Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 119: Framed

The bright announcement, such as the Prayer of God, rumbling in the air, echoing the sky. m

With this "declaration of God", an energy with a huge sacred atmosphere bursts out with Edmund as the center. The first thing that appears is a skylight.

If you look at Tatooine from space, you will see that at some point in the planet Tatuna, a blue light column rises and then spreads rapidly toward the four sides.

This spread is extremely fast, like a glass of water on the map, water stains all the way across the map, covering the entire world.

On the battlefield of Ankhed, this feeling is coming much faster.

Most people just heard the echo in the air that day, and then they felt a heavy body.

Not that the body is heavy, but their attributes have fallen.

The full attribute drops by 50%, the attribute defense is zero, and all active skills cannot be used!

The strength of the adventurer is not a little bit at this moment, it is like a 20-level TA hero suddenly fell to the first level, its strength fell by more than half.

This is the power of the field.

In the rule domain, users define the world by themselves.

The **** city defines the mission world, and Edmund selects a planet in the mission world to redefine it—just like on the national land, and then draws an autonomous region.

In the autonomous region created by Edmund, all adventurers must abide by the rules he has established.

At this moment, with the large-scale attribute reduction, the risk-takers are mad, although their bloodline transformation is still in the process, but they are also weakened by half, even if they are transformed into a three-difficult adventurer. .

This is a long time.

The threat posed by the Red Alert Legion, which originally seemed to be nothing more than this, has soared.

Hong Lang is making a threat to fly an apocalypse. When it is lifted, it has not been lifted.

He groaned slightly, only to see that the two heavy machine guns on the tank had turned to turn him.

Honglang instinctively leaped to the side, but the property of sudden decline made him unable to completely avoid it.

In fact, even at a speed of a hundred points, it is enough to avoid machine gun shooting. The problem is that the physical fitness of agile changes takes time to adjust.

All along, whenever an adventurer strengthens his or her attributes, he or she needs to adapt to the new physical qualities.

When agility jumps from fifty to one hundred, the speed that could have been needed to run at full speed can now be achieved with only half the effort. For adventurers, saving enough energy is the key to their long-term battle, which is why adventurers can continue to experience high-intensity operations.

But in turn, when the two hundred points of agility suddenly drop to a hundred points, the wrong judgment, the mistake of power distribution

The result is that the dodge rate is greatly reduced.


The heavy machine gun has been fired wildly, and the bullet hit the Honglang body, and it immediately splashed a large piece of blood.

This kind of attack with Honglang's existing defensive power, which should have been difficult to cause even the basic damage, has brought hundreds of points of damage to the Honglang. This is still the result of his opening of the Nether Shield. under.

"Hey!" Honglang screamed and tried to launch the charge, but found that he could not do it.

"Mom!" Honglang screamed and leaped, and turned over to a building not far from the building.

This time he learned the lesson and launched it with all his strength. The result was too strong and he jumped too high. Two missiles whistled in the air to catch up, and he was so bad that he fell into the building.

Although these buildings are the illusions created by Hua Tianrui, they are real under the influence of the trio and the heavenly map. On that day, the tank suddenly lost its target. Only a few shots were fired at the building. The collapsed houses quickly reappeared under the influence of the formation. The Honglang was running away.

Experiences like Hong Lang happen to almost every adventurer.

The perfection suddenly found that he could no longer summon the sickle demon, although his double-sided animal bloodline remained, but he could no longer use any active skills.

The angry monk's two mouths simultaneously screamed with violent screams, and the iron fists were on a soldier's body. The anger was unable to break through the definition of the rules. The empty screams were exchanged for the dictatorship's iron fists. The gunfire fired against the monk cluster and bombed a large area of ​​land around him into a scorched earth. He realized that he could not change the arrogance in the situation. Apart from being funny and ugly, the only remaining meaning is to find death!

He finally shrank - like the Hong Lang, jumped to the building in the first time to avoid the attack.

He still has at least a chance to shrink.

Some people have no chance of shrinking.

An adventurer just flashed two apocalypse clips and was thrown up by more than a dozen spider robots. The front end turned the sawtooth and quickly cut the adventurer's body. If the original cut was hard alloy iron, then Now it is the wood that is cut.

The blood splashed, the adventurer screamed wildly, struggling to open a few robots pressed against him, and a Yuri rushed over and pointed him a little farther.

The reduced will greatly reduced his resistance to Yuri's mental attack, and the spirit fell into a dizzy state. The next moment more robots rushed up and completely separated him.

The **** waters, this unlucky one became the first victim of this war.

"No!" An adventurer who jumped like a monkey screamed in pain.

He should be the good friend of the deceased, rushing to attack the robots all the time. He was angry and began to shout loudly: "Even the fields are all out, I **** your ancestors, the city!"


This scene fell in the eyes of Edmund, revealing a smile.

At this time, after releasing the field, the whole person has become obscured. The middle-aged man who was tall and strong has turned into a white-haired old man, as if the wind would blow.

Edmund has ordered: "Dare to dare to majesty the city, sin and die! Command all firepower to concentrate on attacking the target, be sure to kill!"

Some arrogance can be tolerated, some arrogance can not be tolerated, and some arrogance is more usable - I use the power that does not belong to me, but I am removing the black sheep for the city. Hey, some people dare to marry the city.

Although Edmund will not naively believe that this approach can offset his mistakes, but for those who have struggled in this torrent, any life-saving straw can not be let go.

The military obeys politics and the warfare obeys command.

This unscrupulous adventurer quickly paid the price for his rumors.

A large number of apocalypse tanks turned off the muzzle, they are willing to let go of the enemy close at hand, but also to lock the adventurer.

The next moment, hundreds of guns were fired, and countless shells flew in the sky, like the cluster bombs that fell in the sky.

The adventurer suddenly found himself nowhere to hide.

He stared blankly at the sky, squeezing out two words in his mouth: "Dry!"

Then there was a loud bang, and the waves of the air rushed to the sky.

"Rewind!" Shen Yuhua Tianrui has also made a loud call at the same time.

Numerous adventurers have withdrawn from the front line, while more phantoms have rushed out of town to fight the Red Police.

These illusions are the adventurer's virtual image made by the enchanting enchantress combined with the horoscope of the mirage. Due to the low attack power, in order to pursue the maximum killing in a short time, the adventurers are not eager to rely on the illusion.

But now the attributes are reduced, and after the active skills fail, they no longer dare to be so arrogant, but instead the virtual image is in front, attracting firepower, and the adventurers begin to use terrain to fight.

At this time, the power of the mirage town in the mirage was really brought into play.

The complex architectural pattern divides the huge army, and the more demanding street fighting for the elite is far from being easily replaced by steel cannons.

Gao Song’s music finally turned into a stationary stage at this time.

The war is still fierce, the rhythm is still fast, but the blood and the killing are suddenly reduced.

Perhaps the only exception is Ashura.

The boy is still taking the initiative, and surprisingly, from his speed, he seems to be completely unaffected by the decline in attributes.

He is like this drum in the symphony, always groaning, and then, after a while, he will violently knock out a loud note, and in the trough, he still stubbornly sticks to his drum.

Looking at the figure of the teenager, Edmund shook his head slightly: "Calif's good student... Affleck, Parma, you two to block him. If you can't beat him, I will lift it. field."

The purgatory strategists did not use bloodline transformation before Edmund released the field.

It’s not that they are stupid enough to forget this, but it’s not necessary.

According to the original plan, the Inferno sect will choose a suitable time to release the field at the beginning of the fight. The adventurer used the blood force before that, and cooperated with the Red Police Corps to sweep the other side.

However, when the other party has used the blood system, and the intention of the party has been exposed, and then fight again, the infernal sect will not dare to say that it will win.

They can't let their opponents annihilate the Red Police Corps in the strongest state. In this case, it is better to use the field to let the Red Police Corps consume the enemy.

When the other party consumed almost, and then released the field, then they did not have blood, and this side of the bloodline turned into a full force to rush, even without Edmund support, the strength is enough.

That's why Edmund insists on releasing the field – the back hand of the discount, it is still the backhand, and there is always value.

"Yes, the lord!" Affleck Palma bowed to Edmund and jumped out of Kirov's airship.

Like other adventurers, they are affected after the release of the field. However, those who have been preparing for a longer period of time have better adaptability in this respect, at least in terms of rhythm control.

As soon as they landed, they rushed to Ashura.

Ashura looked up at the two men and suddenly snorted. Shurao’s backhand stroked his arm, and a touch of blood spurred it. Asura’s body was already red.

He whispered to the two infernal sects, and he rushed over, his body shape was faster, more fierce, and more swift than before. Just approaching Affleck, Shurao knife With a wave of backhand, playing in Affleck only felt a huge force surge, playing him in the air.

"How is this possible?" Affleck screamed.

Before watching Ashura, Affleck only thought that Ashura was fighting in a physical manner. As we know, when two hundred points of agility drop to a hundred points of agility, it is not impossible to maintain the speed of two hundred agility, that is, more physical distribution.

However, this physical distribution has its limits after all, and it is impossible to exceed the upper limit of its own attributes.

This sword of Ashura obviously has exceeded the power he deserves. It is not a problem that can be solved by physical distribution. The only answer is that he is not affected by the field.

This answer made Affleck stunned.

If this is the case, even if Affleck and Parma join hands, it is impossible to be an opponent of Ashura. In the standard case, one-on-one can't beat it. Now it's 0.3+0.3, it's even less fun.

The question is, how can Edmund not know this?

This should not be!

Could it be that……

A fear of understanding comes to mind.


PS: Yes, the last time I sold it, I said that I was busy. I haven’t said anything publicly.

In fact, there is nothing, it is the perfect agent TA2, because TA2 has been re-made from the World of Warcraft engine, you need to re-define the new official background novel, so I commissioned me, the death wing and other authors to create, and finally choose one of the works ~ I am writing endless in the morning and writing TA2 in the afternoon, so before the end of the TA, I can't add more, I can keep it all the time. I am doing my best. (The dead wing is more than me, and I am directly creating the TA.) If you lose to him, I am also convinced, but in any case, I believe that it will take a long time, there will be a number of outstanding TA2 novels, I hope that everyone will like it. As for this time, everyone will be passive fat, I personally still I am more satisfied with the creation of this TA novel)

Speaking of it, I also wondered why I had to sell it... I didn’t say it.

I am sure that my brain is cramping again.

The author is never smarter than anyone else. We can come up with some good stories. It's just that we are racking our brains, and at the same time, it will inevitably lead to situations in which energy can't concentrate in life. Of course, more often than not, I can't think of a good story, so I think more hard and think, life is even more stupid, huh, huh.

Ok, I am only talking about myself, not representing any author.

Anyway, I wish you all a happy reading.


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