Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 83: Change (below)

In the cabin, Michelle was sitting on the bed and reading a book about quantum physics. M

He looked very seriously and looked at it while taking notes.

The light brain at hand is ready to make calculations for him, which makes Michelle's learning efficiency increase. He is hungry and learning, and even Shirley comes in without paying attention.

A pot of fruit salad was placed at Michelle's hand, and Shirley stood up and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Although Michelle let her leave, she actually found that some work still could not escape, because Michelle became more and more addicted to learning in the last two days.

"I don't know if you still have such a good spirit."

"I didn't know until then." Michelle replied without raising his head: "But recently I think I think something is not right."

"whats the matter?"

This is a question that was asked casually, but Michelle’s face showed a solemn expression: “I don’t know... I only know that something is happening, I feel like I’m being separated, I’m, I need to be stronger, I need to learn more... it's like an instinct."

Shirley grinned: "That is, you have been making divisions. Isn't that what your separatists are pursuing? If it weren't for civil strife, the Republic would not collapse."

This may be Shirley's most dissatisfied with Michelle - this guy is a terrorist, is not seen in the Republic, is still being chased in the Empire.

It is hard to imagine such a clever and capable person who has made himself in such a desperate situation, which makes Shirley feel sad for him.

"This is the arrangement of fate." Michelle can only answer this.

He didn't lie, but Shirley thought it was a kind of shouting and refusal.

"Fate is in your own hands. Why don't you try to let go of the things you have to do and go to real life?"

Michelle smiled and shook his head: "This is impossible, Shirley, this is my mission."

"Get it, Tang, you are a free man. You are not affiliated with anyone. You are free to decide whatever you want to do."

"In fact, the opposite is true." Michelle stopped his work and looked at Shirley: "Shirley, I don't have a real will, I am attached to a certain existence that is a hundred times stronger than me... I know I told You won't understand you, but the truth is that I have to obey..."

"Ah!" Michelle suddenly screamed, jerked up from the bed and rolled to the ground, making a screaming scream.

"God, Michelle, what's wrong with you?" Shirley was frightened by this sudden scene.

She watched Michelle rolling around on the ground, and for a moment she was at a loss, but she quickly calmed down and quickly opened the communication system in the cabin and connected with the main control room.

Ma Boyang's old face appeared on the screen.

"Michel has an accident, let people go to the nursing room, take some tranquilizer, God, his strength is really big, I can't control him." Shirley was trying to catch Michelle, but she almost Fly out by Michelle.

Through internal communication, Marber has seen what happened in the cabin.

But he didn't leave immediately. He looked at Shirley: "Shirley, this is an opportunity, hurry to stop him!"

"What are you talking about?" Shirley stunned.

"He is a hijacker, Shirley!" Marber had already called, and Jinna’s face appeared on the screen. When she saw this scene, the fat woman’s face was obviously excited: "Catch him, we will Can get rid of the control of this guy!"

Shirley stunned, when she remembered that her relationship with Michelle was not a friend.

Michelle is a hijacker, and everyone on this ship is his hostage.

"But..." She looked at Michelle and looked at Marber and Jinna on the screen.

"What are you still hesitating?!" Jinna yelled.

"I... what should I do?" Shirley asked.

God knows that she was not so scared when the spacecraft was hijacked. Why is there a feeling of fear and worry now?

"Stun him, then tie him up, we will send mechanical guards, he can't control us anymore!" Ma Bo loudly.

He has already sounded the bell, and four mechanical guards have rushed toward the cabin.

Shirley looked around and looked around: "I... I am going to get something... I have to find something to stun him..."

"Use your fists..." Marbury’s words were not finished. Shirley ran out of the cabin in a panic, picked up a fire hammer, thought about it too much, and changed to take a wrench. Return to the cabin.

Looking at Michelle's painful face, Shirley held the wrench and held it up, but did not knock it down.

"Fast!" came to the screen with Ma Bo and Jinna anxiously urging.

Shirley closed her eyes and the wrench had already smashed toward Michelle's head.

Just as the wrench was about to fall, Michelle suddenly looked up and his eyes glowed.

His hand reached out with lightning and he had caught the wrench.

"Unfortunately, you missed an opportunity." He looked at the communication screen, his expression was cold, and he had no appearance.

"Oh, no..." Marber and Jinna snorted at the same time.

On the contrary, Shirley was relieved as if she was relieved.

She looked at Michelle with concern: "Are you okay? What happened just now?"

"Nothing..." Michelle stood up, and he licked his temple: "It just broke the line."

"A broken line?" Shirley opened her eyes in surprise.

"Yes, disconnected..." Michelle whispered to himself: "Just like a kite breaks the line, the leaves fall from the branches..."



A cup fell on the floor and splashed.

Everyone looked back at the same time and saw a sigh of grief: "Sorry, I want to pour myself a glass of water, and I didn't hold it."

Everyone showed an incredible expression together.

Intensive adventurers have almost no concept of missing hands, or even if they exist, in high-intensity combat, for more complex action needs, rather than as in the present, even a cup is not stable.

And even if it's true, the adventurer has enough speed to get it back before it touches the ground.

Shen Yan shrugged: "My spirit is awkward."

"It may be because you have been sleeping too long, or you should go back to the cabin for a while," said Gentle.

"I sent him back." Zhao Linger said, she looked at Shen Yan's gaze with a strange flash of light.

She walked over and held the sinking, just like helping an old lady who could not walk.

This action falls in the eyes of everyone, and others are worth it. Hua Tianrui, Lonely, Lin Weisheng and others are gazing.

"He seems to be a little bit right," said Lonely.

"Maybe it’s too long in the dark cage, and his reaction is a bit slow," Lin Weisheng said.

He looked at Hua Tianrui, but Hua Tianrui did not speak, but instead looked at the North District teenager. He knew that in front of this boy, guessing was meaningless.

Sure enough, the boy slammed his head: "Not slow..."

Hua Tianrui wants to hear him go on, but the boy has shut up again.

Going back to the cabin, Shen Shen sat down: "Okay, go out, I want to take a break."

Zhao Linger did not go out, just a pair of big eyes flickered and looked at him.

Shen Yan looked at Zhao Linger's innocent face, sighed for a moment, sighed: "You found it, right?"

Zhao Linger nodded: "We are attached to your existence. If there is a problem at the source, the river will stop flowing."

After a period of study and exercise, Zhao Linger now speaks no longer as before.

"What happens after the flow breaks?" Shen asked.

"There will be new supplements. If the source is waterless, it can only be obtained from other places, such as hope for rain." Zhao Linger replied.

Shen Hao nodded: "No wonder they are so attached to learning now."

"That is an instinct for strength, just like people want to eat, they don't want to seek, just..."

"I know." Shen Yan interrupted her: "I don't blame them, then what about you?"

Zhao Linger bowed his head and did not speak.

Shen Yu understood: "You also have this kind of demand, right? But you restrain yourself."

Zhao Linger whispered: "You know, some businesses, even if there is no contract, can still be fulfilled."

He smiled, and he stroked Zhao Linger’s face: "The way you talk now is more and more like us. Yes, you are right. People should not be forced by restraint. relationship."

Zhao Linger grabbed Shen Yan’s hand and did not let go. She put her face in the palm of her hand, and her big eyes looked at Shen Yan: “But my brother, if we really don’t need to rely on you, it will happen. what's up?"

Shen Yan shook his head: "I don't know."

He really doesn't know, don't say he doesn't know, even the white girl may not know.

This is the first time that a **** city has seen such a situation.

After the soul, Shen Yu discovered that there was a slight looseness between his consciousness and his body, which was not as close as it was before.

In the past, consciousness and the body were a whole, but now, the body is no longer the body, and it is more like the outer shell or clothes of the soul. It is naturally not as easy to use as before. However, this is also an adaptation problem. In time, Shen Shen can naturally adapt to it.

What is really troublesome is the loosening of the soul bond that results.

Although it is said that the summoning characters are based on the soul as the core carrier, in fact, the city has never had a real soul for thousands of years. The ontology of the adventurer still plays a vital role. If the body of the sinking hangs now, Then his soul can only drift around the city like a wandering soul, perhaps lucky enough to "take away" rebirth, but all abilities will also be lost because of the new body.

Therefore, when Shen Yu loses control of his body, he loses control over the resulting extension.

The spiritual connection between him and the summoning soldiers was broken.

Although it was only a short disconnection and then resumed the connection, the impact was already there.

The summoned soldiers began to realize that they could no longer exist with the help of indulgence. In the process of adaptation, they began to work hard to grow and seek any power from indulging to enrich themselves.

This has nothing to do with feelings. It is purely the instinct of life. After losing a source, it is urgent to find a new source to support itself.

In contrast, Megatron and the Hornet are not affected – they are robots themselves, and they are not connected by spirit, but rely on urban regulations.

Therefore, Zhao Linger said that this is not a contract termination. The relationship between Shen Yu and Megatron is more like a contractual relationship. This relationship has not been affected by the separation of Shen Shen's body and soul.

As for summoning soldiers and Zhao Linger, they are more like blood connections between them.

Nowadays, this blood connection shows signs of looseness and breakage. It is like a son who has been raised for 18 years and suddenly found out that it is not a biological one.

Fortunately, whether it is blood contact or contractual relationship, there is still a layer of emotional bonds. Therefore, even if everyone finds a problem, they have not chosen to leave Shen.

They are still willing to follow the sinking, but they have more ideas.

However, the problem is here!

No one knows where the summoned soldiers who are free from self-reliance will eventually go.

Will they become adventurers?

Will they be able to follow in and out of the world again?

Will they be taken away by a white girl as a group of system bugs?

Will they become a unique group of people in the **** city, uncontrolled, unaffected, like the white girl?

Will they still maintain absolute loyalty?

Even the Supreme Council will not be aware of the problem and discover the secret of indulging?

These indulgences are not known.

The change has already happened, the river will be diverted, and where will the future go, no one can say clearly.

Now Shen is most worried about Arias. They are by their side. Although there is a problem, it is not big. It is like a fake broadband sold in the area. Although it will be disconnected from time to time, it will slow down at the peak, but it is big. Part of the time can always be connected.

What really worried him was Michelle.

His contact with Michelle was really completely interrupted.

Rainbow Bridge originally had the existence of huge energy barriers. In addition, the control of Shen’s own body was weakened. After the direct connection with Michelle collapsed, it did not recover.

I must think of a way to reconnect with Michelle!

But how can we break through the huge energy barrier of Rainbow Bridge and the distant distance in light years, and contact Michelle?

“Thinking creates matter, but not just material...”

This sentence suddenly appeared in the sinking mind.

He looked up: "Linger, go help me with a basin of water."

Linger nodded. After she came back with a basin of water, she saw the thought of Shen Qiang's contemplation. Linger was very disturbed and did not bother, but left.

Closing the door, Zhao Linger heard the sound of the main brain mechanically sounding over the spacecraft: "The spacecraft is about to jump away from the transition, please prepare everyone, the countdown begins. 100...99..."

Finally, are you going to Tatuin?


In the room, Shen Yan looked at the clear water in the basin, where it was reflecting his own appearance.

Poker face.

Sinking his right hand waved over the water, the clear water swelled, the image disappeared, and replaced by a vast expanse of the river.

"A universe outside, a universe in the body... now!" Shen Hao muttered to himself, his hand slightly mentioned in the air, the light of the universe of the Star River has changed abruptly, and it has begun to extend infinitely around the sinking, but it has always been confined In this cabin, the moment it seems that this cabin has become infinite, no matter how the universe expands, it never touches the margin.

A strip of stars is displayed in front of Shen Yu, and an energy ribbon hangs across the sky, and one light spot jumps on it. It is the soul of countless lives, and it is the direct manifestation of the macro universe in the micro world.

The first target that Shen Hao found was a spaceship flying in the energy band, which was the Pioneer.

The light that represents the flash of countless souls moves in it.

Most of these spots are indulged and uncontrollable. They can only be observed, but there are also some, but the sinking can feel the energy fluctuations.

He gently moved one of them.

So, Arias, who was reading, suddenly looked up and looked at the empty space: "Sir!"

Sinking and waving, energy fluctuations were eliminated, and Arias lost the instigation from the depths of his heart. He was puzzled for a moment and could only look around.

Shen Qian raised his left hand, and the energy light belt continued to rise in the Milky Way. It was like a moving icon ruler. In an instant, the distance has been pulled over 10 million light years, and the shuttle has patrolled countless stars and rivers.

The next moment he found his own goal in another band of energy.

Flying fish number 13.

A soul light spot is flicking and flickering. If there is nothing, Shen can feel it, and this light still has its own life mark.

"Michel!" Sinking and vomiting these words.

On the 13th of the Flying Fish, Michelle looked up: "Sir!!"

"You... are you okay?" Shen Yan said softly.

This voice sounded at the heart of Michelle, and Michelle felt very shocked.

How is this possible?

Shen Yu has continued: "After something, my spiritual connection with you has been interrupted. Michelle, open your consciousness, let me restore the connection... Of course, you can also refuse."

Michelle took a deep breath.

He nodded. "Yes, sir, whenever and wherever, Michelle will always be your most loyal soldier."

The next moment, he has opened up all consciousness.

The sinking fingers were placed on the spot, but they were not clicked.

He thought about it and took back his fingers: "You are very good, Michelle, but the energy barrier of Rainbow Bridge still exists. Even if it is connected, it may still be interrupted again. I am not in a hurry to recover. In addition... I also want to see , completely, what can you do? I believe in your loyalty, Michelle, this is a loyalty to you."

"Yes, sir, your will is my destiny!"


Sinking and taking a breath.

Solved this matter, Shen Yu is relieved.

He lost some because of his soul, but he got some.

In the end, it is a curse or a blessing.

However, this microscopic simulation connection that was temporarily established to find the missing soldier gave him no small inspiration.

It seems that the dream is true, and it is not only relying on the power itself, the appropriate application method, but also can play a great role when the power is very small.

By adjusting his microcosm to become the image of the macro universe, he is connected to Michelle. The adjustment image itself does not produce any consumption. On the contrary, the impact caused by the connection is huge. It is only a few words of effort. Sinking is about to collapse.

Fortunately, after the suspension of contact, Shen Yu will soon return to normal.

Then he pulled the light curtain of the Galaxy again and returned to the Energy Light Belt of the Pioneer. A planet is spinning not far from the energy band.

That is Tatooine.

The Pioneer is rushing to this place at an unprecedented speed – the final battlefield for the adventurers.

Maybe you can look at the situation there before?

Shen Shen thought that he tried to magnify the microcosm again, but only slightly magnified a little, Shen Shen felt that this is the limit of his ability - because the mapping of the entire macro universe exists, the control of the sinking is also affected .

However, around the enlarged Tatuna star field, Shen Wei still found some black dots.

He was curious at the moment and looked at it carefully.

The next moment, a chill has risen from the bottom of my heart, filling the whole body.

He jerked his head back and shot it on the intercom: "Yi Yu, slammed out and there was a fleet waiting for us outside!"

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