Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 91: Counterattack

Warrior Impact Ship!

The dragon flame sword points to King Kong, Xie Rongjun said: "So, what you said has been said, then, just play a game, don't say I didn't give you a chance, use your demon to transform. M"

King Kong laughed and said: "Do you need to use the demon **** to deal with you?"

As he talked about the deck, the man had already smashed into the air.

The gravity-free environment made him jump into the air like a meteor. If he didn't stop, he could even fly directly from the warship to another warship.

He has a big tone and the first thing he does is turn around and run.

"Don't want to run, Dragon Flame!" Xie Rongjun's sword is under the air. In this vacuum environment, all the long-range skills have been greatly improved. This sharp knife is directed to the direction of a thousand miles. King Kong flew away.

At the same time, the four adventurers behind him rushed out at the same time, and the deck was rushing toward King Kong.

King Kong was snoring and his hands were raised. The two Terminators had appeared in front of him. King Kong was facing the Terminator. The original direct body suddenly turned into a traverse. Four adventurers and the knife His body flew over, and the two Terminators had turned their guns and started shooting at the four men.

If there is no external force, fighting in space is easy and a sprint will rush into the universe and never come back.

However, the four adventurers were obviously prepared, and the four men had four more aircraft at the same time. With the flame spray, the four men had turned to King Kong at the same time.

"The preparation is quite adequate." King Kong laughed.

He didn't have an aircraft, but that was because he didn't need it.

With a move, the two Terminators have automatically come to his feet. King Kong is only slightly a little, and people have once again rushed into the air.

At this time, Xie Rongjun jumped up, his jumping ability was originally very strong, this moment is even more soaring, actually after the first move, rose to the top of the King Kong, and he was cut down against him.

The timing of this attack is quite accurate. King Kong has just changed forward and can no longer dodge again. Seeing that this knife is going to the top of the head, King Kong has already slammed a punch.

The Grim Reaper is playing on the Dragon Flame Knife, which provokes a majestic force. King Kong falls to the impact ship, and Xie Rongjun flies backwards into space.

Just as he flew out, Xie Rongjun’s figure suddenly flashed, and the man had already appeared below, and the backhand was a knife to King Kong.

This flashing position is extremely clever. Because the inertia of space warfare is too strong, it is really difficult to change direction. Seeing that King Kong hit the tip of the knife himself, at this moment, Xie Rongjun whistling.

He was shocked and knew that he was not good enough to jump forward.

Just listening to a sharp scream, a piece of broken fighter plane has passed by him.

Since it is in space, all objects are not affected by gravity and air resistance, and the attack distance and power are greatly increased.

If Xie Rongjun reacts slowly and the defense is lower, this high-speed flying debris may even cut him directly into two pieces.

This piece of debris was produced on the battlefield because of the explosion of the fighter plane. It floated aimlessly in space and was attacked by various explosions. However, it was slightly turned by King Kong’s mind control. Xie Rongjun came.

Because these fragments are in high-speed flight, King Kong doesn't even need to consume much energy. Just need to adjust the direction of the debris slightly, it can make it the most terrible weapon in space warfare.

This is exactly what King Kong discovered when they were training in the home world.

With King Kong, who has control and metal control, Zhou Yiyu can fully exert his strength in the space battlefield. When Zhou Yiyu had to stay on the warship because he needed to drive, King Kong became the best person in the space battlefield to use his surroundings to develop his own strength.

Just as Hua Tianrui has lost half of its strength in this environment, King Kong has more than doubled its strength in this environment.

For Xie Rongjun, it is not only this that shocks him, but how does King Kong know that he will jump to this position in advance?

Unfortunately, he had no time to think about it. The next moment, King Kong had screamed and rushed down. It was a punch at Xie Rongjun. When he hit him, he burst his arms and shouted: "This is my home. !come on!"

With his roaring, I saw that numerous air combat fragments in the distant battlefield had been spinning at high speed at the same time. They were like the most terrible impact weapon, and they rushed to the four adventurers in the air.

Even this is not enough.

King Kong pointed to a missile launcher not far from the impact ship. The missile launcher had automatically turned and fired a missile to hit the four adventurers.

"Hell!" The four men were astonished.

Fortunately, these four people are also powerful adventurers, each with life-saving ability, that moment, various body shields

Light up on the body, all kinds of summoned objects pulled out and blocked in front of them.

I only heard the sound of turbulence in the air, followed by a burst of mad and fierce explosions.

There is a **** rain in the sky, which is the residue that summons the life when it is cut and crushed, and the blood that the adventurer sheds when he is wounded.

One of the adventurers was unlucky, and the aircraft behind it was directly swept by a debris, and immediately exploded into the air, exploding the adventurer into space.

King Kong was empty, and the large pieces of the aircraft were immediately chased by the adventurer. Because the distance was too close, the adventurer could not dodge, fluttering, and had opened countless holes/eyes on the adventurer.

Fortunately, because the distance is too close, the fragments are not as high and powerful as the previous fighters, so the damage is not great.

But the next moment, King Kong pointed at the impact ship, and the two bombs shot at him.

The adventurer tried to play a barrier that blocked the missile's impact, but the next moment, the phenomenon of charging an ion-accelerated gun on the ship shocked him.

"Oh no!"


The ion accelerator has produced a strong flash that instantly swallowed the adventurer.

However, this is not the ability of King Kong. He can only direct physical attacks and cannot command energy attacks.

Next to the ion-accelerated gun, r2's head was dripping and patted its head and said, "It's beautiful, man, I know you are the best."

"Hey!" r2 answered.

"Bastard!" Xie Rongjun violently rushed again, King Kong turned back and pointed, and a large number of fragments flew to Xie Rongjun, but Xie Rongjun just disappeared after a flash of shape.

In addition to the first unprepared, almost injured, with the defense of Xie Rongjun, with flashing skills, really not afraid of this attack.

But he is not afraid, others are afraid.

The three adventurers apparently did not adapt to this space-free fighting battle without gravity. In particular, King Kong’s ability to control is precisely the nemesis of the aircraft.

The next moment, King Kong has directly touched the three aircraft.

Hey, all the aircraft are bursting.

The three adventurers yelled and flew together.

However, the three have finally had a way.

One of them caught the hull: "Control the crane and dragon hand!"

A huge suction has taken it back to the hull.

The other person, like Shen Shen, shoots the flying claws and also hangs himself outside the hull.

The third person suddenly spit out a tongue, wrapped up the hull gun barrel, and pulled himself back to the impact ship.

"Useless!" King Kong has laughed.

A wave of his right arm, a bright silver long knife suddenly appeared in his hand, squatting against the long tongue.

The knife was cut on the tongue, and the adventurer screamed and screamed. King Kong himself flew again with the force of this knife. At the same time, the left hand took a trick, and a deck debris had quickly reached his feet. King Kong stood. Above, flying a circle at high speed in space, the silver long knife in the hand has become a spear, King Kong throws at an adventurer.

Fortunately, Xie Rongjun rushed over in time, and cut the spear into countless silver water drops, but in the next moment, King Kong just took a finger, and the countless silver water droplets had become a silver needle to shoot at everyone.

In this space, due to the absence of gravity and no resistance, the energy consumed by King Kong to control the flight of these objects has been reduced to a minimum limit, which also greatly increases the power of the control, and he is more like a meteor. Just across the air, by manipulating the debris under the foot, you can change direction in the air, without worrying about any consequences.

Numerous silver needles furiously rushed toward the four people. Xie Rongjun’s dragon flame sword has been danced into a group of light, and the youthfulness on his face is getting heavier and heavier.

He did not expect that King Kong would have a huge increase in combat power in this space environment. Due to the unique environmental constraints of space, the number has become meaningless here.

Thinking of this, Xie Rongjun said: "You leave here, he left me alone to deal with!"

"Good!" The three adventurers apparently realized this and shouted at the coat of arms: "Take us away!"

The next moment, there was a black hole in the space.

King Kong gave a slight glimpse and saw that the three adventurers had flew toward the black hole at the same time and disappeared instantly.


As soon as the communication blockade was released, the heraldic channel and the quantum communicator rang a loud and humming sound, as if all the sounds that had been paused had a total explosion at this moment.

"Come and save me!"

"Attacked, it is a purgatory sect!"

"God, how did they appear here?"

"Hell, they are gone!"

"Come here, help me!"

"Come and take us back. There are people everywhere, we are being slaughtered, ah..."

A loud voice rang out, which irritated the listener's nerves. When the third screams, Hua Tianrui's temples jerked.

He is familiar with this voice and is one of his powerful men.

"Bastard!" Hua Tianrui couldn't restrain himself, turned and walked to the cabin, he had to take the plane to rescue immediately.

With one hand on his shoulder, Hua Tianrui looked back and saw Shen Yan looking at him.

"Calm!" Shen said: "The more you are in a pinch, the more you have to hold your breath. Now it is too late to save people. It will only waste our fighting power of the Pioneer... Edmund may rush at any time. ”

"My people are being slaughtered. What restraint do you want me to take?" Hua Tianrui asked with a bite.

"Things are not as bad as you think. Stay here and help them." Shen Yu replied, saying that he turned his head: "Is there something that you don't feel a bit strange?"


"Their people seem to be a bit too much."

Hua Tianrui took a moment to sneak a moment and immediately realized what Shen was pointing at. He said: "They have died eight. Now there are only twenty-nine people, and Edmund has twenty-eight people. Even if each battleship is arranged. Five people can only arrange up to five ships at most, and it is impossible to attack the adventurers on each battleship."

"But now it sounds like everyone on the spacecraft has been attacked."

"Is it illusion? No, it sounds like everyone has suffered a real attack." Hua Tianrui immediately frowned, and then his eyes lit up: "It is Eva... No, not just Eva!"

The actual plan of the Inferno sect is more sharp than the indulgence they envisioned. They are not simply dealing with the adventurer through internal distribution, but through internal transmission to constantly create the local advantage of the number and kill the adventurer.

However, this tactic is simple to say, but there are many problems in actual implementation.

Although space mages are central to the tactical implementation of large-scale battlefields, they also have their limitations. Mental limitations, cooling time limits, as well as positioning and timing constraints, make it impossible for space mages to use their abilities at will.

Judging from the call for help on the heraldic channel, it is clear that these problems have been solved by the Inferno sect.

The infernal sect adventurers are like ghosts. They always appear suddenly at the most accurate and deadly key moments.

Lin Weisheng and others who confronted Reids, in this case, were killed by the other side.

At that moment, Hua Tianrui suddenly understood.

He looked at Shen Yu: "They must have installed a large number of electronic eyes in the spacecraft in advance, and can accurately grasp the movements of all of us. In addition, the transmission of Eva may also help with other capabilities, so that she can break through the cooling limit. So that at the most appropriate time, it will appear where it is most needed."

Hua Tianrui was originally a flexible person, but he was concerned about his brother at this moment. At this moment, I was reminded by a sinking sentence that many things were figured out.

"Do you know what the purgatory sect can do to do this?" Shen asked.

Hua Tianrui nodded: "Yes, I know. The Inferno sect has unique research and understanding of science and technology. Some of them are good at combining science and technology with capacity enhancement. As far as I know, they have a technology device that can build energy. Channels for fixed-point transmission, of course, are many restrictions, but if combined with space-based skills, it is possible to break through their respective limitations and achieve a wide range of fast and frequent transmissions in a fixed area..."

He said that he looked at the ship in the distance: "At least in this area, there is no problem."

"The problem was found. The rest is to solve the problem. Is there any way to break this transmission?" Shen asked.

Hua Tianrui nodded: "Yes, like this level of transmission, relying on a combination of multiple capabilities, the connection is very close, as long as one link is broken, the entire tactical implementation will inevitably block. For example, killing Eva!"

"It's too difficult." Shen Yan shook his head, he is very clear how hard it is to be killed like Eva, and the purgatory sect attaches great importance to Eva, following the wilderness, the space that kills them. After the Master General, Eva became the most important space mage of the Inferno sect, and the Purgatory sect did not let Eva have the moment to place the order, and granted her the power to escape alone in any danger.

This power is not even even Clifford.

The heirs of the Inferno sect have a lot of key figures in key positions, but they are really hard to find. The four organizations are concerned about talented space mages, but unfortunately, they have not found a desired goal. The space mage that they indulged in the first time, the loss to the inferno sect, can be said to be the collapse of the undead peak.

Hua Tianrui has continued: "The space mage is a tactical implementer. In addition to this, there must be a core controller who is responsible for observing the overall situation, notifying the rapid support troops to the designated battlefield at any time, participating in the battle, exiting the battle... In addition, energy If the channel is turned on and off, it needs someone to be responsible. If Eva is the core of the implementation of this tactic, then this person is the command core, as long as he kills him, he can slap the other party's tactics!"

Zhou Yiyu hurriedly asked: "Who is this person?"

Hua Tianrui and Shen Yu have said at the same time: "Jumley, can only be him!"

"You must kill Jumley immediately!" Hua Tianrui said: "Only kill him, we can save the defeat."

"He was on the heavy cruiser, I went to bombard him!" Zhou Yiyu immediately said.

Jolly locked the Pioneer to make it impossible to leave, but also exposed his battleship.

"No!" Shen Yu has called: "The warship is too big. We don't know his specific position. I can't beat the fire. It will only make him prepared. He must find his exact location. Even if he can't kill him, he must destroy his place!"

"How do you find it?" Zhou Yiyu was anxious.

Shen Yu looked at the distant fleet and muttered: "He wants to focus on the blockade and command, it is not suitable to participate in the battle to avoid interruption, this place should be easy for adventurers not to go."

Hua Tianrui immediately interface: "Then he will never be in the main control room, where the adventurer's attack center."

Indulge and said: "The problem is that if he wants to observe the whole situation, he must have enough equipment, including the most important reconnaissance and communication equipment."

Zhou Yiyu shines: "There are only communication cabins and backup system cabins except for the main control room."

Sinking and shaking his head: "The backup system cabin is also likely to be invaded by adventurers, and it is located in the middle and rear end of the heavy battleship. The position is not biased enough and there is a great possibility of discovery."

Hua Tianrui smiled: "That can only be the communication cabin, and the quantum communication equipment there is indeed the most suitable for installing their communication blocking device."

Zhou Yiyu suddenly realized that he turned back and said: "Lock the heavy cruiser, the target communication room, all the gunfire!"

"Targeting... damn, they use electronic interference, there is a huge deviation in the target!" A soldier replied.

Hua Tianrui beat a punch in his palm: "What a hell!"

The Inferno sect is cautious. For his hiding point, Jolly made a very good arrangement. Even if it was discovered, it was difficult for the Pioneer to hit the target.

As long as the initial attack is defeated, I believe that Jumley will soon know that he has been discovered. He just needs to transfer it casually and it is not easy to find him.

Destroying this command center has become the last hope of their indulgence.

Sinking staring at the heavy cruiser in the distance, he suddenly said: "Electronic interference is ineffective to the naked eye, right?"

"Well?" Zhou Yiyu looked at Shen Yu: "Boss!"

Shen Hao has turned and walked outside the cabin: "I am going to manually lock!"

"This is impossible!" Zhou Yiyu called: "The goal is not completely stopped. The ballistics need to be calculated before launch, and the other party's avoidance is considered!"

Due to the joint war, all the warships have almost stopped in the air, but the no-resistance under the vacuum makes the fleet still drifting in space. It is just inertia drifting. The fact is that this inertia is also An unusually high speed, the position has been changing due to their respective circumstances.

The so-called one shot here, the bullet is there, it is impossible to exist in the interstellar battlefield, and every launch of the attack requires a lot of complicated calculations.

Simply aiming at the target with the naked eye, the result is that when the attack reaches the target position, it will find that it has actually passed the target.

It is said that it is passing by, the actual distance may have been tens of thousands of kilometers.

Sinking in the footsteps: "Trust me, this is not a problem, let all the gunfire follow the No. 1 main energy gun to lock the position, after I launch, follow the launch!"

Open the hatch cover and sink into the battleship.

He ran fast above the battleship. In the distance, the six-armed Ashura was battling with Edmund. The power was wild and the power was strong. It seemed like this could be done in the wild, and farther away, The shouts on a warship are still coming.

The infernal sects are like ghosts. They are ghosts on all warships, free to come and hunter the adventurers.

The adventurers are fully aware of their situation, but under this starry sky, they have no choice but to fight.

The gentle shouting sounded: "Sink!"

"Yes, I heard it!" Shen Yan replied: "How is your situation now?"

"The fat man is seriously injured, without an arm, we are evacuating!"

"Be careful to evacuate the direction, the Inferno sect installed a large number of electronic eyes in the spacecraft, they may send people to your side to launch a raid at any time. In addition, Edmund is attacking the Pioneer, I can not bring you back temporarily... If necessary, Grab a warship to escape!"

"Understand!" Gentlely glanced around the channel, and sure enough, some red light was flashing. She kicked a door next to it and rushed in, then said: "There is no electronic eye in the walked from the ventilation duct!"

A long whip, wrapped around the iron bar above the channel, gentle has been with the fat man hit the iron bar into the pipeline.

Although the Inferno sects have been prepared for a long time, it is impossible to install electronic eyes in all corners of the entire fleet, such as pipes and places, which are destined to give up.

"This is a good way." Shen Wei continued to run.

"Do you want to tell others?"

"No!" After thinking about it, Shen Yu replied: "The ventilation ducts cannot be the amulets of the adventurers. If everyone is drilling the pipeline, then the wait for everyone's ending can only be picked up by the infernal sects and cleaned up... Since there is always someone to die, then I choose not to die at least."

"...I know, you don't have to explain."

Shen Xiao smiled a bit.

He came to the front of the No. 1 main energy cannon, raised his muzzle, and fixed his eyes on the communication tower of the heavy cruiser in the distance. The brain began to turn crazy...

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