Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 97: Fireworks

Although reluctant, when the flash of the energy channel in the sky appeared, Shen Yu knew that the war was over. m

Watching Edmund disappear at the end of the passage, Shen Yan sighed: "Forget it, then chasing is also a delay, or just pick everyone up, then go to Tatooine."

“Do I need to stop changing first?”

"No, stick to it, bring people back first!" Shen Shuo shouted.

"Understand." The evil spirits roared and slammed an energy giant into the front, and the adventurer who flew out of the battleship took the war machine to the net, and then rushed back to the energy net, just like eating. Open the mouth and pour the people in the energy net together with the ruins, then fly toward Tatooine.

Deep in the Milky Way, looking at this scene, Edmond sighed: "We lost the opportunity."

Although the transport channel has been used to leave, the Inferno sect does not go far, but wants to kill a rifle after the giant disintegrates.

It is a pity that this time Shen Shen has never been more cautious and did not give them the opportunity to kill the carbine.

At the end of the transformation, all the adventurers have returned to the Pioneer, and the three districts have become one, and the Inferno sect has completely lost the opportunity.

"Then wait for the next opportunity." Cliff bowed his head and respectfully said: "In any case, this time we killed their twenty-three adventurers and forced the blood of the evil spirits, although they failed to complete. Enemy the enemy's big goal, but at least complete the second goal of weakening the enemy."

"Unfortunately, Rhodes and Jolly are also gone." Astin was awkward.

Cliff answered seriously: "We will avenge them, Astin, have you forgotten? In Tatooine, we have more backhands."

"Tatoin..." Hearing the name, Astin re-ignited the light of hope in his eyes. He clenched the sword and said, "I hope this time, you don't make any mistakes, Cliff!"

"So far, my plan has not had any problems." Cliff smiled and said: "The problem is only the person who executes it."


After flying hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the Pioneer finally disintegrated from the giant form and changed back to its original form.

As soon as it recovered its original shape, a sharp alarm sounded inside the spacecraft.

“The electronic facilities are seriously damaged, the communication is faulty, all the separators are stopped, the gravity cabin is out of balance, the energy system is faulty, the living system is faulty, and the main weapon system is faulty...”

Reporting damage warnings one by one, such as snowflake flies, the Pioneer number instantly enters a full state.

The giant at the time of transformation does not need the support of the technology system, only its own quality.

Reverting to the state of the warship, problems in any of the key parts can cause big trouble.

Now it seems that the Pioneer has to consider which part of the problem is wrong, but which part has no problem.

The only lucky thing is that Zhou Yiyu did not faint again this time. Compared with the last time, his own ability to withstand has improved a lot.

Soon, the biggest crisis hit.

Elite soldier Lyle screamed with a scorpion: "The engine stalls, the energy is leaking, and the load is eighty-nine percent!"

The engine that had already had a fault had finally relapsed after the tossing. This time, even if it didn’t call, it started to go up from the load of 89.

"Release excess energy and reduce load!" Perhaps it was once experienced before, and Zhou Yiyu is now not panicked.

However, Lyle’s answer quickly made him jump: “Unable to lower, the control system is out of order, it is still climbing!”

"What?" Zhou Yiyu almost did not rush out.

The engine overload explosion is not a fun thing. Before in Krusgen, the Hellfire engine did not reach the first critical point, which caused such an earth-shattering effect, and now the Hellfire engine has almost reached the final critical point.

Such an explosion will be ravaged by the planet, and the adventurers may not be able to take it in the middle of the whirlpool.

"Get it down!" Zhou Yiyu snarled loudly.

"What is the reduction? Use this? Chief!" Lyle answered with a broken joystick.

Zhou Yiyu remembers very clearly that this joystick was on the outer edge of the giant's arm when he turned, when he was bitten by a black dragon, angered the next elbow, and the black dragon was smashed into sevens. It was very cool at the time.

Shen Hao has rushed over: "Abandon the engine?"

"What?" Lyle said: "But the sir..."

"I said to throw away the engine!" Shen Yu has already smashed: "Starting out of the system... Well, you can't use it out of the system right? Manually give up the power cabin and throw it into space, fast!"

Lyle woke up like a dream and quickly nodded: "Understood... everyone after the power cabin listened, quickly left there, entered the passage, and manually left the power cabin!"

Zhou Yiyu grabbed Shen Yu and asked: "How can we fly without an engine?"

"Inertia will bring us to Tatooine." Shen Yu answered.

"But we can't stop it!" Zhou Yiyu called.

"We don't need to stop it." Shen Yan replied.

Zhou Yiyu looked at Shen Yu and blurted out: "Oh, my God, do you want to give up this boat? No! I can't let you do this. This is my first ship, my virgin!"

Sinking and grabbing his comfort: "Hey, hey, man! Calm down, listen to me! The Pioneer will not finish, it is very strong, we can open all the energy hood before it hits the ground, even if it hits It doesn't have to be crushed. If that is the case, maybe we can keep the ship."

"It’s half a boat, you throw away its butt, it’s amputated.”

"Well, half a boat, at least it can still be alive." Shen Xiao smiled: "Listen to the guy, I know this is your first time to become the captain, I can understand that feeling, just like the first love, This is memorable. Seeing that the first love is to be amputated, it has to fall from the sky like an angel, and the face first touches the ground. This is really uncomfortable."

"I was not so uncomfortable, but the more you say the more I feel uncomfortable."

"Okay, okay, I don't say this, but believe me, you will have more battleships. It's not the only one in your life. It's just a passing passenger... The real flower veterans will only regard the first love as a good memory. Not letting it hold on to the pace of its advancement, right?"

Zhou Yiyu sighed: "Well, my poor captain's career ended in a shipwreck... This is really a stain and shame in my history."

"I'm afraid we can't even finish the shipwreck." Lyle suddenly said.

"What are you talking about?" Shen Yan turned to look.

Lyle replied: "The return just got, manually out of the system failure, the power cabin can not be thrown away."

"Hell!" Shen Yan turned and ran to the power cabin.

His speed was maximized in an instant, rushing through the long passages, and the cabins that were on fire.

At the connecting passage of the power cabin, several summoned soldiers and more than ten terminators are trying to pull a wrench.

When he saw Shen Shen coming over, Ralph called out: "Sir, the occlusion ring is broken!"

"Is the twelve occlusion rings all broken?"

The Pioneer's cabin connection channel consists of a total of 720 alloy pipes, which are then controlled by twelve occlusion rings. As long as the occlusion ring is opened, the cabin can be thrown away.

"Nothing is easy to use. I'm sure that Edmund's **** must have consciously attacked this area during the attack. This is the most important place in all places, but it is also the most severely affected!"

"Awkward old fox!" Shen Yan hated his teeth.

A soldier called out: "The load is ninety-one, and it is still climbing!"

"I am coming!" Shen Yan put his hand in front of the cabin and activated it.

As the karaoke sounded, the damaged parts were repaired.

For each repair, one soldier opened an occlusion ring, and the sixty connecting pipes controlled by it slammed open, and the entire spacecraft trembled.

When the four loops of the pipeline were opened, the cabin was already halfway out of the hull, and the air screamed and escaped from the spacecraft, forming a hurricane. The soldiers had to smother the railings to avoid being swept away.

"You return to the front compartment and let go of the isolation door!" cried.

"Good sir!" Frost also knew that they couldn't help much here. They took the soldiers back and reminded Shen Shen: "92%, sir, you better. At one point, the engine may explode at any time!"

"I know!" Shen Yan shouted loudly, repaired an occlusion ring, and pulled it away, and the hurricane whistling in the cabin increased. Frost and others no longer stayed and ran to the front.

At this moment, a soldier at the rear called: "Look outside, there is a situation in the port side!"

Sinking and rushing to the power cabin looking out from the porthole over there, I saw a colorful light in the distance.

That is clearly the unique feature of the Rainbow Bridge transition.

Zhou Yiyu’s voice suddenly sharpened: “It’s the emperor!”

"I saw it..." Shen Yan bit his teeth and replied: "It’s true that his mother will join in the fun."

"They are chasing the engine!"

"Then we will give them the engine!" Shen Yan turned and ran back, mobilizing all the energy to repair the occlusion ring.


As the pipes are opened one after another, the rear half of the Pioneer is like a broken arm with a layer of skin. As long as you add force, you will fly off at any time.

However, when repairing the last occlusion ring, Shen Yu suddenly found that the occlusion ring was completely gone.

"Damn!" Sinked.

His activation allows the damaged parts to be reinstated, but after all, the parts that disappeared are not reappeared.

His heart was crossed, and the scarlet blade was taken out and cut into the connecting pipe of the power cabin.


A spark came up and a pipe was cut off.

The scarlet blade is used as a weapon for hacking people. It is obviously not so powerful to destroy the super-alloy mechanism inside.

Indulging in this sword, only cut one, and looked at the dense connecting pipe, sinking and not numb a scalp: "I hated the ship for the first time!"

The next moment he has launched the holy dragon blood, the scarlet blade is again waved, the blood system is equipped with artifacts, and the whole force is cut down against the connecting pipes. This is the tragedy of bloodlines, the tragedy of artifacts, and the tragedy of the pioneers. Shen Shen is like a hard-working lumberjack, crazy and chaotic, broken one after another,

The energy cabin's energy climb continues, and the red signal lights are mad.

The energy fluctuations in the distance suddenly increased, and one after another, the warships jumped out of the Rainbow Bridge, and they appeared in space in such a sudden manner.

As soon as they appeared, they rushed to the Pioneer and rushed to the spacecraft.

"Sink, fast!" Zhou Yiyu yelled.

Sinking up the scarlet blade: "The Wrath of the Holy Dragon!"


Under the fierce blood-stained sword, the remaining pipes were all broken at once.

After the final restraint was lifted, the power cabin was like a kite off the hull, but it did not fly to the emperor, but continued to chase the Pioneer in space.

"The direction is not right!" Shen Yan turned to look at the Imperial Fleet. He stood on the fracture at this time, and the sight under the stars could be clearly seen without passing through the porthole.

Just a moment of effort, there have been more than ten imperial warships jumping out.

In the eyes of Shen Yan, the murderous flicker passed, and he suddenly jumped out of the spaceship and rushed to the detached power cabin.

"Sink, what are you doing!"

"You must block the guys and give them some lesson!" A small propeller has appeared behind Shen Yu, flying under the detached power cabin and carrying it to the direction of the Imperial Fleet.

"Hell, you are killing, the engine load has exceeded 95%, every second may explode, you are so close to the center of the explosion, you will die!"

"Less nonsense!" Shen Yudao, the propeller behind it has accelerated to full speed. It is also in the space, otherwise it is impossible to promote such a big guy by personal propulsion.

This moment of indulgence is like a superman holding a hand on the earth, flying at full speed toward the emperor.

The red signal light on the engine flashed, and the huge energy fluctuations even the fleet of hundreds of thousands of kilometers were aware of the problem.

The chasing Imperial Fleet suddenly stopped moving forward and began to retreat to the rear. At the same time, the attacking artillery fires turned and began to fire in the drifting power cabin.

However, it was only a little late at this time.

The indulgent screams, the two arms simultaneously force, slammed on the power cabin, the power cabin suddenly accelerated to fly to the Imperial fleet.

Sinking staring at the cabin engine.

As the red light flashed more and more violently, a light illuminated in the engine, and the screaming sounded: "gentle!"


The hellfire engine in the cabin exploded, as if the tsunami was set off, and the large-scale energy shock swept the unstoppable momentum. As the sun was watching, the energy tide surged toward itself, and it was about to drown its own moment. From the next moment, he has appeared in the main control hall of the Pioneer, but still has the residual image of the energy tide rushing.


Looking back at the porthole, the raging energy storm is still expanding rapidly, expanding its territory with its crazy and unreasonable way of destroying everything.

The Imperial Fleet, which has just jumped out of the Rainbow Bridge, is like a canoe under a tornado, blown up by storms, powerful energy shields, and a sturdy super-alloy deck that becomes fragile before this horrific space storm, resisting even In less than ten seconds, they collapsed. A warship was smashed and broken into ruins and drifted in space.

This energy storm continued to rush with the momentum of destruction, and also affected the Pioneer.

Fortunately, the pioneer's superior energy defense system has once again played a role at this moment, and as many as dozens of adventurers have become the strongest reserve force to defend this warship. One after another, the ability has been released, acting on this spaceship, and it is desperate to protect it from the destruction of this storm.

When the storm dissipated, the pioneer who experienced a storm and baptism was completely close to collapse. The whole ship looked like an abandoned iron shell floating in the air, and even the adventurers were sweating. Tired sitting on the ground, breathless.

But their mood is uplifting.

The first fleet of the Imperial Fleet was almost completely destroyed before the horror of the horror of the horror, and a small number of warships that later appeared in the aftermath were also affected. Some of them were lucky to escape the frontal attack, but

In the aftermath attack, it was hit hard.

Some warships thus caught fire and exploded.

After the big explosion of the Hellfire super-light engine, another small explosion occurred in space, and a huge fireworks lit up the entire night sky.

"It’s like a fireworks feast!" Looking at the scene from afar, gentle and sighed.

"Then I have to say that this is the most beautiful and biggest fireworks I have ever seen in my life!" The adventurer interface laughed.

"At the very least, there are dozens and twenty warships destroyed. Is there a lot of Sis samurai inside?" Hua Tianrui looked at the distant space and muttered asked Shen Hey: "How many points and points did you get?"

Shen Xiao smiled: "You better not know the answer... you will be jealous."

What Hua Tianrui was trying to say, suddenly a soldier called: "Look!"

What happened again? Hua Tianrui turned back.

Then he saw the sight of a planet zooming in front of his eyes.

"Tatuan! We went to Tatoo!" The adventurer excited and shouted.

This energy storm, while causing the Pioneer to be wounded, also pushed the Pioneer directly to the planet of Tatooin.

Hua Tianrui was relieved: "I thought there was any trouble."

Sinking is an annoying interface: "Speaking of trouble... Except that the spacecraft is about to crash, I don't think there will be more trouble for the time being."


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