Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 92: The power of the rules - overweight gun

The No. 1 main gun of the Pioneer is located at the head of the ship. Only the part of the launch tube is 12 meters long. There is a large amount of energy supply device behind it, which is a real behemoth. M's regular damage is about 1,200 points, which can carry out overload attacks. The attack can reach up to 3,600 points. The overload will consume five times of energy and cause a certain degree of damage to the weapon itself.

This damage has exceeded the scope of most skills, and the adventurer can achieve the effect of one blow, which is also an inevitable performance of the technology weapon to the extreme, in fact it is equivalent to a double S-class technology weapons.

The main gun itself does not have a manual launcher. It has not considered the function of manual launch since the beginning of the design, but like a car without a keyless opening system, people can use the two wires to drive the car away as long as Sinking willing, this is not a problem.

After coming to the main gun, Shen Shen found the main gun control department, skillfully opened the control cabin, found out that the two pipelines were connected, and then pointed the muzzle at the distant heavy cruiser. The most prominent part of the tower was Communication tower.

The brain is running at full speed, measuring the distance between each other, the expected arrival time after the attack is issued, and the possible reactions of the enemy...

"The distance is 30,000 kilometers, and it is expected that the attack will arrive for twelve seconds..." The mouth whispered in his mouth, his brow slightly wrinkled.

Twelve seconds for a spacecraft, the reaction time may not be a lot, but for Jolly, I am afraid that enough for him to respond.

The main gun is not a laser cannon, but a super-projectile that uses energy to push. It uses an ion thruster to accelerate, and then launches an attack after reaching the target, which makes it fast, but it does not reach the speed of light.

In fact, most warships do not use laser guns as their main force. Laser guns are characterized by fast flight speeds, but they are also the weapons that are the most incapable of penetrating the energy defensive hood, and lack sufficient destructive power. They are point attacks, even if they are not. It is difficult for the defensive cover to cause enough damage to the hull itself.

Therefore, although space warfare often starts at a great distance, to determine the outcome of the battle, it is still necessary for the two fleets to approach each other and use a more powerful and groundbreaking weapon to attack each other in order to truly win.

The Pioneer's main gun lost its speed of light speed after being modified, but it can restrain the hood to a certain extent, so it is most suitable for attack.

It’s just the situation in front of you. It’s extremely difficult to get this main gun hit.

With the development of war technology, the hit rate of attacks is declining.

From the tens of thousands of bullets during the Second World War to a human life, to the hundreds of thousands of bullets in the Afghan war for a life, the development of the war showed a weapon with more and more powerful power, higher precision, and the hit rate The lower the trend.

By the time of the space war, due to the further expansion of the distance between the two sides, various means of protection have increased, and the hit rate or effective hit rate is still high. It is not uncommon for thousands of missiles to fire in the air.

For example, the pioneers’ more than two thousand artillery mad guns, each fired at least hundreds of shells, only less than a few hundred fighters, which is already at very close range, the hit rate is extremely high. It has been manifested, and it has belonged to fighting and not to remote confrontation.

Now, Shen Yu is to be able to hit the target in this situation, and the difficulty is conceivable.

In other words, he has to do things that even computers can't do.

The brain is still running fast, but no matter how he calculates the ballistics, he finds that he can't solve a problem - Jolly.

He can control himself but cannot control the enemy.

What should I do if sweat flows down my forehead?

"Sinking, sinking! Are you in the position?" Zhou Yiyu is still calling.

"Yes, I am here, I am measuring."

"You better hurry, everyone is going to hold up!"

The ear of the ear is still calling for the adventurer's call for help, and the infernal sects are free to move on the warships like ghosts.

They unified command, coordinated operation, attacked the enemy from all angles, and often missed a thousand miles - a real distance.

"I know, don't bother me at this time." Shen Yu answered.

He turned off the crest channel and the communicator.

Must think of a solution to the problem!

He looked back at the energy main gun in front of him.

If... if you can use curved ballistics on it!

Sinking and sighing.

Unfortunately, the gun is not a gun.

Wait, why can't it be?

The sinking eyes suddenly brightened.

The difference between a gun and a gun is nothing more than a big point, a little bit.

But for the adventurer, is it difficult to shoot a gun in his hand?

Thinking of this, he suddenly snorted, launched the blood system to transform, and then grabbed the main gun, and actually lifted the gun.

The **** coat of arms quickly responded:

"You try to use gun-type skills on ship-borne weapons. Since the weapon does not belong to the gun sequence, you cannot use any skills."

"I took it in my hand, it is a gun!" Shen said.

"The division of shipborne weapons and guns is not based on this."

"What is the basis for that?"

"refuse to answer!"

"Tell me!" Shen Yan yelled: "Do you let me come here to avoid killing as few people as possible? Now, I am trying to rescue them! Tell me!"

"...this involves rules and can't answer, but you might as well think about what is the essential difference between them?"

What's the difference?

Shen Shen took a deep breath.

To put it bluntly, the difference between a ship-borne weapon and a gun is nothing more than the former is bigger and the power is more fierce... No, it is not the difference between the shape and the power, not the essential distinction.

The biggest difference between a ship-borne weapon and a gun is that it needs a spaceship to provide energy support. It needs to calculate the ballistics through the brain. It has a strong recoil and needs a stable platform... Yes, these are the essential differences!

Thinking of this, Shen Yu already knows what he should do, he reopened the coat of arms and shouted: "Yi Yu, come over and help me!"

"Help you, how can I help?"

"Fast, come up, I need your spiritual transformation energy to help!" Shen Yu has been eager to squat.

The next moment, he had pulled the main gun together with the pipeline of the spacecraft's energy device, and really let it be in his own hands.

This super big guy is very heavy, even if it is difficult to hold it, he still uses the muzzle to lock into the distant communication tower, and the brain is still calculating the direction of the ball.

At the same time, Zhou Yiyu has quickly ran out of the main control room, his speed is much faster than sinking, stepping on a piece of iron directly in the air, a gliding falls on the side of Shen, seeing Shen Yan actually on the spacecraft The main energy cannon was lifted and he stayed a little.

"Fast, inject all your mental power into the main gun!" Shen Yu has already snarled.

This is Zhou Yiyu's inadvertent ability to create himself in the world of Xianjian. He used to think that this is his most useless ability. He did not expect this moment, but he became the ability to decide the outcome of the whole battle.


A large number of energy sparks flashed in Zhou Yiyu's hands, and the mental energy was transformed into energy, which was injected into the main gun.

Without the energy supply support of the spacecraft, it is like a super gun being held in the hands of Shen.

Shen Hao held it and pointed it at the tower in the distance. The most suitable flight route was clearly calculated in his mind.

"Arc trajectory!"

"Heavy cannon!"



The huge muzzle slammed a large flash of light, and a super cannon flew out like a comet-like giant tail flame. At the same time, the huge impact of the main gun also slammed into the sinking, as if it had encountered Aogu. Star's full punch, the sinking ribs were instantly broken by two, the whole person spurted blood and flew out, but his gaze still stared at the piece of flame that flew out.

The communication tower suddenly sounded a sharp alarm:

"Warning, warning! Encountering energy main gun shooting, estimated time of arrival is eight seconds..."

"They found us, evading at full speed!" Meryl called.

"It's too late!" Jomley shouted. His hands suddenly pressed toward the console. Numerous large electric lights centered on him and slammed toward him. He instantly filled the entire battleship and wrapped the battleship into a huge electric light. The ball, emitting a lot of electric light, flew toward the incoming energy beam.

Unlike Zhou Yiyu, Jumley does not have the ability to maneuver the ship's hull, but he can manipulate the spacecraft's energy to create a special interception system, but this interception requires a lot of warship power, which is actually no more than Zhou Yiyu's. The way is more economical, but it is indeed a very effective way of protection.

However, while the electric light snake slammed into the target, the distant indulgence of the eyes had a silver light, and the super-shot in flight suddenly made an incredible change, drawing a huge arc in the air. After the line, bypass the electro-optical group and continue to fly to the communication tower.

"This is impossible!" Jolly made an incredulous roar: "How did he do it?"

There have never been any technological weapons that can make such a strange thing!

"Come on!" Meryl has seized that Jolly rushed out of the cabin. At this time, they had no time to inform Eva to open the passage. They could only avoid the front and then talk.

Super cannons flew at high speed in space and smashed into the communication tower. The next moment, a huge fireball rose up in the entire heavy cruiser.

This power is so great that not only will the communication tower be smashed to the smash, but even the entire warship will be under this gun, and it will be smashed into two pieces, like the sinking Titanic.

Everyone looked sluggish, and even Edmond, who was in the fight, couldn't believe his eyes.

"This... how is this possible?"

Shen Yu has stood up under the support of Zhou Yiyu.

Looking at the starship battleship that is still burning, Shen Yu laughed with Zhou Yuyi.

"Good job, boss!"

"We did a beautiful job."

"Okay...but how did you do it?" Zhou Yiyu looked at the main gun on the ground. This gun used an overload attack and was removed from the hull. It is now completely destroyed.

However, it is able to interrupt the heavy patrol in one shot. It is also a shameful mission. After all, under normal circumstances, there are not dozens of hundreds of bombardments in this heavy patrol.

"This is the power of the rules!" Shen Yu answered. Shen Yu has already understood.

This is the rule!

Everything in the **** city is established by rules!

Only by mastering the rules can we break the rules.

When he discovered the way in which ship-borne weapons and guns were divided, when he used ship-borne weapons in his own way, he was actually breaking the rules!

Only by mastering the rules can we break through the rules.

"This is the breakthrough rule! Only by understanding it, you can break it, you can use it, and even control it... Maybe this is the road for me to go... the future gunners!" Shen Yan slowly.

All the way to the present, Shen Hao finally broke the rules of the rules for the first time in a real sense, and hit a stone-shattering blow.

Unlike the dream come true, this is the power that the Supreme Council can accept... at least the power that can be tolerated.


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