Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 88: Split


After passing through a wall, the body slammed into the anti-collision porthole of the command hall, and the Honglang slid down the window like a picture. m[]\\/\\/www.\\/\\/

"Fly!" Hong Lang spit out a large mouth of blood.

He tried to hold himself up with his hands, only to find that his left arm had been twisted like a twist under the attack.

This cockroach is also fierce, seeing the deformation of the left arm, even the medication may not be restored, simply grabbing his arm and twisting, only listening to a burst of crisp sound, the vascular ribs on the arm are broken like a tight string, blood mad Hey, the bones are translocated and you can even hear the friction between the bones and the bones.

But this is the case, the deformed arm was like a steel tube, and he was straightened back to his life. "Hey!" Honglang made a beastly painful roar, and at the same time quickly sprinkled a packet on his arm. .

"More than one move!" The rumbling voice of the rumble rang, and at the end of the passage, a tall and mighty figure had once again rushed over, and it was another punch against Honglang.

The big fist slammed down the face of Honglang. The Honglang screamed the back arm and the silver flashed on the arm. That was the T1000 added an extra layer of defense.

Heavy boxing hit the silver metal wall, stirring up the silver liquid, and then it was the double fist, the loud noise, the Hong wave was shaken again, but this time he was prepared, and finally no longer like before. Was hit hard by a blow.


This time the Honglang wave saw it.

This sudden appearance is the barbarian Augusta, and only him can crush himself with overwhelming power.

"Hey!" Augusta bowed, and the whole person was once again pressed to the Hong wave like a mountain. Although this person has a lack of brains, he is fierce and violent in battle, and he never talks nonsense.

In the face of this wild attack, Honglang is also a tiger, and the rock is strengthened. The whole body is instantly enlarged, and the figure is almost the same as Augusta. At the same time, the backhand punches and strikes Augustus again. tower.

Augusta is a hard-hitting combat style. Isn’t he a flood? No matter how strong the enemy is, the violent warrior will never retreat.

The bang, the earth-shattering collision once again violently erupted, and a violent force violently violently opened between the two, like a tornado, scraping toward the Quartet. This time, under the strengthening of the rock, the Honglang was not shaken. Instead, they took a step back with Augusta.

At the same time, the two men narrowed their eyes and looked at each other. Then they shouted and then rushed to the opponent together. They did not use weapons, so they kicked and kicked.

The battle between the violent warriors is direct, fanatical, bloody, pure power confrontation, blood and blood fight, but also the contest of strength and will, the dialogue between courage and war. [Read the novel to ~]

At this moment, both sides have adopted a hard-to-following method. With the praise of the wild power, the entire command hall has become a huge arena. Two humanoid beasts roar at the same time. The most angry embarrassment, shocking each other.

Bump and bump!

A series of slamming sounds, Honglang’s iron fist was hitting Augusta’s chin, and two teeth flew out. Augusta’s heavy punch also hit the chest of Honglang’s chest. The waves vomited again.

The two flew back at the same time, Augusta has shouted: "Happy!"

As a five-difficult general-level adventurer, few people have been able to compete with him in strength. Although the other side is relying on the strength of rock fortification, and he does not use any special ability, it is extremely rare for Honglang to do this.

He played at this moment and laughed and said: "You are a good opponent. If you do this, let you see and see my true strength. Blood violent, King Kong!"

With the screaming of Augusta, a white air stream visible around him was around him, and Augusta’s muscles rose again, and the body rose like a gas-filled ball. Tear, the body that was originally tall and mighty became more fierce at this moment, and it looked more like a humanoid behemoth.

S-class special skills blood violent violent: increase their own 40% strength and attack speed (enhanced only effective for self-power, but does not affect the self-superposition of various types of damage), the defense power decreased by 30%, attack time With a fifteen percent bloodsucking effect. The duration is one minute and the cooling time is five minutes.

Double S-class special skills King Kong body: all damage except mental attack is weakened by 60%. When the attack is lower than its own defense, it will produce a rebound effect. The rebound damage depends on the numerical difference and does not regard the defense.

The so-called blood violent violent, in fact, is an upgraded version of the violent variant, but after the rise to the S level, the negative effect of the violent vitality has been completely canceled, although more defense decline, it also increased the blood-sucking effect. Considering the powerful attack power after the violent attack, the 15% blood-sucking recovery, its practical value is far more than the 30% defense decline.

Moreover, Augusta also used the King Kong body with super damage reduction effect.

Sixty percent of the damage is weakened, and any additional damage is reduced. It is estimated that the top of the top 90% can be achieved.

Honglang is not surprised by this. Can you live to a general of five difficulty, which one is not powerful? And the existence of such as Augusta, purely by war, must have super attack and defense capabilities.

Augusta’s own strength is estimated to have exceeded three hundred points. Now, another blood-splitting violent is more than four hundred and twenty points. (Look at the novel)

Such a majestic force, even the general generals do not dare to compete, although the power of Honglang is dominant in four difficulties, but in front of a power-level adventurer who is a whole level of difference, it is just like a baby.

The best way to face such an enemy is to avoid it.

Although the characteristics of the violent warrior are hard hit, it is the hard battle of iron and blood, it is the spirit of death, never let go, but with the sinking for so long, Hong Lang knows that the battle is really not because you don’t admit defeat. lost. This is not the Japanese manga world. The steel will is not the perpetual motive of his power. He is not a bronze strongman who can't die. It is impossible for hundreds of thunders to smash down and climb up from the ground. There is no fighting spirit.

So he ran on his legs. Here is the interior of the Star Warship. The roads extend in all directions and the environment is complex and suitable for use.

However, he had just stepped out of the way. In the distance, one arm had been coiled like a snake, and he was entangled in it. The Honglang violently earned it, and he could not break the boneless arm.

It is Redders!

Hong Lang was shocked.

This battleship is more than just Augusta.

In the distance, Rhodes has come out with a smile: "Is it really amazing? Can you think of it, how can we appear here? You are self-righteous idiots, thinking that if we cheated us, we can get the initiative of this war. No? There is a heavenly Father in the sky, omniscience, I am waiting for the grace of the Lord, the guidance of the lord, I have long known about what is going to happen here. This is the grace of the Lord to the devout, and the punishment of the Lord for the disrespectful. !"

The boneless arm is tied with a scorpion, and the red waves are tied up. Rhodes raises his left hand and gently slams against the Honglang, and the **** have already penetrated the Honglang knee.

"Hey!" Honglang screamed, and Rhodes yelled at his face: "Your Majesty, worship me, see if you still have some abilities, as long as you are willing to return to the right path, join my purgatory sect. , we can spare you not to die!"

"You **** fart!" Hong wave fought all out, his arms smashed, and one after another powerful force hit the boneless arm.

Although Reids is a general, the power is not what he is good at. Honglang is struggling with full force and immediately gives him a great sense of oppression. If he really wants to earn him so much, he may be able to break his boneless arm.

The problem is that Rhodes is not the only one. At this moment, he looks at him and turns his head and says, "Augusta, kill him!"


"Xie Rongjun..." King Kong took out these three words from the teeth.

That standing in the impact ship into the hatch, it is Xie Rongjun.

He embraced the dragon flame sword and smiled at King Kong: "Yes, it is me. I didn't expect that it would be you on this ship. This is God's care for me. I know that I am looking for your troubles. The 2nd captain of the Blades team came to me."

The sound cannot be transmitted in the vacuum, but at this moment, Xie Rongjun speaks in the way of energy vibration, and can also let the other party hear.

"So, this ambush is also your plan?" King Kong asked quietly.

Before the fleet ambushed the Pioneer, Shen Wei thought it might be the Hellfire engine. Now it seems that things are not so simple.

I did not expect Xie Rongjun to smile and shake his head: "It can be said that we have planned it, but not all of us. We did sneak into the fleet beforehand, ready to use the power of the Galaxy Empire to deal with you, but we do not know how they are. Know your jump point, so interception and combat is our idea. The ambush is not related to us... You don't have to secretly open the coat of arms, I don't mind sinking to hear what I said."

It seems that the Hellfire engine's guess is not wrong, but there are others in the middle of it.

At this moment, Xie Rongjun said that King Kong is no longer hiding. He simply pointed the coat of arms to Xie Rongjun and said, "How can they listen to you?"

"They certainly won't listen, but it's not just a changeable enchantress that can be mixed into the fleet. There are countless elites in the purgatory sect. It's harder to mix into the fleet as an ordinary soldier. It's not necessarily harder than joining the three districts. You can do even harder things." When it comes, the infernal sect can't do anything with the help of the empire?"

King Kong is dumb.

Yes, Shen Yulian has done all the three districts together. Why do you think that the infernal sects can't even get into the emperor?

It’s still a matter of indulging in the practice of purgatory sects, so that everyone has a contempt for them.

Xie Rongjun has ridiculed: "Spaceport, I admit that you did a good job, Shen Hao successfully deceived everyone. But he succeeded not only because his plan was okay, More factors are because this is a tactical success, a strategic failure. Edmund did not expect him to make such a stupid choice, but since he did, the purgatory sect naturally has to fight back. We arrived early. Tatooine, if you don't want to make some preparations at this time, give you some lessons... Is this so-called strategic advantage really just a verbal talk?"

King Kong can only smile and shake his head.

It’s not that he is guilty of making strategic mistakes, but that Edmund is too strong, and that the Northern District’s young Ashura is really unreasonable. One of the reasons why the first drop in the plan was to leave the North District was that Ashura might not be able to take advantage of this first mover advantage.

Who can think of Edmund's great demeanor, the big prophecy is unstoppable, and it is easy to grab the spaceship.

However, there is nothing to explain this kind of thing, so King Kong just said: "Strategic advantage? I don't think. If you take the shot at the beginning, you may have the opportunity to use the power of the Imperial Fleet to deal with us. It is hard to say now. The Galaxy Empire has already The defeat, the command center, the destroyer group, and the basic loss of resistance. It is not so easy to compete with the three districts by one infernal sect?"

Upon hearing this, Xie Rongjun once again laughed: "It's true that the Imperial Fleet can't count on it. The Inferno sect can only be one to three. Such a huge gap, even if there are several generals with five difficulty, it is also It’s hard to turn the sky. But do you think that the Inferno sect will wait until now?”

He looked at King Kong, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and King Kong’s heart jumped, and the sense of uneasiness rose again.

Xie Rongjun has slowly said: "Only by the adventurer's own battleship, it is impossible to win any task fleet. The world of Star Wars is the same, and the other worlds are the same. The ultimate tactics of the adventurers to win, still It is a sudden advance, a sudden advance, and then a sudden advance, directly disintegrating the enemy from the inside. This truth, Shen Yu knows, Hua Tianrui understands, can Edmund, who is a general in the interstellar world, not understand? But unfortunately, this tactic has a Achilles heel, that is..."

He looked at King Kong and said one word: "When faced with multiple warships, the adventurers will disperse their own forces!"

"Not good!" King Kong, as well as Shen Yuhua Tianrui, who has been listening to their conversations in the command hall, was also shocked and shouted.

At that moment they finally understood what happened to them.

Since the enemy fleet has a total of seventeen If the adventurer wants to break into the interior, he must only be divided into divisions. This means that the forces of the three districts do not exist in this case. In fact, More than 80 adventurers have been divided into small groups of only three or five people per warship due to the 17 warships.

And the infernal sect that has already guessed that this will happen, it is not necessary to arrange their own people on every warship.

They only need to concentrate on the most important ships. They can not only have the advantage of quality, but also have the advantage of quantity. As for how to divide the law, it depends on the appetite of the purgatory sect and the estimation of their own strength. . The more points you divide, the more opponents you can destroy and the more difficult it is.

Use the emperor as a bait to lure the enemy into attack; use the complex environment to divide the enemy; concentrate the superior forces and attack one point;

This used to be the core tactic of Shen Yu’s defeat of the stabbing team. Now he is taken over by the Inferno sect and counterattacks himself.

Xie Rongjun has slowly raised the dragon flame sword and pointed to King Kong: "This time, it is your turn to taste the taste of failure."

Said, there are four more figures behind him.

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