Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 43: Bloodshed Day (3)

The desolate Jianguang slammed down, and when he was about to hit the top of the car, Zhou Yiyu suddenly shot the body: "Turn!"

The flying car made a rapid gyro in the air, and this fiercely arrogant tyrant was actually flying over the body. m

Zhou Yiyu has laughed: "Wow, beautiful, I like this car!"

Compared with the vehicles that can only travel on the ground in the past, the range of motion of the flying vehicle has expanded from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, which has made Zhou Yiyu's driving technology more played, so it is so easy to make continuous flips at this moment.

"Then take a ride back." Shen Yan said that he had pulled a gun out of the car and fired several shots at Affleck. The bullets chased Affleck, and Affleck's figure flashed, and it was flashing in the air, and it was easy to escape the indulgent shooting.

"Hell, his speed is fast!" Zhou Yiyu screamed.

Although Shen Yu can also fly in the air, but by the law, his flight speed is actually much slower than the ground. For this reason, most of the time, Shen Yan does not like to fly in the air. After all, there is no speed advantage and no barrier advantage in the air.

However, the speed of Affleck in the air is faster than that of the average adventurer on the ground. At this moment, while he avoids the bullet attack, the man has caught up with the flying car in an instant, and the sword is stabbed again against the flying car. On the tip, there was a sharp sword.

"Flash!" Shen Hao has been called.

"It's too late!" Zhou Yiyu just finished his flip-flop, seeing the sword smashed into the air, suddenly shot the body: "Human-in-one / body!"


Jianguang hit the flying car and made a loud noise. The flying car was suddenly hit and flew out of the distance. Zhou Yiyu was also wowing a big mouthful of blood.

I only heard the sound of the flying car. It was obvious that Zhou Yiyu had suffered a lot of damage from the man-machine/body for this car, but only a small amount of residual wave made the body unbearable. Seeing that it was falling apart, Shen Shen activated and started to repair the vehicle.

Only the car was just repaired here, and Affleck had already rushed from the back. Zhou Yiyu found that he couldn’t get rid of each other and was angry: "This **** broken car!"

Hong Lang was surprised: "Hey? You just said that this is a good car!"

Zhou Yiyu did not respond with a good spirit: "Is it wrong to say wrong?"

Seeing that Affleck had once again rushed, Shen Shen suddenly took out the same thing from the coat of arms and put it on the car: "Start!"


A beam of energy suddenly appeared, blocking the sword.

Eternal heart.

This time, Affleck's attack was ineffective, but Shen Yan was also troubled by the ghost-like pursuit of this kid. He opened the door and said: "I am going to deal with the kid."

"Hey, isn't it good to say that this is not the main battlefield?" Zhou Yiyu called.

"I just go to meet them and come back soon."

Saying that Shen Yu has jumped out of the car: "Spike gun!"

These hundreds of bullets flew like a storm, even if Affleck’s moonstep could not escape, seeing the bullets rushing, Affleck’s blond hair fluttered, and the sword in his hand skyrocketed: “Sucking Star Sword !"

The countless bullets flew toward the black sword in his hand at the same time, only listening to the madness of a burst of beans, and the three hundred bullets all fell on the blade without exception, as if they were stacked here. A scabbard made of bullets was added to the sword.

However, Affleck's face is also a red light flash. It seems that this star-sucking sword skill is not able to make him a little damaged, but then Affleck's black sword in his hand: "Go!"

The countless bullets actually turned against the sinking.

Fortunately, this countless bullets did not have the power of the scattered guns. They were relatively more concentrated. Shen Shen was about to dodge, but he saw a teenager’s face suddenly appearing in front of his eyes.

In the next second, there was a scene of sinister blood in front of Shen Yan’s eyes. Countless screams and horrible screams were ringing in his ears. Looking closely, I saw that there were countless I am lingering around.

The ghosts of the blue-faced fangs are tormenting themselves with all kinds of torture instruments they have never seen before. A rumbling voice screams in his mind:

"You are guilty!"

"You are guilty!"

"You are guilty!"

The voice screamed back in the sky, and it sounded loudly in the brain.

Shen Shen’s heart trembled, trying to throw out the t1000 and blocking the rain that Affleck hit. At the same time, a judge with a green face and a fang in the brain pointed at the sinking: “waist!”

Then I saw a sinking in the picture that had been held down by two little devils, and a big sickle slammed down from the sinking body.


A blood spring has been sprayed on Shen Qiang, and a wound has appeared on his waist.

This is obviously a knife of illusion, and it actually caused real damage in the body of Shen.

"Ah!" Shen screamed.

Affleck's star-sucking sword has burst into a huge energy brilliance, stabbing to sink: "Shave!"

This concentrated a sword that was spurred by all the forces of Affleck, forming a brilliant brilliance in an instant, and stabbing the face.

At the moment of stabbing, Shen Fu suddenly looked up, and Affleck suddenly found that there were more than half masks on his face.

The sword is stabbing on the mask, making a loud bang, and the strong shock has been separated at the same time.

Just as Affleck flew back, Shen Yu has issued a rumble: "You are looking for death! Hey!"

The earth-shattering snoring sounded from the sinking mouth, and the bang swept across the square.

Palma, who had been falling behind, suddenly changed his face, and the whole person trembled.

The illusion disappeared, and the heavy hand of the sinking had suddenly stretched out, smashing it on Affleck's body, grabbing him and slamming it outside, throwing it like a bowling ball, and squatting on Parma.

The two men slammed together, and the five fingers of the sinking had been volleyed and screamed: "What up-and-coming show, but that's it!"

"Hey!" The snoring sound from Edmund seemed to penetrate the space.

A large hand suddenly appeared in midair, blocking the palm of the hand that was falling.

The two hands violently collided, and the sinking had been shaken to the rear.

At the same time, Palma suddenly pointed to a sinking finger, Shen Shen found that his chemical dragon suddenly failed, he could not stay in the air, straight to the ground.

Stay in the air!

At the same time, four adventurers rushed over.

They saw Shen Yu descend from the sky, and at the same time they showed the color of surprise. They were ready for their strongest killings, and they were ready to kill him in the moment of falling.

At this time, Shen Yu’s hand shot has been aligned with the ground.

"smoke bomb!"

As the sinking bullets were fired, the smoke of the canopy had risen on the ground, and the large area underneath was covered.

At the same time, the scarlet blade in the hands of Shen Yu reappeared, and the mirror image has been launched and the body has been launched. The body has been launched with the sacred blood, and the whole body is densely covered. For example, a cannonball is straight into the four people, causing a violent shock on the ground. wave.

"Not good!" Affleck was only eclipsed. He wanted to go to the rescue, but just a few dozen lasers in the sky had shot him.

The stagnation of Parma certainly made Shen Yu unable to retreat in time, but it also made Affleck and Parma in the air become the only targets. The forced Affleck had to dodge in a row and screamed: "Ray Dess, he broke his mirror!"

The voice of Reids returned: "Damn, I can't see him!"

His point-faced attack was originally a nemesis of the infiltrated mirror. He had never been hidden on the side, just to smack the image of the sinking, so that he would give him a fatal blow.

Unexpectedly, after being last counted by Reds, Shen Yu has found the best way to crack face-to-face attacks. This large piece of smoke rose, and Rhodes couldn't see anyone, where to attack the other side.

He was in a hurry and rushed out of the darkness, but he had not had time to take it. A black shadow in the smoke had already rushed toward him.


After a period of time, this cockroach has become more and more fierce. As soon as it appeared, it was smashed against Redders.

Rhodes’s murderous eyes: "Git!"

Rhodes's arm suddenly elongated, just before the devil flew, a first punch hit the demon scorpion, a ray of light burst, and the little thing was blown up when it was screaming.

His boneless arm, like the deformed limbs, is free to telescope the limbs, but the boneless arm has one more advantage than the limb deformation, which is the skill that can be used during the deformation. Therefore, the damage caused by the next stretch attack to the demon scorpion is not small.

However, just as he hit the Devil's scorpion, several armor-piercing bullets suddenly appeared behind the demon scorpion, and they flew around. This time became day and night, and Rhodes couldn't prevent it. The armor-piercing bullets had smashed into his body. In it, Rhodes had a pain in his chest, and the whole body was a hemp.

This is the new tactic of the gunman's battle that was researched after the Jade Birds prompted it—using the high-speed flight of the Devil's scorpion, covering the flight of the armor-piercing projectile, and then using the arc-shaped ballistics to change direction to achieve an unexpected offensive effect. This is also designed to deal with powerful adventurers who are flexible.

Despite having top-level gun specialization and arc-shaped ballistics that are good at arc flight, Shen Yu’s hand has actually been practiced for a long time. Even now, the success of Shen Yu’s success is no more than 50%. The most terrible thing is that once this hand fails, then the unlucky one must be the demon scorpion - this little thing during training does not know how many shots were killed.

Fortunately, this time finally worked, the damage caused by Rhodes being hit by armor-piercing bullets is a small meaning. The key is that the dragon dragon has actually started the special effects, causing him to slow down, causing his reinforcements to slow down.

For adventurers, this delay in rescue is sometimes fatal.

In the smog, Shen Yu has rushed to one of the adventurers like an emergency. The scarlet blade went straight down and the wrath of the dragon was launched.

The adventurer is also a clever person. He knows that he is fighting against Shen in this smog. He does not have many advantages. Therefore, he is mainly defensive, and he has released two energy masks for the first time.

The adventurers who come here are mostly elites from all walks of life. They all come from the bottom. They all have their own characteristics. The most important thing is that each has its own unique life-saving ability. Like the independent defensive cover, almost everyone has it. Just as he released the protective cover, the sinking scarlet blade had been slashed on the energy cover, and immediately ignited an energy color. The adventurer found that his defensive hood of up to three thousand points was actually the sword. The slashing straight down, the attacking power of this sword is already too high, and it is scared to retreat.

However, just as he retreated, there was another sinking in the darkness, and a scarlet blade was cut on the energy shield, followed by the third and fourth sinkings, which rushed out from the left and right. Only listening to the cracking sound of the cockroach, the energy mask of the first layer has been shattered under the attack of the four-in-one, and the second layer of defensive hood has begun to show signs of energy instability.

The adventurer was awkward. He didn’t even have a chance to fight back. Even if it was useless, the four sinkers had once again hit him from four directions. With a loud bang, the second layer of energy defensive hood was instantaneous. Broken, four scarlet blades have been pierced into the adventurer's body.

"No!" The adventurer screamed in horror. At this last moment, he had continuously launched multiple damages, such as weakened damage and life recovery. However, the four sinkers pressed his hand directly on his shoulder, making him unable to Moving, the scarlet blade in the hand is like a bayonet, breaking into his body again and again.


Several blood holes were stabbed in succession.

Until the adventurer's body trembled, it was completely sluggish, and the sinking of the hand stopped. The body slammed his arm and whirlwinded, and the head of the adventurer was cut.

After possessing the scarlet blade, with the mirror image, the momentary attack power of the sinking has reached a point of horrible. Even Edmund Dion can't say that the four difficulty adventurers who are free to spike are so easily absorbed by one person.

Shen Yu has already thrown the skull out of the smoke.

Seeing the rising head of the smoke in the smoke Reddes shouted: "No!"

He backhanded a punch on a cloned soldier who rushed over. The cloned soldier slammed and then saw the black air on Rhodes's arm. The soldier had screamed loudly and painfully, and his body was **** and skeletal. When it started, it turned into a huge monster about three meters tall and turned and rushed toward the smoke.

Sinking is taking a step back, waved, and the three avatars have blocked the other three adventurers.

He himself shouted: "Megatron!"

The effect of Palma’s stagnation on him has not disappeared yet.

A silver-gray fighter has been brushed through the sky and flew to the sinking. He jumped to the fighter plane, and the fighter plane flew up and quickly caught up with the flying car. Shen Shen had jumped from the fighter plane to the flying car.

"Dry beautiful!" Zhou Yiyu laughed and slammed his hand.

Sinking back and looking at the rear, muttered: "It's just the first drop of blood."

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