Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 61: Channel is king

The meeting in the cafe is still going on. m

After establishing the general direction and resolving the problem of income distribution, the rest is the details.

In fact, there is only one so-called detail, which is to establish a core command!

The most prone to controversy in any coalition-like organization is the commander's problem.

This represents a huge power, but also represents a huge gain, and even more represents a huge sacrifice!

In many cases, the reason why the alliance is unsuccessful is that it lacks a unified and effective core command. Even in the three regions, the original joint efforts, but the actions are their own, and there is a significant correlation with this.

Hua Tianrui will never be willing to hand over the command of the Eastern District to the two regions of the North and the South. What the North District boy thinks is not like an obedient master.

The command problem is always the biggest and most important problem in the league. As long as this is solved, other problems are usually not a problem.

In this matter, Shen Yu is actually responsible for the leadership of Hua Tianrui.

As the leader of the future Longmeng, the Bald Eagle King is no worse than Shen Qian in the overall situation of strategy, with a calm mind and clear thinking.

He lost to Shen Shen before, largely because he is good at post-production, and Shen Yan is good at pre-emptive.

When such two people collide together, they are good at preemptive, and they always have some advantages and cheapness in the opening.

Even so, Shen Yu realized that Hua Tianrui actually had some plans and arrangements of his own, but his low-key and tolerance were far more than himself, and he has not exposed his cards until now.

But no matter what his cards are, as long as the three-way alliance is set, his killer will not point to himself.

However, this proposal was rejected by the Southern District and the North District.

Jin Shengji’s reasons for vetoing need not be said. She is afraid that she is absolutely not pleasing to the eye. Although she accepts the facts of the alliance, she wants to accept Hua Tianrui as the leader, but she is unwilling.

It is a bit surprising that Lin Weisheng did not support it, and he was the first to jump out against it.

But when you think about it, you understand why he did it. The new resolution makes the Southern District no longer need to pay the head to get the fourth. And the plan is shattered, Lin Weisheng is facing tremendous pressure from within.

Under this circumstance, the only thing that the undead king can do is to fight for the interests of his own people as much as possible. It turns out that he is not a leader who easily gives up his own people.

Hua Tianrui is defeated when he is the leader of the Eastern District. If he is allowed to become an alliance of the three districts, who can be sure that he will leave the most expensive tasks to his own people and push the most dangerous tasks to others? people? Coupled with the previous agreement, Lin Weisheng needs to draw a line, so he firmly opposes the leadership of Hua Tianrui, but strongly recommends Shen Yu.

In the end, Shen Yu is now a member of the Southern District. He is responsible for Lin Fusheng. He is also the most suitable person to represent the interests of the Southern District.

The reason why the North District does not support is much simpler.

The North District boy pointed out that Hua Tianrui said: "He, do more bullying... dissatisfaction."

Then he said to Shen Yu: "You, beat me... I serve!"

Among the people in the place, only Hua Tianrui and Shen Yu, who defeated the North District teenagers, but one-on-one singles defeated him, but only one.

For the North District teenagers, they can't beat their own one-on-one, and they are not qualified to let him bow down to recognize the boss.

This style of fist talk has always been a typical North District style, and the North District adventurers have always been brave and good.

This mission is not dead until now. It is not only because other parties are speculative, but the more important reason is that their own capabilities are really strong.

What is really surprising is that Hua Tianrui himself is also supported by Shen Wei.

In his view, it is the most suitable candidate to indulge in the command. Although he is now in the Southern District, he is a member of the Eastern District. He will continue to mix in the Eastern District for a long time. From the purpose of not choosing to enter from the Eastern District, It can also be seen that he is not hostile to Longmeng, so don't worry that he will use the Eastern District as cannon fodder.

In addition, Hua Tianrui himself is also a very arrogant person. In his opinion, he counts his own indulgence and is indeed qualified to act as a conductor. In this respect, he is the same as the boy in the North District. It is also measured by defeating himself. The difference is that the North District Juniors listed this as an open standard. Hua Tianrui is only a subconscious. He himself will never Admit this.

Lonely and Wei Chibo also support Shen Yu, but their reasons are simpler and more realistic.

Indulge in a spaceship!

The Broken Blade team took control of the spaceship and took control of the lifeblood of the three major districts. Whoever masters the lifeline, who is the boss!

This is the age when the channel is king!

The result of the balance of the parties is that Shen Yu was chosen undisputedly as the general leader of the three-zone alliance.

This is also the first time that Shen Yu was elected to the head without his own struggle, which made him feel a little funny.

In fact, this time, he really didn't like to be a big head, because in this way, he was a little embarrassed to open the ticket.

But I am embarrassed to be embarrassed, it is still necessary to do, to make a joke, this is more than 80 people, more than 800,000 **** points, enough to stand the street for decades.

The ears that have been waiting outside for the news have had a fever in the ear.


Coming out of the cafe, I looked around and thought it was refreshing.

The sky is still the sky, the street is still the street, but the sinking feels cheerful, as if the air has become fresher.

Sure enough, the enemy will be eliminated, and after the pressure is no longer, the person will become energetic.

The negotiation of the small cafes laid a foundation for the three districts to join hands. For Shen Yu, this is a great victory, and its significance is like the Zunyi Conference, or Chongqing negotiations in China.

This is no longer a false union of verbal politeness, but a real joint effort.

Behind the arrogance has come up and said to him: "We will go back and prepare, I am very happy to cooperate with you."

"Me too." Shen Xiao smiled and replied.

The two hands have been held together.

When shaking hands, Lonely arrogantly said aloud: "Take the opportunity, get a few more Hellfires, miss the village, but there is no such store."

Sinking and sullen, Lonely arrogant has left with a big smile.

Looking at the back of his departure, Shen Yan did not shake his head and smiled.

He knows that he is telling himself that he has seen his abacus.

In fact, it is more than him, presumably Hua Tianrui, Wei Chibai, Lin Weisheng and others have already wanted to understand - even if they don't understand it at the time, they will want to understand afterwards.

It’s just that they don’t care about it in this matter. To be exact, they default to this part of the income that is indulged in this plan – the three organizations eat meat, and the Broken Blade team has to drink some soup. It’s just that the indulging fire is better grasped, and it’s hard to turn the meat into a pot of puree.

Hua Tianrui also came over.

What he said is much simpler: "I am very happy to work with you. The Chinese do not fight Chinese."

Decisiveness is the guy who wants to be a big man in the future, and the words are politicians.

Then Jin Shengji came over, but she just looked at Shen Yu and said nothing.

Shen Shen knows what she is thinking.

This time, Jin Shengji was hit hard.

Although things have been resolved, the Southern District does not have to give heads again, but some things can not be measured only by interests, but also emotional factors. The adventurers are all killed by the blood of the corpse. Once the Vientiane Palace is sold out, it will not be possible to change.

Therefore, all of them together asked Jin Shengji not to disclose the plan for the fourth district in the Southern District to others.

Jin Shengji naturally knows the consequences of this incident, but she also has the idea that when she keeps the secret of the Vientiane, she is also standing in the invisible Lin Weisheng.

This is unacceptable to her.

Shen Yu said: "Some things, don't think too much, keeping secrets may not necessarily support each other, just for the overall consideration."

Jin Shengji sneered: "Lin Weisheng can also say that the goodness can also be said, the entire Vientiane Palace can say this... except those we have been abandoned."

"Are you not a Korean? I thought you were used to it."

Jin Shengji's face color mutation: "Are you ridiculing my country?"

When I was indulged, I realized that I was wrong: "I am sorry, I don't mean that, you should not be too sensitive."

The murderousness on the face of Jin Shengji’s face flashed away. After all, he sighed: “Nothing, I should have gotten used to it, but I just can’t get used to it.”

For Jin Shengji, when she came to the world, she came into contact with many things she had never touched, and mastered many of the knowledge she had never mastered. The education of the former fools had no effect on her, but it was shrouded. The shadows have made her ridiculed every time, so that she is always sensitive to the topic of the country.

Although the **** city is a place to break the nationality, the old connection is not to say that it will be able to give up. People are accustomed to distinguishing by region and forming various small forces.

The same person on earth, fighting monsters together.

They are Asians and fight against other continents.

At the same time, the Chinese are fighting against other countries.

At the same time, Jiangsu people, Hunan people, Hebei people...

The specific range varies depending on the target size.

Just now, Hua Tianrui also told him that the Chinese do not fight Chinese.

If it is the internal war in the Eastern District, it is estimated that the southerners do not fight the southerners, the Shanghainese do not beat the Shanghainese, the Beijingers do not beat the Beijingers, and even the past development of the county towns and villages...

At this moment, Jin Shengji sighed and suddenly took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, she said to Shen Yu: "After finishing this, I will leave the Vientiane Palace, and when I am homeless, maybe I will Come to you."

In fact, she already has a strong "I want to join the Broken Blades". If there is a few more "should be greeted" at this time, most of the powerful adventurers will join his team.

It is a pity that he can't say that it is a taboo to openly dig a corner at the critical moment of this union.

"When there is something to help, even though." Shen Yu can only answer this alternative way.

Jin Shengji’s eyes flashed a bit of disappointment, but after all he left without saying anything.

After Jin Jinji, Lin Weisheng came again.

He looked at the back of Jin Shengji’s departure and suddenly said, “You better watch her. You know that if a woman is tempted to use things, it will be terrible.”

"You don't want to kill people?" Shen asked.

Lin Weisheng groaned and then sighed: "Sure enough, can't people do a bad thing? If you do it once, you won't be taken care of."

"At least the words you just made are very easy to misunderstand."

"I just hope that there will be no accidents."

Shen Xiao smiled: "No one can stop the accident, and the accident is accidental, because it always appears unexpectedly. If it can be predicted, then it is not an accident."

He said that he also looked at the back of Jin Shengji: "I don't think she is The real trouble is always hidden, hidden behind us, let us not see, or... see Also turn a blind eye."

Lin Weisheng frowned. "What are you referring to?"

This time Shen Shen did not answer.

The last one came to the North District boy.

He went to sink and stood before him.

He said: "I will play with you after killing Edmund."

Shen Xiao smiled: "There is no problem playing a game, but how can you be sure that I will kill Edmund? Even if we join forces in the three districts, the winning face may not be much bigger. We must know that we are facing the inferno sect. The five peaks of the most difficult generals."

"He will die!" The boy replied: "He will die!"

"Is this your intuition?"

"This is his fate!"

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