Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 38: Hellfire engine

Sharp alarms roared over the security center, and a large number of Imperial agents and mechanical soldiers flocked from all sides. m

Sinking at the wrist, the shooting moon has already hit a curtain on the front, and several mechanical soldiers who just rushed over were immediately beaten to pieces. A group of agents who had just rushed over were scared to retreat. After hiding in the bunker, they opened fire on Shen Yu. Shen Shen walked a few steps like a leisurely walk. He easily escaped the energy beam that was shot, and shot several shots. The energy gun that was just happy was dumb.

This is what I said to Imida: "Go."

He turned and walked outside, while he shot and asked the coat of arms: "How is your situation over there?"

Gentle and quick answer: "The main brain has been controlled, the intrusion marks are being erased, the battle scene is being created, and we must make some disguise."

"Don't forget to download some information by the way, so that the Galaxy Empire mistakenly thought we were stealing information."

"Already doing it, I hope I can fool them..." Gentlely answered, then her voice suddenly screamed: "What are you doing at Zhou Yiyu? We worked hard to break into the main brain control room of the security center for the next a/piece. ?"

Then Zhou Yiyu’s grievances: “It’s the wave that I let, and he said he wants to see what the aliens are doing with a film. Let me bring him back...”

"..." Shen Yan shook his head and replied: "When you finish the matter, the empire's mobile troops will be very fast and will arrive at any time."

Gentle way: "I’ll be right, just I found something interesting, I believe you will like it.”

"What is it?"

"If you read it, you will know... Finish, go!"

With the gentleness of the words falling down, several figures have been rushed from the building, and they jumped from the high floor, and they fell next to Shen.

This scene shows that the agents are stunned, but there are still a group of mechanical warriors who do not know what to fear, and they are still bravely rushing forward.

Two mechanical warriors rolled into the wheel and rushed to the front of the adventurer. They suddenly opened. Two large heavy-duty guns were fired at the crowd, and a blue energy mask was flashing on the body.

"It is the s800 destroyer, be careful!" Jin Shengji has called.

This is the destroyer robot in the Star Wars that even the Jedi Knights must be careful to deal with.

Only in the mission world, the destroyers are divided into multiple grades. The robots below 800 are without a protective cover. This is very similar to the Terminator, just like the Terminator with only 800 or higher. It is the true terminator, and only the destroyer of more than 800 is the true destroyer.

Gentle but snoring, electric flash rushed, the four arms behind, the ruling blade, the descending konjac, the Longquan sword and other weapons hit the destroyer's energy shield, instantly shattered the destroyer's energy cover into a shatter . As the spark broke, the two destroyers had been paralyzed at the same time.

"It doesn't look too difficult to deal with." Gentlely turned back to Jin Shengji smiled.

Jin Sheng Ji Ruran.

Destroy the two s800 destroyers, she can do it by herself, but it is as easy and gentle as gentle, but it is impossible. It can only be said that at least in terms of strength, the Broken Blade team is now deserved to be the strongest presence of the four difficulties. Anyone who comes out of the team can stand out in the elite of the Vientiane Palace.

At this moment, Shen suddenly snorted and went forward, looking for something in front of the wreckage of a destroyer, and quickly took out a small energy block.

It is an airborne d-class eternal heart, but it has been completely crushed under a gentle attack, and it can't be used.

"You don't have to look at it." Gentle has said: "Now the majority of the Star World has used the Eternal Heart as the energy source for the defensive hood."

In the original Star Wars world, there are no such items as the Eternal Heart. For example, the defensive hood of the Destroyer is carried out by using an auto-energy transmitting device. The effect is not much different from the Eternal Heart, but it is subject to formal restrictions. Does not have a cumulative effect.

The true role of the eternal heart is never how strong the defense is, but because it can accumulate and have the unique meaning of turning quantity into quality.

As the future sci-fi world, Star Wars has its own energy defense system. It does not need the eternal heart as an energy source. Now it seems that the city has enhanced some of the strength of the world, and perhaps there is no shortage of soldiers. New weapons The use of the good is not easy to use, after all, it is to be proved through the battlefield practice.

For Shen Yu, this is both good news and bad news.

The good news is that the Broken Blade team is no longer able to win the eternal heart through rewards, killing enemies, and getting more rewards through the identification of Dika Kane. This is like a soldier entering the city. The benefits of looting the city are always more than The superior will give the benefits.

The bad news is that the Broken Blade team has the benefit of eternal heart, and you must first face the enemy with an eternal heart. Now I can only hope that the enemy will not arm their warships with thousands of eternal hearts, as they have planned. But who can say it right? Maybe the city just wants to see if the Broken Blade team encounters such an enemy, what kind of tactics should be used. By the way, I also took the opportunity to build an invincible warship that would undermine all adventurers.

Throw away the broken Eternal Heart, and slap the clap and stand up: "It's a bit interesting. It looks like this will come over and get more information than I expected."

"It is true." Gentleness has been thrown to a disk: "Look at the information, I am going to get a car."

After taking the disk, Shen Shen put it into the handheld computer, it is very serious to look at it, surrounded by the rain and whistling past, Shen Yan but turned a deaf ear, just carefully checked.

Gradually, his gaze gradually brightened and he muttered to himself: "It turns out to be like this... Yi Yu, come over and see this."

Zhou Yiyu is carrying a Vulcan gun to shoot the agent who is blocking the road ahead. The rain is sprinkling and the momentum is full, and the posture is like the governor. In fact, he really didn't need to be so powerful. It was said that there was a woman who was Jin Shengji. It was a bit of a force. At this moment, I heard the words of Shen Yu and turned back and said, "What are you looking at?"

Shen Yantou did not raise: "Some things about this world technology system, I think I found the reason why the Pioneer did not get the bonus, we will have the opportunity to let the Pioneer.

“Really?” Zhou Yiyu’s spirit was immediately shocked.

The Pioneer is the key to his strength, but limited by the obstacles of real technology, after all, he can't do the hegemony of space. Originally expected to enter the world of Star Wars, the Pioneer can get a balanced system of care, and gain in strength, but the result is nothing, has been extremely disappointing Zhou Yiyu. If this continues, the battleship will be able to play a limited role if it is brought into the mission world. At least the task of fleeing from Cruise Star cannot be expected to be completed by the Pioneer.

Until this moment, Shen Yu’s speech finally gave Zhou Yiyu a glimmer of hope, and he took the gun back to Shen Yu’s side: “Where is the problem?”

"Here!" Shen Yi pointed to the picture on the computer.

A picture of the internal structure of the battleship is displayed on the computer screen.

This is a star-studded space cruiser under construction, with the capability of a galaxy ocean, and the main battleship of the Galaxy Empire.

"Look at its powerplant." Shen Yan pointed to a road map of the battleship.

Followed by the sinking fingers, Zhou Yiyu gently read it: "Super light speed engine?"

"Yes, that's it." Shen Shen clicked on the screen: "The reason why the city did not give us a bonus is because it is not needed. As long as it has it, our warships have the ability to fly at a speed of light. To be honest, except speed The warships in this world are not necessarily better than the Pioneers in other respects."

"This is impossible." Zhou Yiyu answered immediately.

The existence of the super-light engine is not a secret, Zhou Yiyu knew very early. But things on the technology side have never been a simple dressup to solve the problem. The warships in the world of Star Wars and the warships that indulged them are not a system at all. In theory, it is impossible to simply install them. Just like the engine of the Titan 797, it is absolutely impossible to install it on a BMW. Therefore, Zhou Yiyu did not think about this in the first place, because it was too unrealistic.

But at this moment, he replied: "It is impossible under normal circumstances, but you should take a closer look at this."

He said that he had zoomed in on the super-light engine he was pointing at. In front of the magnified image, Zhou Yiyu widened his eyes: "Hellfire Mark? Is this the Hellfire Engine?"

Speaking of the last few words, Zhou Yiyu’s voice is obviously high.

Hellfire Engine, a high-energy super-light engine that exists directly in the city, but only sold in the magic hall, and the price is surprisingly high, requires a lot of sacrifices, and needs to pay extra blood points. Indulge in the calculations, buy the resources that such an engine needs to consume, and change the two artifacts.

It’s not that he is not willing, but the Broken Blade team does not have so many resources to exchange.

The Hellfire Engine is not so much a super-light engine as it is a fantasy product used to achieve a special purpose. It appears in the face of pseudo-technology. Its true essence is a fantasy prop.

This kind of thing should not be seen in the world of Star Wars, but now they are seen on the structure of a star-rated oceanic battleship.

For the Broken Blade team, if you have the engine, then the engine problem that has been elbowed with the Pioneer can be solved.

So when Shen Shen saw that the warship was actually an Hellfire engine, he immediately realized that this was the reason why the city did not give them special bonuses to the technology – they had to get it through their own efforts.

"It's amazing. Why didn't I notice that the warship used to be the Hellfire engine?" Zhou Yiyu muttered. He also saw a few eyes when downloading the above information, but did not notice the engine at all.

"That's because you have been paying attention to the alien a/v." The gentle voice floated with a flying car, and the car stopped in front of everyone, gently waving to everyone: "Get on the bus, leave When you are a few minutes late, everyone will not want to leave."

Shen Yu and others have quickly entered the car. At this time, a group of agents in the security center have been chilled by them. Where they dare to step forward, they can only watch the flying car whistling away.

Sitting in the car, Zhou Yiyu is still in the excitement: "So, next, should we find a way to grab the hellfire engine of this warship being built? With it, the Pioneer can To launch a super-light speed jump, what three spaceships are needed?"

Gentle and grinning: "Things are so simple. I am sure that the place where the Hellfire engine is located must be heavily armed, and the crisis is heavy. This is a super sci-fi prop with an artifact evaluation. You think you want to take it. Can I get it? I dare to bet with my own head, which is definitely much harder than grabbing a spaceship."

"But always try it, isn't it?" Zhou Yiyu disobeyed the Shen Wei did not speak, just staring at the drawings, seemingly thinking about something.

The serious expression on his face made Zhou Yiyu sink in his heart: "Boss, are you not optimistic about this plan?"

"What?" Shen Yu woke up from his meditation as he woke up, then understood the meaning of Zhou Yiyu, then he smiled: "Oh, I am not worried about this. I just wonder... how many **** fires there will be? engine?"

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