Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 118: Strong (below)

The war is full of repetitions, and always a good start comes from the time when you are most proud of it. M

This was when Edmund was the leader of the church, his last teacher told him.

Today, he finally tasted this taste.

The strong red police corps suffered an unprecedented hit in the first wave of battle. The permeated smoke and burning fire were like a ruthless slap in the face of Edmund.

Hot pain.

The houses that were supposed to be destroyed in the explosion in the distance, first collapsed, and then reappeared in the light and shadow of a blurred class.

Edmund's gaze shrinks, shrinks, and condenses like a needle!

"Sky illusion!" He murmured the words.

Only a heavenly array can have such a large handwriting, and only a heavenly array can deceive the eyes of the adventurers.

"How is this possible?" Astin shook his head in disbelief.

Such a large array is not something that Hua Tianrui can temporarily lay down. This means that the other party has already prepared in advance before they attack.

Affleck has already yelled at Boss: "Don't you say there is no ambush? Why? Why? Isn't your **** bird supposed to have the ability to identify the illusion?"

"I don't know..." Boss replied palely.

He tried to call back the little skylark and learn the **** hybrid.

Then he replied in disappointment: "I can't sense it... it... it doesn't belong to me."

"How could this be? How can the bird betray us? It is your pet!" Astin shouted at Boss, eager to twist the neck of this useless guy into two.

"Enough, Astin, this is not his fault... soul transfer." Edmond sighed: "I didn't expect them to have done this. Oh, in order to win this death race, Longmeng It also paid a lot of money."

"Soul transfer?" Cliff exclaimed: "Teacher, you mean..."

"Yes, sacrifice an adventurer and transfer his soul into the designated target. Dragon League has never given up on the study of the power of rules, but their focus is different from ours. They are more concerned with space power. The origin of this, in this respect, they far exceed us. The transfer of souls, the reduction of reality, is the most powerful ability of Longmeng, they believe that there must be some mysterious connection between the two, just No answer is found. It seems that at least they have been able to transfer their souls. This transfer should not work for humans, but it is enough to break through the lower will of the beast or bird of intelligent will."

The contests of the four organizations are, to some extent, contests at the rule level. The rules cover the ubiquity and the power is ever-changing. In this case, whoever counts is not unusual.

According to Edmund, in order to complete the soul transfer, the adventurer first needs to automatically accept the soul transformation, and after this conversion is completed, even if he jumps in the future, it is impossible to return to any human body. Unless Longmeng has a new breakthrough in this regard.

The high-level undercover exchanged for such a huge sacrifice will not only be exposed, but also play a role in this battle. In terms of the value of its sacrifice, it is even higher than the loss of the Red Police Corps. It’s strange.

In the distant town of Ankhed, the gunfire was still roaring and the explosion was everywhere.

The tank group that rushed into the town in the first place suffered a catastrophe. At least 30 apocalyptic tanks were completely scrapped, and more than 50 apocalypses suffered various degrees of trauma.

With the first wave of big bangs, counterattacks from the three-zone alliance finally emerged.

The adventurers rushed out of the hidden point, and at the same time launched the bloodline transformation, in front of the Ankerde illusion, a sound of tigers and dragons sounded, and numerous sturdy savage screams appeared.

This is a spectacular scene. Fifty-six adventurers, at least 30 people have used pedigrees to transform themselves. They are not used, and most of them are because the blood system is exhausted in the previous space war and can no longer be used. Tianrui and King Kong temporarily retained their bloodlines for their own reasons.

In the bloodline transformation of these adventurers, to say the most spectacular scene, it must be fat.

Eighteen undead birds rushed out of the sky, spurting out a large flame, covering a wide range of battlefields. The fat man had almost nothing to do. He only needed to open the aura, and everyone would naturally enjoy the benefits he brought.

But to say the degree of personal attention, it must be a good monk.

With a clear Buddha, this monk, who has always been a low-key monk, suddenly released a golden aura.

Under the golden halo, the white face of the goodness reveals the painful face, and it is squeezed toward one side. On the other side, a black face like a pot has been squeezed out from the side of the goodness. A double-sided person.

"Double-faced beast..." looked at the transformation of the best monk, and muttered.

There are beasts in the wilderness, one-sided two-sided, yin and yang, good and evil two points.

It is this double-sided beast.

For the best monk who cultivates the good and evil yin and yang law, there is really no more suitable for his blood.

When the double-sided animal bloodline is launched, the best monk breaks through the restrictions, and the sacred priest and the evil magician coexist, and at the same time function.

When these two occupations are used at the same time, the effect is no longer a simple one plus one equals two.

As soon as the black to evil face appeared, he opened his mouth and snorted. A black wave swept from his mouth and rolled up in the air to create a huge abyss.

Scythe Magic Call: The unique summoning skill of the evil magician, summons an abyssal knives of the corresponding skill level from the Abyss Hell to assist the battle. This skill belongs to professional stunts. It does not consume mental energy and has no cooling time, but it cannot summon two or more at the same time, and the devil's loyalty is low and there is a possibility of betrayal.

The Scythe is not a powerful demon. Although the best skills have reached the double A level, the summoned demons are only 1200 points of life, power 100, sickle damage 80 points, with the ability to burn with flames. The only benefit of "waste" is that it does not consume mental energy. It is used as a free permanent bodyguard.

However, just at the moment when the scythe magic appeared, the white perfection had been pointed at the sickle.

Magic blood burning!

Acting on **** life not lower than its own level, burning the target body's magic blood, causing the **** demon to cause a sustained damage of 5 percent per second of its own life limit, the defense force is zero, but it will cause the target attack power to temporarily increase by 100%. Twenty, when the target dies, it produces a violent explosion with a damage of 1200 points and a range of 30*30. Using this skill does not consume mental power, no cooling time, but it is impossible to exist in more than two **** lives at the same time.

This is the sacred priest's unique killing skill for the devil's life. This moment is used, but not to kill the demon that he summoned, but to use its negative effects.

At the same time that these two skills are released, the golden ring at the foot of the best monk has been transferred to the scythe.

Rotating gold ring, double-sided animal blood talent, double-sided beast as a good and evil, a special ability developed in order to compete for the body's dominance, after acting on the target, you can choose to force the target to move.

The rotating golden ring is subject to the double bonus of the ethereal state of mind and the **** sea, and can be selected by the controller, causing a 20% attack on the target to add or weaken.

After the magic blood was burned out, the sickle demon first made a high-pitched call from the sky. At the same time, the whole body of blood came out, and he had angrily looked at the perfection of using the magic blood to burn himself.

It is about to attack the best, the evil face is already a smile, pointing to the sickle demon, the sickle demon found that he could not control his own actions, rushed out in the roar, the huge sickle waved a death The whirlwind, slashing on an apocalypse tank, picked up a metal knock.

After the double-added Scythe, the attack power is quite strong now.

Dozens of spider robots rushed on, screaming at the sickle demon, and several tanks that were closer together also fired at the devil.

The devil's life is madly venting, it wants to retreat, but the best is a wave of the hand, the devil is involuntarily leaping toward the more concentrated Red Police Corps in the distance.

Just as it rushed into the pile of people, the scythe demon was red, and the scythe made a painful cry. A powerful energy had spewed out of its body, slamming the square and exploding. Countless flesh and blood.

At least 20 soldiers and more than a dozen spider robots were simultaneously smashed and crushed, and a damaged Apocalypse tank was also bombed to reimbursement.

The next moment, the perfection to the evil has once again summoned a sickle demon, and then a magical blood burning, the rotation of the golden ring reappeared.

This is one of the best ways for the best monk to use his skill set to create a blockbuster that can walk and attack on the ground.

For the best monk, he is only suspected that the demon is slow to die, not afraid of his death, so the sickle demon appears, where is the gunfire, where to throw, both blocked and self-destructive, can be described as prestige, itself The two poles of good and evil, but also the attack skills and auxiliary skills used in turn, in this virtual town, set off a wave of killing.

In contrast, the arrogant bloodline turned out to be much more peaceful.

His image has hardly changed, the white clothes are fluttering, the swords are swaying, and the pace is leisurely swimming in the enemy group. He barely evades the attack, but the attack on him is like hitting the phantom, straight through his body, without causing any harm.

Elemental physique!

Although most of the bloodlines are based on Warcraft, the arrogant element is an exception. His lineage is not from the blood of Warcraft, but from the essence of the element.

According to technology, this should not belong to the lineage, but the city has included it in the lineage. Compared with those pedigrees with high-explosive attacks, the elemental physique is not good at attacking, but it is powerful in protection. It is hardly subject to any technological weapon attack and ordinary attack. Only skills and special effects can cause elemental physique. hurt. If it is the corresponding element body, the damage is still immune.

Lonely arrogance is a wind element. It has the effect of normal attack immunity, and it also gains the speed. Therefore, it does not suffer from wind skills and special effects.

In this big environment where the bullets are raining and the fire is everywhere, it is not necessarily the most powerful one to walk the battlefield with such a physique, but it is definitely the most relaxed one.

The most violent performance is when Hong Lang and Wu Jing are in a hurry.

These two guys turned out to be the blood of the King of Killing. After the opening, the attack power soared.

Due to the time limit, the two did not use any pedigree skills, but directly with the help of the pedigree to enhance the hard fight.

The two men did not look at each other and now they are fighting side by side, which inevitably produces a stronger meaning.

You cut down a field soldier, I will kill a Tan Ya, you kill a spider robot, I have to fight to turn a tank...

Internal discord is not a bad thing, and occasionally it can promote competition.

You kill one of these two people, I kill one, and I still report in the mouth: "Eleven, Twelve, Fifteen..."

"Gossip, why do you jump from thirteen to fifteen?"

"Just forecast, forecast!"

"The sly man!"

"Small Japanese!"

The two glanced at each other and snorted and continued to fight to kill.

However, no matter who they are, the fat man with 18 dead birds, the goodness of possessing a bomb double occupation, the loneliness of elemental physique free to come and go on the battlefield, the gentleness of the high-speed neural reaction system, and the gentleness of When attacking the high-spirited Honglang Wujing, he and others, their killing speed is not comparable to one person - Ashura!

After the boy used the fourth Shura pedigree in the space battlefield, he could no longer use the bloodline to fight.

But his powerful killing skills and courageous desperate style made everyone stunned – he was the only adventurer who rushed out of town to kill.

The troops in the town were divided by terrain. Although they were good for fighting, they also led to the dispersal of the formation, and the killing was relatively inconvenient. The troops outside the town are still relatively strict, and they are relatively close.

Yes, it is relatively close.

This is his reason.

This is enough for him.

The high-speed rushing out of the town, the teenager directly into the enemy group, instantly set off a **** hurricane in the enemy. The whistling wolf smoke once again appeared in the air, shielding the body shape like a tornado rolling, can not see the people who are killing, can only see the wind blowing at high speed, countless flesh and blood fragments and steel wrecks flying from the vortex of the wind Out, the wreckage of the next land.




Ashura broke through at a high speed, just like a sharp arrow piercing the enemy line, then smashing back and continuing to penetrate. At this time, the twelve army leaders who were ordered to protect with him even just rushed out of the town.

The tragic scene shocked everyone's heart. The adventurers gave the infernal sect a head-on blow while knocking out the second big stick in a fast state.

This big stick is even more fierce than the previous one. The war symphony has not turned into a downturn since the prelude, but has continued to triumph and enter a higher range.

Edmund looks gloomy: "They... know the field!"

If the little skylarks betray them and can find the root of the soul transfer, then what is the leak of the field?

Edmond didn't dare to think.

He didn't even dare to ask.

The existence of the fluttering white is even taboo for the Supreme Council, and it is not that he can question.

However, the anger of the news leaked completely burned his chest, Edmund's face has become a blood red.

He bit his teeth and said, "You can't win."

He stood up fiercely, and one hand was about to press down. Clif said: "The enemy has used all the pedigree skills. Now the field is launched, the effect is not great. Why not consider letting them go crazy for a while, etc. After their bloodline effect is over?"

"At that time, do we still need to launch the field?" Edmund asked.

Cliff is speechless.

Yes, when the adventurers' bloodlines are exhausted, why should Edmund launch the field again?

The infernal sects collectively turned and rushed to the past.

The question is, what is the significance of the existence of the field?

In fact, from the adventurers collectively launched bloodlines, the first attack on the Red Police Corps, the significance of the field has been weakened most of the time ~ ~ but Cliff can not say.

Edmund paid too much for the ability to gain domain power.

It is as if a person has come all the way for a certain goal. When he finally comes to the end, he finds that his pursuit is only an empty bubble, which is unacceptable to anyone.

Edmund is not stupid, but he is also a human being, so even if he understands, he can not accept this reality.

Therefore, he is willing to launch the field now, it is just a state of reluctance to give up.

At least the Red Police Legion has not been completely eliminated, at least they can still play a role, at least now the field is launched, those adventurers still can not use any skills, at best, only to maintain the attribute state of the bloodline transformation... If a person wants to give himself The reasons for finding behavior can always find many reasons.

Lifting one hand and pressing against the empty space below, Edmund’s voice rumbling: "In the name of the Lord... I declare, deprivation of power, etc.!"


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