Infinity Armament

Vol 19 Chapter 40: Recourse (on)

The murder of Carmela spread throughout the city the next morning.

This happened on the eve of the outbreak of the war, and it was worthy of giving the Aaron Empire a heavy slap in the face.

The imperial people were so excited that they demanded severe punishment of the murderer.

It’s just that the murderer has long since escaped. If he wants to catch it, he can’t catch it. He can only vent his anger to the lion heart kingdom. The mobilization of the war is quicker and faster. The border between the two countries is even more comfortable, and the clothes are not disarmed, ready for the coming of the war.

The central city itself was therefore martial law-based, and many people pleaded guilty.

Although Krautman died bravely, others did not want to let him go.

Numerous remarks have been accused, saying that it is because of his practice of not focusing on prevention that the assassin easily sneaked into prison and rescued Carmel, must be responsible for the incident.

Of course, people are already dead, so there is no need to do any extra punishment.

In the eyes of most people, when such a big thing happens, there is always a need to have a ghost, and finding a dead person is undoubtedly the most benevolent expression.

But things didn't end there.

After learning that Camela was robbed, Atkins was angry and burned, and the sniper was weak. However, his main attack is not Klotman, but the performance of the pre-empire period - why can the assassin easily pass through the border line? Why did the assassins escape from the center when they were already seriously injured, but our troops have not yet caught up with them? If Klautman is an incompetent generation, then one night has passed, what are the other generals who have not yet caught people?

This series of sharp criticisms caused a group of generals to be overwhelmed, but they still had no way to get Atkins. After all, he was the main victim of Carmela's assassination. He had reason to be angry, and because of him, the empire could catch Carmela.

A healthy Carmela was caught by Atkins, and a weak Carmela ran away under the chase of a group of people. In contrast, Atkins' performance is more dazzling.

In order to calm the anger of Atkins, the imperial emperor ordered that Atkins upgraded to the rank of Lieutenant General and was promoted to the head of the official army by the former deputy commander of the Twelfth Army. The former head of the army was already old. To retire, just because the issue of successor has not been down, and now the dust has finally settled.

After getting promoted, Atkins quickly called Shen.

"This way, that's really thank you for the general." In the factory office, Shen Xiao smiled at the phone.

"You're welcome, thanks to your reminder."

"I should do it... Hey, I know that you must be very busy now, you have to prepare for the war, you have to take over the army... No, this is the expectations of the soldiers, you will definitely bring them a brilliant victory... then You are busy first, don't delay your time."

Hanging up the phone, Shen Gan said back: "A large order, the twelfth legion needs to change 3,000 sets of soldiers equipment."

"yea!" Shirley, Michelle and Zhou Yiyu cheered at the same time.

Shen Yan said: "There is also General Atkins officially hired our security company to assist the 12th Army to participate in the battle against the Lionheart Kingdom, and promised that every second city can participate in the distribution of spoils."

Shirley sneered: "The so-called spoils distribution is looting?"

Shen Zhengzheng replied: "Where, this is called reallocation of resources."

Then he smiled and said: "Don't worry, this part is also legal. As a member of Arendt, as long as it is the income recognized by the Arendt Empire, it is legal!"

Indulge in beauty.

"This can be sent." Zhou Yiyu laughed.

Chu Sheng coldly said: "That is, but you have to buckle the vase money?"

The sinking face immediately pulled down, and I sighed helplessly.

On the coffee table in front of the office sofa, the vase that was indulged was being placed.

Shirley saw that when she took a vase of 2 million, she almost went crazy. Every part of the factory’s funds used the limit, and a considerable part of it was still relying on the airborne troops to save money. Fuka even did eight operations in one day and received 16 red packets.

His red envelopes were doubled.

As a result, he suddenly found two million.

Fortunately, Shirley reacted quickly and pointed out that the money was designated for use by General Atkins, and then requested arrears after the fundraising ended.

When Atkins heard that the donation was still owed, the eyes were coming out quickly—the technology continent is not the earth, and it is impossible to make such a wonderful thing.

Of course, Atkins still agreed, and generously gave the vase to them first.

Anyway, it is not worth a few dollars.

At this moment, Zhou Yiyu laughed and said: "Nothing, no more than two million, that is, 20,000 **** things. For us, we are not earning it, and we will not only earn this number yesterday."

Killed Krautman yesterday, gently opened the box and saw that there were actually two boxes of special bullets, a box of sonic bombs and a box of soil bombs. There is also a skill scroll with a deputy hand elbow. In addition, the destruction of those giant statues of God of War also gave Gentle the energy of some points and a giant statue of God of War.

However, I really have to count it. Considering that Shen Yu’s support also used a box of semi-special bullets, a bottle of mental strength to restore the potion and 5,000 points, in fact, do not earn or lose, Zhou Yiyu just try to find face for sinking.

Shirley can ignore this: "The problem is that it takes a difference of 20,000 yuan and throws away 20,000 pieces!"

She put her waist up: "I can still hear a slap in the water."

It’s **** strange, Zhao Linger’s speech is getting more and more Western style. How can this girl talk more and more to the East?

Shen Yan looked at the vase for a while and finally said: "I will sell it!"

—————————————Beverett Street.

Residents have been evacuated, the body has been converged, the entire area has been blocked, leaving only a broken ruin on the street, and of course the ubiquitous spotted blood.

Bernard Jencks looked at the ground carefully in front of a white corpse outline. He seemed to see something, using a pair of tweezers to gently pick up a warhead that had changed shape from the ground.

"It's armor-piercing..." Bernard yelled: "What do you think? Alice."

"The sniper is very rich." A female detective with a short hair behind him replied, picking up the bullet from Bernard and putting it in a plastic bag.

This answer gave Bernard a chuckle: "122 armor-piercing bullets, and 24 violent bombs, at least 20 smoke bombs, more than 150 rounds of special bullets... This is not a problem that can be solved with money. Yes, is there a video?"

"Unfortunately, no, the battle destroyed all the video facilities. However, in the south, there was a street photography facility that inadvertently photographed the flight path of a bullet, confirming that the sniper was shot from the south, and the speed of the bullet was flying. Soon, the initial estimate is at 1200 meters per second."

"Know it." Bernard took out a small book and wrote down the above: shooting position, south, the speed of the bullet flying more than 1200 meters.

Then he put away the book and asked, "So, have you found the shooting point?"

“We have searched all the shooting locations in the three-kilometer range, but nothing has been found yet.”

"Let them expand their search to five kilometers."

"Okay." The female detective turned and left.

"Oh, yes, Elena, find a few survivors, I have questions to ask them."

"Good sir, what else do you want?"

"...and bring me a cup of milk, a hot dog, more hot sauce, and two intestines."

"Good head."

The survivors came very quickly, all the soldiers who had experienced the battle last night, and their faces still have fear.

Bernard confidently looked at the soldiers and then coughed and said: "Last night, you experienced a hard battle, I know that you have worked hard..."

"That's not combat, major." A soldier interrupted him and replied: "That is a massacre, a one-sided slaughter..."

When he said this, his body could not help but tremble.

"Shut up!" an officer next to the soldiers was angry: "Are you still a soldier? Can a battle be afraid of you like that?"

"Don't be like this, Lieutenant." Bernard waved his hand: "You must learn to understand them."

He looked at the soldiers and said: "I know that you don't really want to remember the battle last night. After all, it is a nightmare for you. Nearly 400 soldiers are killed, and even General Klautman is heroic. Sacrifice, but I am sorry, I need your help, I need you to go back and think about what happened during the battle. Only then can I find the sniper for you."

Another soldier looked at him: "But I don't know who you are."

Bernard laughed and took a document from his body: "Forget about it, Major Bernard Jencks, the executive leader of the Imperial Bureau of Investigation, the military invited me to break the case. Of course, they Mainly asked me to find the sniper, after all, dug out the hidden mole is part of our job responsibilities."

"Mole?" A soldier screamed.

"Yes!" The female detective, Elena, came over and handed her hot dog and milk to Bernard: "It is a gunman who assists Carmela in escaping, and it is a very powerful gunman. This shows that this person is very likely It is a member of the Arendt Empire. The military has asked us to assist in the investigation, and Major Bernard is the best talent in this area."

Several soldiers looked at each other and finally one person asked: "What do you want to know?"

"Talk about your experience yesterday, and say in detail, any details can be, even if you said what socks you were wearing yesterday, I will not feel trouble." Bernard began to hot dogs.

So several soldiers began to talk.

Bernard listened very seriously, occasionally asking questions, and remained silent most of the time. The soldiers’ statements have already outlined a **** battle scene in his mind.

This picture shocked him.

"We had controlled the situation, but I didn't know where the bullet came from. I suddenly hit the giant elephant. I used only three shots to destroy the **** of war. Then he stopped attacking. We can't see the bullets from. Wherever they are shot, those bullets will turn in the air, and will be hit by him wherever we are hiding..." The soldiers said while they were horrified.

"The woman is very powerful, but we can still see him at least. The gunman is like the ghost of the death... We can't see him at all, we can only watch the companion kill him one by one, which is terrible."

"Jerol is hiding under the car. He thought he could hide, but the bullet directly bypassed the car and hit him... he died."

"Emanuel hid behind the wall, the bullet flew in and out of his temple, his skull fell on my feet, and I was terrified."

"Another God of War statue was shot alive. We thought we were fine, and all ran out. As a result, the giant image fell, and soon the bullets shot at us."

"Later Klautman came later, and the sniper desperately attacked the general. The general had escaped a hair... He had only escaped."

"Then we came out, and some of the attacks turned to us again..."

Bernard listened, his brow had been wrinkled into a Sichuan word, and he suddenly waved his hand: "You just said that some attacks have turned to you. Are you saying that the gunman is not alone?"

"No, no."

"What do you think is a few? I mean, how many attacks have occurred at the same time?"

"Three times." A soldier only answered it with a little thought. This is not difficult to determine. After all, there are many attacks and two avatars are firing at the same time.

"So... what is their firing frequency?" Bernard took out a small clip: "Think about it, it's like this... 啪 tower... 啪 tower, still like this, 啪 tower... 啪 tower... 啪 tower !"


The clip rang five times.

Several soldiers called: "It's almost this!"

"That is about five seconds? Is it all five seconds? Is it still changing?"

"All is this frequency!" a soldier must be sure.

"Is it stable?"

"It's very stable, and we can almost always know when the bullet will hit!"

"Understood." Bernard once again took out a small book and wrote down: three gunmen, firing frequency, five seconds, and extremely stable.

Then he continued to ask: "Tell me the soldiers who were killed after hiding in the bunker. Are there any specific features? I mean action."

Several soldiers looked at each other and then shook their heads together.

"Think about it, for example, if they have been hiding for a while before they are killed, or have they just been killed for a while?"

This time several soldiers responded.

A soldier pointed at the lane in the distance: "There, I remember that Emanuel and Jeroll were there at the time. They might have just been hiding for a few seconds, then the bullets were shot."

“How long? I asked how long it took to avoid the longest time?” Bernard said immediately.

"...I...I don't know." The soldier eagerly replied: "I didn't care about this at the time."

“Remember memories!” Bernard hurriedly said, “Let’s count yourself a second.”

The soldier squinted his head and his face looked painful: "Probably... there are about six... eight... no, maybe ten seconds! Lectra was hiding for a He thought he Nothing, then his head suddenly burst!"

"Ten seconds?" Bernard touched his chin. "If it is a locked shot, it means that the bullet has been flying in the air for at least ten seconds. The bullet is flying at a speed of 1200 meters or more... Oh, my god!"

Bernard took a breath and the discovery made him tremble.

He turned back and said: "Expand the search to 20 kilometers! There are also a total of nearly 600 rounds of bullets on the scene, with a attack frequency of five seconds three times, then the three snipers should stay at the shooting point at least... ...15 minutes! Damn, why didn’t anyone discover it for so long? The silencer must be a silencer! No, no, this is a super long-range shot, and the silencer can’t cover up all the sounds. Ask nearby residents to ask Q, see who heard the gunshots from 9:30 to 10:00 last night."

Alina nodded and left.

Three hours later, Bernard was rewarded, and as many as twenty people heard the continuous dull sound near St. Mary's Church, 15 kilometers from Beavert Street.

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