Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 39: Hunting (below)

"One hundred and fifty meters away, someone is coming at a high speed!" Gentle and low.

"It must be Xie Rongjun!" Shen Yu responded quickly. He looked at the coat of arms: "The time is almost up, his bloodline skills should disappear."

Remove the Barrett heavy sniper rifle from the coat of arms and scream: "Orientation!"

The night is too dark, and Shen Xun can't see Xie Rongjun in the distance.

"At four o'clock!"

Sinking quickly turned the gun at the darkness in the distance: "The specific location."

Gentlely take a windproof lighter from the coat of arms, light it and throw it away in the dark.

"My lighter!" Hong Lang screamed.

The lighter in the air blew a bright line of fire and fell to the top of Xie Rongjun, illuminating his face in an instant. Sinking pulls the trigger.

Swipe mode!


An armor-piercing projectile flew Xie Rongjun.

In the distance, Xie Rongjun’s body suddenly shook, and a **** flower on his chest exploded.

"Hit!" The crowd called at the same time.

The gun was beaten and heavy, and Xie Rongjun slammed his head and made angry arrogance. He suddenly boxed to the ground. Since the floor was paved with a boat, this punch was actually hit by a big hole. Xie Rongjun jumped into the hole and disappeared instantly.

Sinking and collecting the gun: "Where did he go?"

"Unsure!" Gentlely shouted: "His body temperature is disappearing!"

"What?" Everyone is a stay.

Gentle again called: "I lost him!"

The red dot on behalf of Xie Rongjun suddenly disappeared on the screen.

Hong Lang immediately shouted: "He must have some kind of equipment to isolate body temperature!"

The sinking brows also wrinkled, strange, I have never heard of Xie Rongjun has such equipment. Who will buy equipment that can isolate body temperature unless it is prepared?

"What now?" asked King Kong.

The sinking has not yet returned, gently picking up the telescope and squatting on the floor. The small, cute ear, like a fairy, moved slightly. She shouted: "There is a high speed rushing down... He is approaching us quickly... ...he is fast! Hell, he is rushing over the road... he is almost there..."

"Get out of the way!" Shen Hao suddenly hugged and rolled to the side.

A large hole suddenly exploded on the floor, and Xie Rongjun rushed out from the ground. The whole person was black and almost blended with the surrounding darkness.

At the same time, the Honglang and the attack should be on, Xie Rongjun's left claw stretched, and the cracked iron claws started.

This is the last remaining skill in his blood, but it is also the most practical skill. The iron claws greeted the Honglang's axe, and the claws collided with the axe, as if the gold and iron hit a spark.

Xie Rongjun's five fingers and one buckle, pinching the axe, the right leg has been kicked to King Kong.

The biggest characteristic of this person in combat is that the body, the footwork and the footwork are very well combined. However, his speed is not fast and his strength is full. Sinking against opponents is a dazzling speed, forcing opponents to stop at all. Emperor Yu is controlled by rhythm. Xie Rongjun relies entirely on the cooperation between fists and feet. Obviously his shot speed is not fast, but often he can't hide.

He flew up on this foot and kicked directly on King Kong’s face, knocking out King Kong’s teeth, and King Kong’s elbow counterattacks Xie Rongjun.

This elbow was suddenly abrupt, and Xie Rongjun did not respond. The knee joint was smashed in front of the diamond, and the pain was screaming.

King Kong is cold and cold: "Not only you will play!"

The fat man in the conversation has already passed by, and both arms are thrown at Xie Rongjun. It seems that he wants to repeat the last number of roads and forcibly hold Xie Rongjun.

Xie Rongjun took a big axe with his left hand and used his power to retreat.

He came fast, went fast, and instantly disappeared into the invisible, but the fat man was not in a hurry, and he slammed into Honglang.

"Mom, where did this guy go?" Hong Lang screamed.

Sinking and sneer: "Interesting, I want to turn back against us with darkness. But unfortunately... gentle!"

"At nine o'clock!" gentle and loudly shouted.

Everyone turned at the same time, Xie Rongjun has rushed out from the darkness, and the dragon flame knife has drawn a blazing light arc to the gentle.

Gentle and long whip, shaking off the stars, people have quickly retreated. She concentrated on listening perception, and the fast-paced and high-intensity battle will divide her concentration, which will lead to misjudgment, so she will not participate in the attack on Xie Rongjun.

Sinking and flashing, he reached out and grabbed Xie Rongjun. Xie Rongjun’s backhand knocked on Shen’s wrist, trying to reverse the sinking. He didn’t expect the Shen’s wrist to sink, and he easily removed Xie Rongjun’s percussive force. The five fingers are close together, such as the Shekou. They are knocking on the wrist of Xie Rongjun. They are hitting the joint point of his force. A silver thorn has protruded from the fingertips of Shen Shen, and smashed into the wrist of Xie Rongjun. Open a big hole.

Purely on the skill, he is better than Xie Rongjun.

Xie Rongjun screamed, but he had not been stunned. Shen Shen had already deceived himself. He grabbed the chest of Xie Rongjun with a claw and did not expect to slip into the hand. He did not catch it.

Xie Rongjun took this opportunity to fight back and sink into the sinking, and Shen Shen did not dodge, but a silver wave appeared on his face, but this punch was absorbed.

"It turned out to be fish oil. No wonder the heat source detector could not find you." Shen Yanran realized.

The Caribbean Sea is rich in fish oil. It is very slippery. Swimming in the water after applying it to the whole body can greatly reduce frictional resistance and increase swimming speed. It is something that pirates like very much.

Xie Rongjun just fell into the cabin, just knocked over a barrel of fish oil, and even his body temperature was also covered, so that the heat source detector could not function.

The two men attacked each other, and no one could hurt anyone. Hong Lang and King Kong have already rushed up again. Xie Rongjun did not fall in love, and retreated, trying to hide himself by night.

Unexpectedly, he just retired, gentle has already called: "Twelve o'clock direction!"

Sinking out of death, the revolver is facing a shot in front of him.

In the darkness, a scream of screaming, Xie Rongjun did not return to the other end, and the right hand simultaneously popped a few gold beads, direct and gentle. The fat man rushed over from the side, and was blocking in front of the gentle body. The heavy shield slammed, and the three gold beads made a crisp crash, and the bomb flew to somewhere.

Seeing that Xie Rongjun is about to jump off, a black shadow suddenly flies in the air, and one foot is stepping on the face of Xie Rongjun, and Xie Rongjun will be kicked back.

It turned out to be Hong Lang!

Was he not behind himself? Xie Rongjun couldn’t figure out how to open his eyes. He saw Honglang’s smile and a glimpse of the main rope, and the people had already re-opened.

It turned out that this is an arc-shaped circle, and people on it need to use the main cable to move normally. When Hong Lang and other people chased the war with the pirates, they were tortured by the pirates with this hand.

I did not expect that Honglang actually used this trick on Xie Rongjun.

At this moment, all the people in the Broken Blade team used the terrain to sneak up and down, and turned up and down, and even hit Xie Rongjun and even the mobile phone would have no. He has the power to cover the world, but he only has a slap in the face, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

However, at that time, his mind suddenly became clear, and he suddenly figured out what kind of abacus he was playing in the end!


Many people think that in the battle against the stabbing team, the core of Shen’s plan is nothing more than two.

One is to divide the envelop and create a local advantage. This can be seen by indulging in previous measures such as eviction, segregation, decapitation, etc. He has indeed been doing this. The second is to avoid the reality. The power of pedigree skills is too powerful, and its only and biggest weakness is that it is used too little. This should have been the ability of the adventurer to press the bottom of the box, but it was targeted by the indulgence, using various methods to avoid the battle, and consuming the bloodline skills of Xie Rongjun again and again.

But now Xie Rongjun has discovered that these are not the core intentions of indulgence.

The real intention of Shen Yu is actually to create favorable battlefield conditions for himself through various means, so as to gain a dominant position.

Shen Yu took full advantage of his first arrival in the city of shipwreck and made a comprehensive understanding of the terrain of this area. When Xie Rongjun’s eyes were still in the conference hall, he did not know that from the beginning, the indulging vision was the entire shipwreck city.

For him, the big battlefield of the shipwreck city is the real battlefield, the real home.

In this home court, he borrowed the characteristics of dark nights and complex terrain, and smashed the tactics with the spurs, using gentle heat source detection and hearing perception, so that he could clearly grasp the enemy's movements in the dark for the first time.

If the core figure of the last battle is Luo Wei, then the real core of this battle is actually gentle.

With this home court advantage, Shen Wei is in a strategic situation of progress and retreat.

In, you can take the initiative to clear the target through ambush, sneak attack, siege and other means.

Retreat, you can turn into the wind and quickly get out of the battlefield. Even if the final battle is unfavorable, you can ensure your own safety and your strength will not be affected.

As long as he has this home court advantage, even if the final result is still that he is not good at the stabbing team, he can always escape the shipwreck city and ensure his strength is intact.

This is actually an eternal strategic idea in the war. Really strategizing strategists are always prepared for failure and then plot to win. Only those young boys who have not been tempered by the battlefield will always dream about how to defeat the enemy before going to the battlefield, but they never considered what would happen if they failed.

But I don’t know if you can stand on the unbeaten before you can win!

Therefore, despite the battles that took place in the conference hall, Shen Yu successively used the enthusiasm to infiltrate the enemy, drive the tigers to swallow the wolves, smash all the tactics, and even use the adventurer's own superhuman ability to invent the eviction tactics. Tactics. But those are just superficial phenomena.

For Shen Yu, the battle that took place in the big conference hall was like a cold dish before the dinner, watching the exhibition game before the final, the squad contact before the war, the pre/dance before/being... just An ordinary warm up.

Of course, the effect of this warm-up was unexpectedly good, which directly led to the heavy loss of the stabbing team. This is actually beyond the plan of sinking - he was originally prepared to take at least half of all actions failed.

This is not necessarily a good thing!

It is precisely because the battles that took place in the conference hall were too and even the killings that should have been carried out in the city of shipwrecks were launched in advance.

The consequence of the early expansion is that due to the heavy loss of the strength of the stabbing team, it has been unable to continue and indulge in the shipwreck city to do a positive fight, even Xie Rongjun is also frustrated in the case of their joint efforts, which makes the original arrogant He finally woke up in time.

He realized that in this situation and continue to indulge them, the stabbing team can only have one ending - all members are defeated!

In this case, the best thing to do is to jump out of the insane thinking frame, turn the carefully prepared meal into the final dessert, and turn the original race into the final overtime...

"Boss, boss, how are you!" The ear is still coming to the blue bottle, Yu Li, Tu Yuan and other people anxious calls.

Xie Rongjun bit his teeth, the dragon flame sword swayed a vast red cloud, leaping toward the darkness of the rear, and shouting out his sentence that he had never called since he debuted:

"We have lost this battle! The whole staff retreat!"

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