Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 75: silence

The flying car landed slowly on Aston Street. m

Out of the car, Michelle finished the corner of the dress and walked to the Hamilton Airport hospitality hall.

There are not many people in the hospitality hall, cold and clear, but the large screen on the top is still showing the travel schedule of the spacecraft.

At the bottom of the flight table, there is a row of small red letters.

"Flying fish 13 will resume taking off."

It’s true that Shen Fei’s guess is that after the Mufa Star separatists left Krussenberg, the no-fly order was terminated.

Michelle came to the ticket window.

After the ticket seller scanned Michelle’s identity chip, “Don Michel, you booked a ticket for the 13th flying fish.”


"Please take it, this is your ticket."

Michelle took the bill and sighed a little: "I'm going to be a normal cabin, and you are giving me a VIP cabin."

"Yes, Mr., the general class has been cancelled, and all the ordinary cabins have been upgraded to VIP cabins."

"I don't understand, why is this?"

The conductor replied: "The passengers are not enough. There are a lot of tickets for the guests who have refunded the tickets. It is not the first few things."

"You mean..." Michelle threw a cigarette at the conductor.

The ticket seller took it, first sniffed it, then nodded and said: "The authentic handmade cigarettes from the Silsey farm, good good things."

This is what Michelle took when she was stealing a car. Looking at the face of the smoke, there was no one in the reception hall. The conductor answered:

"Narga Spaceport incident. Everyone can see it, those guys want to leave Krussgen. The rovers are going in the direction of Tatooine, and the Flying Fish 13 is also going to Tatooine. You know, no one wants to touch. Those separatists."

Michelle understood that although the Galaxy Empire lifted the no-fly order, the attack on the Narga Spaceport made most people afraid to take the spacecraft to Tatoo.

“So the Flying Fish has upgraded the passengers in the regular class to the VIP cabin? Give some discounts to those who are still willing to take the boat?”

"Offer? Shirley, that cockroach / child will not be so generous." The receptionist haha ​​laughed: "The upgraded ordinary cabin is because the ordinary cabin has been modified. Because of the large number of passengers lost, Shirley’s cockroach Make money and pick up a government business."

"what business?"

The conductor shook his head: "Delivery of prisoners, a group of extremely wicked prisoners."

"Let the prisoner sit with us on a boat?" Michelle frowned.

"Yes, so I suggest you stay a little longer, man... If you want to give up, look at this cigarette, I can let you refund."

"No, thank you, I am in a hurry to go to Tatooine, I don't plan to change the plan for the time being." Michelle took the box of cigarettes, threw them at the conductor, and left.

The conductor was very satisfied and shouted at his back: "The generous person will have a good report!"

Michelle doesn't think it's a good thing.

His brows were locked and he hurriedly left the reception hall and began searching for information about escorting prisoners.

Sure enough, he found a humble news.

A group of prisoners of about 3,000 will be exiled to Tatooine.

In the interstellar era, except for treason, division and other felony, most of the crimes have abolished the death penalty. Instead, they are exiled to the barren zone, colonized the planet, and engaged in heavy physical labor that cannot be replaced by robots.

As a semi-developed colonial planet, Tatooine is such a criminal exile, filled with a variety of interstellar criminals, every day is playing a variety of violence, and the source of violence is these prisoners being escorted.

On the 13th of the Flying Fish, a group of prisoners suddenly appeared. What does this mean for him?

If it was before, Michelle would not consider this issue.

But now, he has only one person, he must face the complex problems alone, and every small change can cause unpredictable consequences.

This made him have to be treated with caution.

He has been following the time of indulging, and he has gradually become accustomed to some of the ways of thinking.

So I quickly realized that this is not a good news for myself.

Feiyu 13 was originally an ordinary passenger ship, and it did not have much warning power.

However, after the addition of 3,000 prisoners, the Flying Fish will definitely improve its internal policing capabilities.

This means that the enemy that Michel will face is probably more than expected.

"This **** accident!" Michelle whispered.

At this point, Michelle can only hope that these prisoners will not affect his plan.

Hey, when it comes to planning, Michelle suddenly realizes that he doesn't actually have a realistic plan to win the spaceship. What should he do?

He felt a headache.

If the sir is here, it will be fine...


Crazy silence.

The dead space is like a space without starlight, more desolate than desolate, more vain than nothingness.

I don’t know how long the time has passed, but it feels so long.

At first, he tried hard to find a way to escape.

But soon he discovered that in this absolute emptiness, he has power and can not be used, there is nowhere to be creative.

So he began to calm himself and told himself that his friends would not give up on him, they will definitely save themselves.

He decided to wait.

The long waiting time was a bit boring, and in order to determine the time, Shen Hao ticks and ticks.

But soon, the numbers were confusing.

At this time, there is a bit of irritability in my heart.

However, he knows that the time flow rate in dreams is different, he must wait patiently, and irritability is precisely the greatest enemy of patience.

So he restarted the number.

Later, when he counted to 46,384, he finally gave up.

If it is calculated in seconds, it is almost twelve hours.

Shen Yu knows that there is a confinement in the military camp or prison, which is a black house.

It is said that this is a kind of terrible spiritual torture. Even if it is only closed for three days, it can be painful. Even the most tough person can't survive, the time is longer, and even death.

In this space, Shen Yan will not age, will not be hungry, and will not die.

So his ending is destined to have only one - a mental breakdown.

Indulge does not know how long he can, but he knows that even if he is an adventurer, he will not be able to compete with time.

This dead world will destroy him one day and soon, numbing his nerves and destroying his will.

The sinking of this time, the heart finally has a feeling of fear.

He began to worry.

Anxie is like a seed, sprouting in the heart, and growing rapidly.

He yelled and yelled in the void, but he did not get any response.

He wants to start communication and connect with any connected existence, including the white girl who has helped him countless times and can make everything impossible. As long as she is willing to take herself away from this **** world, let him go. He can accept the attack on the Supreme Council.

All of this has not been answered.

The long wait and the endless emptiness are like anxious nutrients, which breeds the mad heart in the heart.

The sinking of this time finally entered a state of madness in hysteria.

He shouted and even attacked himself, but found that he could not even make his own self-mutilation. He even couldn't find the wall when he wanted to hit the wall. He couldn't find the ground if he wanted to run.

He just kept falling!

Sinking began to despair.

At this time, he was quiet.

He suddenly felt that this was a good thing.

For a long time, in the world of **** cities, non-stop fighting, planning, fighting, re-planning, various calculations of gains and losses, but never had a time to rest.

Maybe now, the mind can get a rest.

So he drifted like that, falling, watching the endless dark void, but his mind began to think back.

He is thinking about everything that has happened to him.

First want to enter the city before

I remembered when I was a child.

Many memories that have been forgotten by him miraculously appear at this time, the good times of childhood, the first kiss, the wish, the embarrassment of a better future, the first setbacks in life, etc., etc. Memory has surfaced.

Then he began to want to enter the city.

Are there any room for improvement in those battles?

What mistakes did he make and why did he commit? How can I avoid it?

Then he began to think about what would happen if he went out?

How to face the killing of the Galaxy Empire? And Edmund's big prophecy?

Thinking of going out, his heart was once again anxious.

Shen Yan only felt that he was sad all over, and every nerve seemed to be beating, telling him about the great suffering he was suffering.

So a new round of madness and hysteria began again.

Shen Yu continued to yell in the void, yelling, punching and kicking.

The sensible reason in his heart tells him that he can't go on like this, and the horrible horror will completely destroy him.

He must find something to do, think about it, that is the best way to calm yourself.

So he stopped going crazy and started thinking.

This time he no longer remembers, but begins to think about how to combine their abilities.

He began to regroup his abilities, find new ways to use, and combat skills.

He kept thinking, dismantling, researching every ability he possessed, and looking for the possibility of a combination.

He realized that the Jade Bird said yes, his career development is not balanced enough, let alone his gun skills are still limited, even if the role of the deputy skills did not really play out.

Maybe you should find some cheap and good deputy skills to use.

Oh, it’s like Van Helsing.

Yes, Van Helsing’s deputy skills are not only deputy skills, but also combo skills. And such a combo technique, the demand for skills is extremely high, and the demand for investment is relatively low.

Isn't that what suits you?

Fortunately, I also counted the combo skills in the city, as long as I found the skills that are suitable for one-handed use.

Why not try this combination here?

I want to do it when I think about it.

He experimented repeatedly, punching and kicking in this void, researching the direction of improving his combat skills and fighting strength, and also studying the use of his own career.

However, soon, he once again fell into the desolateness of the soul.

Even if the research is completed, what about?

Still not going out?

The unbearable decadent thoughts in my heart re-emerged.

Indulge into another madness.

This time the madness is much better.

After a round of crazy screams and calls, Shen Shen regained consciousness.

He told himself that research is to wait, and in this long period of imprisonment, patience and calmness are the magic weapon of his victory.

So he entered a new round of research.

This time he began to study the combat mode of the entire team, how can he further improve himself...

The mind is repeatedly screaming in madness and reason.

There was always a time when Shen Shen would fall into the hysterical uncontrollable hysteria, but then he was pulled back with a strong will and reason and sought a new direction of exploration.

After studying the battle ideas of the squad, they began to study the enemy.

After studying the enemy, I began to study the city.

After studying the city, I began to explore the rules.

After studying the rules, I began to think about the composition of the universe and the philosophy of life.

However, these studies are very complicated, so he began to try to develop his own three-dimensional image memory, which is his talent, which enables him to strengthen the memory of any aspect.

He rarely used to really use this memory to do something.

But now, this memory has become his last magic weapon.

Sinking began to try to turn his knowledge of the sea into a computer.

He imagines something, then enters it in, generates a reaction, and gives the result.

Then continue to enter new data, generate new responses, and give new results.

This is an experiment that is repeated in right and wrong.

Initially, sinking is always wrong.

The brain is not a computer after all.

But gradually, Shen Yu discovered that with the long use, his thinking speed and utilization ability are increasing and huge.

He can partition his memory, which he could not do before.

But now he can, he can divide the memory into several areas, just like a hard disk.

What memory is in this disk, what memory is in the disk, and when they need to be used, they are extracted.

This partition was very vague at the beginning, but it became clearer later.

So Shen began to use one of the partitions to time.

He didn't know how long he had spent before, but at least from now on, he has to count.

He wants to know how much time he has survived in this void space when he goes out.

Yes, go out!

This is the obsession that Shen Shen himself built for himself.

If a person is alive, he must have a goal. Even if this goal is impossible, it is like a bright light that guides you in the darkness, so that you can explore and move forward so that you never give up.

Just like for the adventurers in the city, entering the Tongtian Tower and returning to the homeland is the same as the obsession they built for themselves. Walking out of this dead space is also a slogan for Shen.

He is self-anesthetized and firmly believes that he will definitely go out.

When the first timer was officially completed, he had experienced nine mental breakdowns, one of which almost never recovered.

However, with the official establishment of the memory partition, Shen Yu found that the interval between his mental breakdown was significantly longer.

So Shen began to prepare to modify his brain computing power.

If the memory partition is a hard disk, then the computing power is cpu.

Shen Qian tried to extract memory from each memory partition and then arbitrarily combined.

The result is confusing.

This initial cpu, even the bully game console is not as good.

But Shen Yan does not give up.

He stubbornly refused to admit defeat again and again to recalculate every data and derive numbers.

He studies mathematics in his mind and uses his memory partition to record various data. It is said that the mathematician Hua Luogeng can answer any number of digits of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in one second. Shen Yan soon found that he can reach this level even better than the other party.

The calculations therefore began to become organized, clear, and increasingly efficient.

So slowly, the cpu began to upgrade.

Every day... If there is a day, there will be countless pictures in my mind.

Those events that happened once were arbitrarily combined by him. Xie Rongjun and Professor X fought, Zeus became a beautiful woman, Hera and Hornet Megatron 3p, Honglang and King Kong engaged in...

This innumerable and intricate content forms a game-like picture, and then I am walking in it and participating in various processes.

He imagines all sorts of complex changes and then goes to solve them.

He is very strict with himself, even if the calculation is a little slower, he will judge himself to fail.

Then everything is coming from the beginning.

In an unprecedented way, he calculated any possible direction after each incident, and calculated the results and the most reasonable way of responding.

This is a game that is so complicated that it can be played by people.

It’s a great time to play with it.

His image memory thinking ability has also grown rapidly.

If you use digital display, then at least in the three-dimensional image memory, sinking is already max level, right?

No, it is a direct explosion of the table, breaking through the sky.

However, Shen Yu was finally tired of such a game.

At this time, the numbers in the timed partition show that he has lived in this space for twenty years.

So he started making new games.

A game about the history of the growth of a **** city.

He enters the known clues, combines an imperfect model, and then begins to freely fill the content, creating his own imagined, urban history, and writing rules based on these histories.

He analyzes the Quérez, analyzes humans, analyzes the various situations that may arise during the two types of life contact, and analyzes the rules that Quérez may choose at the beginning of the system establishment based on these conditions.

Since most of the information is lacking and too much brain supplement, Shen Yu established one urban model after another.

In some models, the **** city was destroyed by the Zerg more than a hundred times.

In some models, the **** city is still dominated by the Quares, and the Supreme Council is nothing more than a blind man.

In some models, the white girl is the ultimate ss of the Zerg.

In some models...

Countless models, countless possibilities.

It is twenty years old.

Finally, Shen Shen was tired again.

He is tired of the city, tired of his opponent, tired of all the analysis.

So he began to study the Force.

Since this space is composed of the original power of the Sith Emperor, it must be studied.

He began to try to feel and feel the original force response that Asoka said.

At first, nothing was answered.

But Shen Yu did not give up.

The long wait made him know that the biggest capital of him now is time and only time.

So he insisted on constantly feeling, thinking, and analyzing.

One day, some of the fragments in his memory inadvertently collided, and a new possibility was born.

Indulge in the decision to experiment with this possibility.

So he was lying quietly, doing nothing, and didn't want anything.

In this deadly loneliness, it is like an eternal sleeper.

It’s like Pangu before the opening day.

He didn't know how long he slept.

Until this endless darkness, a little faint light rose quietly.

Open your eyes and look at the light.

The light is very weak, but for Shen Yu, it is still a bit dazzling.

He blinked his eyes, but his mood was not old.

He knew that the light was not without cause, it must be the effort of his partner to save him.

What are they calling?

I can’t think of it.

He opened the dusty memory partition and found the name of the partner.

Gentle, Honglang, King Kong, Zhou Yiyu, and fat man Luo Wei.

It's them……

He had expected this light to have countless years, and in his numerous analyses, this is one of the possibilities for separation.

It’s strange that when this light appeared, he thought he would be excited.

Why is it so calm?

There is even a feeling of reluctance?


In the long years, he has gradually adapted to this place.

So when the moment of liberty really comes, sinking has a feeling of being at a loss.

Why didn't you put this mood into it?

It seems that this cpu still needs to be upgraded.

But if you want to upgrade, you have to stay here.

At that moment, there was a growing desire to leave.

Fortunately, the memory of freedom in another memory section tells him that leaving here is the best choice. His current thinking is nothing but an inevitability after assimilation. I am not crazy, but I am gradually assimilated.

In the process of his feeling of the Force.

If you continue, maybe one day, he will completely become part of the dark space, when he will truly possess these forces.

He is the original force, the original force is him.

This feeling allowed him to grasp the origin of the Force.

This is good.

This is enough.

It is time to leave.

Shen Yan sighed and looked at the faint light in the distance again.

He worked hard and flew toward the light.

At this time, he has been able to control his body.

No more falling!

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