Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 42: Bloodshed Day (2)

Krugen Star f, the 12th district, the Karly Star gathering area. m

In a hotel run by a Calimin, Edmund Dion is standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass and looking far away.

The eyes pierced the sky and fell on the bustling avenue just over 1,300 meters. It was Jasmine/Flower Avenue.

Not far behind him, Xie Rongjun was sitting on a sofa, revealing his upper body, and two of them were kneading their shoulders. The Calimen are an alien race whose appearance is very close to human beings. Women in them are naturally beautiful and have a beautiful face. They are gentle and best at serving people.

At this moment, Xie Rongjun was smacked by two Calistars, and he made a sizzling snoring. Astin, the captain of the ashes, walked in from the outside and looked at Xie Rongjun’s look. He couldn’t help himself. One sound: "The broken blade team will be killed, you are still enjoying it here."

"That's off the old man's fart!" Xie Rongjun replied lazily. Although he was already lonely, he was still a fearless temper, even if he stood in front of him, he was the most influential infernal cult of the entire purgatory sect. There is no such thing as a concession.

"You!" Astin glared at Xie Rongjun.

Edmund waved his hand and stopped Astin's words: "Where did the Broken Blade team go?"

His voice is not big, but simple words are endlessly majestic.

Astin yelled at Edmund: "It’s already at the intersection, and you will soon be hit with them. We don’t need to..."

He made a gesture of wrapping.

Edmund did not answer, apparently still thinking.

Behind him, Xie Rongjun has lazily said: "It's useless, you can't catch him."

Astin turned back and glared at Xie Rongjun: "Let you come, not to fight against our morale."

" Morale, what is that, how much damage can it cause?" Xie Rongjun rolled his eyes, he waved his hand and let the two beautiful women of Kali star retreat, which lifted the Erlang leg.

"That is something that allows us to go forward in the face of strong enemies. Unlike some people, after being beaten into a dog, they have no ability to fight back for revenge. Now we can only rely on us to stay away from it. The familiarity and understanding of the enemy and the intensity of the day." Astin said with Xie Rongjun.

Xie Rongjun first stunned and then laughed. He claped his hands again and again. "Sorry, I thought you were a brainless guy. Nothing else except tantrums and yelling, I didn't expect you to Can say such a thing. Yes, you are also the captain of the ashes chariot, how could it be a courageous guy, I am sorry for what I said before."

Astin’s face is a little better.

Xie Rongjun has said very seriously: "You have IQ, this IQ is enough to make you feel so rebellious when you are being shackled by your opponent, and bring more pleasure to each other."

"You..." Astin was completely angry. He was about to rush to punch a punch on the guy's face. Edmund had raised his arm.

"Enough!" he said.

It was these two words, but Astin, who was burning in anger, stopped all movements.

Edmund's gaze is still in the distance, at the end of Jasmine / Flower Avenue, the figure of the Broken Blade has already appeared.

They are heading for the two baits of the Inferno sect.

Edmund sighed: "Astin, let your people out."

Astin first glanced at Xie Rongjun, and he said to the **** coat of arms: "Alpha, the person who brought you, surrounded them. Eva, set the space blockade. Master Jumley, please also block the space information. Send, avoid letting the Galaxy fleet come to bother us."

"Don't worry, this time, they won't get the news in time." The voice of Jolly was rumbling back.

Six infernal sect members have appeared on the streets, and they are four members of the ashes.

With eight to six, Shen Yan’s face with a trace of disdainful smile.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the building in the distance. His eyes seemed to collide with Edmund at that moment. The eyes of the two men had made countless sparks in the air.

Later, Edmund saw the introverted mouth flipping, and the two words he saw were "hands-on"!

I saw that Honglang had taken the lead and rushed down against a member of the ashes. The adventurer’s backhand blocked the amazing axe, and the adventurer was shocked. Since then, Hong Lang has rushed to the second person.

The battle said that it was played, and there was almost no warning. All the adventurers shot at the same time at this moment, and an astonishing wave of air filled the square in an instant, rising in the middle of the avenue.

When the road was on the road, there was a chaos. The flying car was shocked. It fell and fell in the air. It fell to the ground and burst into a huge fireball. The chaos intensified in an instant, and the screams of people screamed through the clouds. Instantly formed a chaotic trend and quickly spread to the four sides.

"Hey!" A scream of earth and earth rang in the distance. Even Edmund, who was far beyond 1,300 meters, could even hear the rough roar of screaming, that is Augusta. The cry.

The tall body appeared at the end of the street, as if a bronze giant rumbling to the battlefield.

He was greeted by a huge metal robot who descended from the sky - Megatron!

The two giants met at this moment. When Megatron's iron fist hit Augusta's iron arm, he was shocked and flew up. The thick iron arm was full of countless sparks.

This is the first time that Megatron has fallen behind in the confrontation of pure power.

But the next moment, the Hornet and Hera have been rushing from the left and right, pinching Augusta.

It seems that the barbarians in ancient times were not afraid at all. Instead, they made a majestic and screaming roar like an ice bear, and rushed to the bumblebee without fear. A shoulder hit had knocked the bumblebee out.

At the same time, in the distant streets, the brush has already appeared three adventurers to the broken blade team, but it is the twelve Laoshan disciples that Shen Hao has already summoned.

In order to get rid of the broken blade team, this time the Infernal sect arranged 12 members including Augusta and six ashes on Jasmine/Flower Avenue, and pressed the opponent with a two-to-one advantage. Mully and Eva are secretly blocking the space, intercepting information, and a large number of reserve personnel crouching in the distance, to intercept the rescue, break the road, and supplement the rescue.

However, it is in this case that the Broken Blade team truly shows the style of their first strong team on the four difficulty levels. In the face of twice the enemy, including a strong general with five difficulty, the hard hit is not obvious. Even the lineage has not been used.

Seeing this scene, Edmund's eyes flashed and finally nodded: "Their strength... is enough to qualify for the StarCraft battlefield."

This is what the patriarch of the Inferno sect said, and it also marks the official recognition of the power of the Broken Blade.

"The patriarch, let me deal with them!" Astin couldn't help himself.

Edmund shook his head. "Don't worry, Affleck and Parma haven't shot yet. This time they are coming, I won't let them leave."

Behind Xie Rongjun’s smile has been re-transmitted: “It’s useless, Dion’s adult, you believe it or not, today’s beating is meaningless. You can’t leave a broken blade team, nor even It is possible to kill any one of them, no matter what you do, it will only fall into their trap with their intentions."

"Oh?" Edmund finally turned to look at Xie Rongjun: "Can you tell me what you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple." Xie Rongjun replied proudly: "I understand Shen Yan, you don't look at this guy to take risks, in fact, he never fights the unpredictable embarrassment. Yesterday I said, since he is provocative to the purgatory sect, Today, I took the initiative to come to trouble, which means that he must have a conspiracy. Today, for us, there is neither a spaceship target to compete for, nor a temporary encounter. It can be said that it is meaningless and unnecessary. ""

"Killing the enemy is our mission. How can it be said that it makes no sense?" Astin exports retorted.

Xie Rongjun said: "The problem is that this battle is completely provoked by indulging. You are fighting against the enemy at the time of the enemy's choice of war. On the surface, it is your people who have bait, and your people are taking the initiative. But in fact, the initiative of the war is in the hands of the other party from the very beginning, so this is basically a battle dominated by the other side."

"Do you think he has any conspiracy?" Edmund asked.

"I don't know." Xie Rongjun spread his hands: "But what I know is that the best way to deal with people like Shen Yan is to never let him take the initiative and never fight him at the time or place he chooses. The best way to deal with him is to fight an encounter, or an ambush by our initiative, instead of letting the opponent take the nose as it is now."

Astin sneered: "As you did in World of Warcraft? Yes, you managed to break the Blades once, but unfortunately you have not succeeded."

"At least I am close to success. Some people can't connect recently." Xie Rongjun replied bluntly, saying that he had patted his hand and had been promoted to a double a-level dragon tooth knife and smiled: "I will never Fighting with them in the battles that Shen Qiu provoked. I want to shoot, and I will always shoot when the broken blade team is not ready to fight. Listen to me, it is best not to expect too much in this year. Instead of trying to eliminate your opponent, think about what might happen next, and what the strain should be."

"Strain?" Astin tweeted slightly.

Just then, there was a loud bang from the distance.

A huge Galaxy battleship in the sky has once again appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Galaxy battleship? How is this possible?" Astin screamed out.

Jolly has blocked all electronic signals in this area, and the Galaxy Empire should not receive news at all. How will it appear at this time, and it will come so fast.

"Nothing is impossible, I will say it. It is impossible for me to seriously fight with us. He will definitely have a pattern." Xie Rongjun replied leisurely: "As for why the Galaxy Fleet will receive news..." This is not easy. Just call in advance before you come."

Astin sucked in a cold breath: "This bastard, what exactly does he want to do?"

"Maybe he feels that the chaotic background is more in line with his needs. Maybe he thinks he can use the hands of the Galaxy Empire to destroy them. In short, he must have his reasons for doing so." Xie Rongjun finally stood up.

He looked out the window, and a large number of mechanical soldiers in the sky were landing on the ground, and the battle between the Bladeblade and the Inferno sect continued on Jasmine/Flower Avenue.

They played very steady and stepped back and stepped back and were giving up the battlefield.

Xie Rongjun turned to the balcony.

Astin asked: "Where are you going?"

"Look at what the **** they are doing... If you want to know what your opponent wants to do, you have to know what they want. Also, don't talk to me in this tone next time."

Said that Xie Rongjun had come to the balcony and flew down from the high sky.


As soon as the first Galaxy battleship in the sky appeared, Honglang called: "Boss, the soldiers of the Empire are coming!"

"Retreat immediately!" In the hands of Shen Yan, the scarlet blade waved a **** brilliance, and cried out after reversing an adventurer.

"Hey!" An adventurer screamed and rushed to Shen.

Sinking shunned his opponent and hit it with his left hand. He slammed on the other side and saw a flash of brilliance on the other side. Obviously, he added some kind of defensive shield. This claw did not cause any harm to him. But the next moment, Shen Yu suddenly went out and was kicking in the other's chest. This foot used thrust and drank: "Get out!"

One foot kicked the other side out.

All members of the Broken Blade team retreated at the same time. Even the Megatron and the Hornet gave up the entanglement with Augusta and collectively withdrew.

"Leave it!" Augusta screamed.

With a wave of sinking hands, twelve disciples of Lushan have spread out at the same time, welcoming the adventurers. Their swordsmanship also has its own range of distances. Once it is spread out, its strength will drop drastically. It is impossible to stop the adventurer for a long time, but for the Broken Blade team, this moment is enough.

Zhou Yiyu waved at the distance, and a crashed flying car had automatically flown to the side.

Shen Hao put his hand on the car and the prototype has been restored. The crowd immediately entered the car. Zhou Yiyu sat in the driver's seat and laughed: "The good show just happened, guys!"

Hey, the flying car has gone straight into the sky and flew away.

"Don't let them run!" Augusta yelled at the sky has already appeared in two figures.

When the first person fluttered, it was Affleck. He took a few steps in the air and had already arrived at the flying car in an instant.

"Moon step!"


Jianguang tears the sky and drives the car.

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