Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 96: betray

The war under the stars, with the defeat of Edmund, finally came to an end. m

Edmund’s cry was “Go!” with a strange spiritual power that passed to everyone’s heart.

The blue woman Eva was the first to react, and she looked up at the sky.

Her eyes are full of strange demon blues, such as the water in the double eyes, it seems that there are stars in the flow, let out the brilliance.

With the emergence of this brilliance, the energy channel that was no longer possible to use has reappeared...


"Hey!" A heavy punch hit the face, breaking the virtual image of King Kong, hitting the face of Honglang heavily, almost crushing his half face, and one eyeball also flew out of the eye socket.

The Honglang swelled and flew up. It had been rolling several times in a row to avoid Augusta’s pursuit. But the next moment Augusta just waved a big hand, and Medusa also suddenly blinked, a petrochemical light has hit On Honglang, Honglang immediately stopped moving.

"Damn, come again!" Hong Lang snorted.

Seeing Augusta screaming and rushing, Honglang reluctantly said: "Guardian!"

The guardian aura of the world tree has been added to Honglang.

This is the last guardian aura of the world tree.

Augusta’s fist hit the guardian aura and failed to cause any damage to the Honglang, but Augusta did not stop, continued to violently bombard the guardian aura, and roared: "I see you. When can I support it!"

Three seconds passed, the golden light faded, and the effect from petrochemicals had not been lifted.


Augusta’s heavy punches have been hit on Honglang in a row, and even more than ten punches have been blown out in one breath until the petrochemicals are lifted. The huge explosive force finally shakes the Honglang waves. The Honglang waves crash continuously in the air. Falling heavily.


He spit out his blood, only to feel that his body's bones were interrupted by Augusta, and he could not climb for a time.

Augusta swayed his muscles and strode: "I thought you would use weapons, but it seems that you are shameless, but there is still a bottom line! As a reward for your death, I will Leave you a whole body!"

"Hey! Laozi is not so easy to die!" Honglang’s right arm slammed into the ground, and with the help of this force, he stood up again and yelled at Augusta: "Come on, see who is the first to finish." !"

The arrogance of force once again set off on Honglang, and Augusta snorted: "Hey? You seem to have a sign of a breakthrough? This is a good thing! But no matter what, you are dead!"

Seeing that a new round of collisions is about to happen, Edmund’s voice is heard at this time.

Then, an energy channel appeared behind Augusta.

Augusta rushed to the front and suddenly braked.

"Would you like to withdraw?" Augusta glanced at the Honglang unwillingly, and the momentum of the embarrassment gradually came down. He said in the words of the rumble: "This time, count your luck."

He turned and jumped to the energy channel, and the figure disappeared instantly.

"Don't run! You are a coward!" Hong Lang made a loud cry: "I will kill you, sure!"

An angry and unwilling flame has been sprayed in his eyes.

Twilight Heavy Cruiser.

Affleck and Astin walked into a cold storage and looked around.

The tip of the sword crossed the icy metal floor and squeaked a harsh sound. Affleck smiled and said: "Come out, don't hide, we know that you are here, no one can escape the nose of Parr, I said Right? Man."

He looked back and Palma was standing pale outside the cold storage.

His face is very bad.

That is caused by the fear wave of the fat man.

The ten stone has many powerful effects such as fixation, seal, attack, etc., but the power of anti-phagic is also very fierce. Until now, he has not completely got rid of the entanglement of panic nightmare, and he is always influenced by the spirit of fear.

He was famous in the **** city for brave and good warfare, but after gaining the power of the ten evil stones, he became a weak boy, and his heart has always been ashamed.

I thought that the devil's will is his own nemesis. I didn't expect the fat man's ability to have the same effect of fear amplification. As a result, his body panic nightmare got help from the body, and the power of counter-attack suddenly strengthened, and suddenly suffered. Fortunately, the fear shock wave is a one-time release, and the successor is powerless, otherwise he may really collapse.

To say strength, Parma, who has absorbed the power of the ten stone, can be said to be the most powerful of the three, but this endless fear and counter-attack also makes him the weakest one.

At this moment, when he heard Affleck’s words, Palma snorted: “You have said too much.”

"It doesn't matter, they can't escape anyway, and the game of cat and mouse should end." Affleck laughed. The fat man was seriously injured, the ruling blade was sealed, and the opponent was only one and a half people. Affleck had absolute confidence to win the battle.

Astin, who walked in the forefront, did not say a word.

His mood is not good.

Redes is dead.

In this battle, although the Inferno sects have won, they have paid a huge price.

Of course, for Affleck and Parma, this is not necessarily a bad thing.

Two **** bastards!

When the war is over, I will definitely pack you up, he thought.

In the hands of the sword, gently picking up a large piece of frozen pork, Astin looked at the back, and continued to move forward.

The more you go, the more chill is, and Astin is unaware.

There is an ice pool in the deepest part of the cold storage, which is filled with a lot of ice.

Astin looked at the tiny pieces of ice. He noticed some falling ice around the ice pool, so he smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He made a gesture to the rear, Affleck would like to know, sucking the star sword away from the ice pool, and the rear Parma is also ready to make a surprise attack.

Just then, Edmund’s voice came and the three men trembled at the same time.

The energy transfer channel appears behind the trio.

"Damn!" The three men snorted at the same time, but they quickly gave up the battle and jumped into the channel.

The channel disappears.

There was a burst of ice, and the fat body of the fat man appeared from the ice pool.

"They are gone?"

In the darkness, the gentle figure appeared: "They found you, but they left without attack..."

"It seems that the battle is over." The fat man took a sigh of relief.

The two looked at each other, and the heart trembled at the same time.

If the three men just shot, although the gentle servo is on the side, there is still no slight victory.

Being able to do this may be the best ending.

Under the sky.

A gravity cabin originally belonging to a heavy cruiser is floating in space.

Surprisingly, the gravity-generating system of the gravity chamber did not stop working.

This makes it a gravity point in space, such as magnets, constantly pulling the surrounding space garbage to their side, and quickly buried the entire gravity cabin, forming a garbage mountain in space, which looks spectacular. .

Suddenly the garbage mountain moved.

Countless **** fell from the top of the mountain, and a woman got out of the rubbish.

It is Meryl.

At this time, her body blood, the clothes are broken, the image is very embarrassing. But perhaps the lesson of the Dragon War, Meryl seems to no longer care about this loss of image.

Yes, she is no longer a sect of the sect, and there is nothing to care about.

Drilling out the rubbish, Meryl reached out and pulled Jolly out of the rubbish.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"That must ask you, how is my situation?" Jomley gasped and answered.

"Somewhat bad." Meryl extended her finger and pulled a piece of warship from her body. The explosion caused at least hundreds of such fragments to be attacked by both of them.

While she was treating her wounds, she faintly said: "The shock wave generated by the spaceship explosion is too strong, your internal organs are damaged, and the liver and spleen are shattered. In addition, the energy flow generated during the explosion also gives us a strong radiation……"


"Yes, don't think that our body can resist all radiation. When the explosion occurs, the energy turbulence forms a huge source of radiation. This radiation source is hundreds of times stronger than our general concept of radiation, although it spread later. But at the time it still affected us."

"What will happen?"

"I don't know, we are already very human. I don't think there is such a situation. It is rare to have such a thing now. No one can tell what will happen later. The reason why it is okay now is because I am using my The healing skills are delayed, but you know that healing skills are powerless to radiation, and when my mental power is always useful, when..."

Meryl dialed her long hair and found that a large amount of hair had fallen from her eyebrows.

She sighed slightly and sighed.

Or Jumley has a good attitude and comforts her: "Do not worry, as long as you can go back alive, everything will be solved."

"The problem is that I am worried that you can't hold it at that time." Meryl muttered.

“Is there a worse situation?”

"...a piece of debris has passed through your head from your eye socket and left in your brain. Fortunately, it just flew into the cranial cavity, although there was damage but no fatal outcome, but if not Clear, morning and evening is a problem."

Has a fragment flew into his brain?

Jolly was in a cold heart.

His eyes are all right now, it was before Meryl restored himself with healing, but he didn't know that there was still this sequela.

"You can't clear it?"

"I am not a surgeon. The healing skills can restore my life, grow my limbs, and heal your damaged internal organs, but you can't just let the extra things out of your mind come out. I have wrapped it in spirit. Block fragments, so that it will not directly affect you for a while. But too much hands-on, or head impact, will have unpredictable consequences. You may not die, but it is likely to cause dizziness, thinking stop If the debris moves to the brainstem, it may even cut off your central nervous system, so you can't do it with your fingers... you have to do craniotomy!"

Jolly stunned and thought about shaking his head after all: "Forget it, wait until you go back and solve it."

"I am worried..." Meryl did not say anything.

Jolly knows what she means.

The war is not over yet. At this time, there is a foreign body in his mind, which is undoubtedly a time bomb attached to himself.

But Jolly sighed and said: "I know this is dangerous, but in this case the risk of craniotomy is only greater..."

“The adventurers in the three districts have been hit hard...”

Jolly has interrupted her: "I am not worried about them!"

Meryl Wei Wei: "You mean..."

Jolly nodded with certainty: "Reids is dead and died under Tu Qianqian's suicide attack. Maybe you think that is normal, but I know this is not normal. I understand Reddes, I have been from the second difficulty. Know him... I know how cautious he is. He is clear-headed and flexible. He has experienced many things and experienced various dangers, including suicide attacks. He can go all the way to become a general now, not because How good his luck is, but because he has his secrets. If someone else might die under a suicide attack, I might believe it, but Rhodes...he would never."


"Because he has a secret!" Jomly answered seriously: "Rydes has a very special ability. Once launched, no matter what kind of lethal attack, he can retain at least a little life for him."

"this is……"

"Yes, the ability of the dead bird!" Jumley replied: "Redder stole the blood of the dead bird and turned it into his life-saving ability. He dared not tell Edmund about it. Only I know, You can't use this ability when he encounters Tu Qianqian's suicide attack. Don't you feel weird?"

"Maybe because Tu Qianqian's suicide attack is group-based, at that time escape is the best choice, so he did not use it."

"This is indeed the reason for escape, but it is not the reason for his death, because this ability is spontaneous. As long as it is confirmed to be fatal, it will inevitably appear. It has only the limit of use, and there is no timing limit. What I know is Rhodes' ability to die can be used at least twice. But now, if this ability doesn't work, he will die. The only reason for this is that..."

"It is someone who makes him use no ability at that time!" Meryl interface.

"Yes." Jolly nodded. "Exactly, I know that there is a power, and its priority is enough to seal the death-proof ability of the dead birds... dark erosion!"

Meryl stunned her mouth: "Cliff..."

Jolly sneered: "Yes, I have long suspected him. Christine, Hagris, Gatto, Garrett, and now Reeds, the Inferno sect has died a lot, interestingly The death of these people caused a heavy blow to the Inferno sect, but made Cliff the only beneficiary. Christine and Hagris were the first and second heirs of the sect, they died, and Cliff was in power. Kathu is Christine’s father, who has been skeptical of Cliff. Rhodes is a supporter of Capps, and Capps is the second-ranked heir, but this time he did not participate in the death race, maybe Reid Sis always hopes that Cliff will die, but he has not found an opportunity. Cliff knows this too, and as long as he is smart enough, he will never let the people under him have the opportunity to step on his body."

"Oh, my goodness!" Meryl shook her head in disbelief: "But wasn't there many other people at the time?"

"That's one more thing!" Jomley said: "Clive has been in business for a long time, he has drawn enough people."

"I still can't believe that all this is just your guess, right?"

"Yes, but I will still tell the speculation to the teacher... Anyway, Jumley is already dead, it doesn't matter if you take this out."

"But the leader will also blame you. You know that Rhodes has stolen the blood of the dead bird, but did not tell him?"

Jolly sighed: "Yes, I know I will be punished for this, but Rhodes is my good friend, I will never look at him to death. Cliff is ambition, he may have been wooed. Many people, now for him..."

In the eyes of Jolly, a flash of fear suddenly flashed: "For him, the only obstacle to his way is perhaps the leader... I must not tolerate this."

Meryl is cold and cold: "It sounds like you are really selfless. Maybe you are hoping to find a traitor and save the leader. Can you make your work bigger than sin? Maybe the leader will reward you in turn? You and Rhodes is a good friend. The person he supports is also what you support. Cliff is finished, Capps will be in the upper position, plus Kato and Reddes are dead. Maybe you can take this opportunity to become One of the four elders?"

"Oh, there are ideas in this regard." Jumley does not deny: "Being for others is always a good thing."

He stood up and sorted out the ragged clothes: "Okay, we should go back. Eva must have been a Cliff person. We better try to go back. I don't dare to pin my fate on those guys." Hands. Let me see if this gravity cabin can still be used, maybe I can use it to take us back to a nearby warship."

He bent down and pointed at the garbage pile below, a current flashed, the gravity chamber suddenly stopped running, and all the garbage suddenly floated away.

However, this behavior also caused a sharp pain in his head.

"Hey! Really damn, that piece of debris..." He jerked back to the gravity cabin and began to test the internal equipment: "It looks like it can be used... Meryl, to help me, my head hurts! ”

Meryl followed, and it was frosty.

She put her hand on Jolly's head and a warm stream was injected.

" This is much better." Jolly took a long breath.

"Jumley, have you ever thought about not going to inform and help Cliff?"

"Why? This is impossible! Cliff is a villain!"

"But he also gave many people more opportunities... you ruined him, but in fact it ruined many people."

"What are you talking about?" A chill came from the heart of Jolly.


A piece of debris has flew out of the shell of Jomley's eyebrows.

His body swayed a few times and finally fell down.

Meryl took back her hand and looked at Jumley’s body and muttered: "Actually, I can take it out... it’s violent."

The energy channel slowly appeared behind her. She didn't look at Jumley and turned and left.


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