Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 1: Death cloud

Back in the city, Shen Wei saw Wei Chibai and they were waiting in the distance. m (Baidu search, Rainbow Literature Network)

In the side of the Wasteland Warrior, there are still a few unfamiliar adventurers who are whispering something with Wei Chibai.

Wei Chibai is dignified.

Seeing the sinking out, Wei Chibai’s face was obviously relieved. He didn’t come over and talk to Shen Yan. He just made a mouth-to-mouth look at Shen Yan. He saw that it was asking him what the situation was like. He smiled and nodded his reply. Wei Chibai made a gesture and made a thumbs up gesture to him. Then he made a mouth shape and saw that it was seen at night.

Shen Yu knows that he is only afraid of getting the news of the death match at this moment. He is shocked and innocent to talk to him.

When he left, Shen Yu noticed that those who had been waiting for Weibai, even turned away from themselves, while half-turning, slightly squatting.

That is the unique etiquette of the adventurer facing the strong.

Sinking slightly, after all, he nodded and left.

Out of the return zone, Shen Yu put Zhao Linger out.

This is the first time that Zhao Linger saw the "Xianjie". Looking at the towering buildings in the distance, and the pedestrians coming and going, Zhao Linger couldn’t help but widen his eyes: "Here is the fairyland?"

"This is a **** city, a world where adventurers live. You can learn more about it."

"What about our world?"

"Already saved." Shen Yu answered. He did not say how dangerous it was to keep the world, not to mention that for a moment, the world of the sword has entered the edge of destruction - he is indeed not bluffing in the air, no courage to die, no commitment and Emotional pragmatism, he also did not go this step.

Of course, all of this, Zhao Linger does not need to know.

Hearing the insulting statement, Zhao Linger was overjoyed and could not help but succumb to Shen Yuhuai.

Because it is the moment of return, it is the adventurers who concentrate on the time. The appearance of this costume glamour attracts a lot of onlookers.

The adventurer's wait and see, some **** people even whistled a whistling whistle.

Some people are trying to say something sloppy, but they suddenly heard a sigh of silence. After seeing the face of depression, many people changed their faces at the same time and became silent.

Some people even recognized this costume beauty, whispered exclaimed: "Zhao Linger, that is Zhao Linger! Really devil, the Broken Blade team brought Zhao Linger out."

"This is good, a Megatron, a Zhao Linger, just a summoning character, the Broken Blade team can sweep."

"What about that? Not let the Inferno sect get the bridge."

"The days behind are going to be lively. You don't go to the wilderness during this time, lest you do a slaying ghost."

There are many words.

Gentle and chuckle: "It’s really fast, it seems that the infernal sect has done a lot of work in building momentum."

King Kong snorted: "They are rushing to the ducks."

Shen Yu is a light interface: "This shows that they have enough confidence. It seems that after the transformation, the number of people that can be transmitted by the bridge can only be more than we expected, and even the generals will appear."

Hong Lang shook his head: "It’s not that you have killed the general."

Zhou Yiyu hit him with his shoulder: "At least the general who had not killed the team, and that time, the generals also have the fortress giants to win, the mission world can not bring the fortress, everything is still good."

They said a word to me, discussing **** people. It is already a habit, but ignores the feelings of Zhao Linger.

This is the first time Zhao Linger has entered the heavens. Although she knows that the heavens are cruel, she did not expect that the murder is everywhere. Even if she walks and talks casually, she discusses how to defeat the enemy and kill the enemy.

Bloody and killing has become a commonplace here, and I feel free to mention that no one has a feeling of uncomfortableness, but her little face has become pale.

She is not afraid of fighting, but does not mean that she only knows how to think about **** the enemy and save her life in a daily life.

No one will like it.

Shen Yu saw Zhao Linger's discomfort, so he said to everyone: "Go back first, I will go with the spirit, help her get familiar with it, and let the housekeeper prepare a room for her."

Because of this task, everyone did not harvest much points, so there is no need to go to the market, everyone will go back directly.

I have lived in the ancient world for three months, and I can't even wash a hot bath. Everyone wants to go back to their well-being and enjoy life.

Shen Yan took Zhao Linger's arm and took her around the city.

This time, he no longer has any concealment, telling Zhao Linger about everything about the **** city, including his own origins.

This is a huge story, and it is also a complicated story. Although it is a matter of choice, it still tells a long time, when it comes to the twilight, the night falls. Shen Yan will go to a bar with Zhao Linger.

In the world of sings and sings, Zhao Linger sat in front of a small bar, leaning against the indulging arms, listening to the story of his past.

"So, I am not a real life, but from the imagination of human beings, and the energy of this space is created according to imagination? My life is only really started after you arrive?" Zhao Linger The voice was calm and there was no trace of mood swings, but Shen Yan could feel the slight trembling hidden in the calm.

He stroked Zhao Linger's long hair and said in a gentle tone: "The test-tube baby is also a human being, and the energy creation is also a human! It is never important to come to the world in what way. What is important is how he survives. You Have your own body, have your own soul, have your own thoughts, you will cry, you will hurt, you will run, you will jump, you will be sad, you will be happy, you will be angry, then you are a living person."

"But I exist because of you. I can't survive without you."

“Children also exist because of their parents. It makes no difference.”

"Can a child grow up at least one day, me?"

The silence is silent.

Some things can be solved without comfort.

Fortunately, Zhao Linger laughed out loud.

She buried her head in her arms and said with a slightly spoiled voice: "Without comforting me, Linger never thought about leaving you. Anyway, Linger is a man of your life. You are born because of you, die because of you." ...this is very good."

This is very good!

A few words are simple, but they say that they are indulging in a wave of heart.

After Zhao Linger was familiar with the **** city, Shen Yan took Zhao Linger back to the villa.

Zhao Linger is like a girl who has crossed from ancient times to a modern city. She feels very rare about everything here.

When I saw the hot water flowing out of a single iron pipe, Zhao Linger’s surprise was boiling to the top.

Shen Yan looked at Zhao Linger's stunning face when he was shocked, and his face finally showed a smile.

Although the **** city is cruel and cold-blooded, if you only look at it from the enjoyment, the **** city is indeed a fairyland, and its luxury is far beyond Zhao Linger's imagination and cognition. It is like the peasants can't imagine the life of the emperor. They always think that the emperor must use the golden shackles. The real luxury cannot be understood at all.

Zhao Linger is so **** in the city, so much so that she has been completely shaken by the lifestyle of the world.

Shen Yu started from this aspect, and finally changed Zhao Linger's impression of a **** city.

This is a must work. Zhao Linger is not Megatron. If she resists the world and cannot maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, her development will be invisible, and even the relationship with Shen will gradually change.

He said: " Take a shower, I have let the machine butler prepare clothes for you, I will do something, you can find a housekeeper if you have any problems, don't worry, it is not a person, don't be afraid to peek at you. ”

"That must not be produced by Mohist." Zhao Linger suddenly said a whisper, produced these two words, or she was studying at the bar.

Shen Hao slightly stunned, and then he laughed and left.

When I came to the trading platform, Shen Yan saw that only gentleness was waiting for him.

Gentle said: "Everyone else went to bed, how about Zhao Linger?"

"I am taking a shower. I took her to fully understand the city and hope that this will change some of her inherent views."

"Don't go voyeuristic?"

"Don't look at me so low, I and Linger are innocent."

"You can be innocent one day sooner or later, right?"

"..." Shen Yan feels that it is better to change the topic immediately: "How is the handling of things?"

This is the mission of the Xianjian, the harvest of the Broken Blade team is mainly based on quality, and the quantity is not a lot. Gentle, they dealt with the things they could handle after they came back. Most of them didn’t want to, they only sold the store, and only sold 30,000 points. As for the reward points earned, Zhou Yiyu was also deducted half of the 54,000 points. Others were only able to pass the test, and added 60,000 to Weibo, which was only 380,000.

This is really a pity for a team of four-difficult adventurers.

Fortunately, their wilderness has been very profitable, and some foundations have been left, but there is basically nothing left to remove the anti-smudge items and consumables.

In other words, when they come back, they have almost no qualifications.

This is unimaginable for the Broken Blade team.

Despite the current strength of Shen Yu, because of the devil, the mirror avatar, the omnipresent and the relationship of Zhao Linger has become extremely horrible, compared with the five-difficult generals are not inferior, but others have not yet reached the level of the difficulty level, at best, This difficulty is "comparable", and it is a bit worse than "the most powerful".

The next task will be a top-level elite battle with the highest mortality rate. If the strength of the teammates is not enough, it is undoubtedly quite dangerous.

"There are all going to the wilderness." Shen Yu didn't care. The sinister wilderness is now in their eyes, and it has already become its own back garden. If there is no money, go there and make a turn. If you are lucky, get a holiday order, and play for a month and a half, even if you don’t have the oldest figure to expel the beasts, it’s so cool, one million is still no problem.

"This time I am afraid that it is not so lucky." Gentle replied: "Wei Kaibai just looked for you, just because you are not there. He told me that the death race is likely to start in a few days, we will not have enough time. Go hunting."

"What are you talking about?"

"The pace of the Inferno sect is very urgent. They know that we have a fortress giant in the wilderness, and even protested to the Supreme Council. We believe that the strong strength brought by the combination of the fortress giant and the evil spirit knight ruined the principle of balance of power. Fortunately, the parliament rejected the protest. They think that it is perfectly acceptable to invest in Fortune Giant and the evil spirits for four minutes. So the Inferno sect decided to launch the death race ahead of time, so that we can hardly benefit from the wilderness. So the death match will be the latest. After about half a month, they started to get very good. If we enter the wilderness, we will waste the opportunity because of lack of time. If we don’t enter, we will lose the opportunity to grow our strength. Because the world of Xianjian is recognized The world of points is lacking, so that they will understand our strengths more clearly, and we can't have any new cards to deal with them. Finally they sent people to the island to start with our fortress."

“Getting started with the fortress? How is this possible?”

Indulging in the steel fortress left a large number of terminators, relying on the defense capabilities of the steel fortress, keeping the day is no problem. If the adventurer wants to attack the fortress, it will inevitably pay a huge price, and the equal-cutting team will come out of the mission world and still have time to return. If you run into a strong hand that can't be matched, Shen has a trick.

It is the energy transmission array.

Shen Wei put the transmission array in the secret valley. Once there is a problem with the fortress, he will report to the secret valley. The current top-level TX terminator who stays there will start the transmission array to ensure the fortress is safe.

Shen Wei has not received any warnings in this regard.

Gentle and bitter smile: "They are not offensive fortresses, but to strengthen the fortress."

"Strengthen the fortress?"

"Yes!" The smile on the gentle face became more and more intense: "They know that it is difficult to take down the fortress, so they simply used one of the easiest ways to solve the problem... They used the golden dragon heart blood for the fortress."

"Three gold dragons?"


"what's the effect?"

"The only effect is to create a royal atmosphere and let all low-level life feel fear."

Sinking first is a glimpse, then immediately understand: "Mom!"

The fortress giant is the reliance of the Broken Blade team to sweep the wilderness.

The battle with the old Kato, gave the Broken Blade an inspiration, using all kinds of methods to attract enough beasts to come, and then use the fortress giant to transform and destroy it in one fell swoop. The benefits of just four minutes may be comparable. Others killed a year in the wilderness.

Therefore, for the Broken Blade team, killing the target is not a problem. How to attract a large number of beasts like Laojiatu is a problem. For this reason, they have also developed a number of plans, waiting for the next time to enter the wilderness.

However, the blood of the three golden dragons completely destroyed all of this.

The fortress giant, who was sprinkled with three golden dragon blood, the imperial majesty has scared away most of the middle and low-level beasts. Occasionally, some high-ranking beasts may not be afraid to escape, but they will also be vigilant, making killing no longer easy.

This is like putting a mine on the trap so that no one can easily step on it.

A simple but effective approach saves time and effort and costs more than directly destroying the fortress giant.

Of course, the fortress giant can still be used, can actively kill, but the benefits of four minutes can not be worth mentioning.

Shen Hao did not expect that the other party would use this hand, directly extinguishing their heart sweeping the wilderness, and harvesting millions of proceeds in the same way as last time, it is basically impossible to reproduce.

"Can you remove that thing?"

"It's very troublesome. Because it is reinforcement rather than attack, the automatic defense system only maintains the lowest level of firepower, so that they have enough time to use the blood throughout the fortress. The Terminator is even less aware of the transfer. To remove the smell of the blood. It's not impossible, but it may take a long time. If we have that effort, we are all in five difficulty."

Sinking and taking a breath.

To fill such a large area of ​​the fortress, you need only one golden dragon, plus a lot of other deterrent medicines, and the cost is not too small.

In order to deal with the broken blade team, the Inferno sect is also willing to pay the cost.

He looked gloomy: "What did Wei Chibai say?"

"The Inferno sect has mobilized hundreds of adventurers and intends to sweep the wilderness. If the three organizations do not accept the death race, then the entire Inferno sect will launch a full-scale war. The Supreme Council has already given the last three organizations. All night, either immediately stop the war or accept the death race. The imperial sect's armistice requirement is to hand over all the adventurers who have been working on the members of the Inferno sect in the past month. At the same time, the heads of the three organizations must apologize to the purgatory sect and see the purgatory from here. The members walked around... you know that they can't promise these conditions. Wei Chibai said that the death race has become a matter of nailing, and he is likely to participate, he hopes that you can join the **** army and represent the North District. Say, if you are willing to participate in the war, then even if the Inferno sect has a flyover may not necessarily win. The **** legion also has its own card, and with you, their winning face is even greater."

Shen Weiwei suddenly said: "He really can see me."

"It's not just him who can see you." Gentle and said: "There are several other people who have come to see you. Guess who?"

"Sun Ying and Galileo?"

Gentle smile: "They are two of them. In addition, there are Tu Qianqian and Lonely. Together with Sun Ying, they are all invited to join you on behalf of Dragon League. They are also similar to Wei Chibai. It really has no enthusiasm. It won't be like this."

"So, is the Wasteland Warrior already dispersed?" Shen Yan sighed.

Once the comrades-in-arms, they have become their own battles in the blink of an eye. Shen Qi does not know that in this competition, he will also see how many people in the wilderness warriors. What if Tu Qianqian confronted Galileo?

In the meantime, he felt an unprecedented **** killing, was blowing in the face, drowning him...


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