Infinity Armament

Vol 17 Chapter 158: Reasonable request

Back in the space, Lan Yan is already waiting for them. m (, the novel is faster and better..)

He smiled and said: "It's good."

"Is it?" Shen Yan picked up his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

After this mission, the four district adventurers died without much left. The broken blade team saved some people and reduced the number of deaths, but at best it was a "pass", but certainly not enough. Very good evaluation.

Sure enough, Lan Yan replied: "Of course not the original task, I mean your later performance... The Supreme Council asked me to say thank you, you confirmed your loyalty with your actions."

"So the Supreme Council has long discovered Edmund's plot? It's a pity... I thought I saved the city."

Lan Yan smiled and said: "You don't have to test me. I can tell you clearly. First, the Supreme Council did not find Edmund's plot at the beginning, so Edmond's initial invasion plan is entirely possible to succeed. Second: He may be able to invade the city, but it does not mean that he can win the war. The power of the master is far beyond his imagination. If you don't use it, it doesn't mean you can't use it. Even if he enters the city, the final victory will not belong to him. But in any case, let Edmund invade the city and cause great damage to the city. This is beyond doubt, so your credit is still great, and the Supreme Council will not deny this."

This sounds sincere, but Shen Yan does not dare to believe completely.

For Shen Wei, what he cares most is actually his ability to use his dreams to become true at the last moment of his battle with Edmund.

The reason why he tested the blue face, when the Supreme Council knew Edmund’s plan was to know if the Supreme Council had discovered his secret. Be aware that if Edmund’s behavior has not been able to pass the Supreme Council, then the secret of indulging is likely to be exposed.

However, Lan Yan’s answer did not give the answer he wanted. Since the Supreme Council found it later, when is it? Was he killing Edmund before? Or did he kill Edmund? If you saw your actions before killing?

Lan Yan’s answer did not give a specific answer, but he could not ask directly.

On the contrary, Lan Yan’s answer reveals another message intentionally or unintentionally: the city is very powerful and is not afraid of Edmund’s rebellion.

Is this a strong statement of confidence? Or is it for the covert of the fear? Or is Blue Yan just a deceived messaging tool?

Sinking can't get the answer either.

There are ghosts in the heart that make the word of Shen Shen no longer sharp. Lan Yan looks at the face of his thinking and can't help but swear: "You don't want to know what reward the Supreme Council intends to give you?"

According to the indulgent character of the past, when Lan Yan said the previous words, Shen Yan did not even use his brain to directly say such things as "What kind of substantive action the Supreme Council intends to use to reward me."

Lan Yan did not wait for the problem in the expectation, and now he couldn’t help but ask for the sinking.

After sinking, he nodded: "Of course, what reward?"

Lan Yan was disappointed with the reaction of Shen Yan: "I thought you would be very happy... Well, I will say it directly. The Supreme Council decided to give you a special permission in view of your outstanding performance in the mission world."

"Special permission?" Shen Yu is somewhat confused: "What is that?"

"You can make a special request to the Supreme Council, as long as it does not violate the city rules, does not threaten urban security, and is a reasonable request that the Supreme Council can do, then the city will meet your requirements as much as possible."

“Wow!” everyone shouted at the same time.

This special privilege is equivalent to Obama saying to you, "Well, buddy, I can promise you a request, as long as it is not too much and I can do it, I can satisfy you."

"How about sending us 10 million **** points?" Hong Lang has already called out. The goods were very big, a big mouth, and 10 million **** points were shouted out by him.

Lan Yan did not look at him with a good spirit: "Do you think this is a reasonable request?"

Hong Lang also wants to say that I think this is quite reasonable, but it is blocked by sinking.

Shen Yan said to Lan Yandao: "Thank you, but I would like to ask, the so-called non-violation of urban rules means that each rule can not be violated, or does the main rule not violate, and does it violate the degree?"

Appreciation was seen in the eyes of Lan Yan, and the problem of Shen Yu finally returned to his previous level.

He replied: "That depends on what the rules are, and what the request is..."

He did not directly deny the words of Shen Yu, apparently implying that a certain degree of violation of the rules is still possible.

This can also be understood.

If every rule can't be violated, then the so-called special permission doesn't really make much sense. After all, the benefits that can be obtained under reasonable channels need special permission. Obama said to you, "I can make you a senator, but You must first win the election of the Senate." Is this not a shit?

The special permission is based on the “breakthrough rules”. The only question is what level of breakthroughs and breakthroughs.

The law has big/law small laws, and the rules also have high and low rules.

The higher the law of breakthrough, the smaller the extent of the breakthrough.

Thinking of this, Shen Yu has already understood.

He nodded: "Well, I am requesting that the game I made in the X-Men home world be officially listed as one of the **** urban alternative missions, while retaining the original content and system to the greatest extent. If there is any change, I must notify me. ""

The "Eternal Hearts Unparalleled" made by the Broken Blade team has long been popular in the home world and has become popular in the world under their cost-free marketing methods. However, so far, this game has not become a mission world for **** cities.

It is already psychologically prepared to indulge in this. He can make content, but it does not mean that the highest parliament can accept the content, just as everyone on the website can post a document, but it does not mean that it can be signed.

If the biggest advantage of the "Homemade Mission World Plan" is that the input cost is low and the return is rich, then the biggest flaw is that you can't decide whether it is adopted or not, and when the planner is in control, the planner's ability to control the plan is seriously insufficient.

Even if the system is automatically included, it is likely to go through a long period of time. If this is the case, when the world of this mission really appears, it may be overwhelming.

Therefore, in this plan, Shen Yan did not dare to give too much hope, until this moment, he realized that the opportunity came.

Nothing is more reasonable than this requirement.

It does not violate the rules and the authority of the Supreme Council.

Of course, as a reasonable requirement not to violate the rules, Shen Yu made a large-scale extension on the depth of the request: the Supreme Council must retain the original system as much as possible, and change its mistakes in modifying the original plot.

Lan Yan obviously did not expect that Shen Shen would make this request, and the expression suddenly became wonderful.

He suddenly whispered: "Do you know, your homemade world has actually been automatically included in the system not long ago."

Sinking a little: "So why didn't I see the relevant information?"

Whenever there is a new mission world in the **** city, the corresponding information on the world will appear in the data hall, and the adventurers can borrow and borrow, just like King Kong, who saw the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 at the beginning. If you are an adventurer above the Son of Heaven, you can even download the information for free. Of course, all of this information is just the original story.

It is because of this that he knows that his homemade game has not been selected as the mission world.

"Because someone pressed it down." Lan Yan replied: "Your plan is good, the problem is that too little is paid, and too much is wanted. Some people think that this is also a rule loophole. It is not in line with the principle of fairness and should be prevented. ""

Sure enough? Sneering and sneer.

He did not guess the idea that the world of the collection task belongs to the automatic operation of the system. However, he did not expect that the Supreme Council had the ability to stop. It is no wonder that the information of this game has not appeared.

"what about now?"

Lan Yan’s ear was heard, and he made a sly gesture to Shen Yan. I don’t even want to know that the Supreme Council is estimated to be meeting again.

After a moment, Lan Yan replied: "Request to pass."

"Also!" everyone cheered together.

The Broken Blade team worked diligently, repeatedly, and sold for life, finally completing a king-size gold finger for himself.

It is conceivable that in the aftermath of the world, the Broken Blades will be like a fish, and what is reborn, and it will be crushed into **** before the Golden Finger of the Genesis Stream.

"But only once, the next is not an example." Lan Yan added.

"No problem." Everyone answered together. If nothing unexpected, they will enter the fifth difficulty after completing the next mission, and then there is no need to make the world.

Next, it is the system's reward calculation for the broken blade team.

This task, the Broken Blade team can be said to be a big one.

In Cruzen, they looted the Imperial Shipyard and got a lot of equipment and Hellfire engines; on the way to Tatooine, they annihilated a large number of Imperial fleets; in the final battle, Michelle’s speed of light was once again Killing the enemy is not counted, although most of the killings are low-ranking soldiers and ordinary robots with limited strength, but the accumulation of more or less is a large number of points for the broken blade team, plus points, the total income points break through the sky, Removed the number of points paid, and there are more than 3.1 million.

However, the Broken Blade team also lost a lot.

The Pioneer Warship was completely scrapped, and all the ship's firepower was gone, leaving only a small amount of internal equipment. Most of the Terminators were destroyed, and only one survived. After a number of world-class technological equipment, including tanks, artillery, and almost all of the fighters, a large number of life-saving props and potions were consumed, and even Tina hangs once. It can be said that the Broken Blade team has paid the highest price since entering the world.

Indulging in the estimation, even if it is a substantial cost-saving through the production of the home world, to make up for the loss, it has to break into about 1.5 million.

In this case, they actually earned only 1.6 million.

Fortunately, there is also the fate of the immortalized bird and Michelle’s second legion. It’s not that the income is too ugly. As for the evolution of the indulgent space, the sinking is automatically ignored. For the time being, this is really not a gain.

In addition to this, it is the reward of killing the Black Warrior and the Sith Emperor.

After the death of the black warrior, Shen Yu won the armor worn by the black warrior.

Black Warrior Battle Armor: Armored value 2600 points, defensive power 120, not affected by basic damage, 20% weakened by attacks on technology weapons, can be superimposed with other similar abilities, increased strength by 20 points after wear, the original force increases by 100 Twenty points.

Conditions of use: Expertise in mechanical operation and basic mastery.

Wear this armor, no longer wear other armor or armor equipment.

This is a very special armor. It has both the mech and the armor. On the one hand, it is a system like the armor, with armor and defense. On the other hand, like the armor, it can give the user the ability, attributes, status and special effects.

According to the city, this is the combination of fantasy and technology, both the characteristics of technology and equipment, and the characteristics of fantasy equipment.

The only pity is that the simultaneous existence of this dual system function means that Zhou Yiyu wants to wear it, and must replace the two pieces of King Kong Battlegear and Iron Man Machine.

After thinking about it, everyone finally decided to retain the original equipment, this black warrior armor also retained - the biggest advantage of the defense system equipment is that it can be rotated. For example, the armor value of the Iron Man's mech is lighted up, and the black warrior is changed.

As for the Sith Emperor, it is depressing to say it.

Edmund's occupation of the Sith Emperor made the Sith Emperor essentially out of system control - the direct result was that he did not give a reward after his death.

Indulging in this matter is to find the blue Yan said the item, but Lan Yan replied that he can do nothing about it, because the Supreme Council gave him special permission to have this kind of compensation in some respects.

Fortunately, they eventually have a task to complete the special rewards perfectly - although they did not get the name of the death competition, the name of the individual competition was squandered.

As a compensation without the reward of the Sith Emperor, the Supreme Council allowed the Broken Blades to freely choose the perfect reward and upgrade the reward to double s.

After some thinking, Shen Yu decided to use this reward in exchange for the merger of Honglang's hegemony and Raytheon Warhammer.

After all, the violent warrior is more comfortable with a single weapon. Honglang used to use the axe of the tyrant to play its special effects, supplemented by the powerful self-training skills of Quake, but this is equivalent to treating a second artifact as a skill. Use, too wasteful.

It used to be because Hradic cubes don't have the ability to synthesize artifacts, so they can only do so first. Now that there is an opportunity, it is natural to make good use of it.

The new artifacts are based on the axe of the hegemony, retaining the original special effects as much as possible, and at the same time improving the attack and killing power.

The Supreme Council agreed to this request.

The axe of the tyrant (artifact): Attack power 142-148, each attack comes with 20 points of damage damage.

Self-contained special effects 1% of the rate of ignorance of defense.

Brings a special effect of 2% to a critical strike.

Bring special effects 3 to 20% rate of blood-sucking effects.

Self-skilled Splash Attack: Launches the skill. After hitting the target, it deals 75 per cent damage to all enemies within 20 meters of the attacked target. The attack is normal and does not cause other special effects. It lasts for one minute and consumes. Mental strength 10, cooling time of five minutes.

This is a group warfare skill, not the pursuit of Honglang. To be honest, they are willing to have a skill to increase the hit rate and not a range of However, the system has always had a certain randomness. Sex, unless you pay more, the Broken Blade can't command what skills.

Fortunately, after being promoted to an artifact, the attack of the axe of the tyrant is greatly increased.

As a powerful weapon with powerful effects, a powerful attack is the basis for exerting its power. Now the axe of the tyrant has finally got rid of the shackles of its past insufficiency and become a melee force who has a powerful deterrent.

The only regret is that the use of this weapon requires 240 points of power, violent samurai occupation, top fighting specialization.

Honglang looks at his own attributes, and can't use it.



1 artifacts also have high and low points.

2 Ignore the special effects of the defensive class mainly on the weapon, so the increase of the weapon's attack power is very important, and therefore, it is extremely difficult to attack the weapon with such special effects. I have said this before, and I will reiterate it now.

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