Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 4: Home to be collapsed

When he got the drawings, he would give it to Zeus, and Zeus would automatically record it and quickly give the basic equipment to be replenished. m "This domain name is the whole fight, please remember the domain name!"

"The light speed generator is 280,000, the molecular recombination instrument is 260,000, the Mikkel regeneration system is 600,000, and the spectrum analyzer is 120,000..." Zeus sighed out a bunch of equipment that they don't have yet. Finally, I got a number: "3.42 million."

This is based on the vast infrastructure that the Broken Blade team already has.

The principle of optical transmission is actually based on the dissociation and recombination of the transmission target by the beam. Therefore, the main equipment is related to the re-creation of light and life, and these two aspects are the most expensive among all the equipment in the **** city.

For example, the Mikkel regeneration system itself is a combination of countless high-tech equipment. If an adventurer enters, he can recover from multiple injuries and even resurrect the dead. It is only this kind of resurrection time is long. Before the resurrection, the other party's genes and cells must be stored. Based on the current data, all the equipment items are lost. Therefore, the adventurer is not interested in this level of resurrection, but it is used to summon life. The body is not bad.

For optical transmission systems, these facilities are required to complete.

When I saw the data reported by Zeus, I frowned slightly: "We can't get so much money."

Zhou Yiyu interface: "We can also go to the wilderness and should be able to make up for the needs."

"The problem is that this will affect the development of the Great Universe program."

"It won't have much impact." Shen Yu replied: "Just reverse the chronological order."

Since the spacecraft base of the Great Universe Project has been completed and the factory has entered the production stage, the new warships do not require much investment. The planned 1.5 million is mainly used to increase production speed, speed up production and construction, increase special functions and identify needs. The old man can be busy.

Since the last Pioneer was completed from production to the present, the **** city has not been in the past few days. Even if it is calculated in the time of the home world, it is just a matter of months. Therefore, the second world will never be produced in the home world.

If they want to use the warships to sweep the wilderness, they must increase their investment. This will have a 1.5 million plan.

However, after purchasing the optical transmission technology, Shen Yu changed his mind.

He decided that the wilderness would no longer use the warships, and then wait for the second ship after returning from the wilderness, so that the home world had enough production time and the planned investment could be saved. Although the benefits of the wilderness will be greatly reduced, the total return may be lower, but it also gives the home world time to implement optical transmission technology.

I believe that the next battleship should be a warship with optical transmission capabilities.

After listening to Shen Yu’s explanation, he nodded softly: “It’s only like this. But even then, we can’t meet the demand of 3.42 million optical transmission equipment now.”

"It doesn't matter. There are a lot of devices that are interoperable, and some can even be modified." Zeus immediately said: "For example, the speed generator can be done with the Hellfire engine. We only need to make some adjustments, of course. For this we will lose a Hellfire engine."

"Can you change it back?"

"Can, but it costs tens of thousands."

"That's it." Shen Hao nodded.

“In addition, we do not need to purchase a full set of Mikaele regeneration system production equipment. The whole set of equipment consists of twelve parts, of which five sets of equipment we already own, mainly used for the production of spacecraft life-sustaining systems and medical systems. So we only need to add the remaining seven groups.” Zeus continues to suggest that no one in the production and construction is more expert than him: “In the end, we can also produce some of the local production in the home world. We did not Is that done?"

Most of the facilities in the home world are self-produced. Only a few super-technical equipment, magical technology equipment, and technology equipment with long manufacturing time are supplemented by the Broken Blade team in the city.

"The problem is that we don't have so much time. If we want to have optical transmission in the next world, we have to start preparing for production now, even if this time is not necessarily enough." King Kong said.

"That depends on what your quality standards are." Zeus replied with a smile.

Quality Standard?

Everyone at the same time.

The sullen eyes are bright: "The quick-selling product of cutting corners is interesting..."

Gentle and panicked: "Don't make a joke, light transmission and cut corners, can't make a dead person!"

Shen Yu replied: "We can only work hard in the surrounding area?"

Zhou Yiyu interface: "Yes, Nissan s sneaked a bumper and saved 50 million per year. And we... we can steal everything from cushions, paints and stereos that don't involve safety. Can save a lot of time."

Gentle and white eyes: "A group / profiteers... but I like it."

To make a car into a tractor, this is the plan that everyone negotiates. It is for self-use, don't worry about not selling it. After the completion, naturally there is time to change it.

Zeus redesigned a simple optical transmission equipment manufacturing program according to the plan.

According to this scheme, the new optical transmission equipment supporting facilities only need to invest 1.42 million, the production cost is also compressed to 160,000 points, and the production cycle is compressed to 28 days. Of course, the price is that the optical transmission equipment is bad enough, its safety and stability is very good, but the noise generated during operation is enough to shock the human ear, and the energy consumed is doubled, from one c-class energy stone to two. Block, and the use of ten or so estimates will have to be overhauled - Shen Yu does not care about this, Lao Tzu is a repair expert.

Just do it.

Early the next morning, everyone bought everything they needed and then went to the home world.

After the Pioneer, the Norman company officially replaced Martin’s US defense manufacturer’s name and became the number one US military and equipment supplier, not only helping to produce all kinds of advanced fighters, but also taking over More than 70% of the world's satellite launch missions.

Nowadays, there are arms in the company, arms, fighters, and large-scale investment and perseverance. The blade-breaking team successfully develops a flowerpot-type supply point into a strong base, and continuously contributes to the broken blade team. A new powerful army.

However, this also brought hidden worry to the whole home world. After seeing Shen Shen, Serena first and Shen Shen warmed up, then she told Shen Yu, although she has tried to control the diffusion of technology in the home world, but the facts With the expansion of Norman, more and more new technologies are still being acquired outside the control.

The proliferation of technology has shown signs of instability in the home world, making the world at risk of collapse.

This is exactly what Shen Yu does not want to see.

“Stop the development of new technologies to prevent technology from spreading?” asked Shen Wei, sitting at the top office of the company’s headquarters building.

This room was newly renovated for the Broken Blade team and was extremely luxuriously furnished. They were the first to come.

Dr. Sarah immediately shook his head and said: "This is useless. The root of technology diffusion comes from the research of other products by our company. It is not the future technology but the old technology."

"Then kill them all!" Sitting on a leather sofa, Hong wave, who is enjoying the massage of two beautiful women, said with a sullen foot.

"Get it." Zhou Yiyu said: "How many people can you kill? Do you know how many people are studying our technology every day? There are at least hundreds of science academies, thousands of research groups, and tens of thousands of engineers in China. In the process of disassembling the products we sell into parts and analyzing them under the microscope, it is not the production principles of these products that are really hindering the diffusion of technology, but the materials and infrastructure!"

"It's right." Serena said: "This kind of thing is not solved by killing and killing. I have let the company stop selling any products containing new technology, but it is useless, but it is old. The cracking of technology is enough to make the world unsupportable."

Shen Wei asked: "How long do you expect the world to support like this?"

"A year and a half? Or three or five years? I don't know." Serena shook her head: "Scientific development is abrupt, and no one knows whether a breakthrough in one aspect will bring about a full range of changes. Like a steam engine brings the industrial revolution."

The scene was silent at the moment.

The finger tapped unconsciously on the table, thinking for a long time, finally said: "If this is the case, then expand it."

“Comprehensive expansion?” Serena’s eyes narrowed.

"Yes, full expansion. There is no need to stop the sale of new products, sell all the products that can be sold, exchange enough funds, and accept foreign shares, and get more and better loans to the banks... Norman With this credibility, there is also this strength."

"What do you want?" Selena puzzled.

"Before it crashes let it do all the things it should do." Shen Yu replied: "The Broken Blade team has now reached the last level of the four difficulty. No accident, after the end In the self-made world, we have to enter five difficulties. The time left for us is not much. Since the home world is going to collapse, let it collapse. Just before, we get enough battleships to get beyond us. The return on investment, then everything is worthwhile. Digestion of technology takes time, investing in a technology and investing in ten technologies, there is not much difference for people with limited appetite. Since I can't ban them from cracking, then we simply Let go of it, let the technology open for faster construction."

"Two months!" Shen Hao erected two fingers: "The mission world is two months, the home world is almost two years. What you have to do is to strive to complete at least five warships and related supporting construction during this time. , including a heavy mothership, it would be better if there could be more. Then..."

He looked at Serena: "Then you can leave the world and be with me."

Serena looked at the sinking, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

The indulging speech is exactly what she has always dreamed of. At this moment, she is somewhat expecting the home world to collapse earlier.

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