Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 3: Optical transmission


What is this concept?

An ordinary double s-class weapon is 72,000 points. Www.мdyzww.м网мmм

A double-s-class special weapon at the secondary artifact level is about 100,000 points.

A low-end artifact can usually be purchased with fifteen to twenty thousand.

500,000, enough to buy two ordinary artifacts.

What kind of technology can be worth 500,000?

Shen Yan is also very curious.

Zhou Yiyu has sent him the information.

Light Transfer Drawing: The optical transfer equipment manufacturing technology is automatically obtained after using this drawing and can be used to manufacture optical transmission equipment. The light transmission distance is within the range of the beam illumination, but there is no obstacle in the middle, otherwise it cannot be transmitted. The optical transmission is fixed-point multi-directional transmission. Each transmission must use the transmitting station as the transfer station. The transmission takes three seconds. When the transmission occurs, the transmission will be interrupted, the energy consumption will remain, but the transmission can be re-expanded and the energy can be re-consumed. Each transmission can transmit up to 20 people, regardless of the number of people, each time you consume one c-class energy stone, you can make up for energy by other means. If more than two optical transmission devices are docked for transmission, an unobstructed beam is not required, but it must be in the same space, the space blocking technology is effective for it, and the optical transmission device itself cannot be transmitted by light. This technology cannot be leaked, and equipment that is self-produced by this technology cannot be sold and transferred, but can be used by others.

Seeing this drawing, Shen Yan was completely shocked.

This Nima is a super-transfer of reverse!

What space is moving in the face of this light transmission are all slag!

As long as two c-class energy stones, the Broken Blade team can freely appear at any point in the Earth's hemisphere - the other hemisphere can't.

In the face of this powerful transmission capability, the consumption of two energy stones can be completely neglected.

However, Shen Yu quickly realized that the defect that there is no obstacle between the optical transmission device and the target to be transmitted is still troublesome.

In other words, if you use this kind of escaping tactics when fighting with adventurers, the adventurers don't even need space blockade, just get something to interrupt the transfer, and the three-second transfer time for owning For the adventurers with super reaction ability, it is enough for them to do a lot of things.

Therefore, this technology is still not suitable for dealing with adventurers. Of course, it is not suitable for not representing absolute. If you combine optical transmission with team assembly, there is no problem.

But then again, now the Broken Blade team has no need to retreat against the adventurer.

Below the four difficulty levels, the Broken Blade team can be crushed. Even if you come to a general, you may not be able to play a game.

Although there are regrets that are not suitable for battlefield evacuation, optical transmission technology itself still has great strategic value. At least in terms of strategic transfer and pursuit, the Broken Blade team has taken the absolute initiative, and in the future Zerg battlefield, the significance of the existence of light transmission is even more important.

Only the price of 500,000 is still too high. After all, this is only a drawing, and the equipment itself needs a lot of money.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu said: "Help me connect the seller."

The seller is a thin middle-aged man with a mustache on his lips. When he sees the sinking, he immediately smiles and smiles: "Shen Lao Da is good, and the monk Kang Tsangfu, long-awaited Shen Da, famous, admire, admire, only like Shen The big man like the boss is worthy of such a top technology!"

He was not in the middle of the conversation, he was not new, and he was not new. He heard the scalp and numbness. He looked at this Kangtsev look carefully. Some people still doubted: "You are not Chinese?"

“The monks of Nepal are one-fourth of Chinese descent, one-quarter of Mongolian descent, one-quarter of Vietnamese descent, and one-fourth of Indonesian descent.”

Shen Xiao smiled: "Natural Nepalese without Nepalese bloodlines?"

Kontsev nodded again and again.

"So you are in the Southern District?"

"Yes." Kangtsev answered very respectfully.

Shen Hao gave himself a cigarette and thought: "I want the manufacturing cost of optical transmission equipment and the list of infrastructure supporting equipment, which must be verified by the system."

Kontsev reluctantly sent the list over.

Shen Yan looked at his eyes and said: "There are a lot of supporting equipment, concentrating high ion separator, light speed generator, molecular recombination instrument and Mikaler regeneration system production equipment... damn, such a set of things going on If you don’t have 10 million, you have eight million?"

How much is the value of optical transmission technology depends on how much it takes to make it. If this technology requires a total investment of 10 million, and then a cost of 5 million, then this technology is not worth mentioning.

Looking at Kangtsev in a sullen look: "You just want me 500,000 for such a set of things?"

"But this is a super-god transmission!" Kangtsev screamed: "This thing was brought by my partner and the Atlantis world from the Stargate. I even sacrificed two brothers for it."

"Then I don't care!" Shen Yan continued to look at the list: "The manufacturing cost of this thing is not too high, but the basic equipment is too expensive, and the production cycle is too long... Sorry, it is not worth 500,000."

Kontsev also knows that Shen Yu is telling the truth, but he has no choice but to ask: "Then you say the value."


shut down

"What joke are you doing?" Kontsev patted the table: "This technique was exchanged between my brother and my brother for blood and life!"

Sinking and resentful: "Does it mean that the wealth of this city is not replaced by life?"

Kang Xiefu is a stagnation, Shen Yu has already said coldly: "Optical transmission equipment is good, but the requirement of unobstructed beam makes this equipment absolutely not suitable for being placed on the ground, but only on the spacecraft. Tens of millions of foundations. The equipment is even more than a large organization like the Inferno sect. It can be said that it can be taken out. Looking at the entire four-five difficulty zone, and being able to meet these two conditions at the same time, only I will break the blade. I will give you 100,000 points. It’s very polite, but it’s your light transmission drawing, and you may not be able to get it again from the Stargate World!”

Kangtsev’s face was a burst of red, red and white.

Light transfer drawings are worth a lot of money, and the end is different from person to person.

For those who don't need it, it's a piece of waste paper, and for those who can make it worth it, it's invaluable.

The problem is that the support power behind it is too strong, and there are too few people who can make use of its value.

Only the team that has enough basic equipment in the home world can use this drawing to produce this kind of equipment. Otherwise, he will find the infernal sect, the Vientiane Palace, and others may not want it.

However, Kontsev was not unconscious. He snorted: "Don't think that I got this drawing, it is easy. The **** city has not seen the second light transmission drawings so far, you don't even know. How to get it, its key to acquisition is very complicated, not only need to die and the corresponding technology, but also need to stimulate the corresponding hidden task! 500,000, I will not be a child. Broken Blade does not want, I would rather it Buried!"

Kontsev’s slashing blade team was so rich that he would not cut his price.

"Is it?" Shen Xiao smiled, he suddenly dialed a contact number, and soon a voice sounded: "Sink, how do you want to find me?"

It is Ye Jiguang.

Shen Yan smiled and said: "There is an adventurer called Kangtsev, a Nepalese in the Southern District. He is about forty years old and has two characters. He should have participated in the mission world of Atlantis in the Stargate not long ago. I want all the information about this person and his partner, and then help me check the mission mode and task content of the world he participated in, what equipment has been sold, and it is better to have a map of the world and they are in the mission. The whereabouts of the world."

"This is simple, I will let the friends in the pub inquire, you wait a while... you know what you are doing."

Kontsev heard Shen Shen investigate him, and he was shocked and angry: "Shen boss, what do you mean?"

"Don't worry, I am not malicious." Shen Xiaoxiao answered.

Ye Jiguang’s news was quickly sent over.

When I got the information, I just glanced at it and smiled. "Kantzev, the captain of the Ranger team, is like your name. It is good at jungle adventure. The last mission is the Stargate mission. The mission mode is freedom. Mode, task content... After the return, you sold the dagger of the giant clam, the frog poison arrow, which is the specialty of the planet, which shows that you have been to the planet of Palmite. In addition... some people saw that you did not The protagonist is together, but instead goes to a warship called the Star of Tomorrow. They see you wearing the warship's team. You have at least participated in a war with the alien race... Besides You also have a team member who is very good at technology, proficient in information invasion... The clues are messy, but I also think that the way you can get the light transmission drawings should be hidden."

Kontsev’s face changed completely.

He didn't think that Shen Shen would do this before, so he didn't care about hiding information when he spoke. In fact, he has inadvertently exposed all the necessary conditions for obtaining drawings.

Now Shen Shen has checked him out, as long as he enters the mission world, he may be able to get the light transmission drawings.

Seeing the face of Kontsev, Shen Yu knew that he was right.

He took out the mission command board: "Hey, I can use this to specify the mission world, specify the mission mode, and then I will follow the path you have walked and have a chance to reproduce your experience. Or I can entrust others to do it. I can't do it a few times. In short, I definitely get the drawing... Of course, there won't be dead."

Kontsev’s sullen face was silent.

New news is still being sent.

Shen Yu continued to sort out the information about Kangtsev's actions.

Kontsev’s mistake was that he did not conceal his direction of action during his last mission, so that many people knew where the Rangers had gone and what they had done. The transaction revealed too much information, so that they could only watch Indulge in analyzing his whereabouts and tasks.

The fate is that Shen Yu has enumerated all the possibilities after entering the mission world in one breath.

This is like guessing the answer. You give ten answers in one breath, and there is always a right one.

The indulgent answer is not untargeted. Kangtsev’s action is not one or two times. He was guessed by his guesses and he really guessed the key points of action.

In fact, I really have to go according to the various possibilities mentioned above, and I have to go in and out of the Stargate world for at least seven or eight times. If you really want to do all of the above, even if you can get the drawings, you will probably pay more than half a million, and the time is greatly delayed.

The problem is that for Kangtsev, when he heard Shen Shen enumerated his actions in the analysis, he immediately became flustered and no longer considered implementing problems.

At this time, Shen Yan said: "But for me, it is not worthwhile to run a Stargate for a piece of paper. So if you are willing to make the price cheaper, I can still consider buying it."

Kontsev immediately said: "400,000."

He reduced 100,000 in one breath, and the 500,000 ones he said before could not be less.

Shen Yan shook his head: "I will give up to 200,000 ~ ~ Kang Xiefu said with a bitter face: "Shen boss, you don't have to be so mean, OK? Poor and poor our brother? It took a lot of time and effort to do this task. Not only did I die for my two brothers, but also let us get a lot of other benefits. In order to get it, we pay a lot! ”

Then Kang Xiefu realized that he was exposed again, and he was greatly remorseful, and his face was twisted into bitter melon.

Indulging in his poor look, couldn't help but laugh, and finally nodded: "Three hundred thousand."

Kang Xiefu trembled five fingers: "Add 5,000 yuan, or I can't really say it."

"Yes, but you have to make sure you don't tell anyone how to get the light transfer drawings!" Shen Yan answered very crisply.

"Good!" Kangtsev promised.

Sinking and laughing, he gave Ye Jiguang another 10,000 points. It is not necessary to take care of it. The extra money is counted by Ye Jiguang, so that people are on call, and they are not doing things.

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