Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 76: Arrested

Standing on a small slope, Michelle took the last cigarette from the Silce farm and threw the cigarette **** on the ground, and then walked to the flying car parked not far away. m[][]

The flying car did not take off, but ran on the highway. When the sky was crowded, the earth appeared to be much quieter, which made Michelle feel the scenery outside.

The wide field of vision made Michelle's already tight brain a lot easier.

The sergeant left himself to gain control of a spaceship to make the final retreat, but control may not be obtained only by force.

In addition to violence, there are many ways to negotiate and cooperate.

Considering that the Flying Fish is coming to Tatoo in the morning and evening, and it always has to fly back, and now the situation shows that the Flying Fish 13 is facing a shortage of customers, then maybe you can reach the Tato in the Flying Fish. After that, the spacecraft was obtained directly by rent.

This avoids the collision with the existing jǐng ring power of Feiyu 13 and also ensures accidental reduction.

Moreover, with the sergeant's ability, this last retreat may not be used.

If you can, you can die less, and you will die less.

I want to understand this and make Michelle's mood a lot easier.

He whistled and drove to the space port.

At this time, a red sè flying car appeared in the far side of the road.

A blonde is standing beside the road and waving at him.

Michelle parked the car next to the girl: "Is there anything I need to help? Miss."

The girl replied: "My car is broken, can I take a ride?"

Michelle looked at the car: "What's wrong?"

"The engine is parked in the air. If there is an emergency landing device, I will crash from the air." The girl pointed to a group of umbrellas not far away.

Michelle got out of the car and headed for the red sè: "Maybe I can help you."

"No." The blonde hurriedly said: "My time is very tight, I can't fix it."

"It doesn't take too long." Michelle has come to the front of the car, opened the front cover of the car, and checked it carefully. "It's a problem with the vortex generator. Is there a repair pliers? Help me get it." I can fix it for you."

"how much time is required."

Michelle shrugged: "Two minutes is enough."

"That's great." The blonde was obviously relieved and took the repair pliers to Michelle: "Are you a professional serviceman?"

Michelle looked up at the girl and replied while repairing the car: "No, an ordinary farm boy."

"Then you are really not simple." The blonde leaned against her chest and said, "The vortex generator is the most intimate part of the flying car. Unless it is a professional, most people will not fix it."

"Self-learning, you know that on the farm, sometimes there is a problem, but you can't find someone to help, you can only solve the problem yourself. [Read the novel is ~~]" Michelle replied casually.

He quickly repaired the vortex generator and said to the girl: "Try to ignite."

The car quickly moved.

"Hah, thank you so much." The blonde smiled.

"If you are in a hurry, just go first."

"Right, I haven't asked your name yet."

"Michel, Don Michel." Michelle laughed.

"My name is Shirley, this is my contact number. When I come back, I want to invite you to have a drink as a thank you." The blonde gave Michelle a number and then drove away. /

Shirley? This name is a bit familiar.

However, Michelle did not care too much after all, his time is not much, the spacecraft can wait.

The red sè car slowly entered the internal parking lot of the space port.

The tall Shirley came out of the car and walked straight through the jǐng ring line. He entered the internal elevator, stopped at the top floor, and then took the space shuttle into the belly of the Flying Fish 13th.

A seemingly sad old man is already waiting for her.

Shirley went straight to the cockpit, and the old man said behind him: "The equipment has been tested and all the prisoners have been on board... you are late for Shirley."

"The car on the road is broken." Shirley said without saying back: "How about the safety facilities?"

"Forty mechanical jǐngweis have all been in place, but I think we should add a little more security personnel. You know that machines are machines, and they are never better than people."

"But the cost of the machine is lower."

"But the machine can't adapt to the complex environment like a human..."

"I have already let Jinna take charge of security measures, you don't have to worry about it, Ma Bo. I know that you are good for me, but you have to know that controlling costs is to control profits. The safety department's guys are very stingy, they give The price is too low. Continue to increase the number of people in the jǐng will only make our flight profit fall to an unbearable level. The energy consumption of flying at super speed is not cheap!"

"Good." Marber sighed.

"Give me the passenger information." Shirley held out her hand.

"Strong Phillips, male, forty-two years old, Baisca star, cruel, guilty of multiple murders, characterized by fast speed and explosive power. Evaluation: Extremely dangerous. Hey, looks quite arrogant character."

"Jamie Hackett, male, thirty-three years old, Karn star, from Kama Star, guilty of multiple murders, theft, burglary/robbery, illegal possession of heavy weapons. Evaluation: Extremely dangerous."

"Bern Start, male, 30 years old, human, commits multiple murders, defames children, strong/ān young girls and other felony. Evaluation: Extremely dangerous."

"Southern Glein, male, fifty-six years old, human being, guilty of instigation, fraud, strong/ān young girl, has received a doctorate in psychology, damn, this guy is a high IQ of 210, but also worship En. Statt's criminal enlightenment teacher. [Read the novel to ~] Evaluation: Extremely dangerous."

"Shamir Long, male, twenty-seven years old, was abandoned by members of the rebel army because of radical means. He repeatedly attacked the empire zhèngfǔ and tried to place a small suitcase nuclear bomb in Cruises three months ago. He was captured. Self-replicating, with a hundred and forty-three self-contested with the jǐng reserve team, the death of 141 people, the two existing, Shamir A and Shamir B. Hell, it is like A pair of twin brothers. Evaluation: Super dangerous."

"Blue Rose, female, twenty-six years old, guilty of multiple murders and financial theft, evaluation: severe danger."


Shirley, who is already sitting in front of the main console, carefully looks at the target of the person who needs to be monitored by Ma Bo. It must be said that Maber’s work is very good and no important goal is missed.

"Okay, that's all." After reading the key prisoner information, Shirley stretched out: "Is the energy injection of the super-light engine completed?"

"Yes is done, the passengers have already boarded the ship."

"Start the flight, and let Jamie help me to make a cup of coffee." Shirley turned the information to the last part, and then raised a brow: "How come there is a list of ordinary passengers?"

Marber replied: "The Security Department has given you a report. It is not excluded that there may be prisoner associates trying to hijack the spacecraft during the flight, so we have to monitor all ordinary passengers as well."

"Is there any news?"

"nothing now."

"That's good, let me see." Shirley continued to look down.

There were not many ordinary passengers, but when Shirley saw the name of Don Michel, it stopped.

"Is he?" Shirley remembered the man who helped him repair the car before.

"Do you know?"

"Hey, he helped me fix my car." Shirley replied casually, then squinted at the information about Don Michel, and there was Michelle's photo on it, it was indeed him.

Then her eyes fixed.

"The security officer sent by the security center? But he said that he is a farm boy... There is no experience on the farm. He was born on the sixth street in the F district. His father is a lawyer and his mother opened a flower shop..." Shirley’s eyes suddenly contracted.

She looked up: "Let the Security Center re-issue a message about Don Michel!"

With the huge roar of the super-light engine, the Flying Fish 13 finally took off.

Unlike the Pioneer, in order to save energy, the Flying Fish 13 will first conduct a normal flight for a period of time, and gradually increase the power during the flight, and finally enter the transition.

Michelle sat in the VIP cabin, from which you can see the vast expanse of stars outside the spaceship.

Really spectacular!

The knock on the door sounded at this time.

Michelle opened the door, and two jǐng guards stood in front of him, followed by two destroyers.

"Don Michel? Security officer sent by the security center?" A jǐng guard asked.


"You have been arrested."


The light is very far!

The light is very close!

Shen Yan discovered that no matter how he moved toward that point of light, he could not reach it, as if he was chasing the praise of the father.

Finally, after flying "three hundred and twelve days, ten hours, eighteen minutes, twenty-four seconds", Shen Yu stopped moving forward.

He found his response slow!

Yes, it’s dull!

While the brain is almost formatted and has high-speed and cumbersome computing power, Shen Yu loses the concept of efficiency.

I should have found out that I had not taken any distance with it as early as 234 days and tens of hours ago.

I have too much time.

So I don't treasure time.

I have the most efficient way to calculate, but I have the slowest response.

This is really interesting.

What does this mean?

A computer may have the high-speed computing power of the human brain, but it never knows how to take shortcuts and does not know how to react automatically in the absence of instructions.

This may be its shortcomings.


But it doesn't matter, as long as you find the problem, you can solve the problem.

Shen Yu has become accustomed to this mode of thinking.

Then he closed his eyes and began to feel the light.

It is the bright force!

Shen Yu once again opened the memory partition and found the name that was already strange.


It turned out to be her.

She is guiding her direction.

It is a pity that her bright force cannot break the dark cage, so no matter how sinking it is, it cannot be reached.

So how can we open it?

Indulge in the calculation of his own 旷rì long-term calculations did not even consider how to break the original force cage.

This is really...

Then he smiled.

He slowly reached out and a **** sword formed in his hands.

Scarlet Blade!

This is certainly not the real scarlet blade, but the scarlet blade that was created in the process of perceiving the original force and using the dark force that imprisoned him.

This is also the only power he can master.

In those countless years, the little ones collected were from the force of the original force cage that was stripped off by him.

Now, with his own will, he motivated this power and created this scarlet blade.

He raised his weapon and slammed it toward the front.

However, this sword went on without any effect.

Is the weapon formed by the dark Forces ineffective for the cages that are also formed by the dark forces?

Sinking quickly found the answer.

No, it may be because of insufficient raw forces.

Shen Yu knows that he can't compete with the Sith Emperor in terms of strength. Then, he only uses the bright force.

The light force and the dark force are not different in essence. The only difference is the user. To be precise, it only represents the user's emotions on both sides, and the resulting use of power.

Therefore, in theory, the light force can be reduced to the dark force, and the dark force can also be upgraded to the light force.

All it needs is positive emotions.

The only problem is that Shen Qian is not emotional now.

The long thoughts, the various complicated derivations, and the evolution to the ultimate result made him gradually feel the fluctuation of emotions.

This is the basis for his survival in this eternal loneliness, and his shackles to protect himself.

However, if he wants to get out of this darkness, he will eventually break the psychological defense that protects him.

A voice told him that he must immediately give up the shackles and rush out of the cage. Another voice tells him that you should never do this. Once he can't break, waiting for him may be another And this time, he may not be able to return.

There is even a third voice echoing in the brain, staying here, feeling the original force, together with the heavens and the earth, you will create your own world.

Numerous voices are noisy, and three-dimensional images are memorizing at high speed in my mind. One after another, they are screaming and arguing, screaming, and even beating!

So Shen Shen discovered that in such a dead world, in addition to madness and assimilation, there is actually this third possibility - jīng **** division.

Fortunately, Shen Shen quickly controlled the disorder of thinking, and the obsession of "leaving here, leading to zìyóu" became the ultimate guide, and Shen Yu decided to disregard all his prisoners.

The scarlet blade in the hand gradually emits light, echoing with the faint light in the distance, and the light is getting brighter and brighter until it rises in the dark void like the sun, becoming the first star in the dead air.

Then it exploded, as if the big bang of the birth of the universe, scattered around, the next moment, appeared in front of the sinking, but in his numerous calculations and speculations, that never thought of the scene that would appear...

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