Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 48: penetration

The flying car traveled all the way, sinking in the car, holding the chin in the right hand, and the brow was locked, as if thinking about something. M

Everyone knows him now, knowing that whenever he looks like this, he must be thinking about something big, so no one can bother him.

After a while, Shen Yan asked: "Yi Yu, how far is it from the main goal?"

"There is still ten minutes."

“Is there been tracked?”

"Yes, the purple moon returns, the empire's satellite is monitoring us."

"Try to get rid of them."

“Hey?” Zhou Yiyu said with amazement: “Are we not going to spread the war to the main goal?”

"Planned changes, don't take this step for the time being." Shen Yu has shook his head: "Come here today."

Honglang’s faces are awkward, and gentleness is more like seeing Shen: “Why did the planned plan suddenly change?”

"The other party may have discovered something, I think we may have overlooked one person."


"Xie Rongjun."

The early jump of Edmund et al. gave a warning to Shen Shen that he realized that the infernal sect might see some of his actions.

After repeated thoughts, Shen Yu finally put the suspected target on Xie Rongjun.

For Xie Rongjun's retrospective ability, Shen Yu is not ignorant, but some things can be prevented without knowing it. Tracing has its own limitations, and only when a valuable point is identified can it be traced back to what happened in the past.

For this reason, Shen Wei did not think that Xie Rongjun could use traceability to do anything until Edmund and others jumped, making him realize that he might still underestimate Xie Rongjun.

He knows himself too well.

This forced me to indulge in some plans and temporarily stopped the Raiders of the main goal, otherwise he would not guarantee whether Xie Rongjun would see his intentions.

"We need a better plan." Shen said.

Zhou Yiyu looked at each other and shrugged: "Well, but what does the Imperial Guard say?"

Shen Yu replied: "This is simple, add some game content, we make it an enhanced version. If the Inferno sect already knows our connection with the empire, let them run for a while behind the empire."


Galo Air Terminal.

A face-to-face look, the director of Edward Jones, who looks like a butcher, stood in front of the storage cabinet numbered 1461. He looked gloomy at his hand: "How? Can you force it to open?"

An unlocking expert shook his head and shook his head: "I have already tested it with a molecular instrument. Sorry for the sir, the **** is right. Unless we don't want clues, we must use a password."

"Isn't it possible to use the Force?"

The other party shook his head.

Edward Jones turned back and said: "Our guessing experts have fixed the problem? Hurry, we must quickly crack the **** riddle!"

"I am afraid this is unlikely." One of the men daringly replied: "The guessing expert said that the riddle of this riddle is too broad. The real riddle should be quite targeted and irreplaceable. In order to be a clue to the bottom of the story, but the riddle weaved by the **** actually has too many directions. To be exact, it is not impossible to find an answer, but there may be too many answers."

"That means they can't solve the problem?"

"It's not necessarily. Everyone has their own way of thinking. If you have enough knowledge of that guy, you might find some features from his habits. The problem is... we don't really know each other."

Edward Jones was completely angry: "Speaking is a fart, I want the answer! The answer, not the reason for shirking responsibility! Do you want me to use this reason to explain to the emperor what empire is still not caught now? Go to the separatist?"

The men were also obviously nervous: "Guess the experts gave three answers, but it is not certain whether it is true."

"Try it!"

The Director can only go to the blog once.

The password for the storage cabinet is very simple, just a three-digit number. If it is not a serious consequence of the wrong secret, even if you only try a thousand times, you can find out the answer.

The man quickly went up to enter the password. With the input of these three numbers, the password dial turned slightly and made a squeaking sound. When everyone thought the cabinet was open, the cabinet made a cold voice: "Password input. error."

"Damn!" Edward Jones groaned.

The man obviously trembled a little, and then hardened the scalp and then entered the second password. The wrong tone made him fall like an ice cave.

He still wants to try again for the third time. Finally, Edward Jones is still not stupid. He pulls the hand down and yells at him: "We only have three chances. Do you want to waste the last chance?"

That person feels a lot of grievances, I wonder if you let me do it?

Fortunately, someone came to make a clearance.

A cloned soldier rushed over: "Sir, the Imperial Security Center phone, they said they might be able to provide some help."

Edward Jones turned and said: "What help?"

"The control center of the security center was once tried to invade by this group of separatists, but it was repelled by Ziyue's defense system. Ziyue included some information about this group of people, and it is possible to break the riddle from their behavior patterns."

"Give me the purple moon!"

The next moment, the voice of Ziyue came: "Hello, Edward Edwards, the Purple Moon is happy to serve you."

"Tell me, can you crack this riddle and find out the answer?"

"I can't, sir, I can only make an optimal analysis based on the information I have already mastered, and give the most likely conclusions. But the specific results are not within the scope I can control."

Edward Jones sighed: "Understood, then try your best, our guessing experts are already unable to rely on, and now there is a last chance."

"Good sir. I noticed that when this group of separatists tried to invade me, I used an ancient language, the ancient earth language."

"Ancient Earth language?" Edward Jones apparently stunned.

After entering the interstellar era, human beings have developed a new universal language for the universe due to the needs of rapid development. Shen Yu and others have exchanged this language when they entered the world of Star Wars. In contrast, Chinese English belongs to the ancient Earth language in the interstellar era, and in modern society, it is almost unknown.

"Yes sir." Purple Moon has answered with no expression.

“Do you think they might be a returning sect?”

In the interstellar era, there were also some extremists who always called for the return to the mother planet. They believed that the earth, as the origin of humanity, should become the core symbol of eternal. However, for the Galaxy Empire, the Galaxy Republic, the existence of these returning molecules is neither dangerous nor meaningful. I did not expect that they encountered a group of "super terrorists" who would use the ancient Earth language.

"It is true." Ziyue still replied coldly.

"Then, the so-called "walking on the footsteps of the past, going to the day when the dream rises" should mean..."

"The time before humans embarked on the interstellar the starry sky, which was the common dream of all human beings on earth."

Edward Jones shook his head: "It's too far away, I don't know much about that history."

"Fortunately, there is some information about that history in my database, but with this information alone, I still can't analyze the answer. To be exact, there are too many answers. Fortunately, just now, I noticed. We all ignored a message."


"1461, the number of the storage cabinet. According to my understanding, this is a group of well-behaved, crazy and daring guys, their behavior has always had a strong purpose. The delivery of the cabinet number has always been in order, I just I have reviewed the records of this storage cabinet and guess what I found?"

"Do they specify this storage cabinet?"

"Yes sir, so when I introduced the number 1461 into the computing system, I found a very interesting message."

"You just say it, I am not in the mood to play tricks with you."

"Good sir. I think this is probably related to a chronological record of the ancient earth era. In the time record of the ancient earth era, there is a very special definition of time, called the leap year. It is to make up for the artificial calendar. Established by the time difference between the annual number of days and the actual revolution of the Earth..."

With the explanation of Ziyue, Edward Jones snorted: "The backward timing."

People in the Star Ages have long since stopped using this method of dating, and it is no wonder that they do not know the existence of the Jubilee.

"It is indeed backward. This method of dating cannot even be accurate to every day. It must be manually revised. The most obvious example is that every four years on the earth, there will be an extra day. If you take four years Plus, then the number of days in these four years is exactly 1461 days."

"So what do you mean by welcoming the 242th new life in a thousand years?"

"The calendar year of the leap year is still not accurate even if it is increased by one every four years. The exact time of the Earth's daily running cycle is actually 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 46 seconds. According to the calculation of one leap year every four years, the average annual calculation is more After 0.0078 days, it will take about 3 days after four hundred years. Therefore, it will be reduced by three leap years every four hundred years."

Edward Jones muttered: "I am welcoming the 242th freshman in a thousand years... this is..."

"Birthday, sir. To celebrate the birthday, to celebrate the birthday, to live for a thousand years, but only to meet 242 new students, which means that he was born on the most special date. In the ancient earth, this date is February 29 ""

"I understand!" Edward Jones snarled loudly: "Enter the password, 229!"

The man quickly entered his birthday.

The storage cabinet opened with a bang.

Edward Jones sighed with a sigh of relief: "It's beautiful, Ziyue, I thank you for your outstanding contribution on behalf of the Empire. To be honest, this riddle is really boring."

As he said, he had already explored the storage cabinet, where he was holding a clue that he had left him.

An envelope.

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Director." Ziyue replied: "According to my This is a group of fierce, cunning, cruel separatists, and their tricks will never stop here. You agree, maybe let me join the coffers against them."

"You?" The Director was a little surprised: "But you are the brain of the Security Center, I have no right to call you."

"According to the Galaxy Empire security law, if you request the call as the Administrator, and the incident has seriously threatened the security of the Empire, and with my own consent, then you can call."

"This is..." Edward Jones touched his chin: "Well, purple moon, I will apply to the above for your outstanding contribution. But I can ask why you are so enthusiastic." ?"

"They broke into the security center and tried to invade me. I was just implementing the counter-attacks and going back to the end."

"Understood, thank you very much for joining us, you will be our good helper."

"I will help you to eliminate those abominable separatists." Ziyue mechanically replied: "As for now, I can send you another message. Your security phone is likely to have been eavesdropped. I suggest you change the line immediately and re-strengthen the defense. system."

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