Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 60: Sincere cooperation (below)

Small cafe. m

Wei Chibai said: "Since the Eastern District is not willing to come up with five million, then I will let us give it to the North District. Anyway, you have already put a heavy bet on the second. If this is the case, then we are the first. You second, the fourth in the Southern District, isn’t it the best? Everyone needs it.”

"It is not impossible." Hua Tianrui nodded and replied: "As long as the North District will give up the bets on the wilderness in the southeastern two regions, and pay another three million to the two regions in the southeast, we can withdraw from the championship. ”

The dispute between the rankings is never important. The North, the East, the Second and the South are considered to be in line with the needs of all parties. In this respect, there is not much controversy. What really matters is the distribution of interests.

In this respect, compared to the five million lions before Wei Chibai, Hua Tianrui’s three-million asking price seems to be more peaceful, but the conditions for not accepting the two-party bet are fully presented, fully demonstrating the white-haired eagle. The king has a comprehensive style of character.

Wei Chibai is sneer and shakes his head: "This price is high."

Lonely screamed: "If five million is a fair price, then three million can only be more fair."

Lin Weisheng also echoed: "I also think it can be considered."

He nodded because Hua Tianrui took the interests of the Southern District into consideration when he raised the conditions. Lin Weisheng naturally would not refuse.

In this death race, the Vientiane Palace was the least paid. The other districts all took out the housekeeping skills. Only the Vientiane Palace only brought the good and evil Yinyang mirror and the Buddha light relic, but the most valuable Brahma umbrella did not bring out.

Small cost and small return, so for the Southern District, Hua Tianrui's proposal is undoubtedly more acceptable to him.

This is also the embarrassing point of Hua Tianrui. He has incorporated the interests of the Southern District into his own interests, making the Southern District stand in the East Side invisibly.

But for the North District, this is precisely unacceptable.

Because so far, the North District is still one person not dead.

In the two battles, eight people died in the Western District, six in the Eastern District, and five in the Southern District.

Of the 19 people killed in the war, five were killed in the North District and scored 50 points. Although the West District lost the most, it scored the most points. Eight people were killed and 80 points were won. Four people were killed in the Eastern District. With 40 points, the Southern District killed two people and scored 20 points.

Looking at the current situation, the North District has become the crown of the three districts, both in terms of points and number.

The “fair distribution” of the three parties in the case of unbalanced strength is itself the biggest unfairness.

What's more, the compensation price of three million is not low either, just because of the five million before Wei Chibai, but it seems that the Eastern District is more "sincere."

The people in the North District may be brave and fierce in the battle, but they are unstoppable. However, at the level of negotiation, it is worse than the two sections in the southeast. Wei Chibai’s love of speaking does not mean that he understands the art of negotiation, and he does not know the importance of pulling one side to suppress one side. Therefore, after Lin Weisheng’s support, the situation changes.

You must know that the negotiation is not a forum quarrel. It is not that you can avoid the problem. Once the conditions are clear, the other party will continue to adhere to and cannot give a reasonable plan, and the basic will be recognized as lack of cooperation sincerity.

Then it is likely to evolve into a new war.

Looking at the current situation, it will form a situation in which the two regions in the southeast jointly deal with the northern region.

This is what Wei Chibai absolutely does not want to see.

Just then, the boy suddenly said, "Is it... We have promised the conditions... The Southern District... Send your people's lives... to us?"

When he said this, Lin Weisheng suddenly stopped.

In the eyes of Jin Shengji, there is no end to murder: "He dares! The battlefield is dead, we have no complaints, whoever dares to sell us, we will let him die first!"

Said that she has already turned to Lin Weisheng.

Sinking is not to be sighed, although people do not understand the negotiations? Although this boy is not a lot of words, it is the key to hitting the core.

After losing the qualifications of the betrayal, even if the Southern District wants the fourth, I am afraid it is not that simple.

Whether it is, you should talk to yourself.

He took the coffee cup and took a light drink, which said leisurely: "In fact, it is not necessary to kill each other in order to get points."

Everyone looks at each other together.

Hua Tianrui snorted: "If you want to say that the Sith Warrior can be our source of points, then I am afraid that you will be disappointed. The strength of the Galaxy Empire far exceeds our imagination, we are now able to sit Negotiations here are because we are more flexible and know how to avoid, but the mice can't compete with people after all."

"But you don't have to be able to bite a bite." Shen Yu answered with awkwardness: "Competition, competition, what is competition? The essence of competition is that everyone works hard for a common goal, and they are divided into successive orders instead of killing each other!"

As Shen Shen said, the death race mission, although it is based on the opponent's adventurer, is not the essence of the mission.

The essence of the mission is actually the same as the world of the x-men, and it is centered on the whole task world. The four districts compete to see who kills more and kills even more.

It’s just that the death match adds a choice to kill each other and gain the points. At the same time, the whole mission world is upgraded to a point where it is too strong to be almost impossible to confront, thus making the adventurer instinctively evade and choose other adventurers. way of doing.

Coupled with the gamble behind this mission, it makes it harder for adventurers to unite.

It is this series of background factors that made Shen Yu not think about trying to unite at the beginning.

Until Edmund grabbed the spaceship, the plan to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf failed, but he saw the possibility of joint operations.

For Shen Yu, this is also the best opportunity for him to complete the task of the highest parliament - directly on the strategic level to greatly reduce the possibility of adventurers killing each other, this alone, you can explain to the Supreme Council.

As for the blade-breaking team itself, it is even more capable of playing in the battle to save anyone who wants to save and overfulfill the task.

At this moment, I heard the words of Shen Yu, and everyone looked at each other. Shen Yu has continued: "Joining, fighting with the Empire, and earning points, this is my proposal. The North District has the strength advantage, then kill a few more people. More rushing for some points. The Southern District wants the fourth? It is also very simple. It is enough to kill a few Sith monitors or masters. You don't need to use your own life. If you want to determine the ranking in advance, there is no problem. The district can give the target of serious injury to other districts, and directly calculate the money according to the head. If the North District wants to be the first, it will buy the blood directly and have a sum of money. The price can be negotiated, it doesn’t matter if you can’t talk, you can’t buy it. Go killing yourself."

Everyone looks at each other and nods together.

This is indeed fair, and the distribution of benefits depends on strength. In the end, who is weak and who is strong, can’t say it with his mouth, and can’t be stunned and murdered.

In this case, the Galaxy Empire can only be used as a benchmark. Is the North District not the most powerful? Well, let's try to kill it yourself. If you can kill yourself first, you don't have to pay for it.

If you don't kill enough people, look for Laozi to buy. If you want to be the first, this score can't be cheap. A Sith monitor can't call you a hundred thousand points.

Shen Yu has continued: "In addition, if we want to leave Krusgen, we have to get a spaceship. To get a spaceship, we need to play a game with the Galaxy Empire. In this way, escape and get points are linked. Not exactly two things?"

Hua Tianrui nodded the interface: "It doesn't mean that you can't fight. When we bite the Galaxy Empire and get enough points, we flee from Krussten to Tatuin, where we will make a final battle with the Inferno. ”

"I can see." Wei Chibai also nodded.

Considering the existence of the four-zone bet itself and the most complete preservation of the existing strength in the North District, the indulging plan is actually more beneficial to the North District, and when it comes to killing, it is also the best in the North District, they naturally welcome.

Perhaps the same is to realize this, Lin Weisheng said: "In order to ensure that everyone works together, I suggest that the content of the four districts gambling will be canceled between us. No matter who wins, no one can The other two parties have benefits."

The Southern District is destined to be the fourth. If all come in accordance with Shen’s proposal, the Southern District will have a disadvantage in this competition. Even if they can make up for it by selling people's heads, considering the existing strength of the North District, I am afraid that there is no need to buy many people from them.

It is more appropriate for the Southern District to cancel the betting on the four districts and only earn casino revenue.

Hua Tianrui also expressed support for this.

Wei Chibai is trying to oppose, but Shen has already patted him and said: "Accept, a Western District is enough to make the North District the biggest winner of this competition... If you don't need to buy a human head."

Wei Chibai is still considering, but the North District teenager has said: "Agree."

He doesn't talk easily, but as long as he opens his mouth, he will no longer be questioned.

By this moment, the initial tone of the tripartite cooperation has finally been finalized.

Perhaps it is no longer necessary to kill each other, everyone is relieved at this moment.

At this point, Lonely can finally ask Shen Shen: "Can you talk about your escape plan now?"

"How can I escape? Of course, I fled with a spaceship." Shen Yan shrugged and replied.

The arrogant brow immediately wrinkled: "Are you kidding? Shen Shen, don't you know the conditions before the super-light speed spacecraft takes off?"

Before the take-off, the super-light speed spacecraft must first inject energy before it can be launched.

The Rover passed through such a process before entering the super-light speed transition.

For the adventurer, it is not difficult to enter a certain base with a spaceship. It is not difficult to grab a spaceship in a short time. The real difficulty is energy injection.

The energy injection is very dynamic, and it takes at least half an hour to inject each time. Without the personal will, the special abilities of the adventurers are not effective.

With the reaction speed of the Galaxy Empire, half an hour is enough for them to mobilize the army to encircle the enemy, and the spacecraft will be smashed together with the adventurers.

The reason why the adventurers choose the three spacecraft such as the Rover is because the three ships have their own take-off missions. As long as everyone does not fight during the energy injection time, when the energy injection is completed, the super-light speed will enter the startup state. Then you beat the sky, the emperor did not dare to attack the spacecraft.

But for spacecraft without missions, the energy injection period does not exist, which means that adventurers will not be able to evade this process.

Therefore, if they want to grab other spaceships, it is basically to be chased once by the emperor. Once they are dragged to the global search system, they will not even run.

For the arrogant statement, Shen Yan smiled and said: "I have to say that we must grab the spaceship? No, what we need is not to grab the spaceship, but this..."

Said, Shen Yu has pushed the handheld computer over.

On the screen, the huge hellfire engine is in front of everyone.

At this point, the tricks of Shen Yu have finally been unveiled.

He just wants to use the huge strength generated by the synergy of the three regions to rob him of the Hellfire engine. Otherwise, he will not be able to pull his teeth from the hands of the Galaxy Empire.

Of course, Shen Yu’s explanation for this is: I am obligated to provide spaceships for everyone, and all you need to do is to kill the Sith on the battlefield of my choice and earn points. Don't thank, as long as you pay 10,000 points per person, don't be stingy, the ticket for 2012 can be more than this price, I have already sent it to the friendship.

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