Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 18: Preparation (on)

"Artifact, unnamed. m"

"Attack 216218."

"There is a special blood-sucking effect: the attack target causes 10% blood-sucking effect."

"Own a skill 1 blood-sucking attack: the attack target causes 75% blood-sucking effect, lasts for three minutes, cools for ten minutes, and consumes 5 mental strengths."

"Having skill 2 summons Lushan disciple: slightly."

Sinking looked awkward.

The attack power of this weapon has actually broken 200 points. It can be said that it is the weapon with the highest attack that has been seen in the past. With such an attack and the blood-sucking effect, the effect can be imagined.

"How, are you satisfied?" asked the blue bird.

Shen Hao set his mind and nodded and answered: "Very satisfied, thank you to the Jade Bird!"

Shen Yu went deep into the blue bird.

The blue bird replied indifferently: "Give it a name."

Indulging in the long sword, I saw that the sword itself was silver, but the blood was lingering, as if drinking blood. In the heart fretting, he said: "I used to touch the vampire, but I still have some feelings about this weapon. But since the weapon has changed, it is not suitable to call this name, and it is also cumbersome. I see the sword. The blood line is lingering, and it is the sword of blood-sucking. I want to name it **** drink. Unfortunately, the name of blood drink already exists. For example, it is called the scarlet blade."

"Scarlet Blade..." The Bluebird chewed the name a little and smiled and nodded. "I can."

He said that he was facing the weapon in his hands, and the weapon in his hand had already appeared the word Scarlet Blade. At the same time, the system also automatically incorporated this new weapon into the system, but this time did not give him any reward.

Shen Yan put the scarlet blade away, facing the blue bird: "Nothing, I will go back first."

"How? If you are so anxious, you want to leave?" The blue bird said faintly: "You don't want to know in advance what the death race will be in the world? I know that you are the guardian of the gods, but if you can know earlier than others Some, I have to prepare more will be more?"

Sinking: "Is the result not yet out?"

"The result is not yet out, but it does not mean that you can't make some small predictions." The Jade Bird said meaningfully.

"How to predict?"

The Jade Bird first looked at Shen Yan with a deep look, and then slowly slowed down: "The death race was not set up for the adventurers to fight, but to force the adventurers to fight hard. The purpose is mainly to use To pack up some of the spoilers or sluts. To persecute the adventurers, you need a world with a relatively strong background..."

Sinking is somewhat clear.

The task world of the **** city is not set casually. It is usually based on the plot itself to distinguish the force and design the difficulty level, and will not change the difficulty value of a certain world, and then upgrade to the difficult area.

This is mainly because the capacity system of the **** city was originally exhibited according to the mission world.

If you make any adjustments, then Count Dracula, who continues to be the boss when he runs to the fourth difficulty, how does this pedigree count?

Vampire King blood? If you want to do this, just pick up any garbage stuff, even if only the ants can become god-level blood, it is too much nonsense.

Only the mission world, such as Diablo, which has difficulty partitioning itself, can be used for all kinds of difficulty. Under normal circumstances, each mission world has its own position. Although the strength can be up and down, it will not be too obvious. More is to adjust the difficulty through the task mode.

When the power gap reaches a certain level, even the mission mode can not be adjusted, and the difficulty area is the only choice.

Therefore, it is not too much for the world of tasks that are suitable for the four difficulties. The **** city has gathered all kinds of movies, games, famous, unfamous, and even garbage on the earth. In fact, it is just a few dozens. Generally, it can go back and forth in two months.

In these mission worlds, there is even less that can really meet the needs of the deathmatch.

Such as the Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous, although there are many devils inside, the strength is strong. However, if there are tens of thousands of elite adventurers in the four districts, the more than a few worshippers and the prisoner of the Ming Dynasty are also killed.

The death match is destined to be a large-scale task with a large number of elites, and to force such a large number of powerful adventurers, such as Warcraft, the mission world is not qualified, so that Sargeras himself with the Burning Legion Only then.

The Blue Bird is undoubtedly telling Shen Yu that if the death race is to be unfolded, it will definitely choose a mission world with a strong background that cannot be overturned even if all the adventurers unite.

But even so, there are still many mission worlds to choose from.

Therefore, the blue bird said leisurely: "This death match, the home world will be personally appointed by the Supreme Council. We know that judging a person's behavior, in addition to analyzing his traditional habits, but also taking into account his purpose, the latter sometimes even more For the former. So it is good to try to figure out what it is, for the middle and lower classes, it has always been a very important promotion standard. So what kind of world the Supreme Council will choose depends on how much you know about them..."

The sullen eyes have already picked up: "The Jade Bird means..."

"I can't tell you what kind of world the Supreme Council will choose, but I guess at least one direction will not change." The Bluebird said that an item had been produced in his hand.

Eternal heart!

The sullen eyes shrank abruptly, and he already realized it in his heart.

He glanced at the blue bird in the end: "More adults are pointing!"

"The killing of a few **** sects of the Inferno sect is the greatest gratitude to me." The Blue Bird did not hide his hatred of the Inferno sect. When the voice fell, the man disappeared.

Shen Yan turned and walked outside the hall.

Just out of the temple, Shen has taken out the computer: "Zeus, to call out the information of all mission worlds of the four difficulty."

A large amount of information appeared on the computer.

The eyes of the fast-moving patrol, the fingers do not listen to the swing, delete everything that he thinks is unlikely, until finally, when there are only a few worlds left on the computer, when I think about the words of the bluebird in my mind, my heart finally There are numbers.

He dialed the team channel and said: "Everyone notices that from today on, don't train in the training ground again."

“Don’t go to the training ground? Why?” Hong Lang was at a loss.

"Because the next mission is likely to be a future technological world, and it is likely to be a world of star wars. What we need to face is no longer a powerful demon, but a variety of high-tech weapons, a large number of ships, and A large number of soldiers." Shen Yu replied: "We must immediately launch a new adaptive reinforcement."

"How do you know?" asked tenderly.

Sinking said this before the Jade Bird told him: "... For the Supreme Council, the Zerg is the real confidant, and the Eternal Heart is the most powerful guarantee to eliminate the Zerg. The Supreme Council is likely to I hope to take this opportunity to bring out enough eternal heart from the mission world. The place where the eternal heart produces the most is the future technology world. In addition, the five difficulty itself is the interstellar war, and the interstellar battlefield appears in the four difficulties. In the warm-up preparation for the five difficulty, in this respect, it is indeed necessary for the Supreme Council to set such a background, which is in line with the strong background, the production of the eternal heart and the basic elements of the five difficulties."

King Kong muttered: "If this is the case, then the scenes that may appear in the death match are not difficult to guess, such as..."

"Star Wars!" Gentle has said: "That is the real space age, there are a lot of alien life, level planet creatures, outer space warships, Jedi Knights, Black Warriors, Sith Warriors, armored beasts and massive clone soldiers , machine soldiers. You can find high-tech groups from this background, you can also see powerful individuals, that is, there are individual heroes and large-scale battles, technology and fantasy coexist, heroes and teams are together... no more than this More suitable as a background mission world."

"Wow!" Zhou Yiyu whistled: "Sounds good, I like it."

"So we have to make targeted arrangements. King Kong, as soon as possible to deal with the goods in the hand, this time the remaining **** points we are no longer used to strengthen skills, all used to acquire the eternal heart... After this war, the eternal I am afraid that I have to raise the price." Shen Yan sighed. The price of the eternal heart at this time is not expensive. After all, the adventurer mainly strengthens himself, and not many people realize its value. However, after the death match, many things may change.

"Understand." King Kong promised.

"Tender, ready to open the home world, this time we have to learn to fight in space, a series of adaptive training including vacuum survival training, space warfare, spacecraft and fighter driving operations. Fortunately, we already have a spaceship. At least the training ground is no longer a problem."

"The driving operation of the spacecraft?" Hong Lang screamed: "Do I have to learn?"

“Everyone has to learn.” Shen Yu replied: “At least you have to learn to drive a fighter. There is no fighter. You can’t connect to the enemy, and powerful force is useless.”

"But I won't." Hong Lang bitterly said that it would be too difficult for him to learn to fly a spaceship in a few days.

Gentle has interfaced: "You can pay points to let the system instill data and memory."

King Kong immediately said: "Memory infusion can only provide knowledge, but the specific application depends on oneself. I suspect that even the brain of the wave ball can learn all the knowledge of driving a warship, and it can play a big role."

"At least when I let him press the ion gun He won't press the self-destructive button." Zhou Yiyu laughed.

"Shut up, you bastard!" Hong Lang screamed.

King Kong is right, even if the system can memorize and instill, it only gives basic knowledge. The specific application still depends on the individual to master. With the essence of Honglang, if you want to be flexible driving fighters, it is basically impossible.

Shen Yu has already replied: "It doesn't matter, as long as he can learn to drive a warplane, it's a big deal to use the warplane as a transport aircraft. As long as he can fly to the enemy's warship, it will not be meaningless."

"If I was shot down?" Hong Lang asked.

"Then you are floating in space." Shen Yu replied: "Don't worry, the adventurer can survive for a long time even in a vacuum environment. If a war is over and you are not hit by gunfire, then you are the biggest. The cause of death may be starvation."

"...I still try to adapt." Hong Lang answered helplessly.

For him, being hungry is more terrible than death.


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