Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 84: Jump out

w “What are you talking about?” Zhou Yiyu, who was sitting on the bridge, was shocked. He also heard Hua Tianrui and others. Everyone was shocked by this. [ />

"Quickly stop the transition, there is a fleet blocking us!" Shen Yan repeated it again.

This made the people immediately fall into a cold.

The spacecraft that just jumped out of the transition can be said to be the least resistant, let alone a fleet, even if only a few warships are blocked at the jump point, it is enough to give the opponent a heavy blow.

The question is how does the other party know its own transition point? How did you find out?

Zhou Yiyu did not make silly again. He did not entangle these problems but responded in the first time: "Turn off the power furnace and stop the transition!"

At the same time, he has sounded the alarm and shouted at the caller: "All logisticians immediately enter their respective positions, and the combatants are ready to fight!"

The sound of "呜呜" sounded in the entire spacecraft in an instant, and everyone heard the alarm at the same time, but in the next moment, they ran to their respective positions.

“The Rainbow Bridge channel has been opened and cannot be terminated. Is it necessary to turn off the power furnace?” a soldier called back.

Zhou Yiyu stunned and looked at the screen to display a row of red data. Although he could not directly draw conclusions through the data like Shen Shen, he still knew that this meant that the transition channel had entered the open stage.

Even if the power furnace is turned off, it is impossible to close the already opened channel. Instead, the remaining energy will continue to expand the channel until the Pioneer jumps out of the transition.

At that time, the pioneers who were turned off the power stove would only lose their final mobility - the enemy would never give them time to restart.

How to do?

Zhou Yiyu has sweat on his head.

"Sir! Is it confirmed to turn off the power furnace?" The soldier asked again.

"No!" Zhou Yiyu called.

"Then stop urgently!" cried Imida.

"No!" Zhou Yiyu immediately objected: "Emergency parking during the transition, it is likely that we will be stuck between the Rainbow Bridge and the real universe, the energy barrier will cut the Pioneer directly into two breaks!"

"What do you do now?" Imida was angry.

It seems that it is not enough to be lively, a soldier called: "The passage will be fully open after 20 seconds!"

Zhou Yiyu turned around and looked at the energy barrier of the Rainbow Bridge, which was slowly revealing a gap outside the porthole. From the gap, the sky was faintly visible.

The unknown fleet may be hidden in the starry sky at the moment, and the Pioneer is ready to take the thunder and prepare for the Thunder.

Zhou Yiyu took a deep breath and his face was exposed.

Although he was usually naughty and disrespectful, he was a man who came to the battle in the sand. In this critical moment, his heart calmed down and his mind became clear.

"Mom... Laozi fights with you!" Zhou Yiyu punched in front of the main console and turned to the soldier and shouted: "Improve the power of the powerhouse!"

"What?" The soldier clearly said: "Now it is the third critical of 75 percent!"

"I said to continue to improve!" Zhou Yiyu roared loudly.

The soldier quickly operated, and at the same time shouted: "How much power is raised in the energy boost of the power furnace!"


Imida was anxious to hear: "Are you crazy? It is almost full, it will make the engine explode, and the whole spaceship will be finished!"

"Shut up, I am the captain, there is no part of you talking here!" Zhou Yiyu yelled at Imida.

Then he turned his head and called the soldier: "The front energy cover is open, all the turbines on the starboard are moving at full speed, and the ion cannon is charged..."

The soldiers quickly began to operate according to his instructions.

Imida's face is already pale: "This guy is crazy, must be crazy... he will produce energy polarization!"

Energy polarization is a common and unstable energy instability phenomenon in warships. Specifically, the instability of the energy supply caused by the operation of the spacecraft causes the energy magnetic field around the hull to form a completely irregular tremor.

The effect of this kind of tremor is very difficult to say, just like drunk driving, it may just be a few times when the car is swaying left or right while driving, or it may be planted on one tree, which may also result in the destruction of the car, as for the consequences. How, in addition to driving people, it depends on the environment in which the driver is driving - for example, walking on the mountain road, the consequences can be imagined.

In the universe of the Milky Way, the Pioneer who is jumping out of the Rainbow Bridge suddenly jumped up the eight-step step, and the danger is as big as you can imagine.

It is the two most likely consequences:

First, the hull is damaged in the violent tremor, and even the energy overload may occur, causing the engine to explode and the ship to be destroyed.

Second, due to the instability of the energy field, the Rainbow Bridge channel begins to shift at the beginning. Since this kind of offset occurs in the speed of light channel, it is likely that a small error is the distance in units of light seconds, that is, tens of millions of kilometers.

"Maybe this is what he wants." Hua Tianrui is a bit confusing to understand what Zhou Yiyu wants to do.

The Pioneer is making the final sprint towards the finish line. At this time, the brakes are too late, so the only way is to hit the steering wheel and pass it as far as possible.

Although the risk of doing so is still very large, as long as it succeeds, the first jump point of the Pioneer will change, thus jumping out of the encirclement of the enemy fleet.

Moreover, Zhou Yiyu is not really drunk driving after all. There is a clear difference between consciously taking the eight characters and unconsciously walking the eight characters.

The analysis was long, but the actual occurrence was only a few seconds. At the same time that the soldiers began to follow the instructions of Zhou Yiyu, "Illegal operation", Zhou Yiyu also called to the talker: "Sink, go to the energy buffer, be sure to Keep it there!"

The situation is urgent, he is not even the boss.

The energy buffer is the insurance zone of the spacecraft. Just like the fuse belt and the anti-impact airbag on the car, as long as the energy buffer is fine, the big energy explosion usually does not happen. Or the Big Bang must first destroy the buffer zone before it can destroy the entire spacecraft.

"Understand!" Shen Yu promised, and has quickly ran towards the energy buffer.

Everyone has realized at this time that the stable energy field is the most important at this stage. What is fatal is that this stability is based on its "must be unstable". Fortunately, the exercise experienced in the home world plays a role at this moment, and everyone is carefully controlling the progress of the energy variation.

In contrast, Zhou Yiyu's performance is much more violent.

His hands and fingers dance like a dance on the piano, and he presses one button after another. He also gives various instructions from time to time. If he doesn't understand him, he usually thinks that his performance is sinking. With the possession of the body, it can be used with one heart.

The front end of the Pioneer released two huge energy beams, and the collision collided with a large amount of colored light. At the same time, the full turbine on the side of the hull caused the entire hull to tilt to the right.

The angle of the tilt makes the energy surge stronger and eventually twists into a strange ring like a Mobius ring.

The Pioneer shuttled in the middle of the Mobius ring, and the effect of energy tremor began to appear. The spacecraft swayed in the energy field like a drunken drunkard. The people in the cabin stood unsteady and swayed, but people still died. He is holding the table and watching the front screen.

The stimulating energy color is like a scalpel in the hands of a quack doctor. Suddenly, a transverse incision operation was performed on the energy barrier of the Rainbow Bridge. The original three-centimeter incision was smashed and a seven-centimeter depth was drawn. Long incision.

A large starry sky is exposed in the gap, and you can see more stars outside. A black warship is already in sight.

At the moment when the Pioneer was about to jump out of the Rainbow Bridge, everyone finally saw the enemies lurking - they were really close enough, obviously they knew the jump point beforehand.

"Stabilize!" Zhou Yiyu shouted hysterically.

The consequence of the failed surgery is that the Rainbow Bridge energy rebound has suddenly increased, just like the blood spurting out of the body cavity, madly reversing to the Pioneer.

"Open the protective cover all the way!" Zhou Yiyu snapped a palm button on a blue button.

The Mobius ring of light on the spacecraft suddenly untied, such as two dragons, turned into a huge light curtain to hold the spacecraft firmly, resisting the rush of thousands of rays of light like molten iron.

“The energy load is eighty-eight percent!” said a soldier. “There is a sign of instability in the power furnace, and the temperature has risen sharply!” In the last sentence, his voice was sharpened.

"Sinking, fast!" Zhou Yiyu again screamed loudly.

"I know!" Shen Hao replied, rushing to the energy buffer at full speed. The incompatibility that the separation of the flesh and blood brought to him was fully reflected at this moment, and he felt that his speed was much slower than usual.

"The devil!" Shen Shendao.

The black demon has rushed out of his body and grabbed the sinking and flew forward. Because it is parasitic in the body of Shen Shen, the devil is also not affected by the separation of Shen Ling Ling meat. However, it is different from Megatron and others. It is not affected because it relies on the existence of flesh and blood, but it has the least requirement for the soul. Whether it is separation or not is not important to it. It is blood absorbing, and meat is edible. Even if you change your soul to be the master, it may not care.

"Hey!" In the sharp humming sound, Shen Yu has already rushed into the buffer zone with the next head of the demon, and is slamming into an energy neutral furnace. A palm is shot in the middle of the furnace, and the raging energy is like a wave. Come, the sinking of the impact suddenly flew up, even the soul was shaken out of the body, and after a circle outside, it returned to the body.

The violently swaying spacecraft slammed into a quake and stabilized. The thousand ray of light in the Rainbow Bridge was suddenly recovered, and the entire channel barrier began to shrink inward. It was like squeezing something like the Pioneer. Extrusion in the wound.

"The jump starts!" a soldier screamed: "The passage is not fully open, we have to be stuck!"

"Improve the power of the power furnace and open it! The port side ion cannon is launched!" Zhou Yiyu pressed the launch button again.

Imida is completely speechless, just keep rubbing his forehead sweat: "Booming the Rainbow Bridge... madman, a group of madmen, the whole team of the broken blade is crazy!"

The biggest possibility of bombarding the energy channel of the Rainbow Bridge is to directly trigger a large energy explosion in the range of superluminal speeds, which may reach hundreds of light years in diameter, and for a long time, this starry sky cannot travel at a speed of light.

Continued to increase the energy of the power furnace is also equivalent to pushing the Pioneer to continue the abyss.

However, Zhou Yiyu does not care.

He followed Shen Yu for so long, and did not learn anything else. This Jedi counterattacks, and the temptation to take a bite is to be mastered at this critical moment.

He only knows that boosting energy and bombarding the Rainbow Bridge may not cause an explosion, but it is stuck in the Rainbow Bridge, or let the enemy fleet hit the target, which is almost dead.

Even if you die, you have to pull you into the water.

At the next moment, all the ion cannons on the spacecraft were launched at the same time, and a harder and harder tearing a larger hole on the wall of the channel that was not fully opened.

The whistling color of the whistling wind rushed past, and the pioneers blew out the passage like a leaf. As the Pioneer flew out, the energy band formed by the Rainbow Bridge burst into a colorful light, just before it exploded. At that time, the disappearing tail flame finally swallowed it.

The light gloom is dim, and it is reduced in the void. The whole starry sky is once again dark, but the distant stars are shining.


All the adventurers first looked at the thrilling disappearing scene, and then they reacted. They had completed a life escape and cheered.

"Dry beautiful, Yi Yu!" Gentle gave him a punch.

When Zhou Yiyu knew that he hadn’t reached his tail, he said quickly: “The matter is not over yet, see where our current position is!”

“The star map is being compared.” A soldier replied, he quickly found the position and cried: “Find Tatum, we are near its ninth planet, we have at least half the light distance from it. ""

Half a light, that is about 540 million kilometers.

In the absence of super-light speed transitions, even the maximum normal speed of the Hellfire engine is only five percent of the speed of light. In other words, half a light journey takes ten hours to arrive.

"Not too good, not too bad." Zhou Yiyu muttered: "Check the damage of the hull and look for the enemy fleet target."

“The port side hull is damaged, the damage is 1.5%, slightly scratched. A turbine on the starboard side is backflushed by energy and a parking failure occurs.”

“When the repair robot is sent to repair, what about the power furnace?”

"The power of the power furnace is 92%, it is about to be overloaded!" a soldier called.

"Reducing the load!"

"Declining!" The soldiers replied in a hurry, the energy index on the screen grew wildly, the scale was still up, and the numbers had turned bright red, shocking.


The scale value in the lower right corner of the screen jumped up again and again.

"93 percent!" the soldier yelled.

"The gyrator is under pressure and the energy cover is enhanced to release excess energy!" Zhou Yiyu yelled.

The energy cover outside the spacecraft suddenly gave off a strong radiance. It was Zhou Yiyu who was transferring the power of the power furnace directly to the energy hood through the orbit of the gyrator.

This practice makes it possible to temporarily increase the defensive ability by consuming the spacecraft to store energy and maneuverability, but it is used by Zhou Yiyu to slow down the speed of the power furnace.

Finally, the speed of the crazy climb has dropped, and when it is about to jump to the position of 94, it begins to fall back.

"Call!" Everyone was relieved at the same time.

The energy load has reached nearly 94% of the power furnace. Once the explosion occurred, it was not the same as that of the original shipyard. Even the adventurer could not resist.

"The gyrator decompresses and weakens the energy hood. We have to save some energy... but we are all careful and don't accident."

"Do not worry, sir."

Asoka nodded with satisfaction, she looked at Zhou Yiyu: "You did a good job."

Before that, she didn't care too much about Zhou Yiyu, but now she finally realized that this man also has his excellent side.

Zhou Yiyu wiped the sweat savage and modest: "Strong and strong, mix a pass."

People are always serious about what they value.

After experiencing the chase war in Krussel, Zhou Yiyu did not think that he was invincible in the driving ability of the battleship, but instead seized every opportunity to learn.

"If I can learn the Force, I think I can do better." He said to Asoka, this time, he really wants to learn the original force.

Asoka smiled and nodded: "I can help you."

If you look at the sensitivity at this time, you will find that Asoka's goodwill towards Zhou Yiyu has improved significantly.

Different from the previous indulging, this time, the content that Asoka can teach has already been one level on the basis of the original force.

In other words, Zhou Yiyu has been able to choose the branch of the original force to change direction.

At this moment, a soldier called again: "Find the enemy fleet, they found us, and are chasing us!"

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