Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 156: Burning under the sky

The sky of Tatooine, a magnificent scene is emerging. M89

There is a shining red dot in the sky first.

The red dot flew over Tatoo at a high speed of 300 kilometers per second, and a parallel line of about 3,000 kilometers was drawn in ten seconds.

This parallel line, about five kilometers from the ground, began to spread both upwards and downwards, as if the waves on the horizon rushed toward the ground.

When it rushes to an altitude of about three kilometers, you will see that it is a sea of ​​fire that is raging from the sky and forming a raging wave.

In the ultra-high temperature generated by the blazing sea, the clouds are evaporated, the gas enters the plasma state, and a large amount of lightning appears in the sky, rising and jumping in the sea of ​​fire, which is a wonder.

In this piece of fire, the only thing that can exist is the warships with super high temperature resistance.

However, due to the fact that the protective cover is not opened, the ultra-high temperature and strong electromagnetic reaction have a serious impact on the battleship. The battleships are out of control instantaneously, and the shock waves are directly smashing them from the air to the ground.

The Great is no exception - it is like a huge iron block falling from the sky, although it still retains the integrity of the exterior, but the interior is seriously damaged.

Until then, the air whistling caused by the violent shock was transmitted to everyone's ears.

Overclocking shock waves make everyone fly like a thunder, and blood leaks between the nose and mouth.

Even with the temperament of the adventurer, it is difficult to compete against such an impact. Some cloned soldiers vomit and die in the first round of shock.

At this time, the red dot on the zenith has rushed out of the atmosphere and entered the Tatooin synchronization orbit.

The red sè is gradually dimmed. It is that the flying fish's self-induced combustion caused by high-speed impact gradually disappears after entering the space. At the same time, most of the exposed equipment on the surface of the hull is melted. This is the result of the full boot of the protective cover.

This makes it look like a bare big iron.

However, the huge xng brought by the internal energy drive makes it still in an accelerated state, and rapidly increases from a speed of 300 kilometers per second to a speed of 1,500 kilometers per second.

Five percent of the speed of light.

It did not improve further, because it is a transition.

It began to orbit the planet along the orbit of Tatooine.

Tatuin’s outer space orbit is about 240,000 kilometers long, and the Flying Fish is flying around every 160 seconds.

Trapped by Tatu due to gravity, the hull was violently turbulent during flight, and one piece of hull began to peel off.

The superluminal engine advances to maximum energy.

The two gravitational forces form a huge energy field that covers the entire starry sky.

The earth began to tremble, and the entire tower was rumbling with the rumbling of the planet. The land piece split and there was a scene of shaking around.

The internals of the Flying Fish 13 are also not good.

The sharp ng report has been heard throughout the command hall.

"Four energy cabin is exploding!"

“The turbines of the first, third and fourth turbines are completely shut down...”

"The engine energy is rising abnormally..."

Shirley kept reporting the loss situation with her scorpion, and her face was already frosty.

"We are going to die, aren't we?" Phillips looked at it leisurely and did not show fear of death.

As a fierce and embarrassing jealousy, living is not his greatest pursuit. The brilliant life and the deeds that can last forever are not - every kind of madness needs 72 virgins to support.

Using the gravitational effect of super-light speed to destroy a planet, what is more than this?

His eyes have flashed a crazy excitement: "Unfortunately, my big brother, he should have been a person standing in the clouds, but now it has become the background below."

"How long can we support?" Michelle asked Shirley.

Shirley shook her head and she replied: "We are losing everything we can lose. Maybe ten seconds? Maybe twenty seconds... I don't know."

Then Michelle came over and hugged Shirley: "If this is the case, then stop, we have done everything we can do. Next, wait for the fate of the arrangement."

Shirley looked at Michelle, and a blank smile suddenly appeared on her pale face: "It's good to be with you..."

"I prefer to be alive together." Michelle replied: "I hope the officer can be faster."

Just then, a signal suddenly buzzed.


Under the burning sky, a human tragedy is being staged.

Tato's temperature on the ground is rising to an extent that ordinary people can't stand. Even though this ultra-high temperature has only been maintained for a short time, it quickly drops, but it kills a lot of life in an instant.

The battlefield was the center of the fire, and it became a severely damaged area. A large number of cloned soldiers were killed, some were wearing armor or in chariots, and the soldiers in the tanks became tragic.

Even some people around the battlefield have been shackled by the fish, so they die innocently. Some people who were in the underground bunker or far away from the center had escaped this terrible disaster, but quickly fell into a new crisis.

The violent burning makes the air thin, many people can't breathe, and the hurricane generated by the air flow creates a huge tornado in the open area. In just a few minutes, a super storm is formed, which is swept from all directions. The direction swarmed, filling the semi-vacuum area formed by the burning, while winding up the dust and sand of the sky, ringing the sharp wind and whistling.

After the fire, sound disaster, and windstorm, a strong earthquake broke out.

Those who survived because they were hiding in underground bunkers could hardly escape the next round of disasters. The land was cracked everywhere, and there was a deep bottomless abyss.

Some buildings fall directly from the ground...

Along with the violent earthquake, volcanoes in a few areas began to erupt. The sky is covered with black clouds, and the air is full of sulfur.

Because Tatoo is a dry planet, the gravitational energy brought by the speed of light has not inspired the cháo汐 that can destroy the life of the whole planet, but the sandstorm formed by the windstorm has become the main force of the raging, and the promotion of gravitation cháo has grown rapidly. .

In this huge disaster, life became as fragile as an ant, and the army of the empire almost collapsed in an instant.

The exhausted adventurers have blocked their horrible natural disasters by relying on their strong body. They stood in the sand, letting the graves hit the body like a hidden weapon, passing through the body of a soldier nearby and watching the sky. The boiling scenes are all in the midst of extreme shock.

Hong Lang has woke up from the runaway.

He lay on the ground, looked at the sky, and muttered: "It’s spectacular!"

It is like a super group warfare skill. While taking away countless lives, it also brings hope to many adventurers.

At that moment, they looked at the fire in the sky and suddenly felt that living was so beautiful.

In the distance, a huge battleship fell from the air.

That is the Great!

The super-warship of 10 million tons fell into the sand sea, and it was soaring, but in the impact of the entire planet as an explosion level, it seemed nothing.


The huge impact forceed Edmund with the sinking and the black warriors at the same time - they were in the air, closer to the point of the explosion, and the impact was stronger.

For a moment, they were in the first line of the high temperature zone, and the ultra-high temperature caused heavy damage to all three people.

When it was bad luck, it was a black warrior.

The armor that protected him was directly destroyed in the speed of light, and finally revealed the pale face of Anakin. Anakin, who lost his helmet, is hard to breathe in thin air.

He hasn't died yet, but he has not even stood up.

He did not indulge in the super-physical qualities of Edmund, and armor alone could not effectively protect himself. The storm almost destroyed every bone of his bones.

He lay on the bridge, unable to open his hand and grab the distance.

There, it was the little Luke under the protection of King Obi, who was safe and sound.

"My... son." He murmured, then slammed his head and died.

Ultra-high temperature also burns into a coke, the outer skin directly rots, the fire poisons the heart, and sinks into the flames when they breathe.

The tough vitality did not let him die. When the flames shrank, the Emperor fell behind, the indulged skin had resumed growth, and the dry skin was peeling off. It looked like the millennium corpse was coming out of the coffin and resurrected. Of course, the result is that he has bare his butt, and even his eyebrows are burned out. The clothes can be changed, but the hair can not grow out at once - the **** **** city, for the existence of the body such as hair, there is nothing to recover.

However, the fierce attack still caused him an extremely heavy blow. He broke away from the devil's body/body, but he could no longer stand up. The demon scorpion went straight into a state of sleep.

His legs were completely gone, and he couldn't even recover himself. The Holy Healing did not cool down and the drugs were used up.

He could only sit on the broken body of the Emperor and watch Edmund.

Edmund may be the least affected.

At the moment of the speed of light, Edmund promptly called all the Forces to protect himself, and even used a large prophecy to defend a defensive ability, coupled with his infinitely mad physique, even hard to resist this shock.

However, his original power was exhausted. I even used the big prophecy to overdraw and became very old. The influence of gravitational waves directly led to the interruption of his connection with the Force Sea. Now he can no longer This universe absorbs the Force to fight.

However, all these shocks are not the most terrible.

The most terrible thing is the defeat of the emperor and the "resurrection" of the adventurers of the four districts.

The sky is still burning and the earth is still shaking.

However, for the adventurer, unless the whole planet is finished, it will not be difficult to survive in this dramatic change.

Edmund, who lost his troops, has lost his greatest reliance.

His plan was completely defeated.

Edmund looked around, and he looked into the distance, watching the big dead life, and his heart was cold.

He saw the adventurer who was running in the distance...

Even if you don't think about it, he knows what will happen next.

"I finally failed..." Edmund sighed for a long time, and he looked at the sinking of the squatting on the ground.

"I know." Shen Yu coughed blood and replied: "But you don't look sad."

Edmund shook his head: "Y big thing, you have to take a big risk. This, the chance of failure is inherently greater than success. I am ready for failure. I have already prepared for this result. I am just Some are not convinced... I don't understand how the Supreme Council found out my plan. I blocked the return passage and blocked the space. They could no longer know my plan."

Until now, Edmund still did not know how he failed. He didn't know that it was from the hands of the indulgent summoning soldiers. In fact, such a powerful full-coverage attack seems more like the Supreme Council's insight into the lavish cleaning he initiated.

"It has nothing to do with the parliament." Shen Yan replied: "It was my soldiers."

From beginning to end, Shen Yu knew Michelle's actions, but he did not expect that Michelle would do so.

"Your summoned soldier?" Edmund stunned.

"Yes... use a spaceship..." Shen answered.

He said as he moved his body with his hand and slid to one side.

His movements were extremely slow and seemed to be more of a struggle for the deceased, and Edmund was affected by the defeat and his mind was greatly stimulated. At this moment, he did not pay attention to the indulging action.

"Is it beautiful? Right? I didn't teach him. To be honest, I didn't expect to have this. In a way, this is a system b... A super-light warship can do it. Think about it, in the era when the nuclear bomb can destroy the earth, the gravitational wave disorder caused by the superluminal speed will only be more terrible, and where is it necessary to create additional weapons to destroy the stars... Excessive..." Shen Yan said as he tried to move his body.

The rest of his eyes fell on a cannon not far away.

It was a main gun of the Great, which was knocked down by Edmund before he fought with Edmund. He was also the only main gun that was still intact, the only one that was close to him.

It was entirely instinct, sinking as close as possible, and talking nonsense in his mouth.

Edmund was completely stupid.

He never dreamed that his plan was ultimately defeated in the hands of a summoning soldier.

He looked at Shen Shen slyly and suddenly laughed.

He smiled in tears, smiled and fell forward, laughing and sitting on the side watching the sinking do not understand what is going on?

Edmund finally stopped laughing.

He looked at the sinking squatting on the ground and said slowly: "This is really ridiculous... I paid a lot of price and planned for a long time, and it turned out to be in the hands of a soldier. Maybe this is God's will, God's will. Let me fail."

"...your luck is not very good." Shen Hao nodded.

Even as an enemy, Shen Yu is still very admired for Edmund's care and ambition. Even if it is a victory, there is no such thing as the joy of being a winner.

He is too late to be happy.

Because of the next moment, Edmund’s eyes have once again showed yn sinking.

He said: "I lost, but at least until I fail, I can still recover some money for myself."

He looked at the sinking, the killing was like a knife, and then he screamed: "At least until they kill me, I can kill you first!"

He said that he had screamed at Shen At this time, although he was hit hard, he still had at least an attacking force. On the contrary, he was unable to do anything with his legs.

Watching Edmund charge himself, he didn't have the slightest expression in his eyes.

He suddenly shook his head.

He said: "You can't do it."

He slammed outward, rolled to the main gun, and grabbed the main gun at Edmund.

At this time, he had no strength at all to resist the main gun. He should not be able to launch it, but just as he grabbed the main gun, he sank a starlight.

The muzzle suddenly lit up.

Sinking at Edmund, whispered: "Goodbye, man!"


That brilliant brilliance flashed, and Edmund was completely swallowed up.

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