Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 39: meeting

In a luxury hotel in Cruzen, the adventurers in the Southern District are now sitting together to discuss the next action plan - after controlling the Purple Moon, the first benefit they feel is that they finally live in the hotel. You don't have to wind up on the roof top. m[ww.RaN]

But most importantly, the information library in Ziyue has greatly enriched the limited information in the hands of Imida.

At least now, they already know the specific information about the three ships, the time of landing, and even the alert situation there.

"Roamer, this is the spacecraft under the Wisdom Group's next passenger company, and the first of the three spacecrafts to take off. It will take off at a space port in Area E at four in the afternoon, six days later. This is a passenger ship converted from a warship of the Republic era. It is said to have been acquired by the Wisdom Group after the defeat of the Republic. At present, the basic firepower configuration has been retained on the passenger ship. The passenger ship has about 30,000 cabins. More than 20,000 tickets have been sold. In theory, as long as we buy a ticket, we can board the spaceship."

Jin Shengji, who is in charge of the explanation, is explaining the information about the spacecraft one by one.

Shen Yu raised his hand: "Additional, Ziyue has helped us solve the ticket purchase problem, for us to set up 30 first-class seats. If there is no accident, we can board the ship directly without any formalities. Trouble."

"But the accident will definitely come out, right?" said an adventurer.

Shen Shen shrugged and answered each other in an alternative way: "This is the deathmatch mode."

Since everyone is just entering the mission world, for the sake of careful consideration, no one wants to launch a war in the first place, but concentrates on collecting information, understanding opponents, and arranging strategic planning. This stage, known as the exploration and pre-arrangement stage, is also a rare peace stage in the early stages of the deathmatch.

It is as if the two countries always deploy troops before the war, mobilize logistics, prepare for war, and then look for opportunities to start. It’s not a war, it’s a street fight.

And with the adventurers' understanding of the mission environment, the passage of time, when some common pursuit goals appear, disputes will arise, and the battle will soon enter a white-hot state. []

At this time, the death race is the real expansion, and will continue until the end of the competition.

If the situation is not bad, the first large-scale shopping is the take-off time of the Rover - not only the Southern District has information about the Rover, the West, the East and even the North, may Have your own methods to get relevant information.

This point can be thought of as long as you can see that there is no interest in the invasion of the main brain. Of course, she did not know that in this invasion, they indulged themselves in the main brain.

"The problem now is that because of your lack of caution, the Eastern District has already obtained information about all of us, which will cause great inconvenience to our actions!" Wu Jingshi said coldly, his eyes were fixed on Shen. Hey. It seems that he is going to blame Imida's loss on Shen Shen.

I don't know whether it is the legacy of hatred from the history of the earth, or because the friction before entering the world makes Wujing always look down on the eyes and the thorns in the words. For him, the successful sneak attack of the enchanting enchantress is precisely an excuse for his sorrow to death. Naturally, it is not to be missed.

Hong Lang stared at me: "What the **** are you talking about? Imida is yours. Don't you blame him for losing the information and pushing the problem to us?"

"Hong Lang, shut up!" Shen Yu has already sighed.

The most taboo of quarreling is to pull others into the water and openly push the problem to others. Even if this is indeed the other party's mistake, it will only attract the other party's resentment.

In the southern region, the Broken Blade team is halfway to join. It is inherently unfavorable. It is easy to be interfered by the exclusion factor. It is precisely when we need to unite everything that can unite our strength. It is a good time to cultivate their feelings, and it is a good time to cultivate their feelings. Therefore, before they sink, they will go all out to save people.

But now Honglang said this, it is equivalent to pushing the previous question to the Imida individual. Although he said yes, this is indeed the result of the serious mistakes of Imida himself, but as a human being, this is The statement is simply too bad. []

Sure enough, Imida’s face changed slightly at this moment. Obviously, Honglang’s statement has made him feel very unhappy.

When I was on the face of Wu Jing, there was a smile of conspiracy, but at the same time, he was cold and rude: "But anyway, this action is your responsibility. Isn’t it necessary to concentrate on the main brain? I am afraid of sneak attack. You should arrange at least one adventurer to protect him, but you have not done so."

Honglang still wants to talk, Shen Yu has stopped him, and when he looks at Wujing, he faintly said: "You are right. In this matter, I did have negligence. I did not expect the Eastern District to be at this point in time. Send people over, and the goal is directed at us. But it is also very interesting to say it. Do you think that at the time, is the changeable enchantress too accurate?"

When he said this, everyone stunned at the same time and went to sink.

Lin Weisheng’s face is suddenly gloomy: “What do you mean by this?”

Sinking and slowly giving himself a cigarette: "Nothing, it feels too clever."

"Do you want to say that we have traitors?" Yan Changhe has been hoarse and asked.

Even the best master who never spoke suddenly blinked, and the **** and killing momentum instantly enveloped the audience, making people feel abyss. It was only this horrible momentum that was only released as soon as it was placed, and then it was settled in the kindness and kindness.

Shen Yan shook his head: "I didn't say we have traitors, I just said that this is a bit embarrassing."

Lin Weisheng gave a slight meditation, then shook his head: "This is impossible. If it is a traitor, then the traitor can directly hand over the information about us to the other party. There is no need to let the enchanting enchantress personally take the hand and rob the computer of Imida."

Sinking nodded: "Yes, this is where I can't figure it out. Imida, in your computer, besides having information about the personnel who went out of the mission, what else?"

Imida shrugged and replied: "Some dialogue records and some relevant information analysis, as well as personnel action records ... This must be handed over to the Vientiane Palace, used as a criterion for evaluating the contribution of each person after the reunification."

“Every organization has such a record of actions?”

"Basically, this is like the fact that subordinate units are obliged to report to the higher level units, and there is not much important information."

“Is there a specific plan for the next step?”

"Just mentioned some, but the specific plan can only be made after obtaining relevant information, so there is no accurate record. Of course, some ambiguous records are still there, but I don't think it will make much difference to them. After all, three It’s easy to find out about the spacecraft, just as we don’t need to get the other’s action plan right now, and we can think of them in the spaceport of Zone E after six days.”

The sullen brow wrinkled deeply: "This is strange... In addition to the personnel information, what do they want?"

Wu Jingshi is already cold-stricken: "The transfer of the topic is over, Shen Shen, anyway, you must take responsibility for the losses caused by this action!"

He was still thinking about the trouble of looking for sinking.

Fortunately, Lin Weisheng looked agile at this time: "Enough, this thing does not want to happen, this can not blame him! The war is coming, everyone must cooperate sincerely, no need to fight again. Time, you Japanese It is also the most important thing to pay attention to, how can we make this mistake at this time?"

Wu Jing snorted and glanced at him: "That must also look at who... He is a member of the Eastern District, maybe our actions, that is, he may be betrayed."

This immediately caused the conference to be awkward.

Honestly, due to the "born" problem, it is indeed worthy of doubt to indulge their origins. Although Shen has already told Lin Weisheng about things, other people do not know how many will always have ideas. When Wu Jing’s words were spoken, they actually inadvertently swayed the string that collapsed in the hearts of the people.

King Kong leaned into the ear of Shen Yu and said, "This person is really annoying."

Sinking and snoring, but did not say anything.

Or Lin Weisheng pressures the audience: "Enough, I believe Shen Shen! Everyone should remember what I said, unity, is the first key to our success. A dissident interior will only fall apart and create opportunities for the enemy. Don't let us distrust each other because of this, it will only be lost because of smallness."

The argument was gradually stopped.

Lin Weisheng continued to preside over the meeting: "Now we are back to the topic. The roamer is the first of the three spaceships to be departed. Whoever can take it will take the initiative. I believe the other three districts will also Realize this, so here will be the first battlefield of the four-zone melee. The question now is, how do we get the next one."

Said, he has looked at sinking.

Shen Qiang shook his head helplessly.

These people doubted them, but they depended on them. Obviously, at this critical juncture, even Lin Weisheng would like to know what he thought.

Sinking and clearing the scorpion, this said:

"I want to remind everyone of one The battle for three spaceships means that there will be at least three large-scale battles, and each battle will only have one winner. The winner's standard, It’s not how many people kill each other, but who can get the spaceship. The first to get the spaceship, you can avoid the four-zone melee as soon as possible, and go to the Tatooin planet for pre-arrangement. Then the person who gets the spaceship needs to stay. Kill here, self-improvement of strength. In theory, if the people of the Inferno sect get the roamer first and leave Krusgen, then..."

"The people in the three districts must obtain the next two spaceships through fratricidal killing, and the joint situation will immediately collapse." Gentle has been cold and cold.

"Yes." Shen Yu replied: "This is the key to the problem. So I think that our first goal should not be to grab the spaceship, but who can go on the spaceship, that is, the people of the purgatory can not be allowed to go first. Spacecraft! Only when this goal is determined is it the true three-zone alliance."

Jin Shengji interface: "But this way, the last area left is destined to compete with the inferno sect."

"War, there must be sacrifices." Shen Yu replied.


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