddenly turned back and looked at the immortal bird. The fire wave suddenly turned into a big hand. He slammed the fan to the immortal bird.

The fat man was shocked. This was the first time he had run into a flameless bird to control the flames.

Fortunately, the immortal bird is immune to fire, and the fire wave attack does not hurt it, but the impact power brought by that slap is playing with it.

The fire unicorn has jumped up and rushed to the dead bird.

In the eyes of this fire unicorn, the fires of the world are all under their own jurisdiction, and they are respected by themselves. This flamingo even dares to shoot at himself. It is simply a big rebellion. Moreover, although it can **** control of its own flame from the dead bird, it also consumes energy. It is not completely ignorable, but it must be given priority.

The eternal bird just woke up from the slap of the flame slap, has not yet returned to God, has been hit by the fire unicorn.

The fire unicorn has opened its mouth and bites into the immortal bird.

Just then, there was a sudden whistling in the sky.

This whistling and screaming, with the feeling of incompetence and oppression, as if the Lord of the Dark Prison came, and the horror of the demon at the same time shivered, it was the wrath of the devil.

It **** fast, and the nature of recovery is also fast. In the blink of an eye, the dragon and the tiger come out again. The wounds on the whole body have not healed themselves. In contrast, Shen Yan’s face is white and his treatment cannot recover all his life, so the situation is not well.

When I hit it down, I didn’t get much hurt. I was sucked up by the devil.

In the next moment, the konjac is even more bloody, with a diamond-like color.

Wrath of the Devil!

Diamond Ghost!

The guy used two blood abilities in one breath, then rushed down, and the left hand grabbed the fire unicorn and slammed it back.

Although it has increased the power of 40% at this time, but because of the low base, it is still much worse than the fire unicorn, but this is the opportunity of the fire unicorn, the celestial scorpion is extremely accurate in the timing of the battle, the need The confrontation is not the power of the fire unicorn but only its weight, so at this moment, grabbing its tail, it is actually smashing it back, volleying and slamming to the ground.

This sniper is not light, the fire unicorn rumbling on the ground, the scorpion screaming and rushing down.

This time, it finally learned the embarrassment, no longer hard, but using its speed as fast as the wind, flashing a line of light and shadow in the air, constantly passing over the fire unicorn, while the ghosts and claws are fiercely torn, in the back of the fire unicorn Grab a wound on the road and smash a piece of blood.

At the same time, Wei Chibai has turned again, constantly turning his own power of frost to the fire unicorn. The power of his frost is much less than that of the lava of the unicorn. It is like a traveler in the desert, even if a drop of water is also a sweet spring. At this time, who still manages so much.

Fortunately, most of the monsters in the cave have been killed, and a small amount is not enough. All of them attacked the fire unicorn together, and all kinds of skills Guanghua re-emerged.

On that day, the ghost king was more and more brave. Through the cover of the crowd, he rushed in and out of the air, turning into a ghost, and kept scratching the fire unicorn.

Its self-defense is super strong, as long as it is not hard to fight, and occasionally a little flame it can withstand, using speed to fight is still very promising.

However, it is easy, but the adventurer is very moldy.

Everyone soon discovered that playing this fire unicorn is simply a self-harming act. The more painful it is, the more fierce it is to its own.

Sinking is right, the blood spurted in the fire unicorn is not only flame-killing, but also has adhesion and diffusibility. Even if it is stained, it can become a fire of stars.

Fortunately, Wei Chibai responded quickly and promptly attacked for treatment. He continued to use frost to fire himself, and was completely turned into a pastor by the main attacker.

Even so, a large group of people were sprayed with blood from the fire unicorns, and they were burnt and embarrassed.

Fortunately, the fire unicorn is equally uncomfortable.

Hey, hey, it won’t be because you hit me a slap, and your hands hurt, it means I’m fine, and it doesn’t mean I’m taking advantage of it.

A series of fierce attacks hit the fire unicorn is also life madness, seeing countless people besieging it against it, the fire unicorn is also irritated, suddenly four hooves, and a flame rises from its body, this time The flame is not rising, but directly forming nine fire pillars sweeping the square.

"Kowloon Shockwave!" Shen Yan, gentle, fat and other people shouted at the same time.

This ability is clearly the same as the Kowloon Shockwave skill used by Christine Dyne. I didn't expect Fire Kirin to use this trick.

Undoubtedly, most of Christine’s skills came from the fire unicorn. In other words, it must have been the old Kato or the purgatory sect who had been to the world of the sword and killed the fire unicorn and got the skill scroll. And eventually fell to Christine's hand... So, they really are familiar with the world of Xianjian.

The thoughts just flashed past, and the nine flame dragons had already whistled and screamed around.

"Defense!" Everyone called at the same time, each person instantly sacrificed a variety of protection skills, mental protective cover, t10 armor, energy barrier, ice crystal wall, life sharing and other series of abilities or props have been used.

Although the Kowloon Shockwave released by Fire Kirin was more powerful than Christine’s original release, it was more powerful, but the next big challenge of the second-class difficulty is now more able to take over.

Just picking it up again, the huge impact of the Kowloon Shockwave is still flying out of all the people.

Ye Jiguang rolled down in the air. He didn't have any body-building skills. He relied on the dexterity of the body to escape most of the power of the Kowloon Shockwave, but he was still suffering from it. He spit on the spot and then yelled at him: You are not saying that Fire World is the weakest?"

Shen Shen shrugged: "How do I know that this guy is so fierce, I just think that no matter which World of Warcraft, as long as it is a single order, it must be the weakest."

"What logic is this?" Ye Jiguang was mad at him and spit a blood.

"The logic of the broken blade team!" Gentle, Hong Lang and other people answered with the same voice, gentleness added: "No matter how strong it is, to play more and less, we can only win. If even a single fire World of Warcraft If you can't win, the next four World of Warcraft will not even count on it."

"The problem is that this guy is not good to deal with, its body flame is too difficult!" Suen did not cheer.

"Hey!" Hong Lang cocked his finger to him: "Small voice."

"Hey, your sister!" Suen glared at him, and there was no need to weaken the consciousness of the volume.

His anger is not unreasonable.

The most troublesome part of this fire unicorn is the blood of the flowing flame in its body.

Just as the acidity in the alien has strong corrosiveness and is the best way to protect itself, the blood of the fire of the unicorn is also its strongest defense.

Such a powerful presence as the devil, in the face of this lava fire, have been burnt into coke, adventurers are even more afraid to bear.

For them, this kind of defensive ability with strong counterattack ability is undoubtedly a "most annoying" skill, so that powerful melee warriors such as Hong Lang Suen even dare not attack close, can only watch this fire Kirin kept squirting, and the wolf was dodging.

At that time, Shen Yan said with a long sigh: "The blood of its flames is really annoying, but in this case, it should not have any outstanding performance in defense, just like the sword will eventually be sheathed to hurt people. of."

He said that he had used a spiritual exploration: "Life force 30,000, power 240, defense 60..."

Because of the battle, he wanted to save some mental strength. Anyway, for the demon god, his spiritual exploration, in addition to life, attack and defense, generally did not see anything. After all, he had to fight to know, but now it seems that it is not necessary. .

The 60-point defense is really not high.

In other words, this big guy has no extra strength to strengthen the power except the strength of its own strength. This is very different from other devils.

Shen Yu has re-aligned the shooting moon to the fire unicorn: "I thought it was a fire World of Warcraft, so it is best to use ice to restrain it. Now it seems that we are wrong, long-range attack is the best means to deal with it. Heavenly Devil, not dead The bird is responsible for dragging it, and you are immune to the fire, responsible for the disaster, and finally have time to make a meat shield. Others all retreat and use long-range attacks."

With his words, the three avatars have also put down the touch of the vampire, and once again raised the moon, but the heart of the sinking is sighing, hoping that the silencer array can at least support the moment of death of the fire unicorn.

Ye Jiguang even set up a long arrow and smiled and said: "I like this idea."

Suen stupid: "What do I do?"

He is a violent warrior with almost no melee skills.

"Of course, it’s cool to go." Hong Lang smiled.

Suen glared at Honglang: "You **** is also a violent warrior!"

This time, his voice was consciously but I can at least hit it. "Hong Wave proudly bowed his head and took out the Quake from the coat of arms."

With a throw, the warhammer that lingers on the endless thunder and lightning has been fierce.


Ps: midnight codewords, so early, ready to sleep until noon, in theory, should not affect the afternoon. It is said that the recent work and rest is becoming more and more unstable. Whenever the brain is active, it is sleepy and can't sleep.

I still remember that when I was practicing the pen, I coded the word for one night, and I was so sleepy that I couldn’t open my eyes, but lying in bed, I didn’t fall asleep for three hours. The rapid operation of the inertia of the brain is to refuse to rest... an unimaginable taste.

Of course, it will not be so embarrassing now, and the body will look down.


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