Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 28: Chasing (middle)

Dozens of impact bombs roared and screamed, forming an impact screen in the sky, and Sally was so scared that "ah" screamed.

Sinking his wrist: "Spike gun!"

The shooting gun has been shot below the bullet.

The raging air waves spurred an energy frenzy, and the flying car suddenly slammed several tens of meters.

Sinking and pulling the joystick, the car has been spinning to the side.

The four adventurers in the rear were also blocked by the blast caused by the explosion. One of them was murderous: "Want to run?"

He pointed to the sinking, and an electric light had been shot from his fingers and hit the flying car.

The current is like a flying scorpion, and the sinking ear has already sounded Lin Weisheng's exclamation: "Destroy the electric snake? Be careful, this is the killer of Jolly, who is best at dealing with mechanical products!"

Jumley, one of the five difficult generals, but the strength is not too strong in the inferno sect.

I really want to be one-on-one, let alone sinken, even he may not be able to play it.

However, this person is best at dealing with all kinds of mechanical products, and it is an absolute good hand to deal with the adventurers who develop the flow of technology.

The Inferno sect let him come, although the World of Star Wars itself belongs to the world of science and technology, I am afraid there are also factors for the Broken Blade Terminator.

Compared to the EMP impact bomb, Jumley is even better.

At this moment, Lin Weisheng’s words were not finished. The electric light had hit the body, and the electric car exploded on the flying car. All the instruments were bursting with the sound of bursting, and black smoke appeared. The flying car was directly parked in the air and crashed toward the ground.

"You are too late!" Shen Yan took the body with his hand: "Activate!"

Under the rush of energy, the engine of the flying car screamed again and flew in the air.

At the rear, Jolly snorted, his fingertips flashed, and he was about to hit it again. A bullet in the car had already been shot. He waved his hand and tried to squat. He didn't expect the bullet to spin in the air. He even flew around the circle and hit his left arm.

A strange feeling immediately enveloped him, and Jolly suddenly found himself unable to maintain his figure in the air and fell to the bottom.

Special effects seal!

Jumley seems to have fallen from the sky with a meteorite falling on the rock, and is squatting on the S600 mechanical killer below, slamming the guy.

With his strong body on four difficulty levels, this fall is not a fatal injury to the natural form, but it is blown down from the air like a turkey, but his face is quite overwhelming.

At this moment, he looked up at the sky, and the anger in his heart, just a S600 mechanical killer rushed through, and Jumley waved with his hand, the current surged, and the robot was completely destroyed.

However, this has led to a crazy attack by a large number of mechanical killers, all of which hit Jomley at the same time. Jolly’s arms twitched and he made an angry cry: “Get out of my way!”

A large piece of electric light rushed out of him, and countless electric snakes ran away, shooting across the square, just a moment, dozens of S600 mechanical killers have all fallen to the ground.

With a hit, Jolly made a double punch and slammed a blow to the air, sending out a super-thick lightning beam that swept from bottom to top.

Indulge in a rush to turn the body, the light column wiped the flying car, but only this point rubbing, a large number of electric light has been bursting, it is instantly disintegrating the flying car into numerous pieces.

Even the activation of Shen Shen could not be used, and both of them fell from the air at the same time.

Shen Qian grabbed Sally's hand and she slammed into the air and threw it away at another flying car passing through the air.

"Take care!" Shen Yu has flipped down in the air, and at the same time shot in the gun against the pursuer.


The roof of the flying car suddenly slammed into something heavy, and the owner was stunned. I saw a woman’s head sticking out: “Hey, sir, do you mind taking a ride?”



Sinking on one knee and slamming on the ground.

He stood up and saw the three adventurers in the air chasing down.

Shen Yan quickly turned and ran to a nearby alley, and the voice of Imida was heard in his ear: "Sink, you better hurry to leave, and ten people have chased them. They may see that you are... There are eight, and now twenty-two people are chasing you. They are starting to be surrounded by four sides, and your face is really big!"

"I would rather they can't see me so much." Shen Yan shouted: "Give me directions!"

"At nine o'clock, cross the building! Be fast!"

Sinking and rushing forward, as he ran out of the street, an adventurer rushed from the opposite side. When I saw Shen Wei’s first bow, I immediately rejoiced and shouted: “He is here!”

One hand slammed the ground, and the ground suddenly rushed out of a fierce wave and rushed to sink.

The sinking quickly jumped up and rushed to the opposite building. In the sky, a beam of light rushed straight down, rubbing against the back of the sinking on the ground, and the high-temperature energy instantly saw the ground crystallizing.

A man with a full-body mech shell has descended from the sky, and behind it is an energy laser cannon.

The sinking head did not return, the body faltered, and instantly split into four, running from four different directions.

Several adventurers who chased over were stunned at the same time, I don’t know which one to chase.

Just then, a sudden sigh in the sky.

The sound burst in the ears of everyone, and even the sinking felt that four sounds rang in his ears. He knows badly, only listens to the sound of a vast and powerful voice in the air: "If you are divided into ten roads, I will only go all the way, go!"

A little sparkling light illuminates on one of the sinking bodies.

Then this light was followed by the Shen Shen body and the other two points.

I only listened to the sound of four bursts of sound, and slammed into the sky to spit out a large blood, and the vitality was almost instantaneous.

Lin Weisheng’s horrified voice suddenly sounded: “Be careful, this is Rhodes’s point attack!”

Rhodes Dyne, another five-difficult general.

Unlike Jolly, this is a top figure.

He is one of the four elders of the Inferno sect, and one of the purgatory sects who have been on the same road as the old Kato.

If the old Kato is best at expelling the beasts and pressing the people, then Rhodes is best at dealing with a large number of targets. His point-to-face attack can damage all targets by attacking a little. Gram is a class of ability. The more you split, the higher the damage you take!

Just now, Shen Yu seems to have only suffered a bit of attack. In fact, it has suffered four attacks. In addition, the strength of the five-difficult generals of Reids itself, it is no wonder that his life has been mad. If you are not immersed in your own temperament, you can be replaced by ordinary adventurers. It is possible to be hit by a single shot.

At this moment, he knew who it was, and rushed out with madness, and the three avatars disappeared at the same time.

In front of Reids, the mirror is a live target, which is a burden of aggravating damage, absolutely must not be used.

At this time, he had rushed to the building madly, and he was about to rush in. He suddenly felt that he was hitting something, but he did not enter the building. Instead, he was bounced out. The building was empty and there was an energy color. The light has stirred out.

Energy barrier!

Shen Yu knows that it is not good, and turns to go in the other direction.

Just then, a sudden flash of light in front of him, twelve adventurers have appeared in front of him at the same time, surrounded him.

It was the insult that gave them the group to transmit!

When Cliff asked for a group transfer to Shen Shen, she said that Aiwa has a space talent, and it is possible to break through the restrictions of group transfer. Now, she seems to have done it.

Standing in the middle of a group of adventurers, Eva looked at Shen Yan and apologized in his eyes.

And by her side, standing is Cliff and Meryl.

The three men stepped back one step at a time, leaving only the nine people to surround Shen.

Cliff has raised his voice: "Sink, you can't run this time, I have to avenge Christine!"

He is dying.

Shen Xiao smiled: "Don't you always want to avenge him? Unfortunately, you have never succeeded."

At that moment he could see that Clear’s eyes were clearly relaxed.

He is grateful.

I am grateful that I have not sold him even at this moment.

Cliff leisurely replied: "Yes, but this time, I will succeed... I will go all out... kill you!"

Eva's hands are slightly open, and an energy fluctuation has been scattered to all sides.

Space blockade.

At the same time, Cliff's eyes have already rushed out of the sky, and the dark spear has drawn a long black arc, screaming and sinking.

The indulge quickly retreated, and the two adventurers at the same time rushed to the scene. As the three-person double-team formed, the sinking figure disappeared.

Windy step!

An adventurer snorted and raised his hand to shine: "The shape!"

The sinking figure has been illuminated by him. At this moment, he has rushed out of the encirclement by the advantage of the blast step without collision volume.

"Hey!" There was a huge buzz in the sky.

A barbarian descended from the sky, holding a giant axe and screaming.

The scarlet blade has appeared in the hands of Shen Yu, and the backhand waved to the giant.

"Don't!" Lin Weisheng's voice rang again.

Shen Shen was shocked and knew that it was not good, but he did not retreat. Instead, he screamed, the holy dragon turned, the wrath of the holy dragon, and the body of the diamond was launched at the same time.


The giant axe of the giant man has been heavily shackled on the scarlet blade, and the sinking is like a thunder. The strength after his transformation is actually axe.

The three adventurers flew from the rear at the same time.

"Get out of the way!" Shen Yan's scarlet blade reversed, and he was cut on the shield of an adventurer, so that the adventurer also rushed blood to fly.

If it is not this blow that proves that the power of sinking is still strong, Shen Yu almost doubts whether he is weakened by any ability, how can he be so pale and weak in front of the giant.

"Hey!" The giant man had once again called the sky, and the giant axe danced again, facing the ground.


The big earthquake trembled, and it was shocking everyone to fly together in the air.

The giant man has thrown a big axe in his hand, whistling a thunder in the air, spinning and tangentially sinking.


Shen Shen was evading in the air, and his right hand was unloading against the huge axe, and it had already started to collapse.

The raging power shocked and vomited blood, but the giant axe was still under his unloading force, slightly changed the flight mode, rubbing his body to fly over, drawing a long **** mouth, even the intestines flow When I came out, I slammed into the support column of a building and flew like nothing.

The rumble of the thunder was actually stopped after breaking seven or eight support columns.

The big man had a big move and the axe had returned to his hands.

"It's Augusta, Barbarian Augusta!" Lin Weisheng screamed, his voice was terrified with a powerlessness.

Augusta is another five-difficult general.

An absolute giant horror exists.

Although he is not one of the four elders of the Inferno sect, his personal combat power is definitely no worse than any of the four elders, but his mind is not so clear, it is not suitable for being a leader, but he is a horror killer of the Purgatory sect. character.

But this is not the most important thing.

Most importantly, Augusta never appears alone.

He is the love of Edmund Dion, absolutely loyal, absolutely obedient, and never left Edmund's.

So his appearance has always meant only one thing - Edmund is here!

At the thought of this, Lin Weisheng suddenly shuddered.

The infernal sects are really crazy. They are actually in the midst of the Star World, and the teacher personally enters the four difficult worlds to kill a group of school officials.

As soon as he thought of Edmond's terrible means, Lin Weisheng, the undead king, couldn't help but shudder.

At this time, Shen Yu has already fallen into a trap.

At least three generals have already shot, dozens of adventurers are besieging, space is blocked, the team assembly is unusable, and Shen Yu seems to have escaped.

Just then, there was a sudden whistling in the distance.

The wolf smoke is like a tornado, and it rushes to the ground. A black figure has rushed like a sharp arrow, and it rushes straight to Augusta, who is screaming like a barbarian.

Augusta's big axe retweed, sweeping out the endless sky, and slamming into the dark shadow.

The black lightning suddenly turned, and the Axe blade wind rushed to the top and smashed Augusta's eyes, and the speed was fast and fast.

Augusta Tiger squatted and held his left palm in front of him.


His palm, which is harder than steel, has already shot two blood springs. The black shadow that has rushed to the ground has caught Augusta’s arm and volleyed, as if a high-speed gyro was spinning rapidly. Augusta’s arm made a burst of squeaky sounds, and Augusta was even more painful.

But this guy is also a tough generation, just as the arm is almost broken, the big hand has been shot towards the black shadow.

The black shadow slammed into the ground, and Augusta had been heavily picked up and thrown into the air, like throwing a big shot and throwing Augusta far away.

The man rushed out again on the ground, and had already rushed to the next adventurer, with one arm and hugged each other, and had bitten into the throat of the other person.

The adventurer screamed and yelled at and successively made several attacks. The boy did not care, and the adventurer had vacated and fled, and escaped the attack from other people. At the same time, two people As in the air, it continually rolls over, and the blood is mad in the air.

This strange way of fighting with a mouth attack makes two people close to one person, always in a state of high-speed movement, not only is it difficult for others to attack him, but even accidentally hits himself. In fact, from Augusta was thrown away, and then the second person was sucked blood, the high-speed attackers because of the speed is too fast, even the face did not let the other side see clearly.

However, at that moment, this familiar battle mode fell in the eyes of Shen Yan, and the brains suddenly trembled.

"Is he?"

The black boy who once met in the night legend!

The black teenager in the sky is still holding the adventurer and rolling, and swaying toward the sky.

Just then, there was a scorn in the sky.

Then a thunder light appeared from the air and slammed against the black boy.

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