Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 81: Son of space

Shirley has never experienced such a bad negotiation. m

In fact, she thinks this is a naked trick.

"From now on, everyone on the 13th flying fish, including the captain, will be active until the prisoner's hall. From the rest area to the energy control room, the restaurant to the backup system room, the washroom to the escape cabin, the space capsule, the first The third and fourth cofferdams, the storage rooms are all designated as restricted areas, and no one is allowed to enter without my permission. As for the infirmary, weapon room, energy buffer, energy generator room, gravity adjustment cabin and living system The cabins are all neutral and there is no special need. Please do not send people in the past."

This is Michelle’s original words, and Shirley is so angry that she has to blow up.

"That is, in addition to the main control hall, the prison hall, the guard hall, the gym, the adjustment cabin and the main room, we can't go anywhere else. Do you mean this?"

"It sounds like you can't go too far." Michelle slept on a pile of corn and answered leisurely.

"What do we eat? Where do you sleep?"

"It's ok to sleep on the floor. If it's too cold, the temperature adjustment work can be handed over to me. As for eating, what those people eat, what you eat."

"This is too crazy too much." The fire in Shirley's heart burned enough to ignite the entire spacecraft.

"This is not the point. The point is that I know that you will agree. The entire spacecraft is full of bombs. If something goes wrong, no one but me, I don't want to live."

The sound in the talker is very dull, the tone is not arrogant, but the content is extremely arrogant.

"Mr. Michelle, I know that you don't trust us. But I want to tell you that this prisoner abuse incident is not what you think."

"That's not an imagination." Michelle interrupted Shirley's words.

"I am sorry that I used the wrong word, but things are not what you know. In fact, I have already let Jinna take care of you as a thank you for helping me repair the car."

"What do you mean that my treatment in these two days is how you thank me?" Michelle already knew why he was exposed.

It’s a bad mother, and sure enough, this year’s good people can’t do it.

Shirley was stagnation and said helplessly: "If you stop interrupting me, I can make things clear."

"If you don't scatter those lame lies, I can guarantee not to interject. By the way, do you want to say that the fat woman didn't know everything about me?"

Shirley couldn't say a word.

She stared at Jinna Hepchinina. "If I throw you to the guy to make a snack that will allow him to take back his requests, I will not hesitate to agree."

Jinna was so scared that her face was white.

Michelle of the intercom was also heard. He laughed and said, "I have never had any revenge. So please ask the beautiful Miss Shirley or give up this idea. In fact, I just feel that here. Under the conditions and believe in you, it is better to let you believe me. If you still don't feel satisfied with the gift I sent, I can send a few more gifts. How about a complete power device? I will take care of it." He had a photo of Shirley in his hand, which was the same as she was three years ago.

In addition, there is a micro-computer diary Michelle suddenly has a kind of impulse to stop peeping beauty.

Throughout the rest hall, he had already turned Shirley's bedroom and all her personal belongings had already been seen. If Shirley knows, I believe she will be really crazy.

Her sanitary bras and **** were still in my room, but now they are all Michelle's treasures.

"What do you want?!" Shirley couldn't restrain herself at this moment, yelling at the intercom.

"It's just a security guarantee. We have a few days to get to Tatooine. During this time I don't plan to sleep with my arms and eyes every day. So, demarcating the restricted area is a necessity. Behavior. As for the inconvenience caused to you in the food and drink, I apologize. I think that when you give the people to eat pig food, they will not even say apologize. In contrast, I am much better. As for the other demarcated areas, on the one hand because they are located at the back of the rest hall. I don't want to give you a reason to go through the lounge and attack me from behind. On the other hand, because some key parts fall in my hand. It’s always more reassuring for me to fall in your hands. So, in this condition, I don’t have to...

Michelle considered every problem, and he knew that Shirley could only agree.

Pink panties? I heard that this is a girl who loves fantasy. When she uses it, she is not like a girl who loves fantasy. On the contrary, she is quite capable.

"So at least give us a few beds of quilts." Shirley never thought that she would have to sleep on the cool floor of the spaceship.

"Or adjust the food supply?" Jinna said with a sad face. Even if she no longer wants to lose weight in this way.

"There are still toothbrushes and toilet paper." Marber felt that the next day he was afraid that it would be more dirty than cockroaches.

Shirley was completely speechless.

Michelle’s face finally showed a long-lost smile. He was able to give a good lesson to this gang of wealth.

"In addition to the food problem, other necessities will be delivered. Remember to turn off all monitors and self-fire systems, otherwise I will be angry... I think you know what it will be if I am angry." Pick up a piece of chocolate Michelle enjoyed it.

From now on, all the food of the whole ship will be exclusively owned by him.

How can I finish all the things here without getting fat? Michelle is thinking with anxiety.

Then he began to interpret Shirley's diary.


The girl shook her head.

"Your aversion to God is not because God's will is above human beings. If so, the tyrant is also above the will of the people, and it causes a real disaster, only more hateful. Your dissatisfaction with God, more Many reasons are due to the fact that there are countless creatures and false gods on the earth, and they have created countless disasters, **** and killings, self-proclaimed justice, and thus resentment."

"You are right, you really have this part of the reason." Shen Yu thought, nodded and replied: "You know some religions on earth, once excluded many aliens in the name of religion."

"But what does this have to do with God?" The girl asked: "Is God asking them to do this?"

Shen Yan opened his mouth and couldn’t say it.

The girl has continued: "If God wants to kill, he does not need to resort to religious hands. Just like you just now, you can erase all existence with a single finger. If you want, you can also let some people who believe in you live forever. ""

"I don't need their faith."

"God doesn't need it either." The girl said, Shen Yu was speechless again.

"So, what you need to hate is the religion of the name of the false god, not the real god. The true God does not care about human beings, just as humans do not care about ants. The difference between God and human is even more superhuman. Ants! No matter whether or not human beings believe in him, it is meaningless to God. He will not punish those who do not believe in him, and will not reward those who believe in him. God can do anything, do everything, no desire. Without asking, why do you need faith? Therefore, God is arguing for mankind. Those who believe in him are the ones who harm his reputation. Those who express their will never really understand God."

"You mean, we can believe that there is God in the world, but there is no need to believe in him, worship him, listen to him?"

"Yes!" the girl replied firmly.

"It's a bit like Frederick's sect, but if that's the case... I'm so good to accept a lot. I mean, I admit that what you said makes sense. I used to have a biased view of God."

"But this is not the only thing you have."

The sullen brow wrinkled: "What do you mean by this?"

The girl did not answer.

She just whispered: "You have the ability to make dreams come true. This is the most powerful source of space. It is the power that even the highest council can't grasp. I have covered you all this, but if you are in battle. If used, it is very likely to be discovered."

She looked at Shen Yu and gave her sharp light in her eyes: "The Supreme Council can tolerate the big universe plan, can tolerate the Zerg, but will never tolerate the power of the space source. Your power has not really grown up yet, if Let them know that they will desperately want to kill you... Don't be imaginary, they won't have any compromises in this matter."

"I am not surprised." Shen Xiao smiled.

When I talked about this step, how could he not understand it?

The whole **** city is actually located in the endless void of the singularity.

It is the basic characteristics and energy characteristics of this space that consciousness creates material.

However, this feature is not open to anyone.

The Quares came, but they found that they were not accepted here.

The reason is simple, they are also not pure spirits.

In the material world, all spirits have a material basis, and no true pure spiritual energy exists. Even if there is, this energy is defined as matter.

Only the consciousness generated in space is the pure spirit recognized for space, or the independent soul, which exists without any means.

In this case, if you want to use the power of space to strengthen yourself, the Quérez people can only make up for it through a series of means. They formulate rules, establish order, and establish a series of rules, through various roundabout means and the most source of this space. The energy is connected to achieve a strong purpose.

In this process, the Quérez people paid a lot, and they experienced countless failures and eventually destroyed the family.

And those who have been intercepted from the material world can be regarded as the pure consciousness of the birth of this space.

It is a pity that such a pure consciousness automatically shapes the body at the beginning of its birth.

The birth of consciousness and the birth of the body are completely instinct for the existence of life. Human beings or Zerg are not able to get rid of this genetic instinct.

Therefore, they are indeed the consciousness of local existence, but they are covered with a thick material coat on this local consciousness and cannot be rid of.

The only exception may be the white girl in front of me.

The adventurers created a true God who left his consciousness in dying and reborn in space in some unknown way.

No entity, it is a true pure soul life.

This is why she can directly use space energy.

She is a true **** reincarnation, but also a woman of space!

As for the case of indulging, the opposite is true.

The transition of Rainbow Bridge, the intervention of communication, the protection of the blessing of the soul, the imprisonment of the dark cage, and so on, actually caused his entity and soul to be divided, but this division is not large, at best it is split. Seam.

For a life that has not completed the soul's independence, this kind of crack is like a knife in the heart, it is fatal - almost no one can resist that period of the ban.

However, Shen Yu has resisted the past and relied on three-dimensional image memory.

Not only did he resist the past, but he also used the guidance of Asoka's bright force to break the cage and complete the process of soul independence.

The so-called soul independence is actually getting rid of the material shackles.

This is why the first time he returned to the dark cage, the reason for the creation of the world.

Creation is the limit of all material creation.

From this point of view, after the white woman, Shen Yu became the son of space.

However, perhaps because the soul has already existed, the space is not fully recognized. The power that Shen Yu can really use is very limited. He can call the wind in his own world of thought, to the highest, to return to the real world. The power of manipulation is not as good as the power given by the city under the rules.

From this point of view, he is at best a step-child - in the end is halfway back, feelings are not deep, can understand.

But in any case, he is still the son of space.

The Quares people, the Zerg, or the human beings are just the passengers of this space. At best, they belong to the long-term occupation, but they are never the life here.

For the occupying forces, the existence of a son of space is tantamount to announcing that the world has a legitimate owner, and all other existences are illegal!

So as long as Shen Shen reveals the power he should not have, the next moment will be swept up by a large group of people, and the group will be destroyed.

The white girl did not lie.

She is a native indigenous!

The Quares are the occupying forces, the Zerg is also, and the human beings are also.

This is a war of indigenous indigenous resistance against foreign aggressors!

Now, Shen Qian, the alien aggressor, has turned into a god, and he has become a mother!

Where is this going to be reasonable?

It is no wonder that the white girls are so skeptical today that they are all brothers and sisters!

Or is it the only last pair of men and women in this space?

Uh... I think it is a bit far away.

Shen Yu regained his thoughts and thought about him asking: "Will they kill me?"

The girl shook her head: "They can't break through even the rules, and how can you erase the people who are still above the rules. But you know that the Supreme Council wants to kill people, and it is not only to obliterate this means."

"Of course, I know." Shen Hao nodded, he did not forget the one million things in the world of the night legend, and did not forget the assassination in the temple of the four difficulty.

If the Supreme Council wants to kill, it is true that it is not only a killing.

"That is, I got some kind of ability, it sounds good, my dreams come true, I can make a universe, but if I really want to fight it in a balanced world, I can only create a combat power of only five. Slag, and that is the improvement of combat power, but it will lead me to kill the disaster, is that the case?"


"Is this a sin?"


"Now my opponent is not the Inferno sect, but the Supreme Council, or even the entire **** city?"


"And I can't have any chance of compromise?"


“In a short time, I can’t improve my dream ability to compete with the city?”


"Okay." Shen Yan nodded and sighed: "It sounds terrible. So... how can I eliminate this ability?"

"Can the baby that has been born still return to the mother?" The girl asked.

"I know that is the case... I hate this answer."

After thinking for a while, he said: "So how can I improve my mastery of my dreams?"

If you can't change your identity, then try to improve your strength, the standard thoughts.

"That is the problem you need to study. What I can tell you is that it is different from all power improvement. The dream come true is not a systemic ability, so there is no step-by-step upgrade step. It depends on your strength. The understanding and the degree of communication with this space. Your synchronization is just beginning, it is good for you to feel the operation of the world. From this aspect, the use and exercise of communication and force should have you In addition, the only advice I can give you is that thinking creates material and concentrates on the universe you create. Maybe you can find something."

"So, in addition to making this little break-up accident..." He pointed to the elf who was still running on the ground and asked, "Can I still do something with my dreams and not be discovered?"

"Don't consider your existing strength, the power of dreams is really difficult to find in the application itself, because your level is higher than them. But when you use this ability with the support of no rules, any one mind Normal people will notice problems."

Sinking nodded: "Understood, this is like there is only one person in the room. I went in with a knife, and then came out. There was blood on the knife. The people in the room were dead. Even if no one saw me killing, I also know that I am killing. If I have not learned or created, or simulated some ability to use some ability, then the result is the same. I summoned an elf, but actually I don't have this skill... ..."

"Yes, so you can't use it, but every time you use it, it doesn't reveal the appearance, or it doesn't conflict with the rules. Your current strength is not enough to provoke the rules, or there is a reasonable explanation. For example, when you concentrate, you can break down some energy fluctuations when the opponent uses the As long as you grasp this energy fluctuation, you can directly learn or even crack the opponent's ability, and then let people I mistakenly think that this is the effect of the simulation. But the premise is that a simulation can replicate this ability. The power of your own dreams has reached this level."

"Does also include big prophetic surgery?"

"Including the ability to generate under all rules and regulations... The source is the source, no one can evade, even if it is only the source of the initial level."

"It’s like a prince is a prince, even if he is only one year old, the people have to bow their heads."

"That's it. For you, the level is not limited, the power is. But if you want to abuse it, then you will also be discovered. After all, now the city is in charge of everything. Some things, the Supreme Council does not necessarily need evidence."

"You are really more and more rational and logical in speaking... Well, I understand. Then the last question, how should I go back to my body?"

"As long as you like, you can go back, thinking to create matter, but not just to create matter. Have you forgotten? Here is the world of dreams. At least here, you use this power and will not be discovered."

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