Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 144: sell


This strong ice flame frenzy has swept everyone up. (Net m full text novel update is the fastest)

The scope of the ice fire was so large that the adventurers were blown away from the battlefield and temporarily lost the ability to fight.

At the same time, Astin discovered that the ice and phoenix eyes have turned to him.

Astin was shocked and immediately knew that Cliff’s first object to kill was himself.

He suddenly retreated, and the ice phoenix had rushed to him with his wings.

"You don't even think about it, Cliff!" Astin's knives released the glory of the world.

However, the next moment, the polar ice phoenix had spit out a cold current against Astin, almost freezing him all.

At the same time, the big bird had swept past him, and the sharp wings crossed the body of Astin and cut a long **** mouth on Astin.

Astin turned back and slashed, and Cliff grabbed the gun, and the polar ice phoenix had opened his mouth again to Astin.


One white and one red ice and two streams of ice, like two giant dragons, drowned him.

One blow!

At the same time, various reconnaissance skills and props also fell on the polar ice phoenix.

Polar Ice Phoenix: Life forty-eight thousand, sonic flying creatures, power eighty, claws attack melee damage 140, defense 60, immune below 150 priority ice fire element damage, weaken half of the ice fire attack above 150 priority Two-thirds of the damage.

Polar Ice Phoenix Talent 1 Power: It has a deterrent effect on all levels of the beasts that are lower than their own, making them afraid to attack themselves. Double the life effect of birds, allowing them to escape or even surrender. Surrender is temporary and exists with the pressure.

Polar Ice Phoenix Talent 2 Inheritance: The adventurer who also has the polar ice and phoenix blood can obtain the blood of the ice phoenix by inheritance. The blood of the ice phoenix contains part of the knowledge and memory of the inheritor, and it is eternally cured.

Have skills

1 Snow and Frost Day: Create a piece of ice and snow, covering a radius of 300 meters centered on itself, without moving with the body, lasting for one minute.

All enemy lives in the range are dealt by ice and snow damage, dealing 20 damage per second.

The speed is reduced by 20%, which can be combined with most of the deceleration ability.

A two percent chance freezes an individual target, freezing for three seconds, which is effective for all targets.

2 days of fire 燎原: Summon lava boulder and thus descend, causing 600 points of damage to the target of 50*50 range, stuns for a second, and causes the fire of the scorpion within the radius of 300 meters, causing 100 points of fire damage to the target. Reduces 10 damage in seconds.

3 Flame Aura: A fire attack that increases the power of all your targets by 15% and deals 30 damage to all attacks. It can be superimposed with most of the fire boosting effects.

4 ice and snow praise: absorb the ice to restore their lives. If it is used for the snow and frost that is released, it will shorten the duration of the snow and frost.

5 Ice and Fire Attack: At the same time, use ice and fire power to attack the target, and a wide range of explosive attacks. Create a double stream of ice and fire to attack all enemy targets within a distance of 300 meters within 30 degrees. The ice flow will cause 600 points of freezing damage, which will cause a certain chance to freeze. The effect is that the fire deals 600 Fire damage.

6 fast cast: Swift is the characteristic of the polar ice phoenix, which is not only reflected in its extraordinary speed, but also in its extraordinary ability to cast spells. Polar Ice Phoenix does not attack with powerful skills, but its fast spellcasting ability allows it to continuously use its abilities. When the polar ice anger is angry and tries to destroy enemies who dare to provoke its majesty, the polar ice phoenix will enable its ability to cast spells quickly, so that each of its skills cools no more than a minute. Continuous ice and fire will be the most fearful nightmare for every enemy.

Of course, using a quick cast will also deal damage to the polar ice phoenix itself. During the fast spellcasting, the polar ice phoenix can't automatically recover its life, and the total damage caused by the attack will be 10% transferred to itself until it can't bear it.

7 Nirvana: Reborn after death, the ability disappears after rebirth.

Special ability deformation: Due to the absorption of the energy of some artifacts, the polar ice phoenix has acquired special ability, which can be transformed into artifact-level equipment used by adventurers, and the corresponding ability is obtained according to its shape. Its power and duration depend on the state of Shenhuang.

Although the polar ice phoenix's level is extremely high, it is difficult to detect, but the adventurers' reconnaissance capabilities have their own strengths. They are used together, and they need to make up for the bottom of the polar ice phoenix. (Baidu search: net, see the novel fastest update)

Of course, this may also be related to Cliff’s unintentional blockade.

This polar ice phoenix is ​​obviously a high-speed spell-type life, mainly attacking enemies through spells.

Its spell features are mainly wide-ranging and enduring, but in terms of killing, in addition to the ice and fire combined with the dignity of the top demon, other abilities are relatively average - at least for a top demon, not conspicuous.

The problem is that the metamorphosis of the fast spellcasting skill has greatly compensated for the shortcomings of the extremely low ice and phoenix attack. Every minute, a fire and ice attack, if it is a fight, it is hard to say how many adventurers can survive when there are dozens of adventurers. It is.

As a purgatory sect cultivated at any cost, although the polar ice phoenix did not become a super demon like the six-armed Shura, but the identity of its top demon is still not to be underestimated.

If it wasn't for Shen Wei, he would take Megatron one step at a time, then Cliff would become the one who created history - with a demon-level pet.

Just a few months, the **** city has already appeared two demon-level summons, no one knows whether there will be more such existence in the future.

This shows from one side that things always develop. With the expansion of the city, the later adventurers are also making miracles one after another, and the latter always step on the footprints of their predecessors, usually always stand higher. - At least in terms of strength, the polar ice phoenix is ​​much stronger than Megatron.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there is a reason for Cliff to use the power of the Inferno sect, but knowing how to borrow is a skill in itself.

Fortunately, Cliff apparently did not intend to take this opportunity to sweep the audience.

He killed the Astin's power, and he stood on the back of the polar ice phoenix. He stroked the ice phoenix and said: "Everyone must have already understood it. Then, you should be able to talk about it. What?"

Talk about it?

At that moment, all people had a strange feeling in their hearts.

There is a sense of sight that is face to face with Shen.

Whenever Shen Yu used this unique tone to say that everyone sat down and talked, the adventurer would feel that it was time to use it. I didn’t expect this time, Cliff had picked up the tone.

Hua Tianrui snorted: "You don't think you have won?"

Cliff laughed: "Why can't I think so? This war, this step, there should be a result. Huaying Wang, do you think you have any means to turn the sky? Just by your Celestial map? Kunlun mirror? Or your Xuanyuan sword that you have never been willing to use?"

Hua Tianrui's face changed.

Cliff has shook his head: "It's useless. Under the field, everyone's strength is greatly reduced, but the polar ice phoenix is ​​not affected. The wind forest volcano is not affected. They alone can help me to win the victory, not to mention. I am not alone."

"Then you still don't do it? What about nonsense?" cried the adventurer.

Cliff continued to shake his head: "Because I don't want to continue playing. The polar ice phoenix is ​​strong, you are not weak. If you fight, I can win, I am afraid I have to pay the price. Polar ice phoenix is ​​not just a summoning demon. Existence, and more importantly, it is the new lineage of my purgatory sect in the future. I must keep it in order to make the Purgatory sect carry forward."

Although a powerful demon pet can make Cliff a unique city, the lineage that can be used for inheritance is the foundation of the sect. When the imperial sect of the purgatory sect is promoted to the polar ice phoenix, the strength of the entire sect will also develop. Growing up may even break the balance between the strengths of the four organizations.

As a ambition, the strength of the individual is never the goal of its pursuit. In any case, Cliff will not like the name of the "infernal cult leader of the Purgatory Church."

In turn, the purgatory sect fell in the hands of Edmund, rising in the hands of Cliff, the name of "the infernal sect of ZTE" is the pursuit of Cliff.

In this case, the battle becomes meaningless, and it is most reasonable to try to avoid the battle and keep the ice phoenix.

"As you said, do you want to stop fighting?"

"Yes, truce." Cliff answered very seriously: "The four organizations have no need to kill each other. The strong should unite instead of killing each other. It is still too late to stop."

"The problem is that you said no, you are not the boss of the Inferno sect."

"If Edmund is dead, then I am."

Hua Tianrui understood: "Do you want to unite us and kill Edmund to help you sit in a stable position?"

Edmund is not dead, and he is always a big problem with Cliff.

Even with the polar ice phoenix, Cliff did not dare to say that he would win in the face of Edmond, who mastered the great prophecy.

Fortunately, Shen Yan destroyed Edmund's recovery and failed to reach its heyday, which made him less convinced that helping others was much less difficult and cost less.

Cliff understands this truth, Hua Tianrui also realizes the crux of the problem - United Cliff, against Edmund, at least than the current and Cliff, and then Edmond is better.

"Speaking well, what about the gambling?" Someone shouted.

"The Purgatory sect can give up victory," Cliff answered.

Alone step forward: "Can the infernal sect be able to withstand the loss of the gamble?"

"I can't afford it, but I have already pressed a note on the failure of the sect... It's my personal note, it should be enough to pay for the loss." Cliff smiled.

Alone and arrogant: "Do you use personal pressure to make up for the sect loss? Are you crazy?"

"No, he is not crazy." Gentlely stood up and said: "Failure is the responsibility of Edmund, and compensation is his personal expenditure. It is not an easy task to become a teacher of the Inferno, a certain degree of dedication. It is the foundation of his power."

"The question is, where does he come from so much money?" Wei Chibai also took a step forward.

"Of course it is borrowed." Gentle smiled: "This time he rebelled against Edmund and planned the position of the leader. If he succeeded, he would become a benevolent person. If he wins, the infernal sect will lose, and the borrowed chicken lays eggs, enough for him to help. Pay the gambling money. If he loses, then he will die, and the dead do not need to consider the debt."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Cliff together. I couldn’t think of this guy taking everything into it.

Cliff smiled and replied: "He taught me a lot with Shen Shen."

The fat man is overjoyed: "Can it be used to make up for the energy debt?"

Cliff blinked: "Don't think about it, let's count it back."

The fat face immediately pulled down, and Honglang gave him a burst of blood: "You shouldn't mention this."

"You don't even think about it!" A voice burst out.

It is Jin Shengji!

She is still not dead, this moment came to help Lin Weisheng stand up.

She glared at Cliff: "You ruined the source of the artifact, and want to join us? Dreaming! Also, this time we are also in the fourth place in the southern zone, Cliff, you want to make up for the loss by injecting the fourth in the West. Don't even think about it. You and your sect are destined to be emptied at both ends!"

Cliff brows and picks: "Is it... I didn't expect it."

He didn't know that the Southern District was also the fourth in the press. Therefore, when he heard Jin Shengji's speech, he was very embarrassed. With his IQ, he immediately understood what was going on in the middle. He first scared a cold sweat and then even I took a picture of my chest and said, "Call, good insurance, good insurance... I almost turned the boat."

The advantage of the two injections is that it can be used to compensate for one party's losses, or even a slight surplus, but there is also the risk of two empty heads.

Cliffman thought he was going to take the fourth. No one would grab it with himself. He didn't expect to find a Southern District.

Fortunately, it is the Southern District, Cliff thought.

He only thought about it for a moment, and smiled: "In this case, then I can make extra money for this peace. How about 10,000 per person?"

"This is impossible!" Jin Shengji screamed.

The Vientiane Palace and the Inferno sects don't share the sky. They want to buy everyone with 10,000 chips. This is simply a dream.

However, Cliff whispered: "Idiot, this money does not include you."

"What do you say?" Jin Shengji Wei Wei, she discovered that Cliff looked at his own eyes, full of sympathy and disdain.

Not only him, but also the eyes of Hua Tianrui, gentle and so on.

Jin Shengji still did not respond.

She looked at everyone's eyes and was very surprised: "What are you doing with me like this?"

Lin Weisheng has coughed blood and said: "Stupid woman, haven't you seen it yet... For the two regions in the Northeast... Now it is a more appropriate choice to join forces with the West Zone. The opposition in the Southern District is just to send yourself. Dead end!"

"What do you say?" It was as if a stalwart hit the head of Jin Shengji, and she was dizzy.

This time, the three-zone alliance, due to the nature of the death match, it is impossible to sign a formal agreement for urban recognition. Many things can only be verbally agreed. The basis of trust is character and interest.

In a **** city, character is something that is rarer than artifacts. As for the interests... the interests change, and the wind changes naturally.

In the end, Lin Weisheng is more sophisticated than Jin Shengji. He can see clearly. Unfortunately, some things can be seen clearly, but they are unable to return to heaven.

The fate of the Southern District was doomed from the moment when the source of the artifact was broken, even from the moment when the Vientiane Palace decided to abandon the congregation.

These temporary anti-water adventurers are certainly not good goods, so what is it to be a good person to send them to death?

Even if you are yourself, why is it a good person?

Perhaps because of this awareness, when faced with all this, Lin Weisheng is quite frank: "I betrayed the partners who fought side by side with me, and now they are betrayed. It is also appropriate to have this newspaper."

"No!" Jin Shengji yelled at not convinced.

She looked at the crowd angrily. Everywhere she looked, everyone turned down. Only Ashura ignored her with her, as if she were looking at a dead person. The conspiracy is tricked into him, neither considering nor opposing, no problem, no problem with killing.

Jin Shengji Huo Ran looked back and glared at Cliff.

Cliff shrugged: "The Vientiane Palace has no source of artifacts. It is good to die, Wujing is dead, and Lin Tianwang is not going to work. Jialuluo and Swakop are out of reach. The Broken Blades are in the Southern District and not in the South. District, don't deal with you, can't you still deal with me? If the four organizations can't work side by side, then at least pick the best bully to bully. It used to be purgatory, now it is the Vientiane Palace, what is so strange? As for me, although I lost a battle, I filled the deficit for the sect, reversed the overall situation of the strategy, no longer became the target of the public, and cultivated a new high-level lineage... Just when I became the leader of the church, I sent it to the whole church. The first gift."

Jin Shengji listened to the whole body chilling, she looked at the gentle Hong wave them again: "You, do you think so too? Watch them kill us all?"

Gentle yet to speak, Cliff has quickly said: "I have been a league relationship with the Broken Blades. The demise of the Southern District has nothing to do with the Broken Blade. Before the Broken Blades grab my energy, I can ignore it, but in the end I continue to be friends. Still being an enemy, it depends on the present..."

He put out a finger: "My first condition: give up support for the Southern District!"

Look at Jin Shengji gently, then look at Cliff, she lifts her wrist: "Sinking..."

"I heard it and accepted Cliff's request."


"I said to accept his conditions!" Shen Yu has shouted.

He used bark to suppress conscience, used sophistry to paint evil, and took a deep breath. He said, "Forever... Forever... Don't be against the public, even if they are wrong, understand?"

Gentle clenched fist: "Know it."

She looked at Jin Shengji, gently shook her head and stepped back.

Jin Shengji understood that she was sitting on the ground weakly.

Then she hysterically shouted: "You are a group of animals! Despicable ~ ~ shameless, dirty, dirty bastard! You are betrayal, not people, I **** / your family..."

The woman began to madly scream, and all sorts of swear words screamed out of her mouth, and the listeners could not bear to listen.

Surprisingly, the adventurers in each district just quietly listened to her venting anger, but no one retorted.

Regardless of how conscience is obliterated, the notion of right and wrong always exists.

Selling former teammates doesn't make them feel good. The ridiculous and abnormal performance from the other side helps to balance the embarrassment of the heart - at least when you think of today, you can say "an idiot silly woman."

In the end, Ashura was a little impatient.

He said: "Is it good to talk about it? Just talk about it."

He never does anything, no matter whether he is killed or killed, there is no fear of death.

Knife light up!

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