Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 80: 1 read flower

w bomb!

The Rainbow Bridge disappeared. (

The Flying Fish reappeared in the comet.

Because it is not the most advanced Hellfire engine, the Flying Light's super-light engine can't maintain a long-term transition, so it must jump out of the transition and recharge every time.

This allowed the Flying Fish to travel to Tatoo for a much longer time than the Rover, and it took ten days to get on the road.

It has been 12 hours.

Shirley has been in front of the console. In addition to directing the normal navigation of the spacecraft, she devoted all her energy to the study of Michelle's escape video.

There was a faint grace on the beautiful face, and the white fingers unconsciously stroked in front of the screen.

What kind of man is this?

She knew nothing about him except that he was probably from Mufa, possibly related to the separatists.

However, what power has made him suffer from Jinna’s torture?

What strength is it that makes him have such amazing speed, explosive power, and that keen judgment?

For 12 hours, she didn't hear anything about discovering Michelle. Even if she was unable to find his whereabouts, he would be like evaporating out of thin air. With this alone, it is not an excessive thing to look at this person with any discretion.

Jinna walked in carefully from the outside.

Even though her footsteps were light, Shirley still said without saying: "Nothing, right?"

"...Yes, Miss, this **** is like disappearing into the air, we can't find a trace of him." Jinna almost cried out.

"First of all, he is not a jerk, you are. Secondly, it is not surprising that he can't find him, because he is a member of the separatist, and even the whole empire can't take them. In tracking and anti-tracking, he is an expert. We are just rookies. Third, he can never disappear in the air, and it will never be so silent. Fourth... Come and see, I think I found some clues about him." Snow Li is too lazy to pick up Jinna, and she is beckoning to let her come.

Video playback, that was the first time Michelle was asked for a cage.

A shot was fixed by Shirley.

On the screen, the watch is guarded by Michelle Michelle.

Then there was Jinna’s endless whipping and scolding of Michelle and her arrogant laughter.

"I have always been wondering about such a thing." Shirley said.

Jinna did not interject her.

"With his skill, he is definitely not weaker than an ordinary Sith warrior. Why do people who have such strength, when we arrest him, he does not resist? I think for a long time, the answer is only one, that Michelle wants to go Tatooin."

Shirley guessed that although it was not in the middle, it was not far behind.

"So, one of my biggest concerns is solved. As long as he still wants to go to Tatooine, then he will not make a foolish move to destroy the spacecraft."

"That can explain why Michelle valued the watch so much that it didn't run away until you were tortured for so long. Because that watch must be the latest technological crystallization of the separatists, not only has powerful capabilities, but also All the detectors can be smashed in the unactivated state. Therefore, if Michelle wants to get rid of the super-alloy cockroaches on his hands, then the Sith Warrior can't break, he has to get back the watch. That's why he waited a few hours to escape. Because Kerry took the watch and went elsewhere, he didn't come back to torture him until you left. And your departure made you even more He doesn't have to worry about the paralyzed effect of the electro-optical whip delaying his actions. So when you leave, he immediately starts. What surprised me is that he always hides his strength, even if your whip falls on him, even Can continue to install a coma... It’s terrible endurance."

Jinna was stunned.

Shirley continued: "After a full 12 hours, the weapons room and the infirmary have never appeared. I believe that he did not come and we did not find it, but he did not go to these two. The watch. There is no doubt that the watch has a cutting function that can help him cut the cockroaches on his body. It should be used to make weapons. So what about medicine? He has such a heavy injury, and he will never wait until he recovers. Maybe. He needs medicine, but why doesn't he go to the infirmary at all? Is he hiding himself in a corner of the spaceship waiting for himself to rot?"

Jinna shook her head blankly.

"Do you know? Jinna, you are the stupidest and most arrogant person I have ever seen, and this Michelle is the smartest and lowest-key person I have ever seen." Shirley always thought she was the smartest person. Even if she doesn't always care about the following things, anyone who wants to play smart in front of her is hard to find.

Only this time, only a few minutes ago, when Jinna came in, she just wanted to understand one thing.

One very important thing, I could have caught Michelle.

She asked Jinna to say:

"Can you tell me why he cuts Raul's hand, breaks his foot, and draws him with your whip?"

"Don't it be for revenge?" Jinna blurted out.

"Of course not! In the few seconds that the isolation gate has been in a state of decline, it is still busy with revenge. Probably only you will be able to do this idiot. Think about it, how could a wounded person have no medicine? He In Raul's body, he created a similar injury to himself, in order to go directly to Raul where he took all his medicines away! So he didn't have to throw into the trap we prepared for him!"

"Oh my God! I am going to Raul's bedroom!" Jinna shouted.

"It's too late! One night is enough for him to eat Raul... Poor Raul, we are looking outside, but he endured the pain of the night in the room. His hand is afraid to regain Pick up... Jinna, go get him to the infirmary." Shirley lamented.

A huge hidden danger caused by saving police force finally appeared at this moment. In the face of unexpected situations, Feiyu 13 lacks sufficient manpower and resources to handle it. Just guarding a few important places has already made them exhausted. There is no doubt that Shirley and Michelle have clearly seen this.

Michelle has already done everything well in the morning, so what will he do next? In any case, since he did not pay attention to his own broadcast, he could only understand that he did not have the will to conduct a peaceful dialogue.

This answer is too bad.

When Raul was taken to the infirmary again, everything was as Shirley expected.

The poor Raul guard cried: "He took all my medicine, and even put it on my hands. This bastard, this devil, he even pressed on my body and slept all night. No, this is a non-human torture. He ate all my things, took all my equipment, took my medicine, and slept me!! I can't live..."

Shirley and Jinna are right.

No wonder the life detector can't find any traces about Michelle. Because the two small dots on the dashboard are tightly coincident.

Pat Raul's face, Shirley comforted him and said: "No explanation, I believe you are innocent."

"This is not the point." Raul cried.

"So are you reminding me to turn my attention to your dereliction of duty?"

Raul immediately shut up.

"Now, sleep well, believe me, that guy won't bother you any more." Shirley tried to comfort him with a amiable tone.

"But I can't sleep, the wound hurts."

Shirley waved a punch to stun the unlucky guard.

She turned back and looked at the people around her roaring: "Who can tell me why my men are all idiots?"

Jinna shut up her mouth.

Marber respectfully walked to Shirley's side and whispered: "Raul's intercom has disappeared. In addition, we found that the spacecraft's backup system has also been invaded. The hologram image of the spacecraft was copied. So now we have reason to believe that the guy knows about this spacecraft will not be less than anyone else."

Shirley nodded and said that she understood. She sighed: "On this spaceship, Ma Bo, you are the only one who can help me."

"Do my best, Miss." Ma Bo is very modest.

"So, can you give me any good advice?"

"Only practical advice."

"Well, talk about it."

"Wait for a conversation with..."

An hour later, a stunned guard found a box next to him.

He first sent the contents of the box to Shirley in the main control hall.

There are a few things in the small box.

An alloy cover: from the energy generator.

A dashboard: a light brain that is unloaded from the backup system.

A screw: The note is from a separate compartment.

A self-made magnetic interference bomb and a corrosive bomb, the pattern shows that these things are being distributed in all corners of the spacecraft.

There is also a key from the prisoner's hall.

Finally, there is a drawing of the spaceship, full of various routes, all pointing to a place - the escape cabin.

Jinna looked stunned. She didn't understand what Michelle meant when she sent these things.

Only Shirley, long sighed and said: "We lost."

From the beginning of the incident to the present, Shirley has been trying to catch Michelle. But now, she can't help but admit defeat.

Michelle sent these things, just wanted to tell her one thing:

As long as he is willing, he has too many methods and sufficient ability to destroy or even control the ship.

These things indicate that he has at least gone to the energy hazard, the system reserve cabin, the separation cabin and other places where the spacecraft is vital. These places can be used to make the spacecraft die in an instant.

The map tells her that even if he blows up the entire spacecraft, he has too many routes to go to the escape cabin to leave alone.

The key in the prisoner's hall told Shirley that he even went to the prisoner's hall and turned around again - he could have released all the prisoners.

This was a demonstration, and it was also at Sheen. During this time, he had let the Flying Fish 13 come back from the edge of destruction at least five times, but their people did not know.

"How did he do it?" Marber stared blankly at the contents of the box. All the isolation doors have been put down, why can he come and go freely in the spacecraft and not be affected by the light brain and life detector?

"Ask God." Shirley replied.

The communicator that had been waiting for finally rang, and Michelle’s magnetic voice came from inside: “If Miss Shirley is listening to me, then I think we can talk.”


Thinking determines the substance!

Awareness creates the world!

"This is the realm of God!"

Shen Yu looked at the birth of the universe, the universe grew, the universe shattered, and the heart was filled with words, blurting out.

"Yes." The girl replied: "A thought of Zhou Sheng, a dynasty. Some people say that this world is the country left by God, but they are too small."

Shen Yanran looked at the girl and suddenly had a thought in her head:

Will it be the world in which they are now, but what is happening between a true god?

God, since omnipotent, over all things, naturally should be beyond the universe.

The whole universe is nothing more than a true god, and it should not be rare.

And the dream space, perhaps the core of true God thinking?

"You... finally understood." The girl smiled.

"I don't understand, do you want to tell me that this is all a god's thought?"

"No." The girl shook her head. "I don't know. I don't know whether it is the world's creation, or the creation of the world. My strength is not detached from this space. It is even more impossible to understand the existence outside the universe. But I Knowing that God also has its own category. People have countless definitions of God, such as omnipotence and omniscience, but from our current point of view, the true God should be omnipotent in its own world. Everything is omniscient, and beyond this world, he still has his own limitations. For example, you can create your own world, for the world you create, you are God; and in our universe On the other hand, there may be a true God... And on it, is there still existence? Is this all a cycle of no solution, you and I don’t know."

"It may not exist at all, I can make the world, just because it is a dream space."

"It is true that there are too many possibilities in the universe. If we don't go that step, we can never understand, but at least now, you are the God of your world."

"But it can't affect the world, right? I don't know what it means. Can it help me beat Edmund?" Shen Yu spread his hand.

He didn't create a new universe anymore, and the feeling of throwing away his hands and destroying hundreds of millions of creatures was not good for him.

"No." The girl shook her head.

"I know that. I made a movie. I have the right to decide the fate of every character in the movie, but only in the movie..."

“Why don’t you try to narrow down your dreams?”

Shen Yu thought about it, he reached out again.

This time there is no cosmic shape, just a little starlight in the palm of your hand.

The starlight changed and twisted, and a little elf was created.

It danced in the palm of his hand and bowed to Shen Shen.

With a gentle wave, the elf has run around in the room.

It is real and moves with the indulgence, but Shen can feel that if he wants to make the elf bigger and stronger, perhaps this dream will soon burst.

Shen Xiao smiled and shook his head: "The strength is too low."

"It's just a matter of time. For you, it's also a process that needs to be learned and understood."

"I would rather have some power that can be seen immediately, like rules."

"The meaning of the existence of the rule is to use this power. You have this power from the beginning, and what are the rules?"



The so-called rules of the city are just a set of means that the Quérez people have built to develop and utilize space energy.

The purpose is to make the dream come true, to speak out, the rules are the means, and the dream comes true.

Now, Shen Yu has the most powerful power, why should he think about the rules?

The rule is the law. It depends on the person. If you can't control the sky, you can't manage the land. You can't control the human beings who dare to take great risks, and there is no shortage of being mastered, used, and changed.

But the power of this dream is true, it is true, eternal, is the most important source, is the Dragon League, the highest parliament and even the Quérez people have always dreamed of pursuing!

Now he actually said that he is interested in the rules. Isn't this the end?

Sinking and smiling, I was imprisoned for forty-six years, and I couldn’t even move my mind?

"Sorry, I took a moment." Sinking sorry.

"It doesn't matter, I can understand."

"So..." Shen Yan asked: "Why should you tell me this? I mean, you are rare and generous today, and you are not hiding at all."

"Because I saw a new direction, the opposite direction to I existed on this world, I developed myself. And your world exists based on you, develops It is the world itself. I have the ability to create the world directly, but I don’t know what to do with it. You know what to do, but your grasp of this power is too shallow. Our situation is completely opposite, and the final goal is completely The same. It is like one east and one west, but it is moving toward the same goal."

"So I really want to know, between you and me, whoever road can go further and faster."

"I also want to know whether God created the world or the world gave birth to God."

“It’s like the problem of having chickens or eggs first. I’m also looking for them.”

After a long time of contemplation, he replied: "There is one thing you said wrong. Whenever and wherever, I have never thought of becoming a god. Your goals may not be the same."

"You don't want to be a god?"

"I hate God. There is nothing in the universe, there is no need for God. Mankind does not need a will above us, no matter how great it is!"


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