Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 89: Crisis (on)

The tip of the sword hit the mental protective cover, and a blaze of light rose like a hot sun. The huge energy shock exploded, and the mental protective cover collapsed. The blood hole was blown up behind the fat man. The cloned soldiers who attacked were also attacked by the earthquake. m[Read the novel to ~]//Welcome to read www.//

"Fat!" Gentle has turned back very quickly, and the long whip waved out toward the rear, hitting the helmet of the cloned soldier.

The helmet shattered, revealing a flowing blond hair.

"It's you, Affleck!" Gentle exclaimed.

"Not only him!" A voice suddenly sounded from the rear, like a thunderous thunder into the heart, the sound in the tender heart.


A bright knife light has risen from the rear, screaming down against the gentle back neck, and gently and horrifiedly found that he could not move.

Seeing this knife is about to hit her neck, the fat man suddenly yelled and pushed softly, the knife slammed on the fat man's left arm, and an arm had already skyrocketed.

"Hey!" The fat man made a thrilling roar. This snoring sounded like a raging wave, and the rumbling rumbling. Some people in the distant passage made a sigh, and the gentleness found that they regained their freedom. Without hesitation, the four arms were together, and the six weapons were simultaneously Waving in three directions, spurred a sharp murderous, while the ruling blade flashed, and the glory of the sacred sect.

A majestic figure appeared in the passage, with endless sacredness and solemnity, pointing to the sneak attacker who appeared later.

Just at the moment of the other party, a voice suddenly sounded: "The cause of sin, for the sake of the body... the poor health, killing and sinister evils... the evildoers, the bad news... the punishment Into the evil hell!"

If this sound floats out of the sky, it will appear as if it is looming, but it will go straight into the bottom of my heart.

With this sound, the golden light shines in the darkness, followed by a black image like the nightshade, which corresponds to the majestic figure in the Glorious Holy Sepulchre.

After the appearance of this vague phantom, the image of the sacred majesty in the glory of the sacred sacred, paused, and then transferred his finger to the ghost of the night.


When one finger fell, the night fork ghost immediately made a screaming call, and the whole body ignited a flame-like golden light. However, when the night ghost ghost was about to disappear, the ghost captured the majestic figure and slammed down. Once pulled, there was a wailing sound on the ground, and countless ghosts rushed out and grabbed the golden figure and dragged it down.

The majestic figure could not be rid of, and when he saw that he did not enter the bottom, he was drowned in a horrible wailing and disappeared.

At the same time, the gentle **** coat of arms has been sent out: "Warning, warning! The blade of the ruling is sealed by the evil seal. You can't use the brilliant sacred skills before cracking!"

"Ten evil seals?" Gentle and exclaimed.

The adventurer with the sword has been out of danger, and one turned to the rear, it was Astin, and there was a young man standing beside him, which was a Palma.

However, it seems that Parma's situation is not very good. The face of this handsome young man is pale at the moment, and his body is shivering. It seems to be being troubled by something, and his face is ugly. [Read the novel to ~]

However, Gentle knows that this young man who looks timid as a mouse has sealed the most powerful glory of the ruling blade.

At the same time, he is also just getting himself into a difficult situation that cannot be moved. If it is not a fat man who promptly shoots out, he may have separated himself in the case of Astin’s disregard of defense and a strong separation effect.

The ambush of the enemy apparently had been drilled for a long time, killing one blow and one blow. The act was simple and fierce. Although it failed to kill the gentleness, it also ruined the fat man and sealed the blade of the ruling.

However, Affleck is obviously very dissatisfied with this: "Xie Rongjun is right. If you want to destroy the broken blade, you must first kill the fat man. If you die, the fat man will not die. You will not lose. You don't listen, you have to take it. The woman started first, and the result was a failure!"

Although the fat man does not seem to have much ability, his instincts of danger make him always able to shoot at the most critical moment. In a battle, maybe the fat shot is less than one-tenth of the members of the Broken Blade team, but as long as he is there, the Broken Blade team will always get the most important ambulance at the most dangerous moment.

This is a seemingly unimportant, but indispensable existence of the Broken Blade team.

He complained that he was complaining, and Jianguang had once again washed away a raging Jianguang, pointing to the fat man. At the same time Astin has slashed his knife, but his mouth is dissatisfied and shouted: "The dead fat man has mental armor and guardian suit, my parting may not be effective, this is no choice." Lake angered: "How was his hand broken? Say I didn't break his mental armor?" Astin replied loudly: "That is purely coincidental!"

In the quarrel, two sharp radiances screamed fat, and the fat face of the fat man shook a bit first, then suddenly shook his arms and said: "I can kill you if you want to kill? Go away with me!"

The right arm suddenly smashed out a large group of fierce flames, formed in the void, turned into two huge undead birds, whistling to Astin and Affleck respectively.

However, at the moment when the dead bird rushed out, Astin suddenly took out the same thing from the coat of arms and threw it into the air: "Go!"

It is a phoenix egg brought out from the world of the sword.

As the phoenix egg appeared, the two immortal birds screamed at the same time, and all the flames went toward the phoenix egg roll. In the raging fire, the phoenix egg was not hurt by it, but it gave off a strong radiance and became more gorgeous.

"Not good, they are using the Phoenix egg to attract the power of the dead bird!" Gentle has shouted and rushed over, behind the four arms, four weapons together to the Phoenix egg.

At this moment, Palma, who had been pale, suddenly looked up and pointed at the gentle one: "The evil hell, bound!"

Countless ghosts whistling toward the gentle, straight into the tender heart, gentle and once again into a situation that can not move, at the same time, Parma has more than a fine dagger in his hand, slammed into a gentle face.

Just as he was to be gentle in the stab, a huge figure suddenly fell from the sky, and a slap in the face of Parma to fly him out, it was the one-eyed troll.

The shape of this cargo is too big. As soon as it appears, the entire channel will be squeezed and deformed, and the card will not advance or retreat in the passage. The situation is similar to the original Meryl call of the armored Tyrannosaurus Rex.

It is just that the spacecraft space is much larger than the iron cage of the x-killing. Although the one-eyed troll is stuck in the passage, it also forms a wall invisibly, directly separating Parma from the passage. (Look at the novel)

Gentleness has already screamed and shouted, physical energy vibration, and all the ghosts shook.

However, at this moment, the phoenix egg in the air suddenly released a radiance, under the mask, the two dead birds disappeared at the same time, but the fat man was uncontrollable and two undead birds appeared.

The fat man's face changed greatly, and a roll-hunting attacked Affleck's attack. At the same time, he cried: "This is not what I summoned. The Phoenix egg is attracting the energy of the dead bird in my body, let them appear automatically, it is absorbing them! Hell, What exactly is going on!"

"I haven't heard that Phoenix Egg has this ability, it must have been done!" The gentle whirlwind rushed over, blocking the Palma machine with a one-eyed troll, and six arms were cut to Astin at the same time, preventing him from going to the fat man. Attack: "They are prepared, they must leave here!"

The fat man can save people, the battle can't be done, the dead bird can't play a role, the ruling blade is sealed, gentle one-on-three, and the three adventurers of the infernal sect in the four most difficult, self-defeating is not an opponent. Considering that the infernal sect can never only have these three people appear, she has realized that things are not good, so the next moment, she cried out to the coat of arms: "Sink, take us away!"

No echo.


Pioneer number.

When he heard the dialogue between King Kong and Xie Rongjun, Shen Yu had already come up with a team assembly order.

However, he just took it out, Hua Tianrui’s hand was on the assembly order, and looked at him coldly: “What do you want to do?”

"What else can I do? Of course, bring my people back!"

"What about my people?" Hua Tianrui asked: "You take the people away with the assembly order. The combat strength there is a little less, and my chances of escape are even smaller!"

Shen Yan shook his head: "Sorry, that is the problem you have to solve."

Hua Tianrui’s hand has pinched the assembly order: “I am solving the problem! The three districts are joining forces with your proposal. Now that everyone is helping each other, it is the moment of crisis. I will never allow someone to be a deserter at this time.”

Zhou Yiyu snorted: "I am afraid you can't escape but you can't escape."

To say that Hua Tianrui has no assembly order in his hand, he is unbelievable.

The problem is that Hua Tianrui is not indulged. As long as he is responsible for the Broken Blade team, Hua Tianrui is responsible for the adventurers of the entire Eastern District. More than 20 adventurers include more than one team, but not one he can bring back.

Hua Tianrui exhaled from his nose: "In any case, it is unacceptable to give up the friendly forces and escape. It is an unacceptable behavior. If you still want to continue to cooperate with everyone, you don't want to be spurned by the people in the **** city. I suggest you carefully consider your behavior."

“Is this a threat?”

"No, this is advice!"

Shen Yan looked at Hua Tianrui coldly and violently pulled his hand out of Hua Tianrui’s hand. Hua Tianrui did not continue to grasp it. He knew that he could not hold on to it all the time. In the end, things can only be solved with words.

Sinking did not start the assembly order again. He had already said to the coat of arms: "King Kong, gentle, Honglang, whoever is in danger, launch the assembly and bring us over."

Since you can't get the team back, it's the same to bring yourself in the past, and you can concentrate on breaking it.

However, he spoke out, but he could not hear a little echo.

The sinking face changed slightly: "What is going on here?"

The dialogue between King Kong and Xie Rongjun, which I can still hear, has completely disappeared.

"A lot of electromagnetic energy is appearing near the battlefield, and communication is completely interrupted!" a soldier quickly called.

"How can electromagnetic interference shield the crest communication?" Zhou Yiyu could not believe it.

"If there is a strengthening class of equipment and priority enhancement can be done." Hua Tianrui is very clear about this: "The Inferno sect has a kind of interference device, and through it plus Jumley, it can indeed interrupt the crest communication."

"Is it just a communication interruption?" Shen asked.

"Just the communication was interrupted." Hua Tianrui is very certain: "The assembly order is invalid."

Zhou Yiyu breathed a sigh of relief: "Then we can still pass."

"The problem is that you don't know where to go." Hua Tianrui said.

Zhou Yiyu is also anxious: "There is a choice of one, it is better than being scattered and attacked!"

Just then, a soldier suddenly pointed out at the porthole and said, "Look!"

Deep in the starry sky, a flame is rising, and it is a flame chariot pulled by nine undead birds.

Edmund stood in the front of the car, Longanus's gun was pointed to the Pioneer, and the flame chariot was directed at the Pioneer.

Hua Tianrui suddenly fell into the ice cave: "This is troublesome."

The Purgatory Church personally dispatched, and pointed to the Pioneer. At that moment, Shen Yuhua Tianrui and others finally understood all the plans of the Inferno sect.

Using the Imperial Fleet as a bait, it lured and divided all the adventurers, focused on some important battleships, and smashed the adventurers, while Edmund himself personally attacked the Pioneers.

The Pioneer is a necessary condition for adventurers to enter Tatoo through the stars, and is the last retreat for their withdrawal from the battlefield.

As long as the Pioneer is destroyed, the adventurers in the three districts will all be finished!

And this also avoids the drawback of too many spaceships, insufficient space shielding, and the inability to isolate the role of team assembly orders - as long as the Pioneer is destroyed, no matter how the adventurer moves, it makes no sense.

As for now, Shen Wei finds that he can not only recall his team members, or even himself can not go - in the face of Edmund's imposing manner, the Pioneer is already difficult to protect himself.

Shen Hao quickly turned his head and said: "Fast, reversing at full speed, leaving the battlefield!"

Not long ago, the commander of the Imperial Fleet had just made this order, but now it is the turn of the adventurers themselves to bear this bitter fruit.

However, the soldier’s response made everyone desperate: “It’s too late, the target is catching up at full speed, and it is expected to arrive in three and a half minutes.”

"Time is enough!" Zhou Yiyu has sat back to his position, fully launching the Pioneer, and wants to retreat from the battlefield.

But the next moment, on a heavy cruiser in the distance, suddenly a huge beam of light was emitted, facing the Pioneer.

The electric light was shrouded in the Pioneer, and the Pioneer’s hull trembled, and it stopped.

"Damn, it’s Jomley!" The five-difficult general, Jumley, who claims to be the worst in combat, finally played a unique role in this world.

He not only blocked the battlefield communication, but also made the Pioneer's number difficult.

It was not long, but it was enough for Edmund to drive the chariot to kill the Pioneer.

"Stop the gunfire and stop him!" Shen said.

The dense array on the Pioneer was launched again, and numerous gunfires roared in space, pulling out one arc after another.

At this time, the advantage of a small target size is fully reflected in the Star Wars. Although the fire coverage of more than two thousand cannons is huge, but looking at the entire starry battlefield, it is as small as a few waves of waves in the tide, and does not have a large coverage. The flame chariot driven by Edmund is like the most flexible bird in the sky. He walks freely in the storm of artillery, swims, completely ignores the threat of artillery, and continues to rush toward the Pioneer.

Occasionally, one or two shots hit the target, and Edmund only slightly started, and the gunfire attack was blocked out of a crystal wall.

"Ion guns lock the target!" Hua Tianrui shouted.

"The goal is constantly changing, it is difficult to lock, the estimated arrival time is five minutes and forty-two seconds!" the soldier replied loudly. Although fierce gunfire can't stop the advancement of the flame chariot, it can finally delay the speed of its advancement.

But delays like this can't last long.

"Megatron, to stop him!"

"Megatron understands!" On the Pioneer, a fighter plane has already skyrocketed, it is Megatron.

"I am afraid that he will not do it." Hua Tianrui said with anxiety.

"If necessary, let Yi Yu use the bloodline to transform Shen Wei answered.

Zhou Yiyu shook his head: "The Pioneer is not a fortress. There are too many precision instruments. It is used to transform it. It hurts too much... Once the critical equipment is damaged and difficult to repair, we will probably drift in space for a long time."

"Without sacrifice, there will be no victory!" Shen Yu replied, he looked at the flame chariot in the distance and said: "This time they are prepared, the plan is careful, we lose, we can only not lose too badly, no matter what, the Pioneer must be kept."

At that time, the boy in the North District suddenly turned and left the main control hall.

Hua Tianrui asked: "Where are you going?"

"I will also block him."

"But you can't drive a fighter!"

The boy did not reply back: "I don't need to... use a missile launcher... to fight me out."

Said that he has strode to the launch cabin.

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