Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 37: Bottom

At the ges security center, the sirens suddenly sounded and everyone looked up at the same time and didn’t know what was going on. m

In the main brain hall, Shen Wei but others have heard the screams of Imida, as if in a flash, what an amazing horror.


"Ah, my eyes... there are enemies... come on... save me!" Imida's sharp voice almost shreds the eardrums of everyone.

"Imida has an accident!" Jin Shengji said with amazement: "It is an adventurer!"

The ability to make Imida so sorrowful will not be achieved by several security center agents or mechanical warfare. Only the sudden attack by the adventurer will cause Imida to be hit hard.

Shen Yu also changed color. He leaped and ran toward the outside: "I am going to save Imida, you help Zeus to take over, ready to leave!"

When he said the first word, the man was still in the hall. When he said the last word, he rushed to the elevator. He kicked the elevator door with one foot. Even the elevator did not do it. He went straight down the elevator pipe. .

The coat of arms sent Zhou Yiyu's cry: "But the security center already knows that someone has invaded, and the plan has failed!"

"As long as you control Ziyue, the plan will not fail. It will cover everything for us!" Shen Yu replied loudly, and the man quickly fell in the air, and instantly fell more than 50 layers, falling heavily on the first floor, in the entire elevator passage. A piece of smoke was blown up.

Then I heard only a bang and the elevator door flew up.

The sinking has rushed out like a cannonball and plunged straight into the room where Imida was: "Imeda, hold on!"

Several security center agents rushed over with guns and pointed at Shen Shen: "Do not move!"

Shen Yili ignored it. For example, a gust of wind rushed over and hit the agents. It was like a tank crushing and several agents were flying at the same time.

The remote isolation door has been slowly lowered, and the sinking of the foot suddenly accelerates. At the same time as the isolation door is placed first, the bang hits.

Just listening to a huge shock, a large humanoid hole appeared on the big iron gate, and then slowly fell, the agent who controlled the isolation door looked sluggish, and the white eyes turned over, and it was very faint.

The sound of the slamming sound rang through the air, and the sinking had quickly passed through a series of defensive measures like a rocket, and came to the room where Imida was in the blink of an eye.

Rushing into the room, he saw a man lying in a pool of blood, it was Imida.

"Imeda!" Shen Yu rushed over to hold Imida and had already started treatment.

At this time, Imida was bathed in blood, and there was a lot of scars, but he still had a sigh of relief. After being picked up by the sinking, he raised his hand in a trembling voice: "There are... there are enemies..."

"I know...who did it?" Shen Yan hurriedly asked.

Imida suddenly had a huge panic in his eyes, pointing behind him.

Shen Yan turned his head and looked at it. Just as he turned back, Imida’s hand suddenly flashed red and turned into five sharp thorns and slammed into the neck.

Just as the claw was about to penetrate into the sinking neck, Shen Yu suddenly snorted and flipped his hand, and the left arm made an incredible one hundred and eighty degree flip, which was pressed in Imida. On the chest, Imida screamed and flew out, but it was a woman's voice.

Sinking turned like a lightning bolt, hitting a punch in the air, and the figure of Imida changed in the air instantly, avoiding the punching of this punch, and it has turned into a long-looking red woman.

She stared at her chest and looked at her indulging, her face with a disgraceful expression: "How do you see that I am disguised?"

There was a terrible horror in the voice.

Sinking was just a snoring. After touching a neck, the woman’s five fingers just wiped his back neck. Although it was just a touch, it still caused him no small harm. It should be a skill attack. , almost will wear his neck cone. Then he said: "The cracked jade hand, the magical female... It turned out that the enchanting enchantress arrived. How did the dream trio come to you? Why didn't the Pulsatilla and Lonely come? Where is Imida?"

The enchanting enchantress is also a well-known figure in the **** city. Her most famous ability is the magical female abilities in the x-men.

The magical female ability is also a very useful ability in the city. It can be freely transformed into various people. It can be said to be a very powerful camouflage ability. Not only that, but it can even partially simulate some special targets. ability. In contrast, the dragon's illusion can change its appearance through changes in facial muscles, but it can't be changed to a specific target, nor can it change the body's clothing, and it can't change its height and shape, and its duration is short, let alone It simulates the other part of the opponent's ability, so compared with the deformed ability of the magical woman, it is simply a small witch.

However, this ability has a side effect. Once it is mastered, it will form a blue skin on the body that resembles the magical woman in the film, making the body become a ghost.

Although the magical female in the movie has a blue skin and is full of graceful form, the adventurer still does not want to make himself like that. Therefore, there are not many pursuers of this ability, let alone as the top warrior of Wan Wang. It is not easy to get the power of a magical woman.

The enchanting enchantress is said to be one of the rare adventurers in the city who are not affected by side effects. The body is still a woman with a beautiful face, so it is sought after by many adventurers, but there are also rumors that the body of the enchanting enchantress is actually It is also a fake, she did not really strip away the side effects of the magical female abilities, but has been replacing the body with camouflage.

There are so many sayings, no one knows whether it is true or not, but the name of the enchanting enchantress is so spread throughout the Quartet.

After joining Longmeng, the changeable enchantress became the effective cadre of the white-headed genie, and the illusion of the pulsatilla was precisely to provide the best environment for her versatility, and also to make the illusion of the pulsatilla in the illusion. Really.

Therefore, some people say that if the battle of the fantasy trio is likened to a movie, the white-haired eagle is the producer of the film, the director and the scriptwriting, with dreams, can enhance the fantasy effect, and also for various non-living objects. The arrogance that can produce results is the lighting, props, art, and the versatile enchanting genius that is the star of this movie. And the adventurer who plays with her, is destined to be miserable.

At this moment, I heard the words of Shen Yu, the face of the woman in red changed again. Her previous horror and fading gradually faded away. Instead, she was a cold and proud look. The fear before the feelings was all loaded.

She sighed: "Tell me how you see me, I will tell you where Imida is."

"Is that necessary?" Shen Yan asked: "I have received an alarm and rushed into this room, no more than twenty-eight seconds before and after. In twenty-eight seconds, killing a person may be enough, hiding a person. Not enough!"

He said that he suddenly punched out, and the fierce fist wind was hitting on the alloy steel cabinet on the side of the enchanting enchantress. The boxing wind swayed and the cabinet was shattered. Inside it was a corpse, which was exactly what Imida was.

There were two blood holes in his eyes, his hands were broken, and the heart of his chest was dug up. The expression before his death was full of horror.

"Imida!" Although she was psychologically prepared, I saw that Imida died in tragic death, and the sinking face still sank.

Lin Weisheng said that before the three districts entered, they had already agreed to join forces to deal with the inferno sect. Although it is still difficult to achieve sincere cooperation, it is difficult to achieve sincere cooperation, but the face on the bright side should not be enough.

Unexpectedly, the war with the Western District has not yet begun, but the Eastern District has already started to the South.

What does this mean?

He turned his head and glared at the enchanting enchantress. The woman had already pressed her hand against the wall behind her. The wall had burst into a big hole. She had already tumbling and rushing out of the hole, just rolling, while The shape has suddenly changed to become a security center agent, and at the same time shouted: "Help!"

Shen Yugang just chased out, only to see a large number of security center agents and mechanical warfare outside the building have swarmed, and opened fire at the same time.

Numerous energy beams are overwhelmingly shot at the sinking, and the sinking does not dare to harden. It can only be retracted from the hole, and a beam of light hits the wall, and an amazing spark is shot.

Seeing this scene, the woman in red sneered and turned and left.

I didn't expect a voice to sound suddenly behind me: "Are you going?"

It’s a sudden indifference.

The woman in red yelled and jumped up. One hand had grabbed her leg and yanked her to the ground, and slammed it to the ground, while her right hand had caught the throat of the red woman.

Just as he was about to catch the woman in red, the two figures in the sky suddenly rushed to the scene, and two stunned movies were shot against Shen Yu, two East Side adventurers.

Indulging in reluctance to lean back, the two rays of light rubbed his body and flew over, while the red woman also seized the opportunity, both hands on the ground, people have swiftly swept.

The two adventurers have rushed to sink.

"Looking for death!" Sinking and screaming, a red light in his hand, it is the scarlet blade that is beginning to appear, slanting on one of the adventurers, only to see a flash of light, the adventurer has disappeared trace.

"Phantom?" Shen Weiwei, knowing is wrong, another adventurer has been slanting toward Shen Shen, the tip of the sword points out a cold.

Shen Yu knows that this person is also an illusion, simply ignore the adventurer, chasing the red woman, the arm is skyrocketing in an instant, has been caught on the head of the red woman.

At the same time, the sword light of the other adventurer has wiped the back of the sinking, and a blood spring has already skyrocketed.

This change suddenly followed, screaming, the scarlet blade backhand, a **** sword has passed over the adventurer's body, and as a white light flashed, the adventurer disappeared.

Still an illusion?

Shen Yanran.

Since it is an illusion, why can it hurt yourself?

His neck was twisted, and his head had made a strange one hundred and eighty-degree turn, looking at his back, and saw that he had a good back, and he had been hurt in the slightest.

"It turned out to be the case... not only can create a fantasy, but also create the wrong feeling of injury and the scene for the opponent, so that the target is false, thinking that he is really hurt. If there is such a change, like this The woman gives a real attack, causing true and false confusion... Pulsatilla, you really good ability." Shen Yan muttered.

At this time, due to the obstruction of the two illusions, the red woman was once again far away from indulging, and a large number of security center agents were firing at the insult. The woman disguised as a woman smiled at the sinking, first made a gesture of cutting his throat, and then he left.

Sinking eyes have been shown: "I haven't let you go yet!"

Talking about his arm: "The devil, the attack! Linger, give me a clearance!"

A black phantom has flew out of his body, passing through the innumerable beams of energy and rushing into the red woman.

At the same time, Shen Ling’s figure has appeared.

She has a long sleeve and a wave of wind and frost has spread in all directions.

Snow and ice!

This is the water system group warfare possessed by Zhao Linger.

With the use of this downwind, a number of security center agents screamed and fell, and even the speed of the red woman was slow.

"Zhao Linger?" The red-dressed woman apparently did not expect Shen Qiang and Zhao Linger to follow such a powerful plot character, and his face was also changed.

At the same time, I saw the devil rushing to myself. The speed was absolutely fast. I knew that I was better than myself. I was shocked and shouted: "Don’t misunderstand, we are not looking for it! I am here to have another mission, just playing with you. !"

Shen Yu has come to the red female tiger: "Not looking for you, you still kill!"

The red woman has been shot by the devil, and the volley flies up and shouts: "He is not dead, just that is just an illusion!"

"What?" Shen Yanran.

I saw that there was a figure in the hole, it was Imida.

Imida has called to Shen Shen: "Sink, I am fine!"

Shen Yu once again stood, and Imida had already rushed toward Shen Yu, and Shen Yi pointed to Imida: "Stop!"

Just as Imida rushed closer, Shen Yu had already punched him.

Imida didn't expect Shen Yu to attack himself and was shocked: "Hey, my own people."

This punch was actually hitting the face of Imida and blasting him out.

it is true?

He is not dead?

Sinking back and looking at the red woman again, the red woman has laughed and retreated: "This guy is not very useful, just the Eagle King just used a small fantasy to trap him. Hey, he is not dead, You don't have to chase after the old lady. The Eastern and Southern Districts have not torn their faces until now."

Said that she has quickly retreated.

Sinking and waving, he retracted the demon scorpion and raised his voice: "Since the eagle king has come, why not show up and be too sincere?"

The woman has smiled and said: "He is not here. I am helping you to wrap the Sith Warrior. This is just saying hello, and I want to see what the goods at the bottom of Shen’s pressure box are, so I can make a future. get ready."

The dream trio is best at creating fantasy, and to create a real fantasy, you must understand your opponent as much as possible, so for them, the early intelligence gathering is always the most important.

Only by knowing the opponent can you play the opponent. Whether it is a changeable enchantress or a white-haired eagle king, there is a need in this respect. Therefore, such a move can be understood.

However, if Shen Yu was really surprised, the white-haired eagle king is not here, and he can use the illusion from a distance, showing that his illusion ability is already strong.

However, I don’t care if I sink into it. I just said: "Exploring the bottom of others, sometimes you have to leak the bottom."

In the previous World War, Shen Yu was exposed to Zhao Linger, Tian Mou, etc., but the strength of the white-haired eagle king and the enchanting enchantress was not exposed. In the spirit of indulging, at least this woman’s characteristics and several basic abilities have been known to him. The next time I meet, I want to play this set of fraud tricks, and I need the other players to have higher acting skills and standards. It is.

The enchanting enchantress Ji did not carelessly laughed: "The first investment is always, there must be some effort, in order to have a return. Once again, two times cooked, Shen boss, next time you see, you will not It’s such a small scene said that she has laughed and left.

Later, Imida shouted and rushed over: "Don't let her run, she took my computer, and there is all our information!"

"Don't be stingy!" The voice of the enchanting enchantress came from far away: "Without our help, you are not so easy to invade the main brain. Everyone needs it..."

People have disappeared in the distance.

Looking at the disappearance of the enchanting enchantress, Shen Xiaoxiao laughed out: "It's a bit interesting."

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