Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 2: Dusty sword


(Please keep in mind) (please remember) When you gently say that the other three organizations have a vow to win, Shen Yu knows that this deathmatch is doomed to have no possibility of avoidance. M

There is no war between the strong and the weak.

If the three organizations really ask themselves if they can't stop the oppression brought by the bridge, then maybe they will give in. But because they have cards, confidence, and wild vision, they also want to fight.

The three-month wilderness monopoly period is a rich fat for every big organization. That is also the foundation of the organization's strength and strength. Otherwise, the adventurers can donate a few dollars by themselves.

Greed, ambition, fear of strong enemies, and brave progress are the qualities that every adventurer should have.

In the eyes of others, it may be a meaningless war. In the eyes of adventurers, it is a rich feast of killing.

Those elite adventurers have long been accustomed to blood, used to killing, and used to death.

They even desire, pursue and love to kill, not to exchange blood and life for powerful!

In this context, an elite hunting competition that encompasses the entire city is just enough to satisfy the **** mentality of the adventurers.

Perhaps the Supreme Council has this consideration.

Woke up from the chaotic thoughts, Shen Yu noticed that gentleness is still waiting for him.

He fixed God's gentleness: "What benefits do they give?"

Since it is necessary to pull people to help the war, it is natural to open the bid code, and Shen Yu does not mind listening to the conditions first.

"The Blood Corps promises that if the Broken Blade team is willing to join them, you will be the deputy commander. As long as you participate, each person will pay 50,000 blood points. If you win, you will pay 100,000 points. But the Broken Blade team except you. Everyone else must also take some extra tests to see if they are eligible to participate."

"I thought it was the chief commander."

"The Blood Corps also has its own talent."

"It is talents who can participate in the death race."

Gentle no interface, continue: "The Vientiane Palace promises that each person's s-level equipment or props, paid before the war, are special classes, lower than the price of the **** army, but they also promised if the Vientiane Palace If you win, then the Broken Blade team will be able to pass through all the wilderness areas under the control of the Vientiane Palace. It is a base salary plus a share. But they also ask to test the strength of all the Broken Blade members except you."

"Dragon League hopes that the Broken Blade team will officially join Longmeng. You will be the master of a branch and directly control a wilderness monopoly zone. During the wilderness monopoly period, you don't need to pay Longmeng."

The exclusive area of ​​the wilderness is generally managed by a special person. If there are outsiders who want to enter their area to hunt, it is not impossible, just pay 30% of the proceeds to them. This part of the profit will be collected by the protector and given out to the organization, which is also an important part of the organization's income.

Of course, if the money is collected, it does not mean that the major organizations will send people to protect you. The wilderness is a dangerous area. The so-called monopoly is only a matter between adventurers. The beasts will not recognize who is the boss here. Even so, because of the special nature of some resources, there will still be adventurers who enter the area to get the target income and turn in profits.

In this draw, the Bloody Legion is the most refreshing, paying 50,000 before the war and paying 100,000 for the victory.

The Dragon League is the least mad.

On the surface, they gave the Broken Blades an exclusive area, but in fact what the exclusive area looked like, they did not say. And the Broken Blade team is not just taking money to do things, they are also responsible for the responsibility of the guards. Longmeng pays for future earnings, regardless of success or failure, it is the least paid.

The reason why this is so, gentle explanation: "They said that everyone is Chinese, and they are all a district, helping Dragon League to win, it is the responsibility of every Eastern District."

"The ridiculous!" Sinked: "Dragon League does not represent the East!"

"But they thought they were representative!"

This is human nature.

In the view of Longmeng, since Shen Yu is a member of the Eastern District, he should naturally help the Eastern District. In this case, it is not necessary to sink in at a high price.

This is a natural self-interested attitude. I always look at the problem with the eyes of "you and I are all of you, you don't help me who helps me", but never thought "I should help the other side" .

This is not necessarily a clear understanding, but it is an inevitable subconscious mind that affects everyone's thinking and decision invisibly.

Longmeng can't avoid it either because they think that Shenshuo is a member of the Eastern District. Naturally, they should help the Eastern District, and instinctively put the reward to a minimum.

"But they also have the advantage that all the adventurers of Dragon League can be commanded by you. In contrast, the Bloodstains and the Vientiane Palace put you in the position of the staff."

"I am not rare." Shen Yan said faintly: "Even if I am a soldier, I can let the whole army listen to me."

This is simple, but it is extremely domineering.

Shen Hao has already put a cigarette for himself: "Tomorrow they will find it again, tell them that the Broken Blade team has their own ideas and does not intend to accept the official invitation of either party. We will participate in the death contest, but we will The identity of the free person enters. The specific selection area must be determined according to the specific content of the mission world."

Although the death race is provoked by the four major organizations, it will not be attended by only the four organizations. There are always some people outside the organization who will come together to make a fun, the so-called free. However, the free agent said that it is free. After all, there are still camp restrictions. If you don't want to fail, you will stand with one of the camps.

Therefore, even if it is a free person, the three organizations are welcome, and in turn, it can save an expense.

"That's good, we can move freely, but we can't get their financial aid." Gentle and gentle, the road to the infernal sects blocking their wealth is still stunned.

Breaking people's money is like killing parents. The purgatory sect seems to be a simple trick, but in the invisible, the broken blade team loses millions, how can we let the gentleness not gnash.

"I still have to go to the wilderness. I will make a plan and a road map tonight."

Even if time is not enough, Shen Yu decided to go to the wilderness.

Although his Guardian status makes him free to enter and exit between the city and the wilderness, it does not mean that he is not limited by the total number of wilderness entries, except that the limit is changed from the interval to the time interval, twice. Entering the wilderness in the mission world counts as one.

"Don't be too hard, don't rush for a while."

"Now it is only a matter of time." Shen Yan sighed.

Gentle smile, turn off the call, go to bed and go to sleep.

Shen Yu is caught in a long thought.

In order to quickly gain a lot of **** points in a few days, the only solution is the world of Xianjian and the wilderness. However, there is a limit on the total amount of income in the world of Xianjian. There is a time limit in the wilderness. Shenyin must make a reasonable arrangement to maximize the benefits in a short period of time.

For the wilderness, since it is impossible to pursue quantity, the best way is to pursue quality.

The strength of the fortress giant is unquestionable, and it is difficult to swipe the five difficulties.

As for the world of Xianjian, according to Lan Yan, the Supreme Council will evaluate the value of the Broken Blade team. In this case, Shen Yu must try to find those gains with lower value evaluation and higher practical value.

The best way to do this is to make a fuss about the existing benefits.

For example, the Lin family's seven swords, if there is Lin Tiannan's guidance, should be able to quickly advance, and like this ability to be promoted, the evaluation value will be greatly reduced, but the improvement of combat power is immediate.

Sinking and calculating, while recording the key points,

While thinking about how to make money, I still have to think about how to spend money.

This death race, in the face of countless strong hands, a variety of life-saving ability is extremely important. It is not enough to rely solely on the support of the team. And the Inferno sect already knows how many team assembly orders they have, and most of them will have targeted measures.

So the top priority is to add a new escape weight to the team.

In addition, King Kong and gentle bloodlines also need to be upgraded. This is the only ability that can be upgraded at a small price, but it also means that the sacrifice factor and blood angel factor must be taken into account when making the action road map.

In the end, the vampire is struck by it, and Shen Shen is also considering whether to repair it, or simply replace the vampire with a dust-free sword.

But to be honest, Shen Yan is very disappointed with the feeling of the dust-free sword.

From the perspective of attribute ability, the dust-free sword is only slightly higher than the ruling blade, but it is obviously different in terms of ability.

If its defensive attack is equivalent to increasing the user's dodge, then the ignorance distance and guidance of the ruling blade is equivalent to increasing the user's hit. In contrast, considering the advantage of the ruling blade capable of long-range attack, I am afraid that it is slightly stronger than the dust-free sword.

As for the skills, the brilliant arbitration of the ruling blade and the power of the dark arbitration are equally inferior to the summoning of the disciples of the Shaoshan disciple. Then why is the dust-free sword listed as one of the top ten artifacts?

This makes Shen Yu somewhat confused.

Although the top ten artifacts are only the evaluations made by the good deeds, they are far from being the basis for evaluating the value of artifacts. However, it is believed that the adventurers will not be rated as the top ten artifacts because of the boring weapon that is not as good as ordinary artifacts.

In the mission world, due to the change of attributes, Shen Yu could not use the ability to summon Lushan disciples at the time. At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was necessary to give a try.

If there is any unexpected change in the dust-free sword, it is the skill of summoning the disciple of Lushan.

Thinking of this, Shen Yan took out the dust-free sword and called out a disciple of Lushan. The disciple of Lushan was wearing a blue belt. When he was called out, he stood up automatically, and he also crossed a sword at his waist and automatically waited for the command of indulging. .

Sinking looked at his attributes.

Lushan disciple:

Strength 67, physique 67, agility 55, spirit 80, will 55.

Practice exercises 1 Royal swordsmanship 2 days swordsmanship 3 fairy wind bodyguards 4 蜀山十二星宿剑阵.

Has a weapon 1 flying sand sword (double c), attack power 96. The weapon cannot be traded.

Yu Jianshu: The remote-controlled flying sword attacks the target, and can be used to display most of the Shushan swordsmanship.

Tianjian: Putting the infuriating into the sword body, attacking the main target causes 2.4 times damage, and the sword gas attack causes 1.2 times damage to the whole target, and the range is ten meters. Can be used by Yu Jian.

Xianfeng Bodyguard: Uses to increase the movement speed by 50%, and at the same time form a true gas to protect itself. Infuriating can damage 30% of the damage and consume infuriating with the attack.

4蜀山十二星宿剑阵: When there are other disciples who are also proficient in the Shushan sword array, each additional disciple can get a full attribute bonus of 10%, but no more than twelve disciples, the highest The rate is 120%.

Until I saw the last Lushan sword array, Shen Yu finally sat up.

Sure enough, the true strength of the dust-free sword is still calling for a disciple of Lushan.

Although the strength of a single Lushan disciple seems to be very low, he can only inherit the basic attributes of Shen Duo and half. Even the strength and physical fitness of the Shenglong bloodline can not be inherited, but the full attribute of 120% is added. Give them a great space for development.

Based on the strength of seventy, the enrichment of 120% is 154 points of power. Twelve of the disciples with such attributes, even if they have no ability, they are also 12 powerful warriors. Their strength is enough to withstand two or three ordinary people. Four difficulty adventurers.

However, due to this, this ability is also limited to one sum every ten minutes, and the maximum existence time of the Shaoshan disciple is only two hours. Therefore, in theory, the time of the existence of the twelve Shaoshan disciples is only ten minutes.

If you want to continue to maintain the twelve disciples of Lushan in the back, you must summon every 10 minutes and you cannot die in the middle.

It can be said that this is a weapon that is getting stronger and stronger. It is the king of the typical battle. But a battle will take more than two hours. Unless it is the existence of the devil, it is almost for the adventurer. impossible.

In this respect, the dust-free sword is more like a pve weapon than a pvp weapon.

But think about it and not right, Shen Yu clearly remembers that in the original statement about the dust-free sword, I have not heard that it is not good for the adventurer.

Will there be any hidden features of the dust-free sword that are not shown?

Many of the abilities of a **** city have always been approximated. The specific functions and limitations also require adventurers to explore on their own.

At this moment, Shen Yu holding a dust-free sword into a long thought.

Suddenly he thought of his own mirror.

Like the weapon of this level, the mirror avatar could not be copied. This is the conclusion that Shen Yan had experimented with after the mirror avatar upgrade. Otherwise, he took the ruling blade and used it.

At this moment, his heart was fretting, the mirror was split and launched, and the three sinking appeared at the same time. I saw the dust-free sword that was held in the hand and was silver and snow.

"It's done!" Shen Shen excitedly called.

The dust-free sword can be copied by the body. At that moment, Shen Shen finally understands what the hidden characteristics of the dust-free sword are.

Break out!

The use of the dust-free sword is the lowest of all artifacts, and this is its greatest value.

If this is the case, even Zhou Yiyu’s second strike may be effective for it.

"Summon!" The next moment Shen has already issued a command to the avatar.

The avatar can use the weapon to bring its own skills. As the three-part body simultaneously launches the summoning ability of the dust-free sword, three young disciples of Lushan appear at the same time.

At the same time, however, Shen Yan also heard the **** coat of arms reminder: "You use the avatar to carry out the dust-free sword call, the summoning quota used by the avatar will occupy the summoning position of the body."

It turned out to be the case.

Shen Yu understands that the dust-free sword is not an unconditional breakthrough limit.

The mirrored avatar can indeed use the duplicated dustless sword to call out the disciples of Lushan, but the quota still belongs to the body, so the total number of summons is still only twelve.

However, for Shen Wei, this is enough, because it means that all the disciples of the Dust Sword 12 appear in only half an hour, and at the same time use the summoning skills, but it does not consume his own mental power. What's more, the dust-free sword has a powerful attacking power, and the attacking special effects are also very good. It is used by the three-way body, which greatly increases the melee strength of the split.

After discovering the true use of the dust-free sword, Shen Qiang exhaled a long breath, and the cloud that was suppressed by his heart dissipated a lot.

Just then, a crisp voice sounded: "Sinking brother."

Shen Gan looked back and saw Zhao Linger standing at the door, and some looked at the four sinking in disbelief. I don't know which one is the real one.

At this time, Zhao Linger, just out of the bath, is wearing a pink tulle pajamas, a large white skin on the chest, the moving curve hidden under the clothes, her small face still shows a large blush when the steam is transpiration, see It’s charming and charming.

This beautiful and beautiful costume glamour, after being replaced with the modern man's attire, shows a different style of the past, which is both classical and pure, and more charming and sexy.

It's hard to imagine that this feeling of **** will appear on the pure girl like Zhao Linger, but it is engraved in that pink.

Perhaps it is the first time to wear such clothes, Zhao Linger is not very used to it, the body is still somewhat tweaked, but I do not know this is more tempting.

Sinking is more and more idiotic.

Zhao Linger’s little face became more red and full of cheeks, and he called again: “Sinking brother.”

Sinking, this is sober, and screamed, scattered away, leaving the body.

He walked to Zhao Linger and gently grabbed her waist.

Looking at the moving face of Zhao Linger, he felt that all the troubles were missing.

The words that have been said before the gentleness in the mind. One day, one day, they will not be innocent.

Since something happens sooner or later, it is better to come early.

He bowed his head and kissed Zhao Linger's soft red lips.

Zhao Linger’s sudden attack, suddenly flustered.

Shen Yu has seized her and will not give her the opportunity to escape.

He said softly: "This dress is not correct. You take it off, I teach you how to wear it...


Ps: The above mistakes, a winning word has become a loser, it should be the Inferno sect win, three compensation.

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