Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 145: Another demon pet

Sharp knife reticle to Jin Shengji, Jin Shengji eyes have shown despair.

Gentlely looking at the face of Jin Shengji's desperation, suddenly my heart fretting.

Is it... As an adventurer, should we break through our lower limits and do things again and again?

Is it true that we really want to obliterate all our conscience in the process of continuous improvement?

Do you have to be a knowing program in our lives when betrayal and betrayal?

She can't accept it.

Watching the knife fall from the sky, gentleness can no longer stop the impulse in his heart.

The blade of the ruling cut through the sky and was placed on the Shura knife, blocking this must-have attack.

"Wait a minute!" she cried.

Everyone looks at her together.

Gentle has been loud: "In fact, it is not impossible to kill. If the Southern District is willing to accept the third fate, you can still let them go. Isn't it all right?"

When she wanted to come, Cliff and the Southern District had a root cause, and it was still on the gambling press. As long as the problem is solved, Cliff may not be too aggressive.

When she wants to come, she is just trying to save people as much as she can. Why can I solve the problem without solving it?

However, her words just came out, and the indulgence in the coat of arms suddenly shouted: "Don't say this!"

A gentle glimpse, not far from Cliff, has been scornful smile: "I didn't expect it, this will be what you said."

On the contrary, Jin Shengji, who got the hope of being born, was reminded by gentle words and shouted: "I agree, I accept this condition!"

Other adventurers in the Southern District also shouted.

They were previously slandered by Cliff, thinking that there is no life, and now there is a broken blade team to make a proposal, naturally not stupid to refuse.

At the moment of life and death, adventurers are not likely to stick to the position of the Southern District. Even Lin Weisheng does not speak. After all, nothing is more important than his own life.

However, in response to this response, Shen Yan sighed: "Damn! This is trouble!"

The gentleness still didn't understand. Cliff had already smiled lowly: "Well, since you all agree, then I have no opinion, what about you?"

Hua Tianrui looked at the gentleness with sympathy: "Of course, I agree."

Ashura's brow wrinkled and wanted to say something, but was pulled by Wei Chibai. The interface said: "We also agree!"

"In this case, then the four districts will join forces to fight against the emperor, and that’s it!"

When he spoke, his face still had a strange smile, which was a joy of victory.

Looking at Cliff's smile, countless thoughts flashed through the tender heart, and she suddenly understood Cliff's mind.

In fact, Cliff did not destroy the idea of ​​the Southern District from beginning to end.

In the previous battles, all four districts suffered heavy casualties, but the Western District was still ranked first in the standings due to a pair of three.

The only way to make the West Zone fourth is to get more points in the other three districts, while the Western District is the main aid. The Force Warriors in the sky are the source of the points.

The problem is that those points are not easy to obtain. If the people of Vientiane are killed, the task of upgrading the points in the Southern District falls to the top of the broken team.

This means that the upgrade of the Southern District will become extremely difficult.

That is to say, the Vientiane Palace still has a great possibility of the bottom of the score - that is what the Vientiane Palace needs, at least Jia Luluo and others can keep the bet and harvest the chips.

Once the South District is guaranteed, persuading Jin Shengji and others to fight with them will greatly enhance the scoring ability of the Southern District.

This is a serious problem for the Vientiane Palace, because it means that the people they sent out betrayed them.

Of course, they will eventually know who caused it.

They will never be grateful to this person.

As a result, the result of the evolution is that the Broken Blade team saved the members of the Southern District, but lost the entire gamble. The Vientiane Palace will not be grateful to the Bladeblade, and may pursue them.

This is the reason why Shen Yu is not willing to save people - even their masters have abandoned them. The outsiders of the Broken Blades have gone to the guise to join in the fun, give up more benefits, and offend a big organization.

Cliff's previous statement was actually a kind of persecution - forcing Jin Shengji and others to sell the Vientiane Palace for life, but also forcing gentle or Hua Tianrui and others who would come out to speak for Jin Shengji.

With this speech, it is to attract the transfer of the Vientiane Palace, at least to share the evidence of partial hatred.

Yes, the new infernal sects have suffered heavy losses due to several major battles. Even if they can fight against the Vientiane Palace, they will only lead to more losses.

As a leader of the sect, Cliff has always believed that good leaders will never launch a war, only to eliminate war. Edmund is strong, but he has never been a qualified leader because he always provokes war.

The fact is that no matter how strong he is, in this battle, the inferno sect is being weakened.

Therefore, he has to rise up. In the process of this rise, he must try to avoid war.

If you can't avoid the war, you must at least pull a few opponents for your enemies.

Keeping the South District can increase the points in the Southern District.

Keeping the Southern District can make those traitors become the eyes of the Vientiane Palace.

Keeping the South District, you can save the people who have saved them, and also become the object of the Vientiane.

People's energy is always limited, there are more people to deal with, and less firepower can be concentrated.

He knows Gartlouro and Shimak very well. These are two ruthless guys who regard the sectarian industry as their own private property. Whoever makes them suffer huge losses will surely retaliate.

But Cliff did not expect that the export would be gentle.

But for him, this is indeed the best choice - the Broken Blades grabbed the energy of the source fragments of artifacts.

In order to avoid enemies on all sides, Cliff can only endure, even if he indulges him to compensate him, most of them mean it.

But now, in a gentle sentence, the Vientiane Palace was offended.

This time, the Broken Blade team had to take a moment to consider the problem - they couldn't be as good as they used to be, just as Cliff needed them, they also needed Cliff.

Lost energy can't be returned anymore, but the loss of compensation can't be too cheap.

Cliff looked at Hong Lang and looked at the Pangu Axe in his hand.

Hong Lang stunned, as if he understood something, and blurted out: "I fuck, won't you?"

The Pangu axe that has just arrived is still not hot, is it going to be taken back?

There is an indulgent command in the coat of arms: "The previous gains from the infernal sect adventurers were all returned to Cliff."

"What?" Hong Lang screamed.

"This is the order!" Shen Yu has already sighed. He sighed: "If you want to be a good person, you have to learn to pay the price. Under the sun, how can you talk about conscience and don't want to pay for chips?"

Conscience and the bottom line are never maintained without paying the price.

Or the bottom line that can be maintained without paying the price, not the bottom line.

Every multi-ethical talker in the world is so high-spirited that he has used the moral banner to criticize others. When he needs to pay for himself, he is still dissatisfied.

In this cruel world, if you are determined to protect the last kindness and kindness in your heart, you must be prepared to sacrifice the price.

Want to understand this, gentle can only say: "I'm sorry,!"

"Nothing, don't regret it when you do it." Shen Yan did not care too much. For him, not saving people is the habit of thinking of the supremacy of interests. If you save someone, even if you get some trouble, he has nothing to accept or need. scared. The gentle decision, invisibly help him free himself from the struggle, but let him breathe a sigh of relief. As for those who pay, he is not too concerned about it. After all, the big head is still behind.

So then he laughed: "Clive wants the Southern District to rise to the third, he has to send a few heads first. Tell Cliff, let him send all the adventurers in the West, let us kill "!" The words in the words of Shen Yu have revealed a sinister meaning.

His voice is not small, even if the phone is separated by distance, Cliff can hear it clearly.

He laughed and waved his hand, and the adventurers who had refused to return to him but were conquered had all been thrown into the waves.

A wave of Honglang rushed out, Pangu axe like a chopped melon and cut vegetables on those few people, he took a few minutes of this weapon, this moment is to use.

The miserable screams sounded one after another, and the Western adventurers who lost their resistance were like the lambs to be slaughtered and killed by the Honglang.

The scarlet blood makes a gentle dizziness in front of the gentle eyes.

Jin Shengji came over: "Thank you, speak for us."

Gentle but sluggish face, for a long time, she shook her head: "All this... really makes me sick."

The **** person is finally dead.

Hong Lang looked at the Pangu Axe in his hand with regret, and finally he was thrown to Cliff, but he even shouted: "It's a pity."

"Forget it, it should be a must-have for upgrading the Phoenix." Still Zhou Yiyu comforted.

"Hey, when it comes to the dead bird, the dead fat man, how is your immortal bird now?" Hong Lang asked.

The dead fat man smiled.

He has a hand, a dead bird has appeared on his shoulder: "The system reminds me that the nine dead birds absorb a lot of artifacts and have the ability to condense and solidify, but because they are absorbed separately, the individual is not enough. So let me choose, one, to reduce the number of calls of a non-dead bird, while permanently possessing a monster of the immortal bird, of course, the death is really dead. The time of summoning the two immortals is doubled."

"It seems that you have chosen the first one." King Kong came over.

Zhao Linger has saved Tina, and his mood is very good.

The fat man nodded very seriously: "Yeah, I think that the **** city has two devil-level pets anyway, just like a good thing, it will become three, is four, wait for Shen The sly demon grows up, and it is the four devils." Gentle and correct.

"Well, think about the four demon-level summons in the **** city. It is also proud to have three of them in our broken blade team." King Kong said with a smile, in this way to dispel some slightly lost emotions.

It was Honglang who was curious to touch the head of the immortal bird: "I said... I didn't have anything else? I also absorbed two-thirds of the artifact source, and it was a transformation, what was the loss?" ”

This dead goods are not greedy, always thinking about more benefits.

The fat man answered very seriously: "Well, yes, this undead bird can also be weaponized, and the attack defense has increased. It is much stronger than the average Phoenix, but mainly concentrated on melee. In addition..."

“What else is there?” everyone asked.

The fat man replied: "To gather the energy of the nine dead birds together, you need extra formalities, so the city has collected me 80,000."


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