Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 47: Bloodshed Day (7)

The flying car left the battlefield, and after entering a commercial area, the speed gradually slowed down. m[ranWEΝ]

It can be seen from the computer screen that the battle has come to an end - adventurers from all areas are fleeing the battlefield.

"Three people died in the Western District, two in the Eastern District, two in the Southern District, and no one died in the North District." Shen Wei said that the computer has given direct data.

"Good start." Gentle interface.

The Inferno sect dominated the death match with a strong tyrannical trend, but the main event has not yet been staged, and it has entered the negative stage first, and it is also a slap in the face.

"Edmund will definitely have a move... He didn't even take half the strength, I really don't know what this guy is thinking." King Kong said.

He also saw the problem, Edmund Dion's hand is the key to their smooth escape.

He replied: "There is only three reasons for having strong power and not using it. One can't use it, the other doesn't dare to use it, and the three don't use it. I don't think he's already arrogant to disdain to use us to deal with us. The tiger must also go all out, and he should not understand this truth."

Gentle smile: "It's a bit interesting, then do you think he can't? Or don't you dare?"

The sullen eyes immediately became deeper. On the screen, Edmund was still driving in the flame chariot. Although the situation was a little unfavorable, he was completely fearless, as if everything was in his chest. So Shen Shen slowly said: "If you can't use it, then he can't come, just change a general, it's much better than himself."

"So, he is not afraid?" The people looked at each other. Gentle and surprised: "What is he worried about?"

"That's only he himself knows." Shen Yan shook his head. For this problem, he could not reach a conclusion for the time being.

I thought about him and said: "The West District presses the East District. It is almost unquestionable. The North District should be the West District. The thinking style of the North District people has always been simple and direct. Since the three districts jointly deal with the Western District, the Western District will either win. For the people of the Northern District, they will attack the Western District with full force, at least avoiding too many targets and causing distraction, making them become focused and efficient... This is why they are not dead. For the sake of it.[]Because they only have trouble getting to the West End, others... Hey, there are too many thoughts."

The West District is divided into two roads. The South District is also separated from the Broken Blades. The Eastern District is also under the pressure of the Western District. It has to chase the Broken Blades. The three parties have too many ideas. Instead, the 30 adventurers in the North District are neat and uniform. Keep one, not single. The North’s juvenile maniac action, fearless warfare, is the spear of the North District. The dusk movement composed of the twelve blood Shura has a distracting effect, which is the shield of the North District. The intuition ability of the juvenile is more than ordinary people. So that they can avoid sinister dangers, advance and retreat, the result is that one person is not damaged, but is to kill one person in the Western District, which is the first winner of this battle.

Although the West District died three people, but they also killed two people in the Eastern District, one person in the Southern District, did not really lose.

The Eastern District killed two people, but they also killed one person in the Southern District of the Western District.

Two people died in the southern district, and Shen Yu killed one person.

In general, this battle has little to win, the North District slightly dominates the one-person advantage, and the South District is small.

The battle is not fierce. This aspect is related to the spoiler of the Galaxy Empire in the first time. On the other hand, it has just entered the mission world. Everyone is still not eager to attack all the way. The warfare is mainly based on conservative and stable. However, as the killings take place again and again, the battle will become more and more fierce.

But for the provocate of the battle, the adventurers seem to be not going to let go.

There were a few more figures in the distance, and it was Edmund and his men.

But this time he learned to sneak up, instead of using his flame-ridden flame chariot, he took a flying car and chased it. If the satellite is not being tracked, it is really not so easy to find the people hidden in the traffic.

Shen Xiao smiled: "I finally know the benefits of low-key."

Zhou Yiyu dismissed: "Unfortunately, they can't catch up with me by car alone. [New]"

He is about to speed up, Shen Shen has patted him on the shoulder and said: "Don't worry, you have to find something for the Galaxy Empire."

He said that he picked up the phone and dialed the phone number of the Imperial Guard: "Mr. Jones? Hello, I am Sean."

There was a heavy bass on the other end of the phone, hiding the rumble of anger: "I heard it, Mr. Sean. See what you have done, you have killed hundreds of civilians, thousands of people. Homeless!"

"You didn't complete the game requirements." Shen Yan replied bluntly: "This is the price you have to pay."

"That's because you are dying for us!"

"Oh, this way, then give you a hard time. Ganiel Avenue, a light gray flying car, number ex56889741, kill it in three seconds, you will get the clue of the next attack. ”

"Light gray flying car number ex56889741? This license plate is familiar." Affleck, who was listening to the phone, snorted slightly.

The next moment Edmund had a slight change in his face, Shen Sheng said: "It's our car, jump!"

"Damn!" Everyone screamed at the same time, pushing the flying door out of the car.

At the same time, a huge laser column in the sky has fallen from the sky, crashing into the flying car, and the whole car is instantly vaporized.

Augusta's bulky body was a little slower. Seeing that the laser column was going to bring him in, Edmund suddenly reached out and pointed at the light column. The light column was a little stagnant. Edmund was already clutching. Augusta flew out, and then the laser column slammed into the ground, making a huge pit on the ground.

However, Ed’s scene of saving Augusta still fell into the eyes of Shen Yan, his heart trembled a little, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

In the sky, dozens of fighter planes flew again and rushed to Edmond and others. Due to this, Edmund knew that he had no chance to catch up with them. He could only be reluctant to scream: "Remove!"

The crowds were removed at the same time.

Shen Wei watched them leave, and then raised the phone: "Make it beautiful, Mr. Jones, your reaction speed is faster than I thought, it seems that we can start the second ring game."

"What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, Mr. Jones, just want to help you catch those guys who are on the planet. Now, the game begins. Now, the second ring of the game begins. There is a total of 12,000 storages in the Garo air station. The cabinet, one of the cabinets, contains clues about the next attack. You must get there within 30 minutes and find clues. Remember, the cabinets cannot be opened with any violent means, otherwise they will explode. The number is '1461', the password 'steps on the past, to the day when the dream rises, I will meet the 242th freshman in a thousand years. 'Remember, you only have three wrong opportunities, the storage cabinet must be in three hours. Open inside, no matter which condition is not reached, the storage cabinet will explode and the clue will disappear."

"This... what password is this?"

"A little riddle, I made it myself, you will like it."

"No, I don't like it!" The call came from the director's crazy roar. But the next moment he shouted to his men: "Let's find all our guessing experts and tell them that the country has important tasks for them!"

On the other hand, Affleck ran wildly and evaded the blow from the Galactic Empire. He angered and said: "What kind of tricks does this **** play? What is the footsteps of the past and the day when the dream rises!"

Redes quickly said: "We can rush to the Galo air station in front of the Galactic Empire, and perhaps get the clues of their actions. Aphrod, you immediately enter the mystery of the sink into our central system, see What can be achieved."

"I don't think this is useful. He heard what he said. He said that this is a self-made idiom. You should know that this kind of thing should conform to certain rules. If there are no rules, feel free to edit them. With a set of ties, there are some riddles that you may never guess." The adventurer named Afro replied.

"In any case, we have to try." Meryl said.

"There is no need." In the distance, Xie Rongjun Shi Shiran came over: "You don't make any sense to do this, just follow the steps of Shen Shen."

Two cloned soldiers were interspersed from the rear, and they were about to attack Xie Rongjun. Xie Rongjun’s head would not, and at random, the dragon flame sword had rolled up a cloud of flames and divided the two soldiers into four breaks.

Edmund landed slowly from the air and looked at Xie Rongjun: "What do you think should be done?"

It was Xie Rongjun’s proposal that made the infernal sect know that he had to sneak up on the Guard’s phone and escaped the murder of the murder by the slashing knife. Otherwise, under the bombardment of the laser cannon, everyone would be hit hard if they were not dead. It’s really hard to say what will happen. Therefore, Edmund’s opinion on Xie Rongjun has also become more important.

"We can't guess his riddle, and there is no need to guess." Xie Rongjun replied.

"Why?" Cliff asked because this is his preparation for the Galaxy Empire, this is his already written script. Do you know what a key point is if a script is going to be played? Can't get stuck! ”

Cliff understood: "No matter how he planned, since he intends to hand over the clue to the Galactic Empire, he would never hope that the Galaxy Empire could not guess his riddle, otherwise his play would not be played."

“Yes.” Edmund also realized the meaning of Xie Rongjun’s words: “So it’s not important to guess his riddle. It’s important that the Galaxy Empire will get a password. It’s interesting... this guy, what do you want? What?” Edmund narrowed his eyes. His hand was shrinking backwards without knowing it. Except for Augusta, no one saw that for a moment, his arm was changing rapidly, from being thin and dry to being full of vitality, even becoming clear and even becoming A short pink hair is like a delicate arm of a doll, and finally, it will return to its original state.

Xie Rongjun leisurely replied: "No matter what he wants, it must have something to do with the Milky Way Empire. We can find him by staring at the Galaxy Empire, and then give him a head-on attack..."

"That will be our best chance to kill him."

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