Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 19: preparing)

In the following time, the Broken Blade team rushed to deal with the goods in their hands, and then plunged into the home world of the X-Men. M

Today's X-Men world, under the influence of Shen Hao's continuous introduction of high-tech, has gradually developed into a world where technology is far from the real world, and has a tendency to move into space.

This is also the intentional effect of Shen Yu – no company can make a leap-forward exhibition based on the background of the times, properly release some technologies, and enhance the scientific and technological strength of the whole world, so that they can also benefit from it. In this process, Newman needs to do is to maintain its technological leadership, rather than absolute monopoly.

Since the board does not need to return the benefits, there is only a steady stream of capital inflows, coupled with the full efforts of Serena, Sarah and David Paul, Newman United is flying fast and now has become a worldwide Influential level technology companies.

Hundreds of large, medium and small companies are relying on the technology provided by Newman to survive, and people's lives have also undergone tremendous changes. There are sci-fi products such as flying cars on the streets. The future of the technology world is now in its infancy.

In a short period of more than ten years, a company has created a behemoth that changes the world. The wonderful story is enough to write a modern urban online novel with a multi-million-word grandfather.

For the founders of the legend, the harvest season has finally arrived.

Newman United Company Nevada Space Base.

The light space cruiser "Pioneer" is preparing to take off.

Sinking down from the lookout window of the cruiser, you can see that tens of thousands of people are waiting for the Pioneer to blast, including thousands of media reporters from around the world - pioneers The launch of the number is not a secret, nor can it be a secret.

Fortunately, the United States is a country with capital and the world. The private space industry already exists in the real world. However, due to its lack of capital and technical strength, it is still unable to confront national institutions.

But here, the private industry is ahead of the national industry and is far behind other rivals.

As early as ten years ago, Newman had already launched the manned spaceship, which was not so much because the state agencies could do it.

However, in the following days, Newman's spacecraft launched more and more, the volume is getting bigger and bigger, the battery life is longer and longer, the survival time is longer and longer, the spacecraft environment is more and more comfortable, and the spacecraft itself is more and more Yue Yue urbanization functionalization and science fiction...

The Americans finally realized that the space age they fantasized was actually getting closer and closer to them, but it was not a country but a private company.

Congress has also feared this, and the world has been shaken. Some countries have even brainstormed and conspired to constrain Newman’s frenzied expansion through a bill or international agreement. The most famous is the Melbourne Peaceful Use of Space Act. Peaceful use of space, space resources belong to the justice of all human beings, forcing Newman to hand over all aerospace technical materials.

For this reason, Shen Yu had to arrange another drama that had been played in the Transformers world. In a friendly and friendly manner, he was unsolicited to appear in the home of each of the heavyweights of the anti-Newman company. And intimate private visits.

There are so many big people who oppose these, so that they often have to run hundreds of nights. Some of the diehards still run a few times until the other party confirms that even if they are transferred to their own door, they can’t stop it. After those who went without a trace, the sound of all the attempts to pick peaches from Newman automatically disappeared.

Of course, you can't bleed.

After that, Newman United bought a piece of land in the Nevada desert and officially established this space base, which also made their space business officially open.

Today, it is the first real time that Newman announced that the spacecraft that can carry people into space and explore the galaxy will come out.

Of course, they didn't say that it was a warship. They took all the turrets and made some camouflage properly, making it look more like a boat.

Therefore, when people outside are still excited about the launch of the first sci-fi class ship, they do not know that the sinking in the spacecraft is watching the firepower configuration of the spacecraft.

"HV6 fearless light cruiser, with a total length of 860 meters and a width of 122 meters, the main power unit: two ion motives. Standby power: four nuclear power motives. The conventional navigation is 3,000 kilometers and the maximum air is two light units. ”

"The armor value is 58,000 points, and the energy cover is 10,000 points."

“The total number of crew and logistics personnel is 1,500, including one hundred and twenty-eight engineers. There are 300 maintenance robots, 500 T850 Terminators, 300 T950 Terminators, and one Commander TX Terminator. The combat type TX Terminator is 10. It can be equipped with 60 space fighters, and now equipped with 40 fighters, including 15 SS116 light fighters (the remaining 20), Wildcat light fighters, 15 heavy lightning fighters. Five, medium-fired medium-to-ground bombers, five aviation combatants (airborne battalions), and one hundred assisted-driver terminators."

"Battleship Firepower System:"

"12 joint-mounted missile shooting devices."

"XX109 dense array of 16 seats."

"The ship's remote energy laser cannon has six doors."

"The ship's ion plus six guns."

“The ship’s various types of near-ground artillery are one hundred and sixty-four, and the Ranger’s robot is three hundred.”

The next step is all kinds of electronic equipment, as well as the ship's cabin layout, driving system, combat system, escape system and so on.

Unlike the general-world Starships, the Pioneer's number of near-field guns has a strong melee attack capability. This is almost incomprehensible behavior on the interstellar battlefield dominated by long-range strikes. But in the eyes of adventurers, this is a normal thing.

Whether it is an adversary enemy or a Zerg enemy, it is good at melee melee. It is a gunman like Shen Yu. It can only be regarded as a melee soldier on the interstellar battlefield where the waves are magnificent and the distance is thousands of miles.

Therefore, you don't have to expect the enemy to fight against you remotely. Even in the starry battlefield, the war with human beings as the basic combat unit, the close combat is still the mainstream. Of course, the close combat here is much larger in the sense of scope than the traditional distance.

For adventurers, this is a new battle mode. They have never experienced or trained before, so there is an urgent need to make a good lesson in this regard.

The spacecraft has begun to ignite, and the crowd below is cheering. A reporter is screaming at the camera with enthusiasm: "Now we are seeing that the Pioneer is taking off, it is flying! Look, this is history. The moment of sex, from today, the human footsteps officially set foot in the space field and penetrate into the infinite vast world of the Galaxy!"

Someone beside him whispered: "Humans should officially set foot in space from the beginning of the moon."

“No!” The reporter replied loudly: “The Pioneer will fly out of the earth and fly to the distant fairy galaxy, where it will find a planet suitable for human growth and create an interstellar colonial era that belongs to mankind! The month is just a stroll around the door!"

In order to highlight the weight of his report, the reporter did not hesitate to put the human moon on the moon.

Ok, anyway, at least from the distance, there are still some truths.

Of course, people don't know that the pioneers never intended to enter the Andromeda Galaxy. That is just a statement of perfunctory local people. The purpose is to declare that the spacecraft will not come back after it is launched, so that it is convenient to indulge them to take the spacecraft away.

After all, the fairy galaxies are too far away, as far as 2 million light-years away from the Earth, far from being the largest ship with only two percent light.

If the universe is a sea, then the current battleships are nothing but a small seesaw, and this is the limit of the real technology of the Quares people. It is said that the highest spacecraft they created has only reached 10%. Light. Every Star Trek is a long trip.

I don’t know how many miles the Quérez has been to find the “origin of the universe”, but it’s imaginable that these guys have lived for a long time.

To this end, Zhou Yiyu, who is sitting in the cockpit and controlling the spaceship, sighs: "Ten percent of light is already the limit that the Quérez can reach, but it is still far from being able to cross the galaxy. In this respect, The level of technology in Star Wars is much better than the entire **** city."

Gentle and cold and cold: "It's a pity that they are all false fantasy technology. It's not real, it's impossible to make it in the home world... It doesn't even have technical information to master."

King Kong smiled and said: "If it is harvested as a reward, it can still be brought out, just like the plot characters are also space creation, relying on adventurers."

"The problem is too expensive... No one in the **** city has ever been able to bring out the fantasy technology-class spaceship." Gentle sigh.

As they spend more and more time in the city, they are becoming more aware of the urban system. Even the cosmic fleet that was created by the indiscriminate costing is just the technological limit of the Quares. It is still too far and far from the spaceships in the science fiction movies.

This can't blame the Qure's people's technological ability is too low, can only blame the universe too big, the only thing that can be more of the universe, only the rich and infinitely broad imagination of mankind.

"I don't necessarily have to bring it out." Sitting in front of the captain's desk, Shen Qian slowly drank twice as much coffee.

At this time, the spacecraft has entered the atmosphere and is flying towards distant space. In front of the observation window, the bright starlight gradually emerges in front of everyone.

"What is the solution?" everyone asked in unison.

"System balance." Shen Yu answered.

System balance is a common means of balancing the city.

For example, Zhao Linger is an example. When she came out of the world of Xianjian, her upgrade talent was cancelled.

This is the role of system balance.

However, it must be clear that the purpose of the system balance is not to increase the difficulty, to risk the risky, but to the principle of fairness.

Like Megatron, Zhao Linger, they are all brought up by their indulgence, in line with the high risk, high pay and high return standards, so the overall strength is not affected.

The wilderness life like gentle summoning lacks the support of the task. The pay and return are not so equal to some extent. If the creatures that are cursed are too strong, there will be a certain degree of strength weakening. The most obvious example is the one-eyed troll, which has fallen by about 30% after being summoned by gentleness. On the contrary, there was no big change in the beasts that she had summoned before.

But the system balance is not only weakened.

When the conditions permit, the adventurer will also get a certain strengthening.

An example like this is the dust-free sword.

When the dust-free sword is in the hands of the adventurer, the power is stronger than in the hands of the worshippers.

Of course, some weapons will fall after leaving the original owner.

The system balance that Shen Yu said at this moment obviously refers to the gap between the real star ship and the star ship in the future science fiction world.

Since the battleships in the home world are built using real technology, it is too far from fantasy technology. If it is placed in the background world of Star Wars, it is estimated that there will be no **** left. So when adventurers bring such items into the corresponding mission world, they often get a certain degree of bonus.

However, this situation usually only occurs under certain circumstances. Once you leave the mission world, the bonus will be cancelled.

At this moment, it’s clear that it’s meant to be meant.

"It seems that you already have an idea." King Kong laughed.

He is cleverly playing with the various operating instruments in front of him.

Even the space warship under real technology is still an amazing behemoth for him. Looking at the infinitely deep starry sky outside the There is also a glittering operation button in front of you, wearing the most professional spacesuit, King Kong feels that he is already in a science fiction world full of infinite future. .

“Nothing is to use real technology as a carrier to carry out a dream-style upgrade. It may be somewhat difficult, but it is much better than bringing a dream-tech-class warship directly.” Shen Yu answered.

"Even if this is the case, it can be said that there is no one before." Zhou Yiyu sighed: "If you can really upgrade the battleship to that point, then someday in the future, maybe we can really drive it back to Earth... Who knows the distance of dream space? How far is the earth? Maybe there are hundreds of tens of millions of light years."

Zhou Yiyu’s words were originally unintentional. However, at that time, Shen Guang’s mind flashed and suddenly understood why the Supreme Council did not return to Earth.

Maybe... this is the answer!

If this is the case, will the idea of ​​accepting the plan of the Great Universe in the Supreme Council have a deeper meaning?

Thinking of this, the heart of Shen suddenly trembled.


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