Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 38: Hunting (on)

Together with the explosion, the entire shipwreck city was in chaos.

The explosion itself was carefully designed, and the amount of fixed point and explosives was precisely calculated by Zeus and installed by Lyle. After the explosion, several of the most important support columns in the shipwrecked city were quickly destroyed, but not all. This makes the shipwreck city not collapse as a whole, but only local damage. The shipwreck city was originally a pyramid structure. This bombing completely blew up the pyramid's spire, leaving only the bare part of the middle. The battlefield has thus expanded by more than ten times, and the intensity of the battle has suddenly increased. ‐ The pirate kings can almost be mad, and they are bombarded with their old nest!

However, Shen Yu does not care about the feelings of the pirate kings.

With the complete disintegration of the black ship, everyone fell down like a dumpling. Because the lights are completely extinguished, the city of shipwreck has fallen into a darkness. No one knows where he has fallen, and he does not know where the opponent is. The battlefield thus presents a state of complete disorder.

The pirates are as if the headless flies are flying around, and the stabbing team is also scattered and separated in this chaos. The complex terrain of the shipwreck city has intensified the spread of this situation. When the battle is no longer confined to the large conference hall, the entire shipwreck city is chaotic.

In the dark field of vision, people can hear the sound of people’s fears, the sound of weapons breaking through the wind, the tearing sound of the flesh, the screams of people’s painful struggles, and the various sounds that are handed out. Mixed with the buzzing sounds of the exotic monsters summoned.

In this case, no one wants to let the light return. Just no matter who it is, once it lights up. The only light in the dark immediately became the target of the attack. Who dares to take the lead again, who is looking for death.

The chaos thus presents an extremely intensified state. Not only is the stabbing team and the pirates playing, but even the pirates themselves will fight themselves. In the case where they are not clear, who is the other, kill it first!

However, for the Broken Blade team, this is a good opportunity for killing ‐ & dash; or that sentence, for those who are prepared, all the problems are not a problem.


In the air, a roll down the ground, even did not look at where you are, Shen Yu has been rushing to the team channel: &; gentle! &;

&;Yes, I'm here! &; The channel sent a gentle and calm answer. At this moment, she was wearing a black tight-fitting suit, which set off a good figure and held something in her hand. It was a far-infrared telescope.

&; Establish an image search system! Others gathered for me. &; Shen Yu whispered, while throwing the handheld into the public space.

&; This is established! & gentle immediately remove the handheld from the public space, take out a data cable to connect it with your own telescope: &; Zeus, ready to accept the signal! &;

&; Zeus understands that information transmission &hllp;&hllp;&;

Standing gently, the black figure arched to a commanding point not far away. After jumping on the rubble ruins, she carefully squatted and the telescope began to search for the target opponent, while constantly determining through the positioning system. The position of the person's own person, the red dot of the **** coat of arms, centered on Shen Yu, Hong Lang and others are moving quickly to him.

At this point, the telescope has continuously sent the collected heat source signals to the handheld computer. Zeus automatically analyzes all the signals and presents all the pictures that are gently seen on the computer.

&; Find sixteen high-speed moving targets, eight of which are moving in the same direction, and the target should be there. &; gentle while watching and fast.

&; Give me the nearest one. &;

&; At 9 o'clock, the B ship, the first ship, is running to the C position. &;

&; understand, pay attention to concealment. &;

&;know. &;

Sinking out of the Barrett heavy sniper rifle, put an armor-piercing projectile, and point the gun at the direction pointed by the gentleness. In the scope, a black shadow appears faintly.

&; Honglang King Kong around the folder, Luo Hao road blocking. &;

The three figures rushed toward the target in the dark, and when they were not careful, the Honglang smashed a barrel and made a loud rumble.

&; Damn! &; Hong Lang sighed.

Although gentle can point to the direction of everyone, but it is only effective for living things, but it is impossible to give an early warning to those messy things in the dark.

The sound of the overturned barrel stunned the man who was running in the dark. The person reacted and was sensitive. He immediately realized that it was wrong. He ran to the other side decisively and was confronted with King Kong. King Kong Tigers beat him all his life, and the person reacted flexibly. He even leaned on the ground and escaped the punch. At this time, Shen Yu has completely locked the target.

With the fingers pulled, the Barrett heavy sniper rifle made a huge roar, and the smoke filled the man, ah! &; shouted, **** and beautiful. Unfortunately, there is no zero gun attack skill, otherwise the gun will be enough to make the opponent look good.

King Kong kicked the man in a timely manner, Hong wave rushed at this time, a strong impact launched, is on the spine of the person, the target's response is also tenacious, right-handed machete backhand smashing the waves.

Hong Lang screamed to escape: &; Mom, it is Amman! &;

&; kill as much! &;

The thorn team is the target, and the pirate kings are also the same target. In this dark night, from the moment when the smashing boat began, Shen Yu has been destined to be unable to unite with the pirate king to deal with the thorn team.

Killing innocent!

Heavy punches fell on Amman's body, making a fierce scream, Amman screamed, and the right hand scimitar waved and slammed toward his body. It was his skill of self-mutilation.

The knife was smashed and heavy, and the Honglang snorted, and a **** shot had been shot on the chest. Obviously, Amman set the target on Honglang. The Honglang waved a low roar. The big axe had already waved and slashed to Amman. The axe slammed and launched, and the Thunder struck.

Amman shouted loudly. At this moment, the three suddenly retreated at the same time. Amman stunned and saw a figure suddenly appearing not far away. In the image of the shadow of the night, it is faint to see that it is a soldier, but only a rocket cannon against the shoulder.

&;God bless! &; Amman is so scared that his face is blue.

The fire flashed and the rocket screamed and flew to Amman.

With that huge explosion, the former pirate king completely disappeared into the world.

&; You killed the pirate king Amman, you got the token of Amman, and got 750 points of blood. &;

&; You have obtained the self-mutilation of the Skills Reel. &;

&; You got the hits scroll. &;

Honglang is watching the harvest, and the call is screaming in the ear: &; Honglang is careful, there are more than 20 people who are going over to you! &;

Although the fighting time was short, but the voice was very loud, even the rockets were used out, which attracted a lot of attention.

&; Give us a retreat! &; King Kong screamed.

Gentle and immediate answer: &; retreat from the direction of seven o'clock, there are three people in the direction, the speed is not fast, it should be ordinary pirates, leave after the quick kill! &;

Hong Lang and others immediately retreated from the direction of seven o'clock, killing in this darkness, and if they accidentally exposed themselves, it would easily become a place of public opinion. To know that the pirates have a voice that can guide each other, the stabbing team also has a positioning system to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. As long as it is confirmed that it is not their own, any party will immediately kill it.

&; gentle, find out the members of the stabbing team as soon as possible! They are the priority goal! &; Shen Yu said quickly.

&;understand! & gentlely, at the same time, people have jumped from the commanding heights and rushed to the other side: &; telescopes can only distinguish between heat sources, can not distinguish specific targets, I have to use hearing perception to distinguish, that needs to be as close as possible to them ! &;

&; Don't be impulsive, you have to be careful to touch Xie Rongjun, his bloodline skills have not yet passed, and the time has passed and he is playing with him &hllp;&;

&; Don't worry, his smell can smell out every ten miles. &;

&; I guess he won't like this statement. &; Shen Xiao laughed.

Barrett regained his weight and Shen Shen himself quickly ran to a gentle position.

At this time, gentleness has already ran to another ship. There are people everywhere in the vicinity. There are countless heat sources swaying on the screen, gently listening to the ears, and a familiar voice enters the ear &hllp;

&; 30 meters ahead, is Chen Yi, can't start? &; gentle little channel.

&; Hands, but I want to live! &; Shen Yu immediately ordered.

At this moment, Chen Yi does not know that the crisis is already on the verge. He is in contact with Xie Rongjun.

&; boss! Indulge in the dog’s day and blow up half of the shipwreck city! It’s all dark now, I don’t even know where I am! &; Chen Yi is in a hurry.

&; first set. &; Xie Rongjun's voice is still calm and calm.

&; How to collect? &; Chen Yi called: &; I have already ran a circle, but I actually ran back to the original place! &;

With the shouting of Chen Yi, other people have also echoed. All members of the stabbing team became a headless fly at this moment and could not find the direction of entry and exit.

&; Then stand by, I used to look for you. &;

At this moment, the screams of Chen Yi suddenly came from the channel: &; Boss! I was attacked! Damn, it’s Honglang King Kong! They are four people, no, no, no! It is five people! ! ! Boss, they are all five, and T1000! They are attacking me, I can't stop it, the boss is coming to help me &hllp;&hllp;&;

&; Chen Yi insisted, I will come over! &; Xie Rongjun shouted to the position of Chen Yi. On the blood covenant positioning system, the small bright spot representing Chen Yi is not far from Xie Rongjun, but it is not an easy task to get there quickly.

The terrain of the shipwreck city is complicated, and the road is difficult to walk, so Xie Rongjun can't adapt at all. Boat boards, bulwarks, masts, sails & hllp;

When Xie Rongjun made a fuss, he simply ran along the straight line on the positioning system and jumped forcibly when he had no way to go.

He is like this; the brutal collision & style approach consumes a lot of energy, but Chen Yi still can't wait for him to rescue.

&; I can't stand the boss! &; Chen Yi shouted.

&;hold onto! I am here! &;

&; ah & hllp; & hllp;&; With a scream of screaming, Chen Yi’s voice stopped short.

&; Chen Yi! Chen Yi! &; Xie Rongjun yelled.

&; boss & hllp; & hllp; &; for a while, the channel finally came to the sound of Chen Yi dying.

Then it was the sound of the sinking sound: &; Hey, Xie Rongjun, your book of the letter of trust is almost exhausted? If this one is dead again, do you have to pay a fine? I hope that you have enough fines to pay, although killing such a poor ghost is not good for me, but I don't mind making you more painful. &;

Then Xie Rongjun heard a cold reminder: &; your teammate Chen Yi died &hllp;&hllp;&;

&; The members of the Broken Blade team immediately acquired the Chen Yi items, obtained two bottles of small recovery potions, and led the bow to one finger. When using the bow and arrow for ordinary attacks, the effect was increased by 10%. There are 12 traction arrows, which have the ability to automatically lock the target for tracking attacks. The shooting distance is 100 meters, the automatic tracking distance is 100 meters, and 50 points of extra damage is generated after hitting the target. &;

Xie Rongjun trembled unstoppablely.

&; bastard! &;

He screamed at the sky and rushed to Chen Yi.

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