Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 29: Chasing (below)

The thunder didn't look thicker and stronger than the previous Jumley. He was squatting on the black boy and kicking the black boy up. The adventurer who had been hugged by him was finally able to get out.

The black boy just rolled over in the air and continued to pursue the adventurer who had let go.

Just next, the air is two electric snakes descending from the sky.

Then there were four electric snakes hitting them.

More and more electric snakes descended from the sky, and madly fell to the black teenagers, and the number continued to multiply. In a blink of an eye, a thunder and lightning prison that enveloped the world was formed.

Lin Weisheng’s voice has suddenly sharpened: “Heavenly attack, this is a sacred attack! Edmund he really came!”

Sentence Attack: A lightning strike that deals 80 damage to the target. The number of lightnings doubles every second for 10 seconds, which can affect the diameter range of 200 meters.

This is Edmund Dyne's signature ability and his original ability.

In terms of performance, it is somewhat like the smashing of the Honglang, but the increase of the sacral attack of the Honglang is the power, and the increase in the sacred attack is the quantity.

But the magnitude of its increase is arguable.

When this ability is used, as time goes by, when it enters the tenth second, 512 lightning will be generated at one time to carry out a large-scale lightning strike on the bottom.

But this is not the most terrible.

The most frightening thing is that Edmund also added a combination effect to this ability, which made the skill increase the ten-second duration after entering the tenth of the craziest 512 thunderbolt.

Although the ten-second duration does not increase the amount of lightning, it makes the 512 lightning itself itself continue to exist.

Therefore, whenever this ability is launched, a large thunderstorm will be triggered in the sky.

Numerous lightning electrodes smashed from the sky, and the target's feelings would be like a catastrophe, so it was called a sacred attack, and soon became one of Edmund's most famous abilities, and it was itself a **** city. The ability to rank as a skill level.

At this moment, with the thunder of the sky falling, the boy has already noticed that it is not right. He is like an electric turn, and he rushes forward in a hurry. There is a low voice in the sky, and he sees that the endless thunder has turned to the young boy.

This is another of Edmund's most terrible places. His squad attack not only has a wide range of attack capabilities, but also chases his target under his control, trying to escape from the blow in the way of escape from the area. It is not going to work in front of you.

Seeing this moment, hundreds of lightnings gathered into a large column of light and numb to the boy. The young man looked up into the air and suddenly appeared a red knife in his hand.

With this knife drawn out, a red knife rushed into the sky and slammed into the hundreds of thunder pillars. It was like cutting gold and breaking the jade into two halves. The knife pointed straight into the sky and was chasing Lei Zhutianguang directly to the distant rooftop.

There, Edmund Dion is on the top, watching the battle below.

Seeing this knife rushing upwards, the infernal sect, the Dane family chief, waved a wave of energy on the roof, and the smog that had rolled up had completely submerged the sky above.

At the same time, there was another screaming screaming, and the barbarian giant Augusta had already emerged from the rubble and waved a giant axe to the black boy.

"Augusta is careful, he has a Shura knife in his hand!" Rhodes Dyne's voice has screamed.

The black boy suddenly turned around, and the red knife was thrown out again. The man had rushed to Augusta like electricity, while his left hand was raised, and a poison dart had been shot in the dark space.

"Globe!" Originally on the ground, a figure suddenly flashed, it was Reddes, and he still had the poison dart that the boy played.

He did not expect this kid to be so rampant. While fighting for Augusta, he even found the opportunity to attack himself. It seems that he was a general at this moment. Augusta and he are just four difficult characters.

The boy has rushed to Augusta, and the two have once again confronted each other. Augusta’s big shot has been hit behind the boy.

The teenager vomited a blood, and the man had passed over Augusta’s body. The red Shura knife had swept through Augusta’s body in a rapid burst, and a blood line bloomed from Augusta, Augustus. Ta Yangtian made a painful roar.

The two men once again played against each other and were injured at the same time, but the boy did not stop. The next moment he rushed to Jomli, cut a knife to him, then quickly changed his direction, and shot a dart at Cliff. Before continuing to rush, the gyro was spinning wildly, and it was a sigh of relief that all the adventurers who were present were twisted in.

"Crazy!" Reids yelled and raised his hand to shoot the dart.

The boy didn't look at it. He grabbed it and grabbed the poison dart into his hand. He handed it forward, just as an adventurer hit the boy with a palm. The poison dart had been handcuffed into the adventurer's palm.

The adventurer screamed, and the teenager had caught the other's wrist and volleyed, and it was a gyro-spinning body that had broken the adventurer's arm.

Reinforce the wrong bones!

Then the young man slammed into the other person's arms again, and then bite down and bite the person's throat. However, before he picked up the adventurer, Rhodes had already patted the ground to the ground, his arms did not enter the ground, but appeared from the young boy's feet. The five fingers were like the five tentacles, and they were entangled in the teenager's left hand.

When he thought about it, this attack should be able to stop the boy’s madness.

Unfortunately, he did not understand his opponent after all.

The boy was not blinded by the eyes. The backhand waved, and the Shura knife slammed down, and it was all connected with his left hand and Redes’ hand.


The blood is flying up.

Redes screamed: "My hand!"

He was a general of five difficulty generals, one of the four elders of the family, and he was broken by a **** boy.

The boy had suddenly turned around, and the Shura knife in his hand hurled Reddes, and he saw that he would pierce Reds Eyes. Fortunately, Augusta suddenly appeared and grabbed the blade with one hand.

The Shura knife flashed and the four fingers of Augusta had been degraded.

The young man’s hand was collected, the knife had already flown back to himself, and the handle was another big roundabout. An adventurer had been cut off half a body.

At the same time, he had a hole/eye in his body. It was Cliff's dark spear that pierced him at this time. A dark energy burst in the boy's body, and almost half of his body was blown up.

The teenager has returned to Cliff with his backhand. Cliff instinctively ducked in the sky, and the boy's hand had left five deep handprints on his face.

However, the dark energy attached to his spear is powerful and it also causes great damage to the boy.

The young man slammed back and screamed, and his voice was screaming.

At this moment, a light and shadow exploded from the rooftop, and it was shot to the teenager's face in an emergency.

It was a golden pistol.

In the hands of the juvenile, the sword was raised and it was on the tip of the gold pistol.

A huge force burst out, and it was already blasting the boy's arm.

Shura knife flew up in the sky.

A big hand in the sky has caught the Shura knife.

I didn't think that the boy actually jumped up quickly, and rushed to the Shura knife faster than the big hand.

At this time, he folded his arms and used his mouth to bite the knife.

The big hand volleyed, and a slap in the face of the teenager, as if the hands of the Buddha.

At this moment, a figure flew up in the sky, and it was actually a hard life to hold the palm of the hand under the volley.

It is sinking!

"Hell!" Lin Weisheng yelled.

He could have sneaked away from the entanglement of the boy and the purgatory sect. Why did he help the boy withstand the attack at this time?

On the other hand, the boy, biting the Shura knife with his mouth, slammed his head back, and the blade had swept the arm.

"Ah!" Edmund's earth-shattering roar sounded above the roof.

It is not necessarily that this knife has multiple injuries, but that he is the owner of the purgatory sect, and the people are even widowed, and they are still hurt by two juniors.

The big hand was recycled, the tip of the gold pistol was lit again, and Edmund’s voice rang again: "You all have to die here! The gun of Longinus!"

Seeing this horrible gold pike again has to be renewed.

The sky suddenly sounded a whistling sound.

A red wave suddenly rolled up and attacked the gold rifle. This gold pistol did not even stab.

Edmund screamed on the roof, and if the anger was blown up, the gold pistol had a strong radiance, and the red waves were stirred together. The two forces were intertwined, and the most powerful energy fluctuations broke out instantly. The atomic bomb exploded in general.

The long gun retreated and the red waves dissipated.

Twelve people fell like dumplings in the sky, and the youngsters were guarded together like the stars.

At the same time, there have been more than a dozen adventurers in the rear, which is the middle school.

"Twelve Blood Shura!" Edmund screamed with great laughter: "Kalif actually sent his 12 deputy and deputy heads of the army, well, very good! Flame chariot!"

As Edmund's screams screamed, a flame rose and the nine giant babies flew in the sky at the same time, and behind them they pulled a golden glittering carriage.

Edmund is standing on the flame chariot, holding the gun of Longinus, wearing a dragon-scale jersey, as if a real field squad, prestige, can not be a lifetime.

At the same time, Rhodes, Augusta, Jolly, and Meryl also stood together, behind which were a group of four-difficult adventurers.

However, perhaps because of the scruples, the battle did not start immediately.

For the Inferno sect, now that you are dead with the North District, even if you can win, I am afraid that it will pay a heavy price. For the purpose of winning the final victory, they are really unwilling to let the two southeast regions pick up the cheap.

But most importantly, they are not sure if the people in the Southern and Eastern Districts are coming.

The situation has thus stagnated.

Meryl had taken the opportunity to press a few fingers against Rhodes's wound. As her fingertips fell, Reds' broken arm had re-growth at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It can be seen that her ability to recover from treatment has improved again.

Sinking back to look at the boy.

The teenager's arms were also growing automatically, but did not see who gave him any treatment skills.

Perhaps it is the feeling of indulging, the teenager turned and looked at the sinking.

At the same time, the twelve blood repairs around him, in addition to Wei Chi, everyone began to come together.

"Wait." The boy suddenly said.

Everyone stops at the same time.

He looked at Shen Yan: "I remember you, you are one of the few people who have beaten me."

Sinking and smiling: "Is this your impression of me? I thought you should remember my good side, for example, I helped you, I had a chance to kill you without killing you, I just..."

"That is the best!" The boy interrupted him.


He looked at the boy, the teenager repeated very seriously: "That is the best!"

One of his right arms has gradually grown.

Then he pointed to Shen Yan: "This person, finally killed."

Twelve blood repairs also retreated, but Wei Chibai looked helplessly: "He can see you."

"with this method?"

"In this way!" Wei Chibai answered with affirmative.

"Well, if this is the friendly way of the North District, I will try to adapt." Shen Yan shrugged. Then he looked at the flame chariot in the sky and said, "But what now?"

Wei Chibai looked at the teenager next to him.

The young man stared at Edmund.

He suddenly said: "The old man... very powerful! I can't beat him."

Shen Yu and Wei Chibai are speechless together.

Please don't you say that you are not very convinced?

People are also the masters of teaching. In the five difficulties, they are all big names. Isn’t it normal for you to fight? Besides, Edmund is a patriarch. In fact, he is not too old, and at best he is over forty years old. He is still not the old man.

The teenager has looked at Reeds again: "This person... I can't win, but if it's one-on-one... I have a small chance to kill him."

Rhodes's face is extremely ugly.

Wei Chibai coughed softly: "His identity is not low."

The teenager shook his head: "The old man is not good."

Everyone "..."

The teenager looked at Augusta again: "This big man is also very powerful, the chance of my killing... half"

Augusta was very serious and nodded: "I used to look down on you a bit. In fact, I still have a lot of skills that I didn't come up with."

The teenager also nodded: "I believe."

So Augusta smiled thickly.

The teenager said: "In addition to these three... you and others can kill me."

Augusta immediately said: "You are not fair to say this. Jolly is not good at melee. He is good at dealing with machinery. In fact, he is very powerful. There is Meryl, she is a pastor, and she is not good at melee. They are very powerful. We are generals, how can we be weaker than you!"

He said this straight, as if the teenager's contempt is the biggest insult to his partner, so be sure to make a clear statement.

Rhodes and others are licking their faces at the same time. Augusta is a bastard. His muscles and his IQ are a huge inverse. How strong is the strength, how stupid the brain is.

Sinking and sighing: "I don't think it's time to care about Don't you think that it's not good for us to be so deadlocked? We don't seem to beat each other."

"No." The boy replied: "I can't fight."

Shen Yanran: "Why?"

Although Edmund still has some scruples, it is just because he is worried that people in the southeastern region will peep at the side. Before he can be sure of it, he will not hope to compete with the three districts with the power of one district. After all, this time is only here. Five generals instead of thirty.

However, if there is no ambush around, I believe that Edmund is still very happy to leave the North District and his indifference forever, so that the strength of the Inferno sect should not be costed.

The teenager has replied: "Because they are coming."

"Who?" Shen Yu asked.

The teenager did not answer, just looked at the sky.

Under the sky of the planet of Cruzen, a group of space warships were flying down at low altitude.

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