Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 157: Heaven and earth collapse

The bright light shines in the eyes of the adventurer. m(


In that Guanghua, the adventurers heard the **** coat of arms reminding: "The death of the Sith Emperor, the return channel is open, all the adventurers can return now, or continue to fight."

For most adventurers, it is meaningless to continue fighting, and Tatooine is in a frenzied collapse—the Flying Fish and Tatoo are like two magnets that emit huge suction, twisting the entire planet. The seven or eight incidents have caused the situation in Tatoo to deteriorate.

In the gravitational turbulence, some land is rising toward the sky.

The huge mountain floats in the air, as if the Tatooin planet suddenly became the planet of Avatar.

However, unstable gravitational waves will cause some lighter materials to fly farther and farther in the sky. The heavier mass will fall back to the ground, and some will be pulled directly down the abyss.

On the surface of Tatoo, there is a mountain rain, a large amount of material either rushing out of the gravitational circle of the planet, or falling into the bottomless abyss.

Gravitation is like chaos and radiation, and the whole tower is flying like a shelled egg.

Even for the adventurer, the situation at the moment is extremely dangerous.

They are no longer interested in waiting.



A crying call sounded.

The figures of the people disappeared.

However, gentle Honglang and others have not left.

Cliff and others did not leave.

They are looking for indulging, the former is concerned about the safety of indulging, while the latter is more concerned with the end of Edmund. Some things are not seen with your own eyes, and you are always not at ease. In the past, the **** city is not so credible.

"Sinking, sinking!" Gentle and Zhao Linger screamed and rushed over, they ran in the sand and rushed to the burning Emperor.

The dust storm of the scrolls filled the eyes of the two girls. They could not find the sinking, and Zhao Linger was anxious to cry.

Fortunately, Cliff said: "Are you stupid? Can you bring him with a collection order?"

Everyone has come to realize this. It can only be said that Jiaozuo itself is the nemesis of IQ.

As the light of the assembly flashes, Shen Shen appears in the gentle side.

He has passed out, and the last shot almost overdrafted all his power.

If you don't bring him out gently, Shen Yan may become the first adventurer in the city to kill the ss to complete the task, but because he did not release the return command.

Zhao Linger rushed to hug and sink, and the five-gas dynasty launched, and Shen 奕 waking up.

"Sink, do you confirm that Edmund is dead?" Cliff asked quickly.

"Yes, I personally smashed him.... Unless his great prophecy can resurrect the broken meat, he will not have a reason to live." Shen Yu slowly answered.

Cliff smiled and said with a smile: "I promise he is not that big."

Gentleness has urged: "Don't delay time, let's go back, the world is almost finished."

Shen Yan replied: "Wait a minute, Michelle gave me a message, indicating that the Slovak Brotherhood is asking for help."

In this war, the Minsk Brotherhood has always been watching the war in the distance.

Although Michelle had asked Longer Phillips to help the war, the cruel and cruel nature of the gangsters made them fundamentally resistant to the behavior of charcoal in the snow. On the contrary, the interest in falling down the stone was even stronger.

Although the four-zone alliance showed strong power in the previous battles, it did not dominate the edge of extinction, so they did not go up to help - there is no conscience to help them, it is already a very conscience. Still look at the face of strong Phillips and others.

But Michelle's speed of light shock caused all the peaks to turn, and Tatoo became a **** on earth, and now it is their turn to ask for help.

Gentlely, there is absolutely no good feeling for the guys who sit and watch their lives and die. Now, when they hear that they are going to save them, they are very reluctant: "The world is going to die, I don't want to risk a group of people!"

"No!" Shen Yu has firmly said: "You must save them. The big universe plan needs enough members. The existence of the Second Legion is extremely necessary. The current situation saves people, it is more in our interest... There is bargaining again."

It is easy to absorb one person and absorb a group of people.

In the past, if you want to get the loyalty of an organization, you may need a lot of meticulous work. If you let the Minsk Brotherhood participate in the previous battle, you may have to pay the price and reward.

Now all this is unnecessary, the world will collapse, and the Minsk Brotherhood will no longer be eligible to sit on the ground. The only thing they can do now is to immediately join the battle sequence of the Broken Blades and leave the world by returning.

There is no better time to accept people than at this time - now they are asking to join, and they are not in the income of the fees.

"Understood!" A gentle flash of light flashed through her eyes. She turned her head and said, "Eva, take me to the guys."

"Take me a few times by the way." Eva smiled and grabbed the gentle hand.

"You really will fight the autumn wind... What kind of scum is there to grab... is it used to enrich the harem?"

The figure disappeared, but the gentle grievances and the smiles of Eva still echoed in the wind.

Shen Yu finally recovered as he was under the healing of Zhao Linger. He stood up and looked around.

The sea of ​​fire has disappeared, but the sky is dim.

The earth was still trembling in the landslide, but Shen Gan saw a golden silk flying up, floating and cracking, and then disappeared without a trace.

As the gold wire breaks, the wind is no longer whistling.

The dust storm that permeates the horizon suddenly stops, and there is no more violent/flooding before the restoration.

However, the gravel does not fall, they stay in the sky like that, if suspended in the water.

The sky began to appear a piece of water-like ripples, some golden light spots appeared quietly, they flew fast, and made a brilliant light in the air until the golden network covering the whole world appeared quietly.

This time even Honglang King Kong saw them.

"This... this... what is going on?" Zhou Yiyu blurted out in amazement.

Shen Yu replied: "The world is entering an unstable state. It seems that it is not just Tatooine that is about to die."

Edmund's great prophecy, field creation, soul occupation, and everything is almost destroying the foundation of the world, and Michelle's speed of light accelerates the process, and the direct result is the sinking. They witnessed the destruction of the world with their own eyes.

Cliff muttered: "At least the city has been saved."

The ubiquitous golden network is like a cobweb of flames, starting to collapse a little in a huge shock, shaking a huge tremor.

More and more gold threads are broken and the network is gradually disappearing.

As the rule chain collapses, the entire mission world begins to slide towards the edge of collapse.

Time and space have become turbulent, everything has no order, and everything has become chaotic and complicated.

A small grass grows rapidly in the desert, grows into a big tree at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly develops a wasteland jungle, which then disappears as if it never existed.

In the cloudless sky, the meteor becomes more awkward, and a large meteor shower passes through the sky. There is no flame, but a large piece of frost is set. The flame at the bottom is still burning, and the frost and snow fall on it, but it does not melt away. Heavy ice walls piled up in the flames.

Another sun rises, but does not bring the slightest light and heat.

The Flying Fish is still far away from the sky, but it seems to be close at hand.

It became like a huge transparent body, and the adventurers could even see the people inside moving around. Michelle and Shirley were tightly embracing each other. It was really a pair of passionate men and women.

Except for the adventurer, everything is intertwined between illusion and reality. It is impossible to tell what is true and what is false. It is the most wonderful imagination in the whole world, and it cannot describe what everyone sees at the moment.

Everything in the universe, life, and everything, alternately staged, the sun, the moon, the stars, the sudden and unexpected, the desert, the sea, the waves, the world, the world, the world, the world, the world, the world, the world, the world, the world, the world, the world century……

Even a character like Shen Li Cliff is stunned before the spectacular spectacle of this rule.

Sinking and muttering: "This is the meaning of the rule. The rule defines everything, and the rule replaces the truth. When the rule is shattered, everything is no longer following the existing laws, frost and fire are played, and heaven and earth are overlapping."

“Does the sky overlap with the ground?” Cliff looked at the sinking, and he noticed that Shen was looking at the distance.

There is nothing there, just a darkness of silence.

"What are you looking at?" Hong Lang curiously asked, and he looked up with his gaze, and saw nothing.

"Starlight." Shen Yu answered.

He pointed to the distant night sky, a star suddenly dimmed and disappeared.

"What happened then?" Hong Lang did not understand.

Cliff's face changed slightly.

Another point is that the stars disappeared.

The sinking of the fingers is a sense of darkness and nothingness.

The darkness is still expanding, and it is rapidly filling the Milky Way. More and more of the light has disappeared, forming a huge skylight.

"It's a black hole!" Cliff cried out: "It's eating everything!"

"No, not a black hole." Shen Yan looked at the sky and muttered: "It is zero... When the sky overlaps with the earth, everything will be nothing."

Through the ever-expanding emptiness, Shen Shen seems to see a deep and dark world. There is a faint highlight in there, an endless extension to the distance, and even his heart is broken into it...

"We have to leave here soon!" King Kong had already called, and he saw that the emptiness was rapidly expanding towards this side.

No matter what kind of existence, once it falls into this illusion, it is the real demise.

The cry made the spirit of sinking deep into one, and he immediately retreated: "gentle, what happened to you?"

“I’ll be right soon!”

"How many people can take away, how much can be taken, don't delay, hurry to leave, the world will collapse!"


Shen Yu has been aiming at the **** coat of arms and is about to issue a return command. He suddenly stops.

Huo Ran turned back, Shen Yan saw the Obi King standing not far away, Asoka and Little Luke.

After all, Zhou Yiyu failed to complete the task of taking Asoka, and he used a lot of good feelings to learn the original force.

The three plot characters are watching Shen Shen together at this moment. They seem to have realized their destiny and look at the sky above their heads.

Suddenly, Luke seemed to be aware of the indulgent gaze.

He looked back and looked at Shen.

Sinking in my He cried out loudly: "Go with me, I can let you live!"

However, this fate did not care for him again.

The face of Obi is unchanged, as if the fate of this established fate has already been accepted. A smile appeared on the face of Asokaban. Her lips squirmed: "Goodbye!"

Sinking eyes stayed on Little Luke.

The teenager smiled and waved at him.

During the wave, his body gradually became transparent, and the entity turned into an image, becoming thinner and thinner until it disappeared...

Sinking completely.

"Sinking!" Hong Lang screamed.

The black hole is expanding wildly here...

Sinking at the location where Xiao Luke disappeared, he finally whispered: "Return!"

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